Medical Martial God

Chapter 1199: Step by step cleaning!

The Shura world, with the spread of the First World War, Ye Xuan took the demon temple to destroy the purgatory. The two major forces also killed Yan Shaohua ’s foreign enemies. The entire Shura world fell into an unprecedented boiling. In.

In addition, the Temple of Gods and Demons revealed the inferiority of the two forces of purgatory and Shura, and revealed that they were running dogs of alien races, which caused countless people to abandon and condemn Purgatory and Shura.

Not only that, some families that originally supported the two forces of Purgatory Shura seemed extremely panic and panic at this moment, some abandoned the dark and revealed, while others wanted to take advantage of Purgatory and the destruction of the two major forces of Shura Take advantage of opportunities to expand your power.

The Munchdo family, one of the world's most prestigious top families in the Western Shura world, has an ancient heritage and background and huge financial resources, and also has great ambitions, trying to make their family the first in the world in Shura The giants are one of the supporters of purgatory, and have maintained a cooperative relationship with purgatory.

Although the current patriarch of the Monkdo family, Monkdo Hank, is over seventy years old, but with huge resources and profound cultivation, he looks like he is only forty or fifty years old. He is young, strong, handsome, and thoughtful. , Calm and reliable these are his image tags.

At this moment, Monkdo Hank is lingering on the sofa with his 18-year-old mature lover in his study, enjoying this unparalleled leisure time.

"Hmm ..."

A sudden knock at the door sounded at this moment and interrupted Monkdo Hank's forthcoming final sprint, so that he didn't frown, and stopped.


Looking down at the affectionate and eager beauty underneath, Monkdo Hank turned his head to say something to the closed door, and then proceeded to the final operation.

"Hmm ..."

However, that **** knock was ringing again at this moment, and it was more intense.

There was a hint of impatience in Mondoc Hank's eyes and he continued with his current job.

"Hey ... Patriarch ..."

However, not only did the knock on the door stop without interest, but it was even more rushed and accompanied by anxiously and respectfully.


Munchdo Hank was finally angry, with a swear in his mouth, and spit open against the closed door.

A barbed tongue, like a serpent, burst out of his mouth and rushed towards the door, breaking the door and rolling in the respectful servant outside.

"Family ... family ... patriarch, big ... big things are bad!"

Looking at Monkdo Hank, who looked like a terrible monster, a thick panic appeared on the face of the old servant who had his tongue rolled up in the air, and the words of panic and trembling came from his mouth.

Although the old servant always knew that Munchdo Hank had undergone a series of transformations and the fusion of a certain alien gene outside the domain has changed, his strength has been greatly improved and leap, but his appearance still makes him feel Fear and fear.

It's no surprise that Munchdo Hank's little lover climbed up and stretched out his tongue to lick Munchdo Hank's saliva-like long tongue.

"what's up?"

The eerie hoarse sounded from Munchdo Hank's throat.

"Information Network reported that ... said purgatory and Xiu ... Shura ... these two forces were ... destroyed by the Demon Temple when they attacked Tianxie City, Qing ... the leader of Qingmu and Yin The leaders ... are all dead. "

The old servant stunned.


Hearing the words of the old servant, Munchdo Hank's face could not help but change: "Purgatory and Shura have more power and numbers than the Temple of God, how could they fail? What happened?"

You must know that once Purgatory and Shura destroyed the Temple of Demon, then with their support, the Monktor family can become the largest family in Shura in the world and become a unique giant. This undoubtedly shattered his dream, and wasted everything he used to pay.

"It is rumored that Ye Xuan, the leader of the Demon Temple, has returned from the zero realm, so Purgatory and Shura will be defeated!"

The old servant swallowed hard, and said with a horrified expression: "And ... and we have been informed that the Temple of the Devil has sent forces to cleanse the families of the forces that once had relations with Purgatory and Shura. Patriarch, are we You have to find a way to run away? "

"Escape? Why are we escaping? This is the best time for us to rise. Hurry up and help me contact Lord Shao Yan and tell him that our Monkdo family is willing to work for them, as long as he helps us destroy the Temple of God ... ... "

The wise light flashed in Munchdo Hank's eyes, and he spoke quickly.

"Sovereign Yan Shao ... he died ... and Elder Heng Xiu were also destroyed ..."

