Medical Martial God

Chapter 1207: Anonymous ants [Third]

"Lin Zhimin is an important figure in the Lin family. Lin Feng Pharmaceutical in his hand has just reached a cooperation with the military, which means that not only the huge Lin family behind him, but also the possibility of offending him because of this. Military, aren't you afraid? "

Seeing that Lin Zhizhi, who was lying on the floor with his hands and feet lying on the floor, looked like a wasteful man, the indifferent lion king Tang Lei raised his head and set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body.

"Before that, you had offended our Tang family. You are not afraid that you will have no place to bury yourself when you make enemies everywhere. This is the capital city, but not everyone can run rampant."

I have to say that the words of the indifferent lion king Tang Lei completely expressed his voice and the doubts in his heart.

He didn't understand why the two unknown people who suddenly came up did not dare to be so arrogant in Beijing.

"Enemies everywhere?"

Hearing the words of the indifferent lion king Tang Lei, Ye Xuan gave him a cold glance and said lightly: "Do you think the Lin family and Tang family in your mouth are qualified to be my enemies?"


Neither the Lin family nor the Tang family qualify as your enemy?

Ye Xuan's words fell into the ears of the indifferent lion Tang Lei, which made his pupils shrink, and a thick shock and confusion appeared on his face, and the bottom of his heart caused a stormy sea.

This guy, he ... what exactly is he?

He even said that the Tang family and the Lin family were not qualified to become his enemies?

He ... who does he think he is?

The Tang and Lin families are one of the largest families in the capital, and they have an unparalleled status throughout the capital.

However, it is not even qualified to be the enemy of this guy in front of you?

This is so indifferent that Lion King Tang Lei can hardly imagine who Ye Xuan is and what identity he has.

"Who the **** are you? Could it be that you are not Earth people, you are a foreign alien?"

The next moment, it seemed to me that something indifferent lion Tang Lei looked at Ye Xuan, and said coldly and gloomily.

"You will know soon."

Ye Xuan yawned, and stretched a laziness lazily, saying unhurriedly, "Counting the time, those guys should be almost there, right? In the end, is it your Tang family or the Lin family? Which one comes first? "

"No ... I don't know."

Feeling the cold light flashing in Ye Xuan's eyes, the indifferent lion king Tang Lei subconsciously dodged and whispered.

"Squeak ... quack!"

Ye Xuan's words had just come to an end, but the sharp, harsh brake sounded quietly outside the hotel at this moment.

With this sound, three Lincoln pilots stopped at the hotel's door, attracting a lot of people's attention.

Under the gaze of their eyes, the door opened, and a middle-aged man in an ion windbreaker and a black high hat was carrying a large number of imposing people. The brave and strong man was walking towards the hotel lobby at a fast speed. Come on.

Their momentum is too vigorous, the gas field is too full, and the people around them are involuntarily retreating to the sides and giving way.

"Father ... Father, save ... Save me ... Father ..."

Watching the middle-aged man coming with a large number of masters wearing ion windbreakers, Lin Zhizhi lying in a pool of blood resisted the severe pain from his body, and his mouth trembled with weak voices.

Obviously, this is not the Tang family, but the Lin family. The middle-aged man wearing the ion windbreaker is Lin Zhizhi ’s father. The three heads of the Lin family, Lin Ruimin, have a supreme position throughout the capital. Mastering the commercial power of the Lin family, the lameness can make Beijing tremble for a while!

As for the men who follow Lin Ruimin are all killing guards directly under the Lin family, each person's strength is particularly terrifying and powerful, performing various assassination missions for the Lin family, and has a superb reputation on the rivers and lakes.

This time Lin Ruimin was also well prepared, bringing a full killing guard, a total of eleven, with their fighting power and weapons, even monks from the Yangshi Realm and even the monks of Nirvana could bring them To stay.

I have to say that this Lin Ruimin really loves his son.

"It looks like the people from the Lin family came first ... but it would be too dismissive to bring such a little person."

Looking at Lin Ruimin, who was bringing people, a smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and he said to himself.

Obviously he did not take Lin Ruimin into their eyes.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, a sneer appeared on the face of the indifferent lion Tang Lei, shook his head and said nothing.

Others don't know the power of killing the guards, but they are clear.

However, he didn't want to explain to Ye Xuan, but chose to watch the opera with peace of mind. In case he said something wrong and made this guy unhappy, then he really was afraid that Ye Xuan would kill him or Become Lin Zhizhi look.

