Medical Martial God

Chapter 1231: The birth of a miracle [big

Military power system hall.

Although it was near evening, the hall was still full.

A large number of people gathered in the hall, some were watching the military task wall to find suitable tasks, some were doing business here, and others were chatting and discussing here.

If it were placed in peacetime, there wouldn't be so many people in the hall of military system at this point. At this time, most people would go to practice or rest.

But today it is completely different, because there are rumors that someone will come one time today. It will deliver 1,600 military tasks that were received shortly before the Qing Dynasty.

Everyone was very curious about the people who took up so many tasks at the time, and Mary ’s post in the military system also said that there will be people to deliver those tasks today, so only so many people gathered here, they want to see Take a look at who has taken so many tasks?

And whether they can complete so many tasks at once in just three days.

Of course, Stegosaurus's Borg, Mary, and George are all here.

Time passed little by little, and it was time for the staff to get off work, but Ye Xuan and his party didn't come late. This is undoubtedly to make Borge, Mary and they are anxious.

Mary couldn't help but said, "Captain, it's almost time to get off work. You said Ye Xuan, wouldn't they not come?"

George couldn't help but say, "Is that Ye Xuan talking loudly in front of you yesterday, now the task they took is not completed at all ..."

Hearing the words of Mary and George, Bogle shook his head gently and said lightly, "I don't know what happened, maybe some accident happened, but wait a minute."

"Wait a minute? When are you going to wait? I said, Mary, your news shouldn't be fake, was someone playing it?"

Just after Borge's discourse ended, someone could not help shouting.

"That is, Borger ... you must have been fooled by those guys. Three newcomers, do you think they can accomplish so many tasks in just three days? Is this simply impossible?"

"Yes, it's impossible, let alone the three of them. Even our Mad Tigers can't complete so many tasks. You know we have eleven and they only have three."

"This is definitely a means of hype by the three newcomers. Mary, Polger, you may be used as guns."

"I also feel that they have been deceived. There are many more people who want to be famous these years. Some people have figured out what they can do to become famous. Polger, we sympathize with you!"

The others in the hall also joked at this moment.

"They have some tasks for more than three days. If they don't come today, maybe they will appear tomorrow?"

Watching these guys make fun of it, Mary couldn't help saying.

"They do have a mission duration of more than three days, but most missions have a duration of three days. If the mission is not delivered today, it will be delayed and a lot of military power will be deducted ..."

Jian Ruxue stepped out of the pen window [biquge] in the work window, and said with a deep voice.

"Sister Xue, they are taking on three G-class newcomers for those tasks, is that true?"

Looking at the sword that came out like snow, some people couldn't help asking curiously.

"Indeed three newcomers ..."

A bitter smile appeared on Jian Ruxue's face, and he nodded gently.

"What? Really three newcomers?"

"I'm going, three newcomers, and you asked them to take up so many tasks at once? That's ridiculous!"

"That is, I have been thinking about some of the tasks above for a while, but the results are gone?"

"Hey, Miss Snow, how can you make this mistake and make the three newcomers blind?"

After getting a positive answer from Jian Ruxue, the crowd said with some depression and blame.

After all, they have been preparing for some of the above tasks for a long time, but when they are about to pick up, the results are gone. Can this make them depressed?

And the tasks released in these three days have been significantly reduced.

Hearing everyone's words, Jian Ruxue's exquisite cheeks appeared on her delicate cheeks. She solemnly bowed to the people and apologized to them sincerely. Everyone caused a lot of troubles, such as Xue apologized to everyone here, I will ask for punishment later ... "

"Mrs. Xue, don't blame you on this, blame the three arrogant newcomers."

"That is, blame them. Don't do porcelain work without diamonds, you have to mess around like this ..."

"Sister, don't do this. We don't blame you for this. Really, we blame the three newcomers. I want to be famous and crazy."

Seeing such a sincere apology from the beautiful and touching Jian Ruxue, everyone immediately comforted them.

"The big guys are all gone, and they will be off work soon. It looks like Ye Xuan, they are not coming back today."

Polger also sighed softly and waved at the big guy.

Hearing Borger's words, the crowd was about to disperse, and suddenly a surprise sounded at this moment: "Look at the big guy, there are three faceless guys coming."

With the sound of this voice, everyone turned their heads and looked towards the door.

Under the gaze of their eyes, three stern figures emerged slowly, with a dashing and spirited temperament, presented in the eyes of everyone, shocked their eyes.

These three people are Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen who came to deliver the mission.

"Is Ye Xuan them?"

"Did they really come?"

Looking at the three Ye Xuan who came, Mary, George, they all had their eyes widened and looked miserable.

"Brother Ye Xuan, you're here, and you're off work if you don't come here."

Polger laughed and won.

"These three guys are the G-class newcomers who took the task?"

"Did they come here to deliver the task?"

"No, can't they say that they have completed the task?" Looking at Ye Xuan and Xue Tianhen who were led by Borger, people couldn't help talking about it.

Jian Ruxue was also stunned, staring at the three Ye Xuan who came.

