Medical Martial God

Chapter 1220: Dragon Nest!

In extraterrestrial space, a huge and incomparable space station hangs silently, stands tall, and looks out to cover a tens of thousands of kilometers.

This huge space station is the outer space base where Xia Guo gathered all earth resources and earth warriors countless days and nights. It has a domineering name-Dragon Nest.

Every earth warrior who enters and exits the dragon nest is a war dragon bred from the dragon nest. They are equipped with the indomitable spirit of the Chinese dragon, and they fight hard to protect the earth.

On the dragon's nest, countless spaceships, countless mechas, dense star weapons and battleships are neatly moored.

A large number of earth warriors come and go in the Dragon Nest, busy with their own affairs, preparing for the next battle to come.

Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, and Queen Medusa were suspended above the dragon's nest. Looking at the huge dragon nest in front of them, all eyes flashed with surprise. Queen Medusa was amazed and said: Even the backward little earth can build such a huge and spectacular space base. It seems ... the human beings on your earth still have some strength and ability. "

"The design and construction of this space base is indeed mysterious, and it can be described as both offensive and defensive.

Xue Tianchen's face showed a thick curiosity. He looked around and smiled.

Ye Xuan nodded, looking at the huge dragon nest, and did not speak, but there was blood flowing in his heart.

Looking up at the azure front in the distance, thinking of the picture he saw when he broke through the shadows, Ye Xuan clenched his fists, and the murmured words came from his mouth: "Finally here Now. "

"Who dares to break into Dragon Nest?"

Ye Xuan's words just ended, but Li Li's loud drinking sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this voice, a middle-aged man in a military uniform flew over with a patrol and surrounded the three of them with Ye Xuan.

This middle-aged man looked like he was in his forties, with a striking scar on his vicissitudes' face, which spread from his forehead to his left eye, matching his burly figure and the blade in his hand, Makes him look fierce and fierce.

His name is Zhong Kui, and he is an E-level non-commissioned officer and the captain of the patrol.

"Drop your arms and raise your hands!"

Zhong Kui stared at Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen, yelling.

"Huh, good ..."

Xue Tianhen's nose hummed, but he was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by Ye Xuan: "This sir, we are the monks of the earth, and came here to join the army."

While speaking, Ye Xuan raised his hands high.

Seeing this, Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa both raised their hands.

"A monk from the earth came to join the army, can there be a letter of introduction?"

Zhong Kui's sharp eyes looked at Ye Xuan. After seeing Ye Xuan they did not have any hostility, Shen asked.

"This ... I am familiar with General Su Haoran, General Lei Bao, they are here to think ..."

Hearing Zhong Kui's words, Ye Xuan couldn't help but hesitated. Obviously, he didn't expect to have a letter of introduction when he joined the army. He groaned for a moment, and he said quickly.

After finishing the affairs of the Crazy Dragon Club, he said goodbye to Su Xiaomeng and hurried here. He didn't have time to contact Lei Bao and General Su Haoran.

"Huh, who doesn't know General Su and General Lei Bao? Do you think you will believe if you just report their names?"

However, Ye Xuan's words were interrupted by Zhong Kui's voice before she finished speaking.

"This ... sir, I really know General Lei Bao, General Su Haoran, Lord Ye Sifeng, and Zi Yao. They come here to find them, and then join the army to protect the earth and contribute their own strength. Please take us. Go see them ... "

Ye Xuan looked helpless and quickly explained.

"General Su, Lord Ye, they are busy, but they have no time to deal with you ... As for General Lei, he took a vacation back to the earth a few days ago ... boy, if you are really familiar with General Su and Lord Ye, they are familiar, why don't you Contact them yourself? "

Zhong Kui looked at Ye Xuan. Their eyes were full of sharpness, which seemed to want to see Ye Xuan through.

"This ... this I have no way of contacting them ... yes, I have the card Emperor Ou Yueyun gave me ..."

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, as if thinking of something, he took out the space that the card emperor Ou Yueyun had given him to move the card.

"Boy, do you think you can fool me with just a card?"

Zhong Kui looked cold, then paused and said, "I suspect that you are a spy or assassin sent by the Five Schools, and take me down!"

"Wait ... misunderstanding, sir, we are not really the five major spies or assassins, we are here to help ..."

With Zhong Kui's words falling, the soldiers of the patrol were about to start, Ye Xuan said quickly: "My name is Ye Xuan. I also participated in the Battle of Gods not long ago, but I killed a lot in the Zero Reality Five major enemies ... "

"Ye Xuan? I haven't heard of it. Boy, if you really come here to join the army and want to protect the earth, then please follow us."

