Medical Martial God

Chapter 1250: Storm is coming!

In the vast starry sky, a huge wild ancient dragon snake with three heads and five thousand feet is pulling a huge star warship that is moving slowly in the direction of the earth.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked because the scene in front of them is too spectacular, and it is the famous ancient dragon snake in the universe that is pulling the starship battleship forward.

The wild ancient dragon snake and the fifth-grade **** beast, because of the dragon blood flowing on its body, it has the power of the dragon snake, and the blood vein level reaches six stars.

Its entire body is covered by hard snake scales. The giant snake head has two sharp dragon horns. The snake has five legs, five thousand feet in length, snakes can swallow, and the snake's tail swings. It is the true royal family of the snake family, each of whom possesses the terrifying power of recruiting the beautiful immortal realm.

However, such a powerful existence was actually used to pull the battleship. It is conceivable how honorable this ship is, and how lofty the status of the characters in it is.

At this moment, in a magnificent living room of this huge battleship, three magnificent men and a **** woman are sitting on the sofa lazily tasting the gentian