Medical Martial God

Chapter 1172: Wake up

In the Frost Tomb, the sword was ringing endlessly.

A majestic breath spread out of Chu Nan's body, setting off a strong wind in this ice tomb, if not for the first time, Long Emperor Lan Feng guarded Ye Xuan's words , I am afraid he was taken off by this energy.

Under the intense eyes of Ye Xuan and Long Di Lan Feng, the slender eyelashes of Chu Nan who slept a little twitched, and her eyes were slowly looking.

The moment he opened his eyes, the sharp black sword energy bloomed from his eyes, and all the star power pillars that poured down the sky straight into the sky were cut from the middle.

Ye Xuan was shocked and amazed by his powerful and terrifying strength.

With his current perception, it is impossible to imagine what Chu Nan is today and how strong it is.

After half a full foot, the black sword in Chu Nan's eyes was slowly dissipated. His sharp eyes looked around puzzledly. When he saw the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng standing next to him, his fortitude and vicissitudes of his face There was a thick shock of ascendance, and the wrong voice in his mouth came out: "Xiaofeng, you ..."

"Hahaha ... more than a hundred years, Nan brother, you are awake!"

Hearing Chu Nan's words and watching him wake up, Long Di Lan Feng suddenly laughed and gave Chu Nan a long-lost hug under the eyes of Ye Xuan's misguided gaze.

"More than a hundred years? Have I slept for more than a hundred years? That alien emperor ..."

Chu Nan looked at his brother hugging him tightly, and his coma and sleep before him appeared ...

He thought he was dead at the time, but he didn't expect that he would wake up again after just falling asleep.

Later, Long Emperor Lan Feng chatted with the two people in Chu Nan, telling the story of the year.

As for Ye Xuan, she was sitting cross-legged, and began to recover the power she had just exerted in her body.

"Unexpectedly, more than 100 years passed ..."

After listening to Long Di Lan Feng's narration, Chu Nan's face appeared thick and complicated, with a low voice in his mouth.

Later, he set his eyes on the other three ice coffins, looking at the sleeping figure inside, and Chu Nan's brows were frowned tightly, and his eyes were full of deep concerns: "Xiao Feng, Wu Shen, The following day, the three of them ... "

"Don't worry, they will wake up like you, you don't have to worry!"

Long Di Lan Feng stretched out his palm and patted Chu Nan's shoulder, and smiled.

Then he turned his head to Ye Xuan, who had finished adjusting his breath, and introduced, "Nang, come, let me introduce you to this little guy, Ye Xuan, the most outstanding guy in our younger generation. It is because of his presence that we can wake you up! "

"The younger Ye Xuan met senior Chu Nan!"

Ye Xuan held a fist respectfully in front of Chu Nan.

"Haha ... you don't need to be polite. You saved my life. In the future, your affairs will be my Chunan affairs. You can just say hello when you encounter difficult things!"

Chu Nan looked at Ye Xuan with admiration, patted his shoulder and smiled.

After a pause, Chu Nan continued to say, "Also, don't call it a senior, listen to the weird awkward, just call me Nan brother, just call this guy Feng Ge!"

"So the younger generation is more respectful than Congming, Nan brother, Feng brother!"

Hearing Chu Nan's words, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile, they were as bold as the card emperor Ou Yueyun, usually informal.

"Haha ... it's almost the same!"

Seeing this, Chu Nan and Long Emperor Lan Feng laughed in unison.

"Xiaoxuan, are you well off?"

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng smiled and nodded, and set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and asked.

"Feng Brother, I have rested!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

"That being the case, let's move on to the next one!"

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng stood up and walked to another ice coffin.

The cruel and incomparable sniper **** Li Tian lay quietly in the ice coffin, seemingly asleep, and the fierce fire death **** beside him seemed to lose his luster as he slept.

"Are you ready? I am going to open a coffin!"

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng slowly opened the ice coffin with one hand, and a violent anger suddenly spread out from the ice coffin, making the entire ice tomb at this moment seem to be a blood-colored world full of blood. A mood of violent destruction caused Ye Xuan's blood to coagulate all over the body, as if falling into hell!

Fortunately, Chu Nan next time blocked the evil spirit Ye Xuanfang and was not injured.

"So strong, as strong as Nan brother!"

Ye Xuan was shocked to see the sleepy sniper **** Jitian, feeling the fierce evil that spread out from his body.