"Father ... keke ... father, you must avenge me ..."

"Smart ... my son, how could you be like this? Which **** **** did it!"

Hearing Lin Zhizhi's weak words, looking at his miserable look, Lin Ruimin's face was ugly, his body was suffocating, his fists were rattling, his powerful breath spread out, and his mouth was filled with rage Out.

"Boom ..."

As his words fell, the breath of terror spread from his body, like a gray stream of water spreading around his body and spreading in all directions, setting off a wild breeze in the hall, throwing many wine glasses The windows are all blasting.

Looking at the angry Lin Ruimin, the people around him were frightened, swallowed hard, and stepped back subconsciously, for fear that Lin Ruimin would use them to vent their anger.

"I ask who did you do?"

Seeing that no one answered, Lin Ruimin's face was even more ugly, and he looked around and spoke again.

People drew from his eyes when they touched him, and bowed their heads without saying a word.

Ye Xuan and the night goddess, Anina, are still sitting there and sipping coffee leisurely as if they were all right, as if everything has nothing to do with them.

"Son, tell me, who did it? Which **** **** made you like this?"

Lin Ruimin strongly suppressed the anger in his heart, set his eyes on Lin Zhizhi, and asked with a deep voice.

"Yes ... yes ... is the **** sitting there and ... and that stinky ... stinky **** ..."

Lin Zhizhi raised his head in pain. He wanted to reach out and point out Ye Xuan, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only stare at them with vicious eyes and opened his face weakly.

Lin Ruimin's face was cold, and his eyes fell on Ye Xuan and the night goddess Aina, who were sitting at a table with the indifferent lion Tang Lei, with the cold light shining in his eyes, and the cold voice in his mouth came out: "Tang Ray ... Are you with these two people? You just sit there and watch my son be interrupted by them? "

"Ruimin, this matter has nothing to do with me. I am an enemy with them. They have to do something with Lin Zhizhi and I can't help it. My people have died in their hands. Now, I think they are at most hostages. That's it. "

The indifferent lion king Tang Lei's face appeared with helplessness and bitterness, and his mouth had a complex voice.

Lin Ruimin's eyes flickered, and he nodded gently, then stared coldly at Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina, with a cold voice in his mouth: "Dare to move my son on my site, I have to say you They are very kind ... "

"What are you holding on to? Take these two guys off me, and I will strip them of life and death!"

In the end, Lin Ruimin's words were filled with a strong killing.

"Hmm ..."

As his words fell, the eleven killing guards he brought rushed out, throwing a lot of sharp blades in his hands and attacking Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina, and their bodies were transformed into Eleven black ghosts besieged towards Ye Xuan, as if the legendary desperate assassin brought a fatal danger.

I have to say that the eleven killing guards are not only personally very powerful, they are strange and unpredictable, they also understand the perfect siege cooperation.

It was just this moment's shot that weaved into a tianluodi net that trapped Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina.

At this moment, they seemed to have fallen into the cobwebs of poisonous spiders, and waiting for them would be the cannibalization of poisonous spiders. A strong sense of crisis spread quietly and permeated their hearts.

"Master, don't move, they will give it to me!"

Ye Xuan's eyes were cold and she was about to start, but the night goddess Anina was the first to speak.

When the night goddess Anina's words fell, her body disappeared strangely, and when she reappeared, she had taken the initiative to meet the many sharp blades and the eleven killing guards who came from the besiege. .

Under the gaze of the people's eyes, the sneer of the night goddess Anina sneered easily and avoided the sharp blade that came from the shot, and rushed to the eleven killing guards.

The moonlight flows, the bright cold light passes by!

"Dora ..."

The dagger slashed through his shirt, and the sound of a cut throat continued to sound.

The eleven killing guards who had originally begun to siege against Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina were quietly frozen, as if they had been immobilized.

The moonlight gradually dissipated, and the night goddess, Anina, had returned to her seat, raised Erlang's legs, and took the coffee on the table for a leisurely tasting.

Watching the night goddess, Anina, who was returning to her seat for a leisurely coffee tasting, looking at the eleven killing guards with a strange and solid shape, people's faces were full of misunderstandings and puzzlements.

They have no idea what happened just now, why the guys stopped suddenly.

"What are you doing? Kill me!"

Lin Ruimin yelled at this moment.


"Hmm ..."

