Medical Martial God

Chapter 1161: Blood handsome's plan [third more]

"What's going on? Ye Xuan's body burst!"

"No, shouldn't a normal person's body burst into blood mist? How could Ye Xuan's body burst into rune paper?"

"Who can explain what is going on here? Is Ye Xuan dead or what?"

"Surely there is no death, otherwise why would he say that he will win only in the end? And have you ever seen a person explode for a meeting?"

"I don't know if you remember the paper man Ye Xuan used before? It's made of this type of amulet!"

"Couldn't it be Ye Xuan's body that was just killed by them just now, but the avatar he made out of paper people?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, which suddenly burst into a heavenly charm, the people at the scene were shocked and couldn't help talking.

Ye Linger, who was originally worried about Ye Xuan, the night goddess Anina, the crazy monster Lin Feng, the Saint Derock, the star mark, and the hegemony, breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just now they were extremely worried about Ye Xuan's situation, but they did not expect that they would eventually be overpowered by the sword emperor. The immortal Emperor they killed was just a clone of Ye Xuan's paper man.

"That guy still has this ability? How did he do it? It was his paper man clone that was just killed, so what about his identity?"

Xueshuai's eyes flashed with cold light, his fists clenched, and a cold voice came out of his mouth.

As an immortal strongman, he did not see through the means of a real-life kid, and was beaten by him three or five times, which undoubtedly made him very angry.

In particular, he thought that Ye Xuan was finished this time, but he did not expect that what he saw now was just a clone of Ye Xuan.

"If that was his avatar, what about his body? When did that kid swap his avatar and body?"

The lieutenant in red flashed a wise light in her eyes and said with a deep voice.

"Maybe, it should be when he was flying by the five-element elder Zhenfei. After all, he disappeared for a while at that time, or maybe it was when he finally ended the soul sky sound ... This kid can only be able to do so. It's really hard to imagine such a realistic avatar! "

The male axe of the giant axe opened his face solemnly.

As for those who are under the stars and the immortal Emperor, the strong men under their seat are already shocked and cannot find the slightest words to describe their mood at this moment.

"No ... did you find it? At this moment, the immortal emperor, the emperor, and the sword emperor do not seem to be in a good state!"

The five great disciples with amazing observation and powerful soul seemed to have discovered something. They looked at the undead immortal emperor, the emperor, and the sword emperor in the midst of the air, and they all spoke quickly.

"No? What's wrong?" Someone asked, puzzled.

"Under normal circumstances, if they only killed Ye Xuan's clone, then they should have been desperate at the moment, but now they don't seem to react ..."

"And, if you look closely at what they are at the moment, their pupils have no focus at all, as if they lost their souls!"

"It's such a thing that you say so well! Could it be that they are being recruited?"

The crowd looked at the immortal Emperor, the Qing Emperor, and the Sword Emperor at the moment, and said puzzledly.

"Haha ... Ye Xuan is dead, and the next three of us are fighting for the final feudal champion, and we have passed on the Dragon Emperor!"

Their words had just ended, but the immortal immortal emperor who had been standing still suddenly laughed at this moment, the whole body of immortal gold crickets was burning, staring fiercely at the emperor, sword emperor Ba Zi Both of them.

"Oh ... it's our turn! Although the three of us worked for the grandfather's ancestor, there is only one inheritance of the Dragon Emperor, and only I can qualify for this inheritance and dedicate him to the grandfather's grandfather! "

The Qing Emperor stretched out his palm to cover his face, lowered his head and sneered at this moment.

"Qing Emperor, you said this too much and took me too seriously. You have to know that the one most valued by the grandpa is me!"

Sword Emperor Ba Zi raised the long sword in his hand to point to Qing Emperor, with a cold voice in his mouth.

"I don't want to hurt you. In my opinion, both of you obediently retreat. This God champion, I will accept the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor!"

The immortal immortal emperor's hot body of undead golden eagle burned, the huge breath spread out from his body.

"Immortal Emperor, do you really take the lead over the two of us? I've seen you upset for a long time!"

In the eyes of the sword emperor Ba Zi, there was an endless sense of killing, and there was an endless coldness in the eyes of the immortal emperor.

"Very well, I think he has been upset for a long time, you and I will kill him first and then talk!"

Qingdi also sneered at this moment.

"Two things that aren't eye-opening. In that case, then both of you will die for me!"

In the eyes of the immortal Emperor Emperor, the killing spirit spreads, the powerful breath spreads, and the body rushes out like a fire dragon, carrying the endless killing intention toward the Qing Emperor and the Sword Emperor to nourish them.

"Look for something dead!"

Seeing this, the sword emperor Ba Zi, the green emperor flashed cold eyes in their eyes, carrying a monstrous killing intention rushed towards the immortal immortal emperor, fighting with the immortal immortal emperor.

Waves of wild power spread from the center of their battles, sweeping in all directions.

Just for a moment, the three immortal emperors, the Qing Emperor, and the Sword Emperor Bazi fought for hundreds of moves.

