Medical Martial God

Chapter 1197: The death of Hengxiu!

The dazzling white light whistled from the dragon blade without any warning, reflected in the eyes of the sectarians and Hengxiu, making their vision instantly white, as if they were flashed by flashes, their faces were greatly changed, their bodies were shaped Retreat.

It's a pity that their state at this moment can't be compared with the beginning. They have been swallowed up by the bright white light before they can withdraw in two steps. The black chains exploded from the white light and came out like a poisonous snake. Twine.

When they returned to God, they found themselves in a white light enchantment.

There are two crosses in the middle of the white light enchantment. They are locked on the cross firmly by the chains, and no matter how they struggle, the radon and energy in the body are sealed invisibly at this moment. They struggled with limited strength.

"Damn, what just happened? What the **** is going on with these chains that can seal my power!"

The words of struggling and fruitlessness were heard from Heng Xiu's mouth.

The zombie's face also became extremely cold and ugly at this moment. The glare of the runes on his body made him soar, but even so, he couldn't break the chain around him.

"Violent devour!"

However, at this moment, the sound of cold and bones sounded quietly in the light enchantment, making them look cold, they were trying to struggle, but a horrible suction burst out of the chain without warning. Out, madly devouring the power inside them, arrogantly extracting their vitality.

"Ah ... this **** is drawing our strength ..."

"Cheesy earth is fragmented, roll out, you roll out for me ..."

The intense pain permeated the bodies of the sectarians and Hengxiu, making them look ugly and ugly, crying painfully in their mouths.

Their bodies became senescent and thin at the speed visible to the naked eye, but it was Ye Xuan who started the Devouring Demon Gong to devour their power.

I have to say that it feels quite comfortable to absorb the two strong players in the reincarnation level.

Under the dual effects of violent engulfment and magical power, Hengxiu and Zombie ’s bodies were losing weight at an extremely fast rate, and their faces were filled with endless pain. Hengxiu clearly felt that his body was aging. Feeling his cultivation is going backwards, but he is helpless.

This situation made him extremely panic-stricken, but he didn't know what to do.

He felt he would die if he let life be taken away by the **** chain.

He seemed to see himself eventually reduced to a dead body!

"Ah ... miscellaneous, you forced me! Mystery: Samsara is hot!"

With the angry and roaring sound coming from his mouth, his expression became endlessly mad, his eyes instantly turned into blood, and his whole body was surrounded by blood, and his body was like a doll being pumped up frantically. Inflated.

At this moment, he was already planning a desperate fight!

Not only Heng Xiu, he was also desperate at this moment.

The blood on his rune paper flashed, the light was bright, the eyebrows were full of blood, and there was a word in his mouth, which finally turned into a low-drink: "Blazing!"


The next moment, two huge explosions rang.

Heng Xiu's swollen body burst into a blast, the blood-colored power swept madly from the center of the explosion, setting off a terrible wind, and the chain around him was broken by the huge impact of the explosion.

All rune paper on the zombie was also detonated at this moment, like a huge gunpowder blasted apart, and the chain around him was also broken.

Not only that, but the fusion of the explosive shocks they induced also caused a horrific energy storm to spread across all directions, and finally hit the white light nodule.

The white light enchantment was shattered as much as a glass cage, and eventually burst open.

A gorgeous flame blooms over the sky of evil city and illuminates the sky as it falls.

Not far from the flames blooming, a figure burning with holy light emerged slowly, looking at the chaotic explosion center in front of him, frowning tightly: "The two guys turned out to break the shackles of the chain Chosen to explode? "

"No ... it shouldn't be self-explosion, but some sort of escape mystery should consume a lot of itself, and those two guys should not die!"

Ye Xuan, who was shrouded in divine light, suddenly ran out of the white light enchantment as soon as the two zombies and Heng Xiu wanted to provoke an explosion.

However, Ye Xuan was so arrogant that he drew so much power from such an attack. Compared to Hengxiu and the zombie, he was seriously injured even if he did not die?

At present, Ye Xuan's majestic soul spread out and sealed off all around, staring coldly at the explosion center in search of the figures of Heng Xiu and Zombie.

Soon, the violent energy and dust in the sky gradually dissipated, and the two were covered with blood, and the extremely embarrassing figure came out slowly from the center of the explosion.

Heng Xiu's original 60-year-old looks at this moment like an old man in his late 90s. His body has become extremely thin and dry, like a skin with a skin covered with blood, see It was so weak that it seemed as if a gust of wind could be blown down, and there was no image of Heng Yunzong's senior elder.

Compared with Heng Xiu's tragic situation, the zombie is much better. His originally strong and powerful body was also much thinner. As he was twenty years old, the rune-paper explosion on his body also caused huge damage to his body. Many of the injuries were scorched, and some of them were flesh-skinned, and there was no ferociousness when they debuted.

