Medical Martial God

Chapter 1165: Snatch [third more]

"Take a break!"

The blood handsome is fast. Everything that stops him along the way is surrounded by the **** sorrow of his body to evaporate into nothingness. It just rushed to the front of the space passage and fell into the eyes of the evil emperor. Bing Han, with an angry drink in his mouth.

At the moment his words sounded, the scepter in his hand was already rushing towards the blood handsome with great power.


When he saw this, there was a slight disdain in Xueshuai's eyes, a snort in his nose, and he firmly grasped the scepter drawn by the evil emperor with a cold grip in his mouth. "You only It's just an avatar. If your body is here, the coach may still respect you a bit! "

At the moment when the blood handsome words fell, his other palm was instantly wrapped in blood light and carried a powerful force towards the evil emperor.


There was a beast-like growl in the mouth of the evil emperor. His body suddenly swelled at this moment, and instantly turned into a **** dog covering the sky. The horrible evil spread out of its body, bleeding blood. Shuai to Zhenfei.

At this moment, the evil emperor has already entered his fighting form.

Although his strength of the avatar is much worse than the body, it is because it takes a lot of power to host and open the Fengshen decisive battle and the space channel, but he is not afraid of the blood handsome.

"Boy, don't go in quickly!"

Stopping the blood handsome, the evil emperor turned his huge head and yelled at Ye Xuan.

"Senior, please!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, his body turned into a streamer and the star moved toward the space channel.

He was about to rush into the space channel, but the two figures with strong murderous intentions stopped him. One of them waved a huge tomahawk to split Ye Xuan, and the other waved a long sword. Beheaded at Ye Xuan.

The powerful crisis of life and death caused Ye Xuan's hair to stand upright.

These two people are the vice generals next to Xue Shuai, red woman and giant axe man!

Ye Xuan was about to meet the enemy, while Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen quietly rushed to stop him, blocking the attack of the red woman and the giant axe man.

The terror broke out suddenly, and the violent energy spread from their weapons, but the statures of Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen were unmoved and completely unaffected by their attacks. .

"Master, come in quickly and give it to us here!"

Blocking the attack of the giant axe man and the red woman, Xue Tianhen turned his head and said to Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan nodded slightly, rushing towards the space passage from their side.

However, Ye Xuan did not take a few steps, but a cold and slender figure passed by him as fast as lightning, rushing towards the space passage at a faster speed.

This is a very beautiful and **** mature woman. She looks like she is in her thirties. She is wearing silver hair and is wearing a silver armor, just like a peerless female general.

She is also one of the vice generals around Blood Shuai, named Yin Yi. She is extremely powerful, but she is a strong man with great reincarnation!

"Star shift!"

Seeing that she was about to rush into the crack in the space, Ye Xuan looked cold, her feet moved, her body disappeared strangely.

When his figure reappeared, he appeared in front of the space channel and caught up with Yin Yi!


Seeing this, Yin Yi faced a cold, the coercion of the reincarnation powers quietly spread, the sleeve robes swung wildly, and a silver energy pill was bursting out toward Ye Xuan.

"The Great Devil's Prison Lock!"

Ye Xuan's face was cold, and she was moving at a high speed. Her body disappeared strangely and she could not escape the attack of Yinyi. A large number of chains were like a python bursting from the ground toward the Yinyi. , Entangling her hands and feet.

Ye Xuan was passing by her, rushing towards the space channel.

"Well, boy, this inheritance treasure belongs to this seat, so don't grab it!"

Seeing Ye Xuan was about to rush into the space channel, a black figure rushed out of the crowd in a lightning flash, and a black light beam passed by his side, and Ye Xuan was shocked by a palm. Fei, and he was rushing towards the space channel unabated.

"Hmm ..."

However, the guy had just rushed into the space channel, but a terrible burst of energy burst out suddenly, spitting him with blood and flying out.

He flew a few hundred meters upside down before he stabilized his body, raised his head to look at the space passage, and his mouth was filled with anxious words: "Damn, what the **** is going on here? How about he? Here comes the pop! "

"Demon Sima Stone?"

Looking at the figure holding the body with blood on the corners of his mouth, watching the distance from the distance, Jin Yue, Han Yueqing, Han Yuexue could not help but change their expressions, and there was a voice of surprise in their mouths.

They had just said that the demon Sima Shi might be dead or on a certain planet, but did not expect that he would appear here.

"Sima Shi?"

When Ye Xuan saw Sima Shi, his face changed, and his eyes were filled with unconcealed coldness and dignity.

Obviously, he did not expect that Sima Shi would appear here in the crowd, and the strength of this guy's strength even reached the cycle.

It seems that during this time Sima Shi this guy killed many people and absorbed a lot of energy.