However, before Monkdo Hank's words were finished, he was interrupted by the old servant.

"What? How can they ... how could they be like this from the gods of the upper world ..."

Munchdo Hank stayed as if he had lost his soul: "Who did it?"

"Devil Ye Xuan!" The old servant answered with trembling.

If Monkdo Hank was struck by lightning, his face was full of shock and incredibleness.

Didn't the kid who re-created the Devil's Temple died in the zero realm?

Why did he come back suddenly and destroy Yan Shaohua's gods?

At this moment, Monkdo Hank was filled with too many questions, and his thoughts became extremely chaotic.


The sound of a barb piercing the old servant's throat sounded, and Monkdo Hank's tongue twisted like a snake eating a prey, and soon the old servant was sucked into a dead body.

Then he turned around and lingered with his little lover again.

He is in a bad mood and needs to vent!

"Clan ... Matriarch ... Outside ... there is a young lady outside Ye Wei who claims to be an adult friend!"

However, at this time another servant came in hastily, watching the old servant's body beside Monkdo Hank at this moment, his face trembling.

"Professing that my friend's name is Ye Wei? Bring her in!"

Monkdo Hank looked cold, raised an eyebrow, and spoke coldly.

He doesn't know this person, but it might be worth seeing.


"No, Miss Ben is here!"

However, the servant just turned around and left. A flying knife came from a distance to pierce his skull. It was **** and cold, and the figure of a female assassin appeared slowly at the door of the study.

"You are Ye Wei? Really a stunner in the world, rare!"

Looking at the woman who appeared at the door of the study, a trace of greed appeared on Munchdo Hank's face, and his bright red tongue licked the corner of his mouth. There was a cold voice in his mouth: "What are you looking for?"

"My host ordered me to come and destroy the Munchdo family!"

Ye Wei stared coldly at Monkdo Hank and answered coldly.

"Destroyed the Munchdo family? Hehe ... your master's courage is not small, who is he? What's his name?"

Monkdo Hank smiled coldly, a gleam of coldness and disdain flashed in his eyes.

What cats and dogs dare to talk big and send someone to destroy his Munchdo family?

"Devil Ye Xuan!"

Ye Wei said lightly.


Munchdo Hank's pupils shrunk sharply, his face suddenly changed, and he stood up with a stunned expression in his mouth.


However, just before he stood up, a black light suddenly passed by him, the blood squirted, and Monkdo Hank's head suddenly flew up and fell on his little lover. I heard her.


A terrifying scream came from the little lover's mouth.

Ye Wei glanced at her coldly and turned to leave.

"Go to death, Bi Chi!"

The little lover seemed completely frightened, and she grabbed the revolver on the sofa and pulled the trigger towards Ye Wei's departure.

"Hmm ..."

However, before her trigger was pulled down, a sharp blade shot through her head with a sharp shot.

Ye Wei's figure dissipated little by little in her blurred vision ...

The Bekdo family, the first family in the northern part of the western Shura world, created a kingdom that belongs to them in the entire northern region. They have a supreme status and no one dares to provoke them. This kind of strategic agreement does not participate in the war between them and the Temple of Gods, and has always maintained a neutral position.

It can be said that in addition to purgatory, Shura, and the three great forces of the Demon Temple, the entire Shura world is the strongest of the Becto family.

The Bekdo family not only mastered the extremely advanced gene fusion technology, they successfully integrated the Arctic ice wolf's genes into their people, so that they have the characteristics of the Arctic Ice Wolf to adapt to the severe cold, but also have the power of the Arctic Ice Cold. Body and horror power and amazing speed, and their patriarch Bekdo Jeckas is an old monster that has survived for hundreds of years, possessing the power of reincarnation and a lot of ancient knowledge!

It's just that he has been sleeping for more than a hundred years!

The Becto family are entrenched in the cold north, and they are not involved in any fights precisely because their sleeping patriarch has never been awake.

And the entire Bekdo family is waiting for their patriarch to wake up, waiting for the rise of their Bekdo family and the opportunity to unify the entire Shura world.

However, just yesterday their long wait finally greeted hope.

Their sleeping patriarch, Bekdo Jeckas, awakened from his sleep and told them that the age of the Bekdo family had arrived and they were about to become the masters of the entire Shura world.

