Medical Martial God

Chapter 1243: The second clone!

Blood-eyed star, endless sea surface.


Ye Xuan stood on the top of the sea of ​​the Xuanlong Whale, looking coldly at the endless sea below, looking extremely cold and unsightly.

He controlled the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale to chase here all the way, but the nine dragons pulled the nine-day burial sword coffin but suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, making his face look particularly ugly , The mood is extremely bad.


His words had just come to an end, and Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen rushed over from afar in the Eight-winged Raging Snake Emperor.

"how about it?"

Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing was found. The nine dragons and the nine-day burial sword coffin seemed to disappear out of thin air, and they could not find any trace at all."

Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen shook their heads and looked helpless.

"Oh ... forget it, it should be that we missed it."

Ye Xuan shook her head and looked helplessly.

"Body, I found the whereabouts of that coffin."

However, at this time, Ye Xuan's heart sounded the voice of the split sea Xuanlong whale.

"found it?"

Ye Xuan's face appeared a touch of joy.

"Eight hundred nautical miles, 30,000 meters deep!"

The split sea Xuanlong whale clone gives an extremely accurate coordinate.

"Let's go, the Xuanlong Whale has found it. It's hiding on the ocean floor."

Ye Xuan nodded, and Shen Sheng said.

Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen gave each other a glance, nodded, and jumped to the top of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale.

The huge split sea Xuanlong whale giant tail swings directly into the water and the combat form rushed into the sea.

The speed of the Xuanlong Whale in the sea is much faster than that in the starry sky. The invisible coercion spreads out of the body of the Xuanlong Whale in the Cleft Sea, directly shocking some of the World of Warcraft Back.

About ten minutes later, the Xuanlong Whale appeared in eight hundred nautical miles, thirty thousand meters deep.

There is no light here, it is dark, and it is extremely quiet. It is filled with a huge pressure of water. It feels extremely depressed. Even the strong man who is not dead cannot stay here for a long time.

Looking out into the darkness, no fish or other marine life appeared.

Ye Xuan would not have been here if it hadn't been for the water waves in the sea.

Ye Xuan glanced quickly around, and soon found the nine-day burial sword coffin that sank inside the coral pile.

At this moment, there was no light flowing on it, and the Nine Dragons disappeared. It lay quietly in the coral pile without moving.

"Huh, it was found. The nine dragons disappeared. Is it because the energy is exhausted?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's face was full of smiles, and she smiled and opened her mouth.

At the moment, his mind moved, and the split sea Xuanlong whale stretched out a tentacle and tangled towards the nine-day burial sword coffin.

This time, no sword air was released from the nine-day burial sword coffin, and no nine dragons appeared.

The tentacles of the split sea Xuanlong whale were easily entangled, and then swallowed it into the belly and put it into Xuanlong space.

Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, Queen Medusa looked at each other and entered the Xuanlong space.

The Xuanlong Whale found a comfortable place on the bottom of the sea and began to rest and sleep. After all, he passed through the black fog to deal with the ghost mother worm and the nine-headed dragon, but consumed his huge energy, which made him Injured.

Inside the Xuanlong space, the center of the mysterious ancient altar.

A dark red coffin lay there quietly.

Its coffin cover does not have any intricate craftsmanship, but under a wild and ancient background, the nine dragons circle around a peerless sword in the sky, making the entire sword filled with the sharp edge of the dragon. And domineering.

Around the coffin are densely carved ancient text, adding a sense of mystery to this coffin.

This coffin is the nine-day burial sword coffin.

Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, Xue Tianhen and the three of them stood in the center of the altar and looked strangely at the coffin in front of them, and their faces flashed with shock and amazement from time to time.

Even if the nine-day burial sword coffin loses its light at this moment, it still contains the rhyme that is difficult to understand.

And in the nine-day burial sword coffin, from time to time there is the spread of the supreme sword intention, this sword intention is extremely pure, full of an overwhelming and overwhelming superiority.

"This is the supreme treasure of Jiutian Jianzong. Is Jiutian buried sword coffin?"