However, his words had only just come to an end, with a scream of screaming and blood spitting in his mouth, and the sound of a broken shirt sounded quietly.

Under their horrifying gaze, the eleven deadly killing guards were trembling suddenly, their mouths sprayed with a large amount of dark blood, and a large number of wounds emerged to their death.

Eleven killing guards fell, leaving no one living.



"This ... what the **** is going on?"

"What just happened?"

"Did they die because that woman did it?"

"What did that woman do to them just now, why do we only see a shadow passing by?"

"She ... is she so strong?"

"Is that woman a devil?"

Looking at the eleven killing guards who died in the end, looking at Ye Xuan who was leisurely tasting coffee, people couldn't help taking a sip of air, and looking at her looked like a ghost, mouth There was a terrifying voice inside.

Even the indifferent lion king Tang Lei stayed for a while, looking at the night goddess Anina full of fear and horror.

She thought that Anina, the goddess of the night, was just a vase beside Ye Xuan, and she never expected that she would be so strong.

You should know that the eleven killing guards can instantly kill a monk who is a great success, and hang a strong nirvana.

Zhang Wencong, who was sitting not far from watching this scene, couldn't help but take a breath. He had fancy the beauty of the night goddess Anina, and intended to find a chance to give her some medicine and then get into bed. After seeing the horror of the night goddess Anina, he directly persuaded him and completely dispelled this idea.

Lin Ruimin was also completely stunned, shocked by the strength of the night goddess Anina. No one knew better than him the fighting power of the eleven killing guards, and they followed him to set him up. Countless military achievements, completed a variety of tasks.

In Lin Ruimin's mind, they are omnipotent subordinates.

However, they turned out to be killed in a flash!

And what made Lin Ruimin care is that the woman just called the boy an adult.

What the **** is that kid?

Lin Ruimin held back the shock in his heart, and his thoughts flashed.

"how come?"

"Why is that **** so strong? The eleven killing guards were instantly killed?"

Lin Zhimin originally thought that Ye Xuan and the night goddess Anina would be cleaned up severely by the killing guard brought by his father, but he did not expect that this would happen.

"Lin Zhimin, this is the person you called? Maybe it's not enough to play. Continue calling and calling, and call me all the people in your Lin family who can call!"

Ye Xuan took a sip of coffee leisurely, and set his eyes on Lin Zhizhi's body, saying saltily.

"Boy, it's crazy! Do you know who I am?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's arrogant words, Lin Ruimin's face was ugly, his fists clattered, and a furious voice came out of his mouth.

"It's just a nameless ant, call someone!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Lin Ruimin lightly, and spoke indifferently.

"Anonymous ants?"

Ye Xuan's answer made the people around him look aghast.

This house is too crazy, even called Lin Ruimin as an unknown ant?

This is the boss of the capital city, the three heads of the Lin family, possessing supreme status and power, but in the eyes of that guy, it is just an unknown ants?

Anonymous ants?

This arrogant kid actually calls himself an unknown ant?

Lin Ruimin has been around the world for decades and has never been looked down upon.

"Haha ... Anonymous ants? You call me an unknown ants ... Let me be this today ..."

Lin Ruimin laughed angrily, his whole body was full of anger, and the full realm of the Yang Reality was fully revealed. The red Yang Sheng Flame burst out from his body, which caused his momentum to rise. He stared staring at him. Ye Xuan said word by word.

"I want you to call someone!"

However, Lin Ruimin's words were interrupted by a cold voice before he could finish speaking.

Ye Xuan's body didn't know when it disappeared strangely and came to Lin Ruimin's place. The voice scared Lin Ruimin stopped abruptly, and the whole person stepped back subconsciously.

He was about to do something with Ye Xuan, but after he saw Ye Xuan's gaze, he did stop subconsciously.

The eyes of this young man are too terrible, and the aura of his body is too terrible. He has the illusion that as long as he dares to act violently, I am afraid that the young man will be killed next second.

Under the gaze of the people around him, Lin Ruimin held out his trembling palm and picked up the phone.

Ye Xuan took his eyes off and turned towards his coffee table. He returned to his position and tasted the coffee ...

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was leisurely tasting coffee, watching Lin Ruimin, who was trembling with cold sweat on his forehead, trembling and making a phone call, the scene was silent, and his face was filled with indescribable shock and horror ...

They did not expect that Lin Ruimin, a well-known big man in Beijing, had surrendered under the aura of that young man.

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