Medical Martial God

Chapter 1195: war! war! War [six thousand characters

Looking at the explosive enemy in the sky, looking at Ye Xuan who was standing in front of Tianxie City, countless people were in agitated mood, and their blood was boiling. A famous demon palace soldier couldn't help but hold a fist at Ye Xuan Please fight.

"My lord, Xu Wenhui dare to fight!"

"My lord, Xu Changlin dare to fight!"

"Sir, I dare to fight!"


Not only the soldiers of the Demon Hall invited for battle, but also the emotions of many people had already been infected and reached their extreme point. At this moment, they jumped up the city wall and fought against Ye Xuan.

"Please fight!"

"Please fight!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

Their voices resounded in the world, filled with an indescribable momentum, and finally gathered together into a word of "war", which made the body involuntarily excited and trembling.

They have been suppressed for too long and too long from these five foreign enemies attacking the earth. When they meet Yan Shaohua's arrogant extraterritorial aliens, the emotions in their hearts can no longer be suppressed, and a thorough venting and explosion is needed.

Listening to the sound of the battle echoing between heaven and earth, feeling the emotions of everyone behind him, the blood in Ye Xuan's heart was also ignited at this moment, and the heart of the earth in his body burst into a bright light and merged into his limbs. Make him crazy climb and strengthen.

He raised the dragon blade in his hand and pointed at the three hundred monks such as Yan Shaohua in front of him, with a vigorous voice in his mouth: "The generals of the earth listened to the order, and charged with Ben, and killed this group of enemies outside the region!"


At the moment Ye Xuan's words fell, he first rushed out to attack Yan Shaohua.

Behind him, the Eighteen Paper People 幻 turned into lightning and turned out to attack and charge Hengxiu immediately behind him.

In fact, Ye Xuan, a group of monks Yan Shaohua, could solve it by himself. The main purpose of summoning the eighteen paper men was not to kill the enemy, but to protect the earth.

Although the monks of the earth are very powerful and strong, their realm is much different than those of the five major disciples of Yan Shaohua.

Ye Xuan did not intend to let them participate in the war, but their ideas and will were too strong, and protecting the earth and protecting their homeland was not his responsibility. Everyone had the right to participate, and Ye Xuan could not stop them.

What's more, the situation facing the earth today is not good. Let them sharpen and become stronger in the war. Getting used to the cruelty of the war early will benefit them and the entire planet.

And this kind of participation and experience will make them grow stronger.

Coupled with the eighteen paper people, they have undergone a comprehensive transformation and upgrade of Ye Xuan, and their strength has been greatly improved and changed. With their suppression of the enemy and protection of people, Ye Xuan is confident to control the casualties. In a very low range!


"Kill, go through this extraterrestrial mess!"

"Destroy this group of extraterrestrial debris in revenge for those who died on the Azure front!"

The roar of the onslaught sounded, and many soldiers in the Temple of Heaven and Demons in Tianxie City, at this moment, a large number of people pulled out their sabers and turned them into a stream of light towards Yan Shaohua. Hengxiu rushed away from these powerful foreign domains.

Seen from a distance, their impulses are immense, and an invisible fire is burning on each person, making their impulses consolidate as if an invincible army of flames, full of invincible, forward-thinking momentum.

Listening to the howling wind in his ears, and watching the crowds who rushed with him, Ye Xuan's face was full of smiles. He found that the heart of the earth came with unspeakable changes, an invisible force. It poured into his limbs and made him feel very comfortable.

At present, Ye Xuan's thoughts moved, and the bright light spread around him in all directions, covering all the earth soldiers behind him, making them more powerful and stronger, and the fire in his eyes was burning More and more intense.

Not only that, the earth below broke, countless pillars of holy light burst from the ground towards Yan Shaohua, and at the same time, a lot of holy light burst out from the ground to form a huge enchantment, covering them all, All their escape routes are blocked!

Great Demon Realm!

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already cast out the Great Demon Realm.


Zhenlong's groan suddenly rang through the sky.

Under the gaze of people's eyes, the flames burning on the surface of their bodies converged together with Ye Xuan's holy light and turned into a dragon roaring towards the sky, rushing towards Yan Shaohua.

Originally, Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu's subordinates' momentum broke out completely by the momentum of the dragons formed by the earth warriors, and a powerful oppression permeated their hearts, causing their faces to change drastically Disorderly voice came out.

"Damn, how could these guys and their charge be so imposing and oppressive?"

"What the **** is that dragon?"

"The power of faith? Damn, how could there be such a powerful power of faith?"

"The power of faith is the power that the masters can control. How can they have it?"

"Retreat, fast, fast!"