Looking at the coffin in front of her, Queen Medusa's mouth murmured: "It is rumored that the nine-day burial sword coffin contains the sabre of the nine-day sword ancestors. , And the nine-day burial sword coffin is not only a storage cabinet for these swords, but also a powerful magic weapon that can release all these swords collected ... "

"Yes, the nine-day burial sword coffin is indeed an astonishing power."

The words of Queen Medusa had just ended, and the crisp and sound sounded quietly, and the purple phoenix flew directly out of the dragon ring.

A terrifying coercion also spread out of her body without reservation, which caused both the faces of Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen to change, looking at Zi Huang's eyes. It was full of undisguised shock and horror.

This person's strength is so strong!

When did the host appear to think so strong?

The strong man is always with his master, and they have never been able to detect it?

At this moment, both Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen had many thoughts in their hearts.

"Master, this is ..."

After a brief shock, Xue Tianhen quickly turned back to his voice and began to speak in a deep voice.

"Who is this……"

Ye Xuan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zi Huang's indifferent and overbearing words: "He is his teacher."


Hearing Zi Huang's words, both Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen couldn't help it.

Immediately, a stunned look emerged from their faces.

They finally understood why Ye Xuan was so wicked, and it turned out that there was such an unfathomable teacher behind him. No wonder Ye Xuan would become so powerful!

But why did she claim to be stingy?

What on earth is she?

Seeing what she looks like at the moment should be a soul body?

"my teacher?"

Zi Huang's words fell into Ye Xuan's ears, causing a look of astonishment on his face.

When did you become a teacher?

I did not worship you as a teacher.

And why did you suddenly show up?

Ye Xuan's heart was full of doubts.

"I don't know what seniors call them?"

Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen hugged fist in the face of Zihuang.

Since she is Ye Xuan's teacher, they naturally have to give some respect.

"Purple Phoenix."

Zihuang answered lightly.

"Purple Phoenix, let me introduce you ..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit cold, Ye Xuan quickly filled her smile, and quickly said.

"Call Teacher Meng!"

However, before Ye Xuan's words were spoken, they were interrupted by Zi Huang's indifferent and overbearing voice.

"Old ... teacher."

Feeling Zi Huang's gaze full of threats and indifference, Ye Xuan shuddered involuntarily and shouted unwillingly.

Zi Huang nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, she turned her head and set her eyes on Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen. She put down her coercion and smiled and said, "I have been asleep for a while. Take care. "

Zi Huang's remarks were particularly polite, which made Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen feel a sense of fright. They quickly smiled and waved, saying that these were all they should do.

The somewhat depressed atmosphere eased a lot at this moment.


Ye Xuan also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just now he was a little worried that Zihuang would fight with Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianchen had a fight with them. After all, she was too arrogant and arrogant when she just appeared ...

Of course, it was actually Zihuang who gave Ye Xuan Liwei.

"Purple ... Teacher, this nine-day burial sword coffin has been obtained, so what shall we do now?"

Ye Xuan set her gaze on Zihuang. She wanted to call her name, but after feeling Zihuang's gaze, he quickly changed her mouth.

"Of course, open it."

Zihuang said indifferently.

"How to open it? We tried it just now, and we couldn't open it at all." Ye Xuan said puzzledly.

Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen also looked at Zi Huang with curious eyes.

Just now, they tried all kinds of methods with all their efforts, how could they not open the nine-day burial sword coffin.

"Under normal circumstances, there is no secret method of the Jiutian Sect, even the immortal state and even the powerful masters cannot open the nine-day burial sword coffin.

Purple Phoenix looked indifferently.

The moment her words fell, the icy cold purple inflammation spread out of her body. Its white jade hand was immediately surrounded by purple-golden flames, and then pressed against the nine-day burial sword coffin.

"Hmm ..."

The sound of the coffin lid slipping quietly at this moment.

Under the shocking eyes of Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, and Queen Medusa, the coffin cover of the nine-day burial sword coffin slowly opened, and the supreme sword intention that pierced the sky also spread out from the coffin. Ye Xuan's radon in their bodies turned on automatically.

With the coffin cover of the nine-day burial sword coffin opened, Ye Xuan's sight first was not a legendary sword, but an extremely cold and handsome face.

He has long flowing white hair, and under the sword eyebrows is a pair of closed eyes. Even if his eyes have not been opened, he also has a unique style.

