Medical Martial God

Chapter 1191: Trial Demon [Five Thousand Words Big

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you all have to die!"

The calm voice fell into people's ears, but it was full of indescribable domineering, which deeply shocked everyone on the scene, so that many soldiers in the Temple of Devil only felt the blood boiling and looked at Ye Xuan. Unbelievable heat and worship.

Even if the man jumped down the city wall alone to face such a mighty army in front of him, but he was still so calm, so calm, so bullying.

This is the man they follow,

This is the king in their hearts,

This is their eternal faith.

Every soldier in the Temple of Demon felt that something was burning in his heart.

Compared to the ignited wars and soaring morale of the generals of the Demon Hall, the two armies of Purgatory and Shura have suffered a series of blows after a series of incidents and have become demoralized. His eyes were filled with uncovered coldness, and his heart was filled with deep anger and murder.

"We all have to die? Huh, boy, you're so crazy!"

Qing Mu's face was cold, his eyes were staring at Ye Xuan, and his eyes flashed with murder, and he could not help tearing him apart.

"Bang, bang!"

Yin Yin did not speak, but quickly raised her two guns and pulled the trigger at Ye Xuan.

Harsh gunshots sounded, and six bullets carried a violent killing intent towards Ye Xuan and blasted him to death, trying to destroy his body and destroy his vitality.


However, in the face of the six bullets Ye Xuan didn't dodge at all, or he didn't put it in his eyes at all, and under the gaze of Yin Yin's sneer, six sharp bullets hit Ye. Xuan's body made a loud noise.

Subsequently, six bullets were melted by the hot heat of the dawn light armor of Ye Xuan's body burning with white flames, leaving no trace on his body.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Yin Yin's pupils could not help shrinking, a thick shock and incredible color appeared on her face, and a horrible voice came out of her mouth.

Qing Mu was also shocked, looking at Ye Xuan as if he had seen a ghost.

The army behind them was so frightened that they could not help but take two steps back.

They knew the power of the two special pistols, but they combined the most advanced technology in the Hengyun industry and assembled them with martial arts to launch martial arts practices.

And their bullets have spent countless efforts on meteor bullets created by meteor godstones. The damage power of each meteorite bullet is more than dozens of times that of Barrett's sniper armor-piercing bullet, and its high temperature resistance reaches 10,000 degrees Celsius. Even a reincarnation powerhouse will be traumatized if it is hit by a bullet.

However, now Ye Xuan has not been injured by the bullet attack, but he has also melted his bullets. Can this really surprise them?

Can even Iron Man be penetrated by his bullet?

But the bullets have melted!

That would require a meteoric mystery to dissolve below 10,000 degrees Celsius.

"who are you?"

The Yin Yin looked ugly, staring at Ye Xuan with a dead stare, and there was a nasty voice in his mouth.

"People who kill you!"

Ye Xuan stepped slowly towards the yin yin, and quiet words came out of his mouth.

"Well, **** it! Boy, do you really think you are invincible?"

"What are you doing? Yan Gui, Yan Long, kill me!"

Yin Yin has been invincible since she debuted. She has been high above her. Where she has been angered, she has a scream in her mouth, and her two guns in her hand keep firing at Ye Xuan.

However, those bullets did not have any effect. Before they hit Ye Xuan, they were melted by the star emperor dragon owl in the white dragon form.

"Xuanying Flurry!"

Seeing this, Qing Mu's face also looked particularly ugly at this moment. His body suddenly trembled, and the whole black ghost flow turned, and a large number of crows burst from his body and turned into a black blade of energy towards the leaves. Xuan rushed away, but was still ignored indifferently by Ye Xuan. The attack was not burned by Xingdi Longyu before he fell on the body!

"Boy, accept the trial of Purgatory Shura!"

Qing Mu and Yin Zhan uttered a curse in their mouths, and their bodies slammed back.

Just now their attack was just to attract Ye Xuan's attention to provide Xiluo Yan Gui and Purgatory Yanlong the two great beasts with the opportunity to approach Ye Xuan.

Now, Shura Yan Gui and Purgatory Yanlong have unknowingly got behind Ye Xuan.

The huge body of Shura Yan Gui shook violently. The four arms wrapped around a large number of chains were grasped towards Ye Xuan. A huge mouth appeared on his abdomen, and a spiky tongue was pointed towards Ye Xuan. The back of the heart stabbed, cruel to the extreme, like the most ferocious headless evil spirit out of hell.