Now in Becto Manor Villa, a grand family meeting is being held.

All the core high-level members of the Becto family are gathered here.

In the splendid hall, Becto Jeckas sat on the throne spiritedly and looked at the people gathered below. His pale and cold face was full of smiles, and his mouth was low and very coercive and inflammatory. The voice came out.

"My dear tribe, our Becto family have gone through countless years, and after countless tortures and long waits, will finally usher in our era!"

"I have just received news that the two forces of purgatory and Shura ushered in an unprecedented failure in the operation to destroy the Temple of Demon. All their members were destroyed by the Temple of Demon. The two forces of Purgatory and Shura were annihilated. After such a fierce battle, the Temple of Devil was also greatly injured, and the opportunity for our multi-shell family to rise is here! "

"We will take advantage of the vitality of the Temple of Devil to mobilize all the forces accumulated in the family over the years to complete the assembly in the shortest time, and then quickly receive the forces that annexed Shura and Purgatory, complete the expansion of self, and then Take down the demon temple in one fell swoop, unify the entire Shura world, and create our real kingdom! "


"OK! Create our kingdom!"

Many members of the Becto family at the scene of Becto Jeckas' words were all excited and excited, and some even transformed into werewolves howling.

"But ... the patriarchs did not seem to have suffered much casualties through this hall of war God as far as we know, and they also killed the young master of a certain clan outside the alien race. At this moment, I am afraid that they have the strength that we cannot easily Defeated ... "

Of course, the Becto family also has rich experience, and the backbone of prudent affairs raised their own questions.

"Hehe ... I don't have to worry too much about this matter. I've got a secret connection with the aliens from outside the region. They will not easily let go of the Temple of the Gods, but intend to support all our actions behind the scenes, and they will also The magic hall exerts pressure, so this is a huge opportunity for us, an unprecedented opportunity, and we will usher in our era! "

"Come, toast for our times!"

Bector Jeckas raised his red wine glass and laughed.

"Hum! Cheers!"

The other members of the Becto family were all excited and toasted!


However, at this moment a huge explosion sounded suddenly.

The two Becto family guards smashed the gate of the manor house like two artillery shells and smashed into the hall severely. They injured a large number of Becto people and a large number of wine cabinets. The wine glass finally hung at the end of the hall On the wall, two cold bodies have become.

"Mugou, what happened?"

"Oh **** ... what happened suddenly?"

"An enemy attack, is it an enemy attack?"

"Guard, guard ... what the **** happened? Report it quickly!"

This sudden change caused the people at the scene to be shocked, and the voice of panic and panic came from their mouths.

The face of Dodo Jeckas, who was sitting on the throne, also became extremely cold and hard to look at this moment.

A large number of heavily armed guards poured into the hall from all sides.

Under their icy gaze, the figures of the three Lingsongs appeared slowly at the gate of the villa and walked towards them slowly.

Headed by a woman, she has long hair, an angel-like face, a devil-like figure, and a slender figure wrapped in a black trench coat. She has two cool blades in her hand. Swords, two long black pistols inserted into her long and white thighs, and bright moonlight poured over her, making her whole person sacred, like the Queen of the Night.

She is the night goddess Anina!

Behind the night goddess, Anina, two burly figures emanating erectly and intensely, invisible flames spread from their [567 中文] bodies, making the temperature in this heaven and earth As it continues to rise, the snow and ice around it is melting at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The two of them were No. 1 and No. 2 in Ye Xuan's Eighteen Paper People. Ye Xuan gave them two names: Ye Yi, Ye Er!

"People in the Temple of God?"

"Damn, she's Anina the Goddess of Night!"

"Why did the night goddess Anina appear here?"

"Do you want to do something to us?"

Looking at the three night goddess Anina, the faces of the Bekkuo people in the hall could not help but become extremely cold and hard to look at this moment.

Bector Jeckas looked cold and stared at the night goddess Anina with a cold voice in his mouth: "Ainina, our Bector family has no conflict with your shrine, you come What are you doing here? "

"Get you off the road!"

In response, however, was the indifferent words of the night goddess Anina.

When her words fell, she turned into a black light and rushed forward, and Yeyi and Yeerji followed closely.

It was a ruthless slaughter for them!

After tonight, the Becto family will no longer exist!

The same scene keeps happening in the Shura world!

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