Medical Martial God

Chapter 1205: Indifferent Lion King [5,000 words]

The day passed quickly, and when Ye Xuan and Anina played outside for a day and returned to the Kempinski Hotel, it was already ten in the evening.

Ye Xuan and Anina played a day outside not only did not feel the slightest exhaustion, but they were full of energy and interest. After all, they hadn't opened their hearts together for a long time, and forgot about the trouble to play like this.

Basically, they have visited the interesting places and attractions in Beijing.

"It was so fun today, haha ​​..."

The night goddess, Anina, holding Ye Xuan's arm on her face, with a smile on her face, looks like a young girl in love. She is very youthful and charming.

"Sir, I haven't been so happy in a long time, thank you, sir!"

Going to the door of the room, the night goddess Anina stopped and stretched out her palms with Ye Xuan's expression in affection.

"Stupid girl, you are almost in charge of everything in the Temple of Demon. I owe you too much. It's good if you come out this time. Let's go. It's late, we should go in and rest!"

Ye Xuan stretched out her palm and patted the night goddess Anina, smiling.

Then he pulled out the room card and opened the door.

Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina are about to walk into the room and lie down on the sofa to take a good rest.

Because there are three uninvited guests in their living room.

A middle-aged man in a gray suit was sitting on the sofa with his back to Ye Xuan. Two men in black stood respectfully beside him like a bodyguard, making him extremely extraordinary and full of an intangible oppression.

They looked as if they were there waiting for them to return.

"You guys are back!"

As the cold voice sounded, the middle-aged man slowly turned around and appeared in Ye Xuan's sight with a vicissitudes and a cold face, and a pair of indifferent eyes showed a coldness and abandonment. Chilling.

If someone outside sees him, he will be able to recognize him, because he is the core family of the Tang family, Tang Ruyu ’s father Tang Yuanxiong, the first master, and Tang Jiawu Pavilion ’s indifferent lion king, Tang Lei!

As for the status of the two bodyguards beside Tang Lei, they are also extremely extraordinary. They are the instructors of the Tangjiawuguan Beijing branch, and their strength is particularly terrifying.

"Is there no one in the Tang family, so only three of you are sent?"

Looking at Tang Lei, who was sitting in the living room, a sneer appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and a calm voice came from his mouth.


Tang Lei didn't say anything. The two bodyguards beside him rushed out like cheetahs, smashing into Ye Xuan with a strong fist and Ling Ling's killing intention.

They were extremely fast and extremely violent, setting off a gust of wind in the living room, and only rushed to Ye Xuan's presence in an instant.

Seeing that their fists were about to fall on Ye Xuan's face, Ye Xuan's gaze was cold, his soles froze, and an invisible coercion quietly spread out of his body and swept away towards the two bodyguards.

"Click ... bang!"

The next moment, the sound of broken bones and the crisp crackling of the knees on the floor sounded quietly at this moment.

When the two bodyguards who had originally attacked Ye Xuan were swept by Ye Xuan's momentum, the overwhelming sound of the whole body's bones directly kneeled in front of Ye Xuan.

This sudden change changed the faces of the two bodyguards. They quickly pulled out the guns on their waists and pulled the trigger against Ye Xuan. Two sharp bullets flew towards Ye Xuan's eyes but were taken by Ye. Xuan's invisible momentum popped.

The two bodyguards became more gloomy and ugly, and they were about to launch another attack. Ye Xuan had instantly captured the guns in their hands and arrived on their foreheads.



The indifferent lion king Tang Lei's face finally changed. He was about to speak, and Ye Xuan directly pulled the class.

The gunfire sounded, and the heads of the two bodyguards were directly pierced by bullets, blood splattered and fell straight down.

"Is the Tang family only so good?"

Ye Xuan played with the two guns in his hand and looked indifferently at the indifferent lion king Tang Lei, his mouth calmly.

As if he had just done a trivial matter.

Looking at the two subordinates dead on the ground, listening to Ye Xuan's words, the indifferent lion Tang Lei's face gradually became cold and dignified.

He knows the strength of the two subordinates, but they are the elite of the Tangjiawuguan Beijing branch. Everyone has entered the martial arts realm and has a powerful fighting force. However, the young man in front of him is so easy to put down, which shows that the front This youth is extraordinary.