The infernal flame dragon surrounded by flames is opening its huge mouth that can swallow a large truck and biting Ye Xuan, and a lot of saliva that can corrode and melt everything like magma flows from its mouth. Out, it looks like a dragon that has been starving for decades, unparalleled and extremely evil.

"Be careful!"

"My lord, be careful!" Seeing this scene, the faces of many demon temple soldiers on the city wall could not help but change greatly, with anxiously speaking in his mouth.

The old man, the **** of judgment, Simia, and Anya are all anxious and worried. Only the night goddess, Anina, has no slight wave on her face, but looks at Ye Xuan silently.

She never doubted Ye Xuan's strength. She knew that now this man was strong enough to protect everything he wanted to protect.

"Master, be careful!"

Many people who watched the battle at the moment were equally anxious, and anxiously shouted from their mouths.

"Useless, no one can escape their attack at such a close range, die, arrogant boy!"

"Repent in **** for your arrogance!"

"Dare to purgatory with us, and Shura is the enemy!"

"Purgatory, Shura, tear him up!"

The army of Purgatory and the army of Shura were very excited to see this scene, and there was a strong enthusiasm on their faces, and there were excited words in their mouths.

They seemed to have seen that arrogant man tragically died under their beast.

The faces of Qing Mu and Yin Yan also bloomed that indifferent and confident smile again, and looking at Ye Xuan was like looking at a dead man.

However, Ye Xuan ignored the attacks of Shura Yan Gui and Purgatory Yanlong behind him, but walked forward.

As if the two ferocious beasts behind them didn't exist at all.

An invisible aura spread out from his body, making his momentum even more aggressive, full of powerful oppression.


The next moment, the painful screams and roars of Shura Yan Gui and Purgatory Yanlong quietly sounded.

When their attack was about to fall on Ye Xuan's body and devour him, the bright white holy light burst out from behind Ye Xuan, and Shura will be watched by the shocking and shocking eyes of countless people. Engulfed by Yan Gui and Purgatory Yanlong.

Under the envelope of the Holy Light, their bodies burned with white flames, they screamed frantically, their huge bodies twisted frantically, struggling like crazy, as if two huge buildings began to gradually The disintegration and collapse eventually melted little by little and burned little by little into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before, not even a trace of blood remained.

And Ye Xuan, he was already stepping forward to Qing Mu and Yin Yin, his powerful momentum overwhelmed Qing Mu, Yin Yin and the army behind them were out of breath.

Everyone was looking at this man in horror and horror, cold sweat on his forehead, cold body, dry mouth, and trembling words in his mouth.

"How ... how is that possible?"

"Two ... the two great beasts ... were melted by his light?"

"He ... he ... is he a devil? How could it be so powerful, but that beast, it was melted!"

"He was killed by our beast? Is he ... is he still human?"

"No ... he is not a man, he is an angel, an angel who came to judge us, because we have committed too many sins!"

Army of Purgatory, Army of Shura, their will under the mighty pressure of Ye Xuan and his powerful methods are constantly collapsing. Some people just feel that their bodies are drained, and they turn into a sludge. On the ground, the weapon in your hand fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

I have to say that Ye Xuan, who returned from the zero realm, is really strong and powerful enough to make them feel hopeless.

"It's too naive to just want to kill me because of the two beasts."

Ye Xuan stared indifferently at Qing Mu and Yin who were frightened by the cold sweats in front of her. [Village novel], with a calm voice in her mouth.

"Oh, **** it!"

"Miscellaneous, let's die!"

Feeling Xuan Xuan's gaze, Qing Mu and Yin Qin's forehead gasped and sighed, and then violently threw their fists and smashed Ye Xuan's face.



However, before Ye Xuan's fist fell on Ye Xuan's face, Ye Xuan flew out.

I do n’t know how powerful Ye Xuan ’s power is. They sprayed a lot of blood in their mouths, and their bodies were like two shells fired into the rear army.

The power of terror spreads horizontally and blood splatters horizontally. The bodies of Qing Mu and Yin Yin are completely uncontrolled, knocking out a large number of subordinates, tearing two **** mouths from hundreds of thousands of troops, and finally fiercely. The ground hit a hill a few kilometers away, making a dull crash.

Ye Xuan's simple one-kick caused at least thousands of injuries.

Many soldiers on the city walls feel kicked and flying by Ye Xuan. Qing Mu and Yin Yin are like two tanks running over the army, knocking all the enemies along the way and knocking them down from hundreds of thousands of troops. Tearing two **** mouths, each of them could not help but widen their eyes, narrowed their pupils, opened their mouths, and unprecedented shock and horror appeared on their faces.