Zhong Kui made a move in the palm of his hand, and several patrol fighters quickly walked to Ye Xuan and took out special handcuffs and tortured them to Ye Xuan.

"Sir, don't you need to?"

Queen Medusa's eyes flashed with displeasure, and she was about to get angry, but Ye Xuan smiled.

"This is the basic process. We will take you to the boot camp to conduct a series of blood tests. After confirming your identity, you will be enlisted. Of course, if you have any questions about this, you can also resist. We will follow the spy. Capture them and kill them ... "

Zhong Kui said coldly.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Senior Red Emperor!"

Ye Xuan thought for a moment and said Shen Sheng.

"You know Senior Red Emperor, and she has a phone number? Then you can make a try. If Senior Red Emperor knows you, I can take you to her."

Zhong Kui said with a smile, but he looked at Ye Xuan with suspicion.

Ye Xuan took out his cell phone and called Red King, but no one answered, making him very depressed.

"What? No way? Boy, don't pretend, just follow us,"

What Ye Xuan wanted to say, Zhong Kui continued to say, "No matter what your previous status is, from the moment you come to this dragon nest, all your identities are invalid, everything will follow the order and process of the dragon nest. To perform ... "

"Okay, let's go with you."

Ye Xuan shrugged helplessly, begging Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen to be calm and impatient.

"It's almost the same. You two will continue to patrol. The two of you will take these three guys with me to the boot camp for testing and then report."

When they saw Ye Xuan, they admired it, Zhong Kui nodded slightly, Shen said.

Later, Zhong Kui and they took Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen to the training base in the distance.

"Yo, old bell, what are you not doing to patrol the recruit camp?"

"Old bell, where did you get these three guys?"

"Old bell, these three good-looking babies, what is it?"

Zhong Kui took Ye Xuan after a lot of checkpoints and they came to a magnificent hall. Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa and their group attracted a lot of people's attention along the way.

Zhong Kui responded with a smile, carrying Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen to the office through the hall.

In the office sat a rough-looking, tall black man and a very young, middle-aged woman full of mature taste.

They were the instructor Borg Huck and the director Zhang Lu of the boot camp.

"Yo, Captain Zhong, what is blowing you?"

Looking at Zhong Kui who walked in, Zhang Lu's face was full of smiles, and she smiled and opened her mouth.

Borg Hulk also smiled kindly at Zhong Kui.

They have a close relationship with Zhong Kui. You should know that Zhong Kui sent them many new people.

"Well ... I'll give it to you."

Zhong Kui beckoned gently, Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen. The three of them walked in under the leadership of two patrol guards.

"What's the way?"

Looking at Ye Xuan who walked in, Queen Medusa, Xue Tianhen, Blog Huck and Zhang Lu all looked surprised and asked curiously.

They read countless people and could see Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa's extraordinary temperament.

"I was patrolling outside with people watching these three guys sneaking peeping over the base, and I questioned in the past ... Guess what? They said they knew General Su and Ye Jun, they wanted to Let me take them to meet them ... You know that every day when you come here to find General Su, there are more people in Ye Jun ... They said they would join the army, so I will bring you here. "

Zhong Kui vividly described their experience when they met Ye Xuan.

"Haha ..."

Hearing Zhong Kui's narration, Zhang Lu and Borg Hulk both couldn't help laughing.

As Zhong Kuihe said, every day I have to find General Su, Ye Jun has more people. Although the three guys in front of them are extraordinary, in their opinion, these three guys and Ye Jun, they can not touch Above ...

"Okay, I see. Boke, there are three new people here, you come and take them to a blood test, determine their identity, and then go through the relevant procedures ..."

Zhang Lu picked up the satellite intercom on the table and said skillfully.

Soon a middle-aged man came in and led Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen to leave for a series of tests.

Zhong Kui was sitting in the office chatting with Borg Hulk and Zhang Lu.

Half an hour later, Polk, who had left Ye Xuan, walked back to the office to take over.

"How's it all done? Are those three guys okay?"

Zhong Kui asked quickly as he watched the coming Poke.

Zhang Lu and Borg Hulk also set their sights on him.

"After being certified by Dragon Nest, there is no problem with their identity. I was assigned to the ten recruits. They live in rooms 601, 602, 603.

Polk nodded and answered in a deep voice.

"So coincident, my group?"

Borg Hulk stood up and said with a smile.

"Then I have to go and see."

While talking, Borg Hulk stood up and walked out of the office.

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