It is indeed a peerless powerhouse who stood at the peak of the earth a century ago. This aura is truly terrifying and admirable.

"It's now, cast thirteen stitches against the sky!"

Looking at the sleeping scorpion God in the ice coffin, Long Di Lan Feng's eyes flickered, and his voice opened.

"Hmm ..."

His words just ended, Ye Xuan has summoned the medical sacred scriptures and cast out thirteen needles against the sky, and thirteen thugs are perfectly inserted into thirteen acupoints .

Then nine silver needles whistled and pierced into his body.

Mysterious power and majestic vitality suddenly burst into the body of the sniper god.

Not only that, the holy scriptures of the medical path erupted into an extremely strange light, a golden soul slowly emerged from the holy texts of the medical path, and then poured into the body of the sniper **** ...


The unique shape of the fiery dying **** next to the **** of death in the ice coffin suddenly dazzled the brilliance, and the **** flames poured out from above. The sleeping **** of evil was also suddenly opened at this moment. Opened her eyes tightly.

"Kacha Kacha ... boom!"

A more powerful and wild **** evil spirit spread out in all directions around his body.

Under the impact of his breath, the ice coffin created by Shen Tie Xuan Bing emerged from the cracks, and then turned into fragments of sky bursting out.

The sniper **** lying in the ice coffin is flying out of the ice coffin suspended in mid-air, with long hair flying, and his clothes fluttering. The unique shape of the sniper rifle suddenly deformed and turned into a handle. Countless barb and sharp-edged death knives were carried on his shoulders.

"Xiaofeng, how long have I slept, why do you wake me up now?"

Looking at the surprised Emperor Lan Feng, the cold face of Snipe God Luo Tian was full of smiles.

Afterwards, Sniper God turned his head and set his eyes on Chu Nan with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Nang, should you shave your beard, I can't bear it anymore." Anymore? "

"You guy!"

Hearing God's words, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng and Chu Nan's faces appeared helpless smiles.

Then the three of them hugged tightly together.

The brothers were speechless, but Ye Xuan could feel the deep brotherhood between them.

"Brother, come ... introduce you to our new brother, Ye Xuan! It is because of him that you can be saved!"

After a short reunion, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng introduced Ye Xuan to the **** of sniping.

"The younger Ye Xuan, I have met the seniors!"

"Don't call any seniors, friends regardless of age, brothers no matter how expensive or cheap, in the future I will call you Xiaoxuan, you can call me God brother, since then your thing is my sniper God ...

Sniper God patted Ye Xuan's shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you God!"

His words are almost exactly the same as those of Chu Nan, so that Ye Xuan once again felt the bold character of this group of people ...

"Xiao Feng, Xi Ming her ..."

After a while, Sniper God turned his head and set his affectionate and complex eyes on the bomber Xi Ming who was next to him. His eyes were full of complexity and guilt, and a low voice came from his mouth.

Among the first four gods and fourteen blades of the King's Palace, he had the deepest relationship with the bomber Xi Ming.

"Rest assured that Xiaoxuan and I will soon be able to wake her up, Xiaoxuan, am I right?"

Hearing God's words, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng said with a smile.

"Well, Feng is right!"

Ye Xuan nodded with a firm smile on his face.

"I'm relieved that you have this sentence, then ... please you!"

The sacred **** Ji Tian looked sincerely at Ye Xuan and Long Emperor Lan Feng, and solemnly punched them.

"Xiao Xuan, let's get started!"

Long Emperor Lan Feng and Ye Xuan looked at each other, and both nodded.

The next moment, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng opened the ice coffin, Ye Xuan summoned the medical sacred scriptures, and then launched Anti-Sky Thirteen to rescue the bomber Ximing, and Lan Feng performed the Nine Changes. Soul fixer assists from the side.

In a short time, the majestic vitality poured into the body of the bomber Ximing to inject strength into his body, and a purple soul also condensed out in the holy scriptures of the medical path, and then penetrated into the bomber Ximing. Eyebrow.

Bomber Ximing's eyelashes fluttered slightly, but did not immediately wake up.

"Why didn't you wake up?"

Sniper God frowned and opened his mouth nervously.

"At that time, Xi Ming's body was too badly injured, and her soul suffered an unprecedented heavy wound. Although now relying on the medical sacred scriptures to reunite the soul, it takes a while to recuperate before she can wake up. As soon as seven days are slow, she will wake up in one month! It's okay, rest assured, I care about her as much as you do! "

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng patted the shoulder of the sniper God, comfortingly said.