Their eyes stared viciously at Ye Xuan, who stood facing the wind in front of them.

"You **** **** ant should hurt me so much, if I didn't treat you ..."

Heng Xiu clenched his palms and opened his mouth viciously.

"You don't need to say anything ruthless, let's get over it!"

But before his words were finished, he was interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent voice.


Ye Xuan's words had just ended, and the extremely angry and violent voice sounded quietly in his ear, but it was the stubborn man who didn't talk much about him and attacked him at the first time.

He rushed forward to Ye Xuan with lightning, his body trembled suddenly, a large number of chains burst out from his body and rushed towards Ye Xuan, twisting Ye Xuan's hands.

A strong pull broke out on the chain and pulled Ye Xuan's body towards the zombie. At this moment, the zombie turned into a ghost and opened his mouth to expose his sharp fangs and bite at Ye Xuan's neck.

At this moment, Ye Xuan seemed to be driven to a dead end, and a strong crisis permeated his heart, but he was not panicking at all.

The moment the zombie opened his huge mouth to bite, his eyebrows flickered, a vertical eye emerged without warning, and the closed eyes suddenly opened, and the dazzling star quietly bloomed and covered the zombie.

Eye of the Emperor!

The zombie's body trembled suddenly, and he acted as if he had lost his soul.

At the moment when the zombies lost their sight, the high-speed rotating flying knife burst out from Ye Xuan's eyebrows, flying out like lightning and penetrating the zombies' body.


The intense pain lingered in his heart so that the unsuccessful zombie made a scream in his mouth and sprayed a lot of blood, and quickly returned to God. The pain made him look terrible and made him extremely crazy. He opened his blood-stained mouth and exposed sharp fangs to bite Ye Xuan at a faster speed.

"This guy's vitality is really tenacious. There was no death when he was penetrated by the flying knife ... in this case ... bursting flying sword!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with a surprise, and her thoughts moved, and the bursting flying sword suddenly shot from his eyebrow and penetrated the heart of the zombie, making him move quietly.

Then with Ye Xuan's indifferent gaze, his body burst suddenly, turning into a cloud of blood mist drifting with the wind.

The bursting flying sword disappeared into a streamer and flew back to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's great destructive power made him extremely happy. You must know that the body of the zombie is refined, and its strength is comparable to that of the magic weapon of the Order of God, but it is detonated by the burst flying sword. .

"Boy, everything is over. Without the sacrifice of the sects, the old man wouldn't have time to perform this trick, let's die! Hengyun chases the soul palm!"

Ye Xuan had just killed the zombie before he had any other extra actions. The cold voice sounded quietly.

With this sound, Ye Xuan looked up but didn't know when Heng Xiu flew to his head. His body was wrapped in a statue about a thousand feet high, and his right hand was carrying an endless killing slam to Ye Xuan. under.

With this action, the idol behind him also stretched out a giant hand that was larger than the mountains and pressed it towards Ye Xuan, and cracked down on Ye Xuan.

The wind was violent, and the terrifying air spread out from the giant hands. From a distance, it seemed that the giant hands of the idols swallowed a sea toward Ye Xuan, which was extremely powerful.

The unprecedented vitality crisis permeated Ye Xuan's heart, making his look gradually dignified [567 中文].

He knew that this was Heng Xiu's final killing move.

After this move, Heng Xiu could not fight again no matter what the result was, he bet everything on his palm.

"I did not expect that even when Heng Xiu was dying, he could still use such a method. It seems that the method of reincarnation is really extraordinary, and it really is not as nirvana as Nirvana!"

Looking at the pressed giant hand, feeling the destructive power spreading out above, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light, the energy in his body exploded, and his mouth murmured, "Let me see you now How strong is this desperate blow! "

As Ye Xuan's words fell, the majestic Star Emperor Dragon King burst out from his body, and a **** in flame armor appeared behind Ye Xuan's open hand to embrace him. In arms.

Tenjin Wrath III: Tenjin Guardian!

"Just want to stop me with this trick? Give me death!"

Seeing this, Heng Xiu's crazy face appeared a disdain. His palm was pressed against Ye Xuan at a faster speed, the power behind the idol was more powerful, and the pressing speed of his palm was faster.

From a distance, it looks like two gods are facing each other on the sky.


The next moment, the giant hand of the idol pressed on the huge body of the guardian god, and the power of terror broke out at this moment.

The huge guardian **** was continuously pushed down by the huge idol, and the flame armor on his body even appeared an extinguished crack, and then overwhelmed and broke apart quietly.

Not only that, there are also fine cracks spreading on the huge body of the guardian god.

"Click ..."


In the end, the giant guardian **** burst into a sky burst and shattered into pieces.

Hengxiu, a madman, carried a huge idol hand and kept pressing towards Ye Xuan.

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