Medical Martial God

Chapter 1224: Battleship torn with bare hands [5,000 words]

Sharp tooth shark mothership, in the cabin.

A woman in a green gown, with her slender jade feet on the bridge, looked at Ye Xuan, who flew from the Hatchhawk, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen, their exquisite faces appeared. With a sneer, there was a sadistic voice in his mouth: "There are still three people who are not afraid of death dare to come forward voluntarily. Is this what you want to do to let the Hatchling escape? It is really funny."

"Sharks 7 and 8 broke me up. Sharks 5 and 4 came to me to chase the Hatchling and shatter them all to me!"

"Sister Luyao, you are really violent. You must smash them at every turn. Others are still recruits, but you will scare others to pee."

Hearing the words of the woman in the green shirt, a smile appeared on the face of the young man sitting beside him, and a faint voice came from his mouth.

The young woman and young man are named Lu Yao and Lu Yang, and they are extremely powerful. They are small and famous among the five sects.

These two guys are weird and weird. The toothed shark patrol fleet in their charge has made a huge fame because they often snip the young eagle battleships in the new barracks. , Can be described as the nemesis of recruits.

So far, ten chicks have been destroyed, and thousands of recruits have died in their hands.

In their opinion, Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen who had been killed and killed them were beyond their control.

At the moment Luyao's words fell, Ugly Sharks No. 7 and No. 8 rushed out like lightning.

Dazzling brilliance lit up in their hull. Numerous energy cannons, quantum cannons, and destructive orbital guns were launched at this moment, facing Ye Xuan and Queen Medusa.

These artillery shells and energy beams were too fast. It was only an instant that they shortened their distance from Ye Xuan and appeared in front of them.

A strong crisis permeated Ye Xuan's heart, which brought him a hint of threat.

"I don't know what it feels like to be hit by this thing? Can I stand it with my strength?"

Looking at the dense shells and beams of attack, Ye Xuan said with a smile.

"I'll try it."

Xue Tianhen smiled and started.

The moment his words fell, the whole person rushed out lightningly, surpassing Ye Xuan, rushing towards the dense shells, and colliding with the beams of those shells with his body.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The dull explosion sounded continuously, a lot of smoke was filled in the air, and Xue Tianhen's figure gradually appeared.

"Master, this thing is like tickling, it doesn't hurt at all."

Xue Tianhen turned his head and smiled.

"Damn, how is this possible? The guy carried his E-Class energy cannon, F-Class railgun, E-Class destruction gun with his flesh?"

Lu Yao, who was about to see a good show in the cab, couldn't help but be shocked when she saw this scene, her eyes widened, and the words in her mouth were utterly miserable.

"Recruit instructor?"

Lu Yang's face also became dignified and ugly.

"Hum, see how long he can resist, keep attacking!"

Lu Yao hummed coldly in her nose.


Her words had just come to an end, but a huge explosion came from not far away from her, making her face change.

When she turned her head and looked aside, what appeared in her sight was a shocking scene.

The Ugly Shark 4 and Ugly Shark 5 that were originally chasing towards the Hatchhawk were directly smashed by Queen Medusa and smashed out, hitting the Ugly Shark 6 and knocked them out. Completely destroy the detonation.

"Oh, **** it ..."

Lu Yang's complexion changed instantly at this moment.


They hadn't had time to return to God, but the loud explosion sounded aside.

However, the sharp tooth shark 7 and the sharp tooth shark 8 that had just launched the attack were both torn by Xue Tianhen.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Tear the E-class warship with bare hands? Who the **** are they? When did the barracks come out like this?"

Lu Yao and Lu Yang's eyes were glaring round, and there were voices of astonishment in their mouths.

"Full firepower, attack me crazy!"

The next moment, the angry roar was heard from Lu Yao's mouth.

With her words falling, the hulls of the remaining three sub-ships were all shining bright at this moment, and a lot of artillery fire flew out.

"These two guys are really fierce, now it's my turn to try them."

Looking at Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa's fierce appearance, Ye Xuan couldn't help but laugh and opened his mouth.

As his words fell, he rushed out with lightning, the dragon blade light in his hand shouted and shouted.

The dazzling blade blooms, cutting and tearing the incoming gunfire beam as much as possible, and then hitting the remaining three sharp-toothed sharks with a dull sound. Unfortunately, they did not tear them. Just leaving a deep mark on their ships.

"Is it hard? Come again!"

When he saw this, a smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, watching the shark of the sharp tooth shark No. 3's hull flashing, and he was ready to launch another attack. Ye Xuan's feet surged and his body disappeared strangely.

When his figure surfaced again, he was already next to the battleship. The dragon blade in his hand suddenly sheathed, and Haotian Badao started quietly.

The blade of light passed by, and the huge battleship split into two and burst into pieces.

The people on board the warship died before the time to escape. "Exciting, exciting!"

Looking at the warship that was torn and damaged, Ye Xuan only felt very comfortable in his heart and said with a laugh.

He was about to attack the remaining two sub-ships, but Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa were one step ahead of them.