And even with his strength, he found that he could not see the depth of Ye Xuan's strength at all.

"Soon you will know our standards!"

Indifferent lion king Tang Lei patted his palm and spoke coldly.


As his words fell, a large number of heavily armed black killers were drilled out of the rooms around the living room. They held the newly developed Daybreak submachine gun and surrounded Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina.

"Hot weapon? Do you think it worked for me?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't care, and there was a slight flicker in his eyes, and he sneered and opened his mouth.

"This is not an ordinary thermal weapon, but a daybreak submachine gun newly developed by the Tang Jia Weapons Department. It can release the radon in the warrior monk's body in the form of bullets. Times, it can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of a martial saint, and even fight with the Yin Monk ... "

"This team can easily kill a strong man in front of you, do you think ... Do you still have a way to live?"

Indifferent lion king Tang Lei stared at Ye Xuan, saying word by word.

"Now you have two choices, either die or obediently walk with us!"

"Hehe, it's interesting. It's always been my chance for others to choose. Will you let me choose?"

Hearing the words of the indifferent Lion King Tang Lei, Ye Xuan smiled coldly and said lightly.

"court death!"

"Do it!"

The indifferent lion Tang Lei was completely angry and ordered without hesitation.

"Da da da……"

"Hmm ..."

All of a sudden, those black killers pulled the trigger, and the roaring sound of the dawning submachine gun rang continuously. A sharp bullet carrying Ling Zhi's killing intent was attacked by Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina. Their escape route was sealed.

Seeing that these dense bullets will engulf Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina in the next second, Ye Xuan's waist straightened, her shoulders shook, and an invisible force suddenly spread.


"Mum ..."

"Thump thump ..."

In the next second, weird things happened quietly. All the bullets that had been blasted towards Ye Xuan were blown away by invisible forces. They turned their directions and rushed towards the black killers at a faster speed. Their engulfing turned into a horse honeycomb.

The painful screams and muffled sounds followed, and with the incomparable shock and ugly gaze of the indifferent lion king Tang Lei, many of his subordinates penetrated the body with many rebounded bullets and fell suddenly.

Bright red blood flowed from their bodies, staining the ground red.

"Nirvana strong?"

The indifferent lion king Tang Lei stared at Ye Xuan with shocked eyes, and the words of panic and trembling came from his mouth.

So many subordinates have been killed, and the attacks that can kill the Yang Reality strong are not effective against this guy in front of you. Then it can only show that this guy is very strong, especially terrifying, far more than just Yang Reality. , But the power of Nirvana level.

Even if they are placed anywhere, they can be called a powerful party. Even in their Tang family, they are first-class peerless masters, and they are extremely rare.

This young guy in front of him is actually a strong man in Nirvana. How can this not let the indifferent lion Tang Lei rush to shock?

You must know that he practiced for a long time, and spent a lot of resources and accumulation before breaking through the Yang Reality and becoming a strong person in the Yang Reality.

Ye Xuan ignored the words of the indifferent Lion King Tang Lei, but looked at him calmly, saying word by word: "Now I give you two choices, either die or kneel down and admit wrong!"

"Now tell me your choice?"

Ye Xuan's words just ended, Tang Lei, the indifferent lion king, only felt that Ye Xuan's body suddenly disappeared in the place.

When Ye Xuan's figure reappeared, Tang Lei, who had appeared indifferently before the lion king, scared his face, and stood up subconsciously on the sofa and took two steps back.

Looking at the young man who looked like a **** in front of him, and felt the invisible coercion that spread out from him, the indifferent lion Tang Lei's face was pale and cold, his forehead was sweating, and there was no more prestige just now.

All of them underestimated the strength of the young man before him.


In the end, under the threat of Ye Xuanna ’s indifferent eyes and the pressure of Ye Xuan ’s invisible gas field, the indifferent lion king Tang Lei could no longer withstand this huge oppression, his spirit completely collapsed, and his knees fell softly against Ye Xuan Came down.

Ye Xuan looked coldly at the kneeling indifferent lion Tang Lei and did not speak.