After all, all of them thought the three guys wouldn't come.

At the moment, Jian Ruxue quickly returned to God and walked up quickly: "The three of you are here to deliver the task?"

"Of course." Ye Xuan nodded with a smile.

"You all of those 1,600 tasks?"

Jian Ruxue asked again.

"Of course it's all done."

Ye Xuan nodded, and said quietly.

Ye Xuan's affirmative answer fell into the ears of the people around him, causing them to directly blast the pot.

That's 1,600 missions, among which there are a lot of D-level missions, but they have all been completed?

Believe it or not, none of the people on the scene believe it.

Even swords like snow, Polger, and Mary didn't believe it.

Because they know the difficulty of this, after all, it is 1,600 tasks, and it only took three days.

So many tasks average one task for two days at the speed of a normal person, and 1,600 tasks can take nearly ten years.

The three of them completed in three days. Isn't this bragging and talking about ghosts?

So everyone doesn't believe it at all.

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't need to explain anything to the big guy, but took out the various tasks to be delivered directly from the storage ring.

"This is the Beast Claw of the D-Class Beast Mission?"

"This is the first level of the D-class mission Cannibal's group of Elder Turtle leader Elder Turtle? The guy entered the reincarnation and was killed?"

"This is the teeth of a monster and a ghost fox, D-class mission material?"

"Is this the Longevity Spring that is deep in the death valley?"

"These are the first ranks of the Hengyunzong reconnaissance team in the east of Long Pingxing?"


Watching Ye Xuan deliver the items with the same task he took out of the storage ring, people's eyes were almost shocked at the scene, and every delivered item was read out by them with a trembling voice.

The sword Ruxue beside him was completely inventoried by himself, and a large number of staff members were called to check it. After all, Ye Xuan took out a lot of tasks to deliver the goods, and he couldn't be alone.

With the one-by-one task check and acceptance, the tasks that Ye Xuan received were completed one by one, and Ye Xuan's watch sounded a series of system sounds.

"The system prompts that the D-class annihilation XXXX you received has been completed, and you have received 1000 military power!"

"The system prompts that you have completed the E-level mission to kill Thunder Cloud Leopard and have obtained military power of 100 points ..."

"The system prompts that the F-class mission you have taken to break the east of the wild fox group has been completed, and obtained military power of 10 points ..."

"The system prompts that the G-level mission XXXXXX you received has been completed, and you have obtained 3 military power points ..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen all had their military strength soaring at this moment and shot straight.

Looking at the same task to deliver items, listening to the system sounding an ascending sound, watching Ye Xuan's continuously exploding military power value, everyone around them was surprised and shocked.

Some people even lower their heads and press the communication watch to check the military achievements.

They found that Ye Xuan, who was originally ranked at the bottom of the military rankings, is now constantly rising.

In just a moment, their rankings soared from the millionth to the half-millionth, and they continued to skyrocket.

This skyrocketing speed is almost like a rocket.

"Ye Xuan congratulates you, after our inventory, all the 1,600 missions you have received have been completed, and a total of 3.6 million points of military power will be sent to the three of you's identity accounts in a split way. . "

When Jian Ruxue completed the inventory of all the tasks they delivered, the staff in charge of the inventory were filled with unprecedented shock and shock. Looking at Ye Xuan, their eyes were full of shock and complexity. Jian Ru Xueqiang calmed himself and smiled.


"3.6 million military achievements!"

Hearing the words of a sword like snow, the people at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

This is 3.6 million military achievements. Most of the people on the scene would not be able to earn so many military achievements.

At this moment, they no longer have the slightest suspicion that Ye Xuan has completed so many tasks, and they have no slightest jealousy about their so-called G-class recruits, because they have powerful and terrifying strength.

They used their actions to prove themselves and made them shocked and admired.

At first, everyone felt that the three newcomers could not complete the task after receiving so many tasks, just for the sake of being famous and bloggers' hype.

They thought it was a joke, and they came here to watch the joke.

However, they never thought that this joke would eventually turn into a miracle.

A suffocating, desperate and insurmountable miracle.

"He ... did they ... are they really finished?"

"Captain, I ... am I dreaming? Have we witnessed the birth of a miracle?"

George and Mary stared blankly at the erect Ye Xuan, the Queen Medusa, the three of them, their faces full of deep shock, and trembling words in their mouths.

"Yes, yes, we have witnessed the birth of a miracle. They have accomplished so many tasks in an incredible way and at a speed."

Hearing the words of George and Mary, Borge took a deep breath, pressed down the shock in his heart, and answered with a serious face.

"It's too fierce to imagine how they did it."

"It's really awesome. This is definitely the best newcomer in history!"

"Niubi, brother, you are famous!"

"From today on, the three of you are my idols. It's awesome. I've done what I can't do in my life in three days!"

After a brief shock, the people around him gradually returned to their hearts and opened their mouths with consternation.

Their voices are full of deep admiration, not like fraud, but from the heart.

In the face of everyone's admiration, Ye Xuan smiled, and said humbly, "Without concealing everyone, we are just lucky for a while."