Xue Tianhen slammed his palm, and under Ye Xuan's horrified gaze, the subship was torn and exploded by his bare hands.

Queen Medusa's sleeve robe slammed, as if the energy of a serpent, roared and yanked on the subship, blasting it.

In just a few moments, the eight sharp tooth sharks were completely destroyed by the three of them.

Today, there is only that huge toothed shark mothership.

"Your movements are too fast, right? I haven't had any fun yet."

Looking at the hanging Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa, Ye Xuan opened her mouth with a bitter smile.

I still want to blame leveling. As a result, you will receive all blame as a level A. Can you still play like this?

Anyway, it makes me feel a little bit okay?

"Will you leave that big guy?"

Queen Medusa gazed at the huge sharp-toothed shark mother ship in front of her and teased.

"Well ... this proposal is good, but it's fast, you two don't let it run away."

At the words of Queen Medusa, Ye Xuan laughed happily.

Finally, I had the opportunity to fight against monsters and practice leveling.

He obtained the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor and merged and refined the Nirvana ancestors, which greatly improved his strength. The sharp tooth shark mother ship that was difficult for even the reincarnation power to break in a short time was right for him.

"Run? It's impossible. Master, you can rest assured."

Xue Tianhen held his hand with one hand, and the majestic white radon burst out from his body, sweeping in all directions, forming an envelop covering a circle of hundreds of miles, enveloping the huge sharp tooth shark mothership. among them.

"Lao Xue, I really have you."

Ye Xuan gave the wit Xue Tianchen a praise, and slowly carried the dragon blade towards the toothy shark mothership.

"Eight submarines were destroyed instantly. Who are these guys?"

Eight sharp-tooth sharks were destroyed instantly, Lu Yao was completely stunned, and looked at Ye Xuan and others who were standing in front of him, and looked ugly.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it before. Could it be that we have been sniping the Dragon Nest New Barracks for too long, which has attracted the attention and anger of high-level Terrans. They sent these strong men to attack us in turn?"

Lu Yang also said solemnly.

The three guys who suddenly jumped out of the Kitty Hawk right now are really too strong, completely subverting their team's perception of the strength of Kitty Hawk and the recruit barracks.

You must know that the sub-tooth shark is extremely defensive, and can easily withstand the attack of the Nirvana Powerhouse. Because of this, they just rushed here to **** the young Eagle of the new barracks, but did not expect that Instead, it is in the situation it is now.

"The three guys can be easily torn and destroyed. The three guys are terrible. They should be strong players in the reincarnation level ..."

Lu Yang quickly sorted out his thoughts, stared at Ye Xuan who came, and said with a look of surprise: "Tooth shark, start the level scan to determine the strength of the other side."

Soon, a holographic projection screen emerged, and Ye Xuan's realm and level of power emerged clearly in their sight.

"The peak of Nirvana? Is there anything wrong?"

"That kid can easily destroy the Tooth Shark with his peak strength in Nirvana?"

When they saw Ye Xuan's realm level clearly, the whole person was completely stunned. The expressions on Lu Yao and Lu Yang's faces were like ghosts, with incredible words in their mouths.

"Shark, what about the strength of the other two?"

After a short shock, Lu Yao quickly returned to God and asked Shen Sheng.

"The other two concealed the realm of cultivation, the strength level could not be detected ..."

The mechanical electronic sound sounded at this moment.


Lu Yang was hit with a punch on the table.

Because it is unknown, Fang is the most feared.

"Don't worry, the two guys are reincarnation at most. The immortal strong can't be dispatched because of us. This toothed shark mothership can resist the attack from reincarnation. They can't help us.

"All we have to do is tear the enchantment in front of us, and then quickly escape!"

Lu Yao calmed down quickly, said Shen Sheng.

"Yes, Sharp Tooth Shark, wake up the sleeping Iron Warrior and let them go out to delay time for us."

Lu Yang took a deep breath, nodded, and quickly spoke.


His words had just come to an end, but the dull collision sounded quietly at this moment. The entire Tooth Shark mother ship was shaking violently, but it was Ye Xuan waving the dragon blade to the Tooth Shark mother ship. A strong attack was launched.

The dragon blade slashed on the body of the sharp tooth shark mother ship, splashing dazzling sparks, leaving no trace on the body.

"This turtle shell is quite stiff."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan looked ugly.

Subsequently, he again wielded the dragon blade and launched an attack on the toothy shark mothership.

"Hmm ..."

"Boom boom boom ..."

Of course, the Tooth Shark mother ship will not stop here for Ye Xuan to chop, it moves quickly, the turret on the ship lights up a dazzling light, the terrible destruction of the quantum cannon and anion energy cannon, and the heavy armored rocket cannon fires together. , Blasted towards Ye Xuan.

Not only that, a side hatch of the Mother Tooth Shark quietly opened at this moment, and a large amount of strength hired the iron fighters who were at the pinnacle of Meiyang Reality to rush out at this moment and launched a wild attack on Ye Xuan.