"Tang Lei also ... was just ordered to ... crashed into the son, and ... also asked the son to forgive him!"

The indifferent lion king Tang Lei rolled his throat and a low voice came from his mouth.

The words fell, this guy straightened his head to Ye Xuanyuan.

"Call your Tang family and let them all come over and admit it!"

Ye Xuan's face didn't have the slightest fluctuation, she spoke word by word.

"Yes ... yes ... I ... I'll hit it."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Tang Lei, the indifferent lion king, nodded gently, and quickly reached out his shaking hand to make a phone call.

Tang family courtyard, in the back garden.

Tang Shanfeng and His Excellency Shuiyue both sat under the big locust tree while drinking and playing chess. They seemed extraordinarily laid-back and comfortable, while Tang Yuanxiong sat secretly anxious.

After all, he just died his son. Where else is there to drink and play chess here?

"Damn, Tang Lei. They have been here for so long. Why haven't they returned?"

Tang Yuanxiong could no longer sit still, got up from his chair, and walked back and forth like an ant on a hot pot.

"Rest assured that there will be no big problem with Tang Lei and his assassination team."

Tang Shanfeng raised his head and glanced at Tang Yuanxiong, and spoke lightly.


"Buzz ..."

Tang Yuanxiong was about to say something, and his phone did shake at this moment.

When he looked at the phone call from Tang Lei, he immediately pressed the answer key: "Tang Lei, did you get it over there?"

"It's messed up. I was captured. The kid ordered me to call the owner and tell them to come over and apologize. We are in room 889 ..."

Tang Lei's weak voice came from the phone.

Don't wait for Tang Yuanxiong to speak again, but for convenience is to hang up the phone.


Tang Yuanxiong looked at the phone that was hung up, and his face was ugly.

"what happened?"

Tang Shanfeng stopped, raised his head and set his eyes on Tang Yuanxiong, asking coldly.

"Tang Lei planted, that **** guy asked Tang Lei to call us and let us roll over and apologize! The **** guy was clearly provoking the majesty of our Tang family ..."

Tang Yuanxiong's fist clinched, and his mouth was filled with cold and gloomy words.

"We've despised him a bit, let's roll over and apologize? The guy is so kind. He called a master in the clan to follow me personally to the Kempinski Hotel and Leisure Center. How horizontal is it ... "

"In addition, using the intelligence team to find out the details of the two guys as quickly as possible, I want to see who is behind them who dare to challenge us?"

Tangshan Feng threw the chess piece up and said coldly.

"Tang Family Master, I will go with you!"

His Excellency Shuiyue also put down the chess piece and stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's go!"

Tangshan Feng nodded and walked towards the outside.

Soon, the mighty Tang Jia masters completed the assembly, and more than ten Rolls-Royce rushed towards the Kempinski Holiday Inn at a fast speed ...

"How long will it take for them to get here from the Tang family?"

Ye Xuan walked to the side of the wine cabinet and opened a bottle of red wine for himself and Anina. He took a sip and asked lightly.

"It takes them about half an hour to get here from the Tang Family Courtyard."

Indifferent Lion King Tang Lei thought for a while, and answered with a deep voice.

"It's enough to wait ..."

The night goddess Anina yawned and said helplessly.

She also wanted to wash and rest early, but it seemed that she had to work overtime tonight.

"Indeed ... Let's go, let's go to the lobby to have something to eat?"

Ye Xuan was also a little speechless, and immediately set her eyes on Anina's proposal.

"Okay, let's go!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Anina blinked in front of her eyes and nodded with a smile.

Then the two of them walked towards the outside of the room.

"Hey ... shouldn't you both be afraid to run away?"

Looking at Ye Xuan's back, the lion king Tang Lei gritted his teeth and said.

"If you're afraid we'll run away, you can be together!"

Ye Xuan said without looking back.

Indifferent lion king Tang Lei hesitated, stood up and followed.

No matter what, he couldn't let the kid who just finished pretending to run away like this.

However, what makes the indifferent lion king Tang Lei a little bit confused is that Ye Xuan and Anina have no intention to run at all. They really came to the restaurant and ordered a cup of coffee and dessert.

"Hey, what do you want?"