At this moment, their square footage was completely chaotic.

"The situation is not right, retreat!"

Yan Shaohua, Heng Xiu, their faces also changed greatly, with a roar in their mouths, they rushed towards the distance without hesitation.

Many of the subordinates they brought were fleeing wildly at this moment.

But, do they have a escape route?

The whole world is sealed by Ye Xuan's big demon world. They have no escape route at all, and where can they escape?

"The whole world is blocked by that guy, young master, we have no escape route at all!"

Looking at the many earth monks headed by Ye Xuan and rushing forward, looking at the light and demon world in front of them, the monks who were too high on the soul sect were extremely ugly, and looked anxiously.

"Since there is no way to escape, then leave fighting and tear up these **** earth ants!"

Heng Xiu's face was bleak, and his eyes were staring at the rushing earth monks, his body's intentions skyrocketed, and he said coldly: "Although I don't know for any reason, these lowly earth ants suddenly possessed divine power. There has been a huge change and improvement, but the ants are ultimately ants, and they cannot compete with giant elephants! "

"Everyone in Hengyunzong listened to my order and destroyed this group of earth ants with me!"

At the moment Heng Xiu's words fell, the breath of reincarnation spread out from his body without reservation, and he went straight to Ye Xuan with his slaughtering intention.

Heng Yunzong's masters are close behind.

"Master, what shall we do?"

Seeing this, the masters who are too high on the soul sect all set their eyes on Yan Shaohua's body and asked Shen Sheng.

"What can we do to this day? All of them have come up with their true skills and taught me this group of earth ants fiercely!" Yan Shaohua's eyes were cold, his eyes were murderous, and his mouth was cold. Out.

At the moment his words fell, he rushed out to attack Ye Xuan in a lightning flash, and a vortex emerged from the position of his eyebrow. A golden palm in the vortex protruded violently, grabbing at Ye Xuan. go with.


The masters who are too high on the soul sect also no longer escape at this moment, but rushed towards the many monks of the earth, and a knuckle flew from their brows.

A fierce battle broke out at this moment.

Ye Xuan's speed was too fast. It was just an instant that he rushed to the enemy's camp. The dragon blade in his hand whistled, the bright knife light passed, and two heads were quietly flying.

It was two Heng Yunzong masters of Nirvana Realm who were killed by his sword!

Easily killed two nirvana realms, Ye Xuan didn't have any intention to stop. Starlight surged at his feet in front of the three nirvana strongmen. The dragon blade whistled while they had not had time to respond. Out, the knife gas sprayed torn their bodies.

Although Nirvana is very strong, in Ye Xuan's eyes, there is no fear at all.

He wanted to kill Nirvana as easily as a chicken.

In just a few breaths, ten Nirvana powerhouses fell into Ye Xuan's hands.

"Boy, die!"

At this time, Heng Yunzong senior elder Heng Xiu and Tai Shanghunzong's young master Yan Shaohua rushed to Ye Xuan.

Hengxiu's whole body was surrounded by suffocation, and his violent energy in his right hand swung violently toward Ye Xuan's chest.

With this action, the energy surrounding his right hand turned into a fierce gray dragon, and opened his mouth to bite Ye Xuan, making Ye Xuan unable to escape.

Yan Shaohua appeared on the left side of Ye Xuan's side, holding his fist in his right hand, smashing down at him with the power of platooning the mountain.

Along with his fist, Yan Shaohua emerged behind him a headless six-armed demon. The demon snarled, and his six arms shook his fists at Ye Xuan, making him unable to dodge.

One shot is a killing move. I have to say that the strength of Heng Xiu and Yan Shaohua is indeed extremely powerful.

Seeing that their attack was about to fall firmly on Ye Xuan's body, a **** of heaven emerged and shrouded Ye Xuan.

Tenjin Wrath III: Tenjin Guardian!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The next moment, a dull collision sounded, but Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu's attacks fell on the gods who guarded Ye Xuan.

The violent power whistled, but the body of God was motionless, and Ye Xuan, guarded by him, had no feeling.

"This guy blocked our attack?

"how is this possible?"

This result caused Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu's faces to change, and the words of astonishment came out of their mouths.

You should know that they are not a common attack but a lore, and their own strength is reincarnation.

Ye Xuan's realm is just Nirvana, and he actually blocked the joint attack of the two of them. How can this not shock and surprise them?


When they were astonished, Ye Xuan's face was cold, and his body shook suddenly. The huge **** of heaven raised a roar, and the violent powers roared out, flying out Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu as many as possible.