At the same time, a large number of artillery shells launched an attack on the enchantment that enveloped them.

Looking at the **** soldier who rushed to death, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a cold light.

At first, when he had just entered the zero realm, he was chased and killed by these blood iron soldiers, but now he doesn't even look at these iron blood soldiers.

He thought, a wave of his robe, and a large number of paper people flew out of his sleeve, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards those iron soldiers, blocking them as much as possible.

It has to be said that as Ye Xuan's strength became stronger, the avatars of these paper people became more fierce, and each of them possessed a great success in combat.

"Dang Dang Dang ..."

The dull collision sounded continuously, but it was Ye Xuan's cutting edge of the blade that kept falling on this sharp tooth shark mothership.

Each of his attacks caused the toothed shark mother ship to tremble constantly, but it was impossible to break the turtle shell.

I have to say that it is too difficult to destroy a D-class battleship.

"The system prompts that the left-wing propeller is damaged ..."

"The system prompts that the rear wing is damaged ..."

"The system prompts that the hull is damaged by one percent ..."

"The system prompts that the hull is damaged by 2% ..."

"The system prompts that all the Predators have been destroyed ..."

In the cockpit of the toothy shark mother ship, the system's prompt sounds constantly, making Lu Luo and Lu Yang's faces look extremely cold, dignified and ugly.

They felt like they were sitting in a cage waiting for the final trial.

The system beeping made them restless.

"Damn, I can't just sit back and wait like this forever."

Lu Yang couldn't bear such suffering, he said angrily.

"Then what do we do now? That **** enchantment can't destroy even the galaxy railgun, the strongest weapon carried by the tooth shark."

Lu Yao clenched his jade hand and looked ugly.

"Don't forget, its name is a sharp tooth shark! Its strongest weapon is a shark tooth drill. When it reaches the maximum horsepower, start the shark tooth drill to rush out!"

Lu Yang said like a crazy gambler with a stern expression on his face.

"It can only be so, a desperate fight!"

Lu Yao nodded.

"Sharp tooth shark, turn on the maximum horsepower, start the shark tooth drill, rush out!"

In the next moment, the head of the huge sharp toothed shark mothership quietly changed, turning into a sharp drill bit rotating at a high speed, and its hull and tail suddenly burst out a hot flame, rushing towards the enchantment ahead. .


The dull collision sounded, but the sharp tooth shark mother ship hit the enchantment fiercely. The shark tooth drill rotated at high speed and rubbed the sparkle with the enchantment, making a loud noise, but it was unable to break the enchantment .

"Damn ... come again!"


Lu Yao and Lu Yang uttered a swear in their mouths, and were about to launch another attack on the Sharpshaw mother ship, but the deafening explosion sounded suddenly.

"The system prompts that the left and right wings of the ship were blown up, the kinetic energy was damaged, and the damage of the ship was more than 35 percent."

The mechanical cold sound of the system sounded quietly at this moment.

However, Ye Xuan, who could not attack for a long time, finally opened the white dragon form and launched an attack on the hull.

Looking at the destroyed left and right wings, Ye Xuan's body shape appeared instantly over the head of the Tooth Shark mother ship.

He was surrounded by white holy light. He looked down at the toothy shark mother ship below, his eyes flashed a icy light, his hands were printed, and a **** surrounded by flames appeared quietly behind him, cold. The voice came from his mouth.


As Ye Xuan's words fell, the gods behind him rushed out.

A **** shouted a giant fist and blasted out at the sharp tooth shark mothership.

A **** of heaven lifted the celestial hammer encircling the thunderbolt and smashed it towards the sharp tooth shark mothership.

A **** of heaven lifted the flame-scoring holy sword and cut it out at the sharp tooth shark mother ship.

God's Wrath First Form, Hand of Divine Punishment!

Tenjin Wrath II, Earthquake!

The fourth form of Tenjin's fury, angry sword Qinghong!


With the desperate gaze of Lu Yao and Lu Yang, the majestic attacks whistled, a huge explosion sounded, and the entire shark's head burst.

Ye Xuan's body rushed out like lightning at this moment, and the dragon blade whistled and cut out.

The blade of light passed by, and the explosion sounded endlessly.

The huge sharp-toothed shark mothership was halved by the dazzling blade of light and exploded.

The two streamers also flew silently at the moment of the sharp tooth shark mother ship exploding, sweeping away.

Ye Xuan's body was slowly found in the distance, looking at the burning and exploding sharp tooth shark mother ship behind her, her brows frowned tightly, and a little dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes.

Defensive Shark Mothership is indeed powerful.

If he doesn't use the white dragon form, he can't be destroyed at all.

At this moment, Ye Xuan had a deep understanding of the defense of the battleship.

"Hum, want to go?"

Looking at the two streams that were swept towards the distance, Ye Xuan looked cold, and the star shift suddenly emerged, and his body disappeared strangely.

When Ye Xuan's figure was revealed, he was already standing in front of those two streamers.

Those two streamers are Lu Yao and Lu Yang who fled by the explosion.

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