"Well, what the **** is going on here? Immortal Emperor, Qing Emperor, and Ba Zi, all three of them actually fought!"

"Nima, what the **** is going on? Ye Xuan hasn't died yet. Why did the three of them fight?"

"I don't understand. I don't understand at all now, don't they all work for the grandparents?"

"What kind of operation is this? The three of them even started killing each other?"

Looking at the three immortal immortal emperors, the Qing Emperor, and the Emperor Jianzi who were all excited together, all of them were in shock, with a puzzled voice in their mouths.

I have to say that they couldn't understand it at all.

Could it be that these three guys thought they had killed Ye Xuan, and then they were fighting for the final championship?

When everyone was puzzled by this, a breeze was blown away from the sky to blow away the clouds, and a slender figure appeared slowly in people's sight.

He was surrounded by white flames, and five Erkin pins were inserted on his body, sitting cross-legged on the clouds, and the aura between heaven and earth was continuously integrated into his body, repairing the injuries on his body. His weak breath gradually strengthened.

This figure is Ye Xuan.

However, at this moment Ye Xuan's injuries were very serious, and he was undergoing treatment and rehabilitation.

As for him who had just been killed by the immortal emperor, he was just a clone of a large number of paper people who had been transformed by his soul.

Using that avatar as a medium, Ye Xuan launched an illusion that he hadn't used for a long time—Ice Fire Fantasy!

At this moment, the immortal emperor, the emperor, and the sword emperor completely fell into the ice and fire illusion that Ye Xuanta performed, thinking that Ye Xuan was still killed by them, and at the same time, Ye Xuan used the desire and The ambition inspired the contradiction between the three of them, so let them kill each other at this moment.

Of course, this ice and fire illusion is especially huge for Ye Xuan ’s soul power consumption, especially for the three masters of the undead fairy emperor, the emperor and the sword emperor Baz completely fall into the illusion and the consumption is even more severe, even if it is I'm afraid the soul power won't last long.

"That's ... Ye Xuan!"

"It's Ye Xuan, he's not dead!"

"Ye Xuan, he did not die!"

"Xuan Brother is awesome, haha ​​... I know Xuan Brother is definitely not dead!"

"It's so handsome. Brother Xuan is really too bullish. He's worried about me!"

"The method of this guy is really elusive. Now the immortal Emperor, the Qing Emperor, and the Sword Emperor Ba Zi are fighting together. I am afraid they all gave him thanks!"

"Illusion, this guy must have performed illusion. Only then did the immortal Emperor, the Qing Emperor recruit them, and then killed each other!"

Looking at Ye Xuan who appeared in the clouds, the people at the scene completely blasted the pan, and the words of surprise and shock came from their mouths.

The earth monks led by Ye Linger and Bi Linlin were extremely excited.

"You can't stay here!"

The cold light in Xue Shuai's eyes flashed, his fists clattered, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

"Master Xueshuai, what should I do now? Would you like me to use his magical powers to break his illusions? Can't the kid trick him!"

The female vice general in blood clothing also looked dignified and said without hesitation.

"It shouldn't be tempting for the time being, the evil emperor's guy stared at us dead, and ... there are two masters hidden in the camp of Mad Feng Lin Feng!"

Xueshuai shook his head gently, and said with a deep voice.

After a pause, he continued to ask, "Is there news from Marshal Luo? Are they Nirvana ancestors conquered?"

Hearing the words of Blood Shuai, the female vice general in red wore a helpless grin on her face: "There is no news from Marshal Luo for a while. I am afraid that the war is tight and there is no way to help us. After all, that Nirvana ancestor was indeed It ’s not easy to deal with, all of us who died will become his puppets under his flame, and become his thugs! "

"That being the case, it looks like ... in a while they decided on the title of Fengshen, they can only rob us of the inheritance! The order goes on, and all five disciples should be ready!"

Xue Shuai nodded his head slightly, his eyes flashed with cold light, cold voice.


Hearing the words of Xue Shuai, the Vice Lady in Red respectfully retreated behind him, and began to convey to the five disciples present.

"Illusion? I didn't expect Ye Xuan's kid to be so good at illusion. Is this means enough to compare with those guys in the Galaxy?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, the immortal emperor who performed the illusion, and the emperor killed each other, the deep admiration appeared on the face of Jin Mao, and there was a murmur of words in his mouth.

"His talent is really enough to compare with those guys in the Galaxy, but the realm is too different ..."

Han Yueqing nodded slightly.

"I don't know if he can succeed in defeating the immortal emperor. The emperor defeated them. After all, the magic consumes soul power tremendously. Without immortal emperor, the three emperors can be regarded as heroic!"

Han Yuexue said with anxiety and anticipation.

"I don't know, but ... Now that they are here, even if Ye Xuan defeats the immortal Emperor, they may not be so easy to get the Dragon Emperor's inheritance?"

Jin Yan glanced deeply at Xue Shuai and others in the distance and whispered.

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