Ye Xuan glanced at the suspicious Tang Lei and spoke lightly.

"Give me a cup of latte!"

Tang Lei didn't know what medicine Xuan sold in their gourds, hesitated and sat down beside them, ordering a cup of latte.

While drinking coffee and tasting dessert, Ye Xuan was chatting with Anina, who seemed extraordinarily leisurely. The two of them didn't take the Tang family seriously, and this calm performance made Tang Lei startled ...

From his eyesight, it is natural to see that the calmness of Ye Xuan and Anina was not pretend at all, but he really did not understand who in the Xia Dynasty would dare offend their Tang family?

At this moment, Tang Lei kept guessing about the identity of Ye Xuan and Anina.

"Uncle Lei, is it really you?"

As Tang Lei thought about Ye Xuan and Anina, the voice of a mild surprise sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, Tang Lei was startled, raised his head and appeared in his sight is a pretty figure.

This figure is suddenly the president of Lin Feng Pharmaceutical, Lin Zhi, the son of the Lin family!

"Smart, long time no see!"

Looking at Lin Zhizhi in front of him, Tang Lei nodded with a smile.

"Uncle Lei, I didn't expect you to have such a leisurely day, even come here for coffee and chat ..."

Lin Zhizhi walked beside Tang Lei and sat down, smiling.

Obviously, his relationship with Tang Lei is familiar.

Later, he set his eyes on Ye Xuan and Anina, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Lei, these two are your friends?"

Hearing Lin Zhizhi's questioning, Tang Lei couldn't help flashing a helpless look on his face, hesitated, and nodded gently: "Reluctantly!"

"Hehe ... what do you call them? My name is Lin Zhizhi!"

With Tang Lei's answer, Lin Zhizhi's smile was even more prosperous. He stood up and reached out to Anina and Ye Xuan, and smiled.

However, Ye Xuan and Anina didn't bother him at all, and didn't even look straight at him, making Delin's smart hands stiff in the air, which seemed extremely awkward.

At this moment, Lin Zhizhi just felt that he had no face.

He is the famous son of Jingcheng, where has he been treated like this?

"Two people, it's too shameless, right?"

Right now, Lin Zhizhi's look was cold, and he couldn't help saying.

Tang Lei wanted to say something, but he thought for a while and said nothing.

He wanted to see Lin Zhizhi fight with Ye Xuan and Anina.

After all, Lin Zhizhi is not jealous, but the young master of the Lin family, especially recently he has taken care of Lin Feng's pharmaceutical industry very well, which has won the attention of the Lin family's senior management.

"There's nothing wrong with you here, go away!"

The night goddess Anina raised her head and glanced at Lin Zhizhi lightly, saying nonchalantly.


Lin Zhizhi was so angry that he resisted the anger in his heart and said coldly, "Looking at Uncle Lei's face today, I don't care about you, hum!"

"You don't have to give me face. I'm not familiar with them. You can deal with them whatever you want."

Hearing Lin Zhizhi's words, Tang Lei took a deep look at Ye Xuan, hesitated and gritted his teeth.

Obviously, he wants to add some trouble to Ye Xuan. After all, Lin Zhizhi is not so troublesome. If he can take this opportunity to pull the Lin family behind Lin Zhizhi on board, it is undoubtedly better to deal with Ye Xuan.

In this regard, Ye Xuan didn't care, after all, Lin Feng's pharmaceutical industry that Lin Zi could also be one of the troubles he had to solve.

He didn't mind counting the Lin family together. After all, he didn't spend a long time returning to Huaxia this time, just to solve some troubles and eliminate some hidden dangers for the sacred medicine industry.

"Thank you Uncle Lei!"

Hearing Tang Lei's words, Lin Zhizhi firstly froze, then opened his face gratefully.

In his opinion, Tang Lei made a choice between him and Ye Xuan and Anina, chose him, stood on his stand, and gave him Lin Lin's intelligent face.

Right now, Lin Zhizhi turned his head and set his eyes on Ye Xuan and Anina, his eyes flashed with cold light, and there was an unquestionable voice in his mouth.

"I need an apology!"

"I want you to apologize to me for your arrogance now, immediately, immediately!"

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