"Xiao Xuan, next is the last Valkyrie predecessor. His strength is unfathomable and very strong. When I open the coffin, please be careful, and he is also very injured. At first, he was determined to die. With the alien emperor, it will be difficult to cure, it will consume a lot of energy, you have to hold it! '

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng walked to the last ice coffin, and set his eyes on Ye Xuan, Shen Sheng said.

"Huh!" Ye Xuan nodded slightly.

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng opened the coffin cover, and an indescribable terror spread out from the body of Wu Shen Wu Qian Jue, making the entire ice tomb seem invisible. Shrouded by pressure, the seawater below seemed to be boiling and rolling ...

"Do it!"

Lan Feng gave a loud drink in his mouth, Ye Xuan flashed out the thirteen needles against the sky, and the mysterious medical Tao enshrines the sacred light that envelopes the body of the **** of war.

A golden soul is slowly condensing in this holy light.

When it condensed and completed, it turned into a streamer and turned into Wu Shenwu Qian Jue's eyebrows.


The terrible cold spread out from Wu Qianjue's body, as if the world were to be frozen by the cold into a frozen world.

Wu Qianju, who had been asleep, slowly opened his sharp eyes at this moment. A more cold and horrifying coercion and chill burst from his body, turning into a white air wave spreading and sweeping in all directions, along the way. Everything that has passed is frozen.

In the first time, Lan Feng pulled Ye Xuan, who had spent a lot of energy and energy, backed out.

Until the terrible coercion and cold gradually dissipated, Wu Qian must be suspended in midair like a peerless warrior.

"Lan Feng, thank you!"

Looking at Lan Feng next to him, Wu Qian absolutely held his fist seriously.

"Senior Martial God, thank Ye Xuan if you want to thank, he saved you, not me!"

Lan Feng reached out his palm and patted Ye Xuan's shoulder, smiling.

"Ye Xuan, thank you very much! I, Wu Qian, owe you a life, and everything will come on call in the future!"

Wu Qian must set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and said solemnly.

This is the promise of a top powerhouse.

"Predecessors of Valkyrie are polite. Now that the earth is in distress, the younger ones just want to contribute to the earth and do something they can do!"

Ye Xuan said quickly.

"Earth in distress? Is it because the star alien has not been expelled?"

Wu Qianjue didn't frown with traces, his eyes flashed with cold light, and the horror breath spread out from his body.

"I do n’t know if you have been asleep for too long, Valkyrie, and the alien aliens have been banished by the seniors of Lan Feng more than 100 years ago ... Well ... expelled by Brother Feng. Great calamity ... "

Ye Xuan quickly explained.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Wu Qian frowned and seemed to be thinking.

"It should be about 180 years!" Ye Xuan said for a moment.

"What is happening on Earth now?"

Wu Qianju continued to ask.

In Chunan and the gods, they also set their sights on Ye Xuan, waiting for him to talk about the situation outside the world and the current situation of the earth.

"The earth is now being invaded by the five major gates of the Hengyun industry ..."

Feeling what they looked like, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and then slowly toward Wu Qianju, Chu Nan they talked about the crisis and situation facing the earth today ...

Hearing Ye Xuan ’s remarks, Wu Qianjue, Chu Nan, and Xie Shen Tian Tian, ​​their brows were tightly frowned, and their faces became more dignified and difficult to look, especially when Ye Xuan talked about Long Emperor Lan Feng With sword emperor Mihawk, in order to find a way to cure them, they left the earth and went to the vast and dangerous galaxy. Wu Qianjue, Chu Nan, and the **** of sniping the sky, their emotions were especially huge ...

When Ye Xuan finished telling all these, Wu Qianjue, Chu Nan, and the God of Demon God, all of them looked extremely complicated. Obviously, they did not expect that so much happened in the 100 years of their sleep. Things, not to mention that the earth today is facing a greater crisis ...

"I'll go out and see. Let's meet again someday!"

After a moment, Wu Qianjue's eyes flashed sharply. In front of Ye Xuan, Lan Feng held a fist, and then directly tore the void and disappeared into Ye Xuan's sight, leaving Ye Xuan, and Lan Feng looked at each other ...

Obviously, Wu Qianjue's predecessor with the title of Wu Shen is an acute child.

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