Their big mouths were so annoying that they could tuck in an egg, and their eyes seemed to explode.

There was nothing on the walls!


"Goo!" "His ..."

The next moment, the sound of absorbing air-conditioner and the sound of swallowing saliva continued to sound.

The power of Ye Xuan's foot is really too strong, more direct and shocking than the scene where he just used the holy light to kill the two great beasts.

This is even more powerful than the space shooter!

Those people watching the war feel that their eyes are going to burst, their worldview is about to be subverted, can a kick kicked by people really be so strong?

This is more than dozens of times more than the special effects in the movie.

"My King is mighty!"

"Long live my king!"

I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and everyone was shouting at this moment.

The Shura world admires the strong, Ye Xuan conquered them with his great strength.

As for the Shura Army, the Purgatory Army was completely frightened by Ye Xuan ’s powerful kick, and stood in the wind in a mess, afraid to move.

They have seen someone so powerful and perverted there!

I'm afraid the battle that broke out on the azure front is just that, right?

"Ahem ... that guy ... why ... how could it be so powerful?"

A few kilometers away, Qing Mu stood up, covering her chest, and coughing violently, with a husky and weak voice in her mouth.

Under Ye Xuan's foot, not only his ribs were broken by strong force, but his internal organs also seemed to be broken and damaged.

"He ... who is he? Crazy demons have long gone to the blue front, and there must not be such a powerful person in the Temple of God!"

There was a spurt of blood mixed with the broken internal organs in Yin's mouth, and he stood up hard, staring at Ye Xuan with a vicious eyes, and said coldly.

His injuries were not weaker than Qing Mu's, and he felt his bowels were about to be spit out.

Looking at the many troops who seemed to be dead, the looks of Yin Yin and Qing Mu gradually became embarrassing and fierce. The sky was screaming, and the terrible energy centered on his body and became an air wave. Spreading in all directions, the voice of rage came from his mouth.

"What the **** are you doing? Give me everything and kill me!"

However, their roar did not return any response.

Many of their subordinates were stunned on the spot, staring in horror at the upright Ye Xuan ahead, dare not move.

After all, people are afraid of death!

"Retreat, runaway, offender, die!"

"Dead! Dead! Dead!"

Seeing this, Qing Mu and Yin Yin were completely angry, and launched an attack fiercely at the subordinates who were standing still, with heads flying and blood dripping!




Driven and feared by death, the soldiers of the Shura Army and the Purgatory Army were frightened, with a roar in their mouths, their whole body burst out, carrying endless killing like a wild hungry wolf towards Ye Xuan rushed away.

Looking at it from a distance, they seemed like hundreds of thousands of hungry wolves found their prey at the same time and opened the road to hunting.

The fierce momentum, the powerful charge, the snarling roar caused a shiver involuntarily.

These guys are even more brutal and scary than the Hungry Wolf!

"The generals of the Demon Hall obey orders and follow me to help the adults kill the enemy!"

Seeing this, the many demon hall generals on the city wall all pulled out their sabers and roared.

They were about to leap off the city wall and rush down with Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan raised his right hand and made a stop gesture, which made them stop by accident.

The quiet voice came from Ye Xuan's mouth.

"You worked hard in the previous guards, and I'll do the rest!"

These soldiers of the Temple of Demon had previously consumed a lot of power or even injured them in order to protect the city, and Ye Xuan couldn't bear to let them enter the battlefield again because they had done enough.

Moreover, this should not be the place where they bleed.

The place where they bleed should be the space battlefield, and it should be the blue front.

This kind of cannibalism between human races will let him end alone!

Looking at the mighty army of purgatory, the army of Shura, Ye Xuan's face, there was no slight wave on his face. Some were just endless cold, and the indifferent voice came from his mouth.

"The earth is in dire straits. Human beings should unite and help each other to guard against foreign enemies, guard our homes, protect our loved ones, and protect our planet. Your body should be used to resist foreign enemies, and your blood should be poured out. Spilled on the battlefield, but you are colluding with foreign enemies, and they are running dogs of foreign enemies, embarrassing them, and killing their fellow kins ... It is really a matter of heart, you cannot forgive! "

"Today, Ye Xuan, in the name of the Temple of Devil, is doing righteousness and sending you to Huangquan!"

At the moment Ye Xuan's words fell, his right hand, burning with fire, slammed down on the ground.

"Judge the Demon Realm!"

PS: A friend responded that I had a lot of water these two days ... keke ... you are watery, dirty ... Lich King, in fact, these chapters are the excessive plot of Shura world to interstellar war. Great chapter for everyone.

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