"Brother Ye Xuan, don't be so humble. You have done so many tasks at once and obtained so many military merits. You have to treat them. Are you right?"

Bourges smiled at Ye Xuan's shoulder.

"Yes, you have to treat ..."

"Ask, treat ..."

The big guys are all coaxing.

"No problem, tonight I will be Dong and I will not be drunk in Chunxiang Tower!"

Looking at the crowd, Ye Xuan said with a big wave of his hands.

Nothing else, just because they are a group of respectable people, soldiers who are constantly struggling to defend the earth, and a group of people who really deserve respect and awe.

"Brother Ye Xuan, fight for justice!"

Seeing Ye Xuan's answer so refreshing, everyone laughed and said.

"Miss, you usually work hard. Come with us?"

Ye Xuan incidentally invited Jian Ruxue to them.

After all, this time they were able to successfully receive so many tasks, and Jian Ruxue also helped a lot.

"My name is Jian Ruxue. You can call me Ru Xue. Since you are so enthusiastic, we are naturally not polite. Do you think I am right?"

There was a charming smile on Jian Ruxue's delicate cheek, she smiled and opened her mouth.

"Hee, Ru Xue is right."

"Hey, I heard that Chun Xiang Lou's dishes are delicious and precious ... It's a rare opportunity so good that I'm going to eat a lot!"

"Haha ... I'm going to beat him."

The ladies and sisters in the hall all laughed and said.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

Ye Xuanhao was so angry, with a big wave of his hand, he walked toward Chunxiang Tower with such a large group of troops.

Chunxiang Tower directly ushered in a wave of full.

"Come, Brother Ye Xuan, I respect you for this glass of wine. You are really awesome. You are so righteous!"

At the wine table, Borg took the lead in raising his glass to toast to Ye Xuan.

"Brother Polger is polite, I respect you too, you are fighting on the front, and you are wiping blood, tears and sweat to protect your country and defend your country. They are true heroes and real men!

Ye Xuan responded with a wine glass.

Afterwards, the two directly looked up and drank the wine in the glass.

"Brother Ye Xuan, I have to respect you for this glass of wine. I have never admired anyone in my life. I only admire you and come to do it!"

"Brother Ye Xuan, I respect you for this glass of wine. You really make my eyes wide open ..."

"Xuan brother, I respect you for coming to this glass of wine. If we encounter problems that cannot solve our troubles and tasks, we can rely on you ..."

"You're welcome, what a word it is. If there's anything I can find, come ... work!"

In the Chunxiang Tower, people kept coming to Ye Xuan, toasting and admiring it. Ye Xuan didn't have the slightest shelf, and they drank very well with everyone and played very well.

Instead, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen did not participate, but they sat in the corner by the window while chatting and chatting with the sky. Ye Xuan's eyes were full of complexity and envy.

Xue Tianhen couldn't help but admire and said, "Sometimes I really envy and admire the host. Wherever I go, a large group of people are attracted by his charm. Look at him ... he doesn't know these people at all It turned out to be so open ... unlike the two of us alone. "

"I have to say something, it's nice to be young."

"Old Xue, don't you hate him? He destroyed the Xue family you created, and destroyed so many people of yours ..."

Queen Medusa glanced at Xue Tianchen and said lightly.

Hearing Queen Medusa, Xue Tianchen couldn't help but stunned, and her eyes could not help flashing a gloom.

Immediately, he shook his head slightly, raised the glass and drank the wine from the glass, and spoke openly: "To be honest, I really hated him very much at the beginning, and I wish I could break him into pieces. Revenge for my dead tribe ... At first, my surrender and following him was not willing, but there was no way, even many times I wanted to assassinate him and end up with him ... "

"But as I kept in touch with him, I also figured it out. I didn't blame him for this. He was not a cruel and unforgiving person. He was not a person who would take the initiative to find something. It was my own people. I did not open my eyes to provoke him and moved his inverse scale. If it were me, I would have so many, so they have to blame for such an ending. "

"Now I don't hate the host at all. On the contrary, I thank him very much and admire him very much because he has made me find many lost things. I feel that I am living so clearly and freely now that the world is beautiful and beautiful. It's fun, but it's much more exciting than my boring practice life ... "

After Xue Tianchen finished speaking, he poured himself a glass of wine, stood up and gestured slightly to Queen Medusa, and asked with a smile, "Queen, how about you?"

"My King didn't hate him. After all, he rescued me and gave me freedom, but he was more or less reluctant to follow him at the beginning. After all, this guy is really too weak. It's just a little bit ... "

"As of now, I feel pretty good."

Medusa lifted the glass and touched the next glass with Xue Tianhen, and said with a smile.

"Let's go and have a drink with them, how about it?"

Xue Tianhen raised his wine glass, stood up, looked in the direction of Ye Xuan, and said with a smile.

"That's exactly what you want, you can't let that guy grab it all alone."

Medusa stood up, held the glass, twisted her irritated posture towards Ye Xuan, and they went ...

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