"Boy, we have met again, but now this seat has no time to take care of you, this Dragon Emperor's inheritance of this seat is bound to be obtained!"

Sima Shi grinned at Ye Xuan, revealing two rows of white teeth, and a cold voice in his mouth.


His words had just come to an end, and Yin Yi shattered the chain around her and rushed into the space channel. Unfortunately, her experience, like Sima Shi, was shocked by the force of terror Fly out.

Obviously, this space passage can not be broken into by anyone alone.

"What's going on? Can't get in?"

Steady in shape, wiping the blood at the corner of her mouth, Yin stared at the space channel that was closing at a slow speed, and looked ugly.

"Dora ..."

At the moment her words fell, the bright white light erupted without warning, spreading and sweeping in all directions, covering Yin Yi and Sima Shi, so that her vision was instantly deprived.

The endless chains were bursting out of the white light, entangled their bodies, but Ye Xuan suddenly exhibited the first solution of the dragon blade-the black and white dragon lock at this moment.

At the moment when the black and white dragon lock was exhibited, Ye Xuan transformed into a streamer and rushed into the space channel.


When Ye Xuan's body just rushed into the space channel, the terrible and terrifying power erupted from the bodies of Yin Yi and Sima Shi, and scattered the chains around them and the white light enchantment that trapped them. Is clearly visible in their sight.

"Damn, that kid is gone. He went in?"

Looking at the disappearing Ye Xuan, looking at the half-closed space channel, Yin Yi's face was cold, the whole body energy was exploding, the printing method in his hand changed, and his mouth screamed loudly: "Three thousand worlds, silver Moon Shuttle! "

At the moment of her scream, her body burst suddenly, turning into a stream of silver beams rushing towards the closed space channel.

The dull collision sounded loudly, and a beam of light bounced back from the space channel, but there was still a silver beam that resisted the rebounding force and penetrated into the depth of the channel and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the speed of closing the space channel is even faster.

"These two sly guys ... but the method just entered is a good idea! The devil's multiple shadow clones!"

Looking at the disappearing Yin Yi and Ye Xuan, Sima Shi's face looked particularly cold and ugly. The light flashed in his eyes, and there was a word in his mouth, and then his body was strangely transformed into nearly a hundred suspenders in the air at this moment.


The next moment, hundreds of avatars turned into a hundred black streamers and rushed towards the space channel.

The dull collision sound and the sound of something shattering continuously sounded, and each black beam was bounced out or shattered, but there was also a black beam that burst into the end of the space channel and disappeared without a trace.


With the sound of the door closing and locking quietly, the originally fragmented space channel was completely closed at this moment.

"Did Yinyi successfully get in?"

The blood handsome fighting with the evil emperor looked at the closed space channel, a smile appeared on his face, and he murmured to himself.

Then he held his body up and looked up at the **** dog like a giant monster in front of him. A cold smile appeared on his face, and a cold voice came out of his mouth: "Evil Emperor, you can do everything you can to Stop me, unfortunately ... what if you can stop me? My subordinates successfully entered the space channel, and the kid you fancy may have no chance of inheritance! "

"And ... it seems that there is still a difficult guy coming in, but the blood of the devil is flowing on his body. I am afraid that you have spent many years of hard work here, and it will be ruined!"

During his speech, Blood Shuai raised his **** spear in his hand and stabbed the mighty head of the evil emperor with strong and wild power.

The fierce light flickered in the eyes of the evil emperor, and the huge sharp claws flung, blocking the stabbed lance. Zhang opened his mouth and spit out a huge black energy ball to give the blood handsome to Zhenfei, with a ferocious wild in his mouth The voice of his voice came out: "It's not that you can get the inheritance when you enter that place, and the aliens in that place don't have the advantage and can't get the slightest benefit!"

"And ... even if the person you send is lucky enough to be inherited, you will never see it, because you have to die here today!"

At the moment when the words of the evil emperor fell, he shouted from the sky, and his huge body suddenly split at this moment, turning into a huge wild with six heads and a **** dog with a golden unicorn.

Two of them rushed towards Xueshuai, and the other four rushed towards the five disciples of the surrounding area.

The terrible fierce power and strong evil spirit spread out from the body of the evil emperor, making them more fierce and powerful.

"My emperor hasn't given up on killing for a long time, and today I can finally kill it!"

The icy words of the evil emperor, filled with endless killing, also sounded quietly at this moment, echoing in this world!

For it, it was a relentless massacre.

PS: Today I am more than three. Are you surprised? Praise me! Friends who haven't followed my WeChat public account don't miss it. Thousands of resources, countless welfare WeChat search public account Xiaoming, follow it to get it!

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