His slender figure was wrapped in a white classical robe with an ancient jade hanging around his waist, and the whole man was filled with an indescribable temperament.

Even Ye Xuan's ruthless face looked a little overshadowed in front of him, and became a foil.

This is the most handsome and distinguished man Ye Xuan has ever seen.

If he was described in one sentence, it would be "Mo Shangren is like a jade, and the son is unique."

Lying beside him was a long sword with a cool and unique shape. Numerous sword qi flows and poured into his body, nourishing his body.

"This ... why is there one in this?"

"Who the **** is he? Is it Jiutian Jianzong?"

Looking at the handsome man lying quietly in the nine-day burial sword coffin, Xue Tianchen, Queen Medusa, their faces were full of misunderstandings, and the words of astonishment came from their mouths.

Obviously, this situation is somewhat beyond their expectations.

"There is actually one person inside."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and low words came from his mouth.

He had previously guessed what to do if there was someone in it, but he did not expect that there was actually a person in it.

Even the purple phoenix was taken aback, but there was no wave on her face, but she stretched out her palm to rest on the handsome man's wrist, and carefully felt his pulse and physical condition.

Not only that, there was a ray of soul that penetrated into this handsome man's body silently and looked closely at his condition.

With continuous exploration and feeling, Zihuang's brows became more and more wrinkled and tighter, and her expression gradually became more dignified.

For a moment, Zi Huang retracted his palm.

"how about it?"

Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice.

Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa both set their eyes on Zi Huang, waiting for her answer.

"His Taoism was destroyed and his soul was broken up ... The rest is just a body shell. If he hadn't had a breath for the nine-day burial sword coffin, I'm afraid it would have fallen, even if so People can save him. "

Zihuang gave an extremely accurate answer.


Her answers made Ye Xuan and Xue Tianhen both helpless.

"If you don't believe me, you can investigate by yourself." Zi Huang glanced at Ye Xuan and said Shen Sheng.

Right now, Ye Xuan looked carefully.

He also summoned the holy scriptures of medical practice and cast them to rescue him against the thirteen needles and nine-variable set souls, but it had no effect.

"I want to say a few words to this boy alone, please both of you ..."

Looking at Ye Xuan who was struggling to rescue, Zi Huang shook her head gently, and landed you on the bodies of Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen, and spoke lightly.

Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen nodded and turned to leave, leaving Ye Xuan and Zi Huang to stay in this space.

"Useless, you can't save him. If you really want to save him, there is only one way."

Zi Huang went to Ye Xuan's side and said with a deep voice.

"what way?"

Ye Xuan looked up and set her gaze on Zihuang's body, asking in confusion.

"Using the Secret of the Soul, Seize the House, make him your second clone."

Zihuang thought for a moment, and said with a serious face.

"What do you want me to lose him and become my second avatar?" Ye Xuan took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

"Yes, this guy is from Jiutian Jianzong, who can control Jiutian's burial sword coffin. His status and status are extraordinary, and ... his strength and talent must be quite horrible. If I did not make a mistake, he may be an immortal Realm, or even a half step master. If you can succeed him and let him become your second avatar, then your strength will be greatly improved ... "

Zi Huang nodded gently, and slowly spoke.


Ye Xuan looked a little hesitant looking at the young man lying quietly in the nine-day burial sword coffin.

After all, he never took away others.

Of course, his rebirth was an accident.

"This is a godsend. If you don't want to, then forget it."

Seeing this, Zi Huang shook her head gently.

After a pause, she continued to speak: "In addition, we opened the nine-day burial sword coffin, and the last consciousness left by him will soon dissipate. By then, he will fall and disappear completely from this world. If you take away If you let him go, you can still communicate with his consciousness in the process, you can know many things from his mouth, and you can choose to give up at that time. "

"In short, he has about three days left. Whether or not to take the house, you think about it yourself."

After that, Zihuang turned into a streamer and disappeared into the dragon ring.

Ye Xuan looked at the man in the burial sword coffin of Jiutian, and fell into a long silence and thought.

In the end is to lose the house,

Still do not win?

For Ye Xuan, this is an extremely difficult choice.

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