At the moment they shook them, Ye Xuan bullied himself, the dragon blade returned to his sheath, his throat rolled, his left hand was fisted, his right hand turned into a violent attack on Yan Shaohua and Hengxiu, and the violent sound wave was It whistled out of his mouth.

The first martial art of yin and yang power: White Dragon Burning Sun!

The second martial art of yin and yang power: endless moon!

The sixth martial art of yin and yang power: Tigers!

The seventh martial art of yin and yang power: Dragon Roar!

All of a sudden, the sound of Hu Xiaolong's voice rang through the sky, and the violent sound waves poured into the ears of Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu, causing their faces to change dramatically, their ears buzzing, and their brains becoming blank.

They never thought that Ye Xuan would use Sonic Martial Art!

At the moment when their spirits were traumatized, Ye Xuan's fists and palms fell on Heng Xiu and Yan Shaohua, respectively.

"Hmm ..."

The terrible power whistled, and the sound of spraying blood sounded, and their bodies smashed into the distance like two cannonballs.

"Damn ... the kid who killed thousands of swords ..."

Their bodies had not had time to fall to the ground, and a huge giant hand condensed by the soul force fell from the sky and pressed against them violently.

The third martial art of yin and yang power: burial of souls!


The painful screams sounded in the heavens and the earth, and the bodies of Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu were directly pressed into the ground by the huge palms.

The hard earth crumbled quietly, and a huge handprint emerged clearly.

Yan Shaohua and Heng Xiu were lying in the deep pits of the handprints and screaming in pain. Two broken puppets emerged beneath them.

If it wasn't at the critical moment, Yan Shaohua summoned two puppets to help them bottom out to offset most of the impact. I am afraid they have already been seriously injured.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you, you **** shit!"

"Yan Shaohua swears I won't be a man if I don't break your body today!"

Yan Shaohua's eyes flickered fiercely, with a shawl radiating, and he lifted his head to stare at Ye Xuan standing in the air with an angry roar.

As the young master of the Supreme Soul Sect, when did he become so embarrassed?

If Ye Xuan's kid was broken into pieces, there would be no way to restore his face.

The roar fell, Yan Shaohua's palms twitched, a golden vortex emerged from the golden eyebrows.

A rusty coffin flew quietly out of the whirlpool.

The coffin is covered with dense and indescribable runes, exuding an ancient mysterious and dangerous and strange atmosphere, and there are raised claw marks on the coffin cover, which are spread from the coffin. The inner claws seemed to be tearing the sky, filled with a violent storm.


With a human-like beast roaring from the coffin, the runes on the coffin lit up a lot of light, and there were constant fierce collision sounds coming out, as if some kind of beast rushed out of the coffin, which looked particularly scary. .

"Zombie, Ben Shaozong knows that you have always longed for freedom. As long as you kill me that **** kid, then Ben Shaozong will lift the restrictions on you and return you to freedom. Come out!"

Looking at the coffin that flew out, Yan Shaohua's eyes flashed coldly, his hands were stubborn, and Sen Leng's words came out of his mouth.


At the moment his words fell, the coffin was instantly lifted off by a terrifying force. A whole body was engraved with golden runes, with a lot of rune papers on his body, resembling humans and ghosts. Flying out from inside, exuding the fierce scourge.

He is the puppet that Yan Shaohua spent countless painstaking refining. This puppet is not a dead thing, but Yan Shaohua used the power in his hands to grasp a master of rebirth. He is not only refining. The death of the process, but becoming stronger because of hatred, is a fierce scourge.

His name was erased by Yan Shaohua and he was called a zombie!

"As long as I kill him, will you return me free?"

The zombie stretched out his sharp and pointed fingers at Ye Xuan, turned his head and said to Yan Shaohua.

His voice was hoarse and low, as if the fingernails were rubbing against the coffin board, making his scalp troublesome, and anxiety was in his heart.

"Yes, kill him. Ben Shaozong returned you freedom, go!"

Yan Shaohua nodded slightly, and spoke coldly.


The moment his words fell, the sectarian turned into a streamer and rushed towards Ye Xuan.

Just moments later, he appeared in front of Ye Xuan, his sharp claws turned into ghost hands and grabbed at Ye Xuan's heart.

"Yanyue Palm!"

The senior elder Heng Xiu of Heng Yunzong also came back at this moment, got a respite, his feet sprayed with energy, his body rushed towards Ye Xuan, and his dry palms hurled toward Ye Xuan around the hot flame. Patted his chest.

I have to say that the cooperation between the sectarian and Heng Xiu was very tacit, and he left Ye Xuan's retreat to death.

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't mean to hide.

At the moment of their attack, Ye Xuan reached out and grabbed Hengxiu's palm, while the other hand grabbed the ghost's claw and blocked their attack.

Subsequently, Ye Xuan's palms were violently pulled, her legs kicked, and her knees slammed into their heads with a strong force.


The dull collision sounded, and both the zombies and Heng Xiu were shocked and knocked out by the strong impact force.

"Soulbound ghosts!"

Ye Xuan was about to pursue, but Yan Shaohua's cold voice sounded in his ear.

"Hmm ..."

With this cold and strange voice sounding, Ye Xuan felt a coolness in his heart, but he did not wait for any reaction from him. The four evil spirits appeared strangely beside him, Zhang opened out His long tongue rolled up at him, wrapping his hands and feet around him, leaving him motionless.

"Let's do it now!"

Yan Shaohua's figure emerged behind Ye Xuan, and he maintained his posture of performing tricks and shouted at Hengxiu and Zombie.


The zombie raised a roar, and the violent energy gathered in his mouth into an energy ball full of destruction, and spit it out at Ye Xuan.

A snake stick emerged from Heng Xiu's hand, and the snake stick was lifted up suddenly. The energy in the body gathered toward the snake stick, causing the snake stick to burst into a bright light. The entangled giant snake lived to condense this huge force, and then fierce The ground screamed, and a gray majestic beam spit out of its mouth.

In a short time, the energy ball full of destruction and the terrible light beam exploded towards Ye Xuan. The space along the way was torn out with a black crack. It is conceivable how powerful their attack is, even if it is The reincarnation strong bears such an attack, even if not dead, will be hit hard.

Ye Xuan, who was bound by his hands and feet and could not move at all, had no way to dodge in the face of such an attack.

Looking at the energy ball and beam of light from the attack, a sneer appeared on Ye Xuan's face, with a calm voice in his mouth: "Do you think that such an attack that restricts my movement can hit me?"

"You are so naive!"

As Ye Xuan's words sounded, his left eye burst into bright light, and the endless sword energy spread out from his left eye.

36 types of sword eyes: Broken River!


The next moment, the invisible sword gas shot out from Ye Xuan's eyes, tearing the space in front of him, and a black Styx River emerged in front of Ye Xuan, blocking him.

It seems that Ye Xuan is in another dimension with the river in front of him.

A huge explosion sounded. Under the shock and incomprehensible gaze of Zombie Minister, Heng Xiu, and Yan Shaohua, the energy ball and energy beam that had originally attacked Ye Xuan were shot into the Styx River. Burst burst out.

This scene looks like two nuclear bombs have been thrown into the long river of stars, and a bright spark blooms.


The sword air was thin, and the evil screams of evil spirits sounded. They wound Ye Xuan's tongue, and the invisible sword air diffused by the sword eyes was torn and cut, and their bodies were shredded into powder by the sword air.

Ye Xuan stretched a lazy waist lazily, turned around, rubbed his fists, and walked slowly towards the shocked and incredible Yan Shaohua with a calm voice in his mouth: "Warm up It ’s over, now it ’s time to play! Who kills first? It ’s up to you. ”



Hearing Ye Xuan's words watching Ye Xuan who was walking slowly, Yan Shaohua was about to speak, but Ye Xuan's body suddenly disappeared into the dense and lingering aftershock towards him, making his pupils shrink. Big change ": So fast!"

"嘭 ... 嘭!"

Yan Shaohua only felt that a flower Ye Xuan appeared strangely in front of him, then he felt a chest pain, sprayed a lot of dark blood in his mouth, and his body flew out uncontrollably like a kicked football.

It was Ye Xuan who just gave him a strong knee bump.

"Oh ... **** it, how come it is so fast, what is this terrifying power?"

At this moment, Yan Shaohua, who flew out at the moment, had set off a terrible storm.

He felt like Ye Xuan had completely changed.

"You're cold!"

He had just stabilized his figure, and his figure was about to speak, but the cold voice resounded by his ear, and the piercing spirit spread along his neck toward the whole body, but Ye Xuan didn't know when it appeared He put the dragon blade around his neck in front of him, making him dare not move.

"I ... I'm the young master of the Supreme Soul Sect, you dare ..."

He looked with horror at the dragon blade on his neck, looked at Ye Xuan with a cold face, and gritted his teeth.


However, before his words were finished, Ye Xuan's hand holding the Dragon Blade was violently exerting force.

The sound of the long knife cutting the skin quietly sounded, and Yan Shaohua's head flew up.


There was a scream in his mouth, and Yuan Shen, who was about to escape but was rushed out by the star emperor Longyan, burned into nothingness.

Yan Shaohua, Lord of the Supreme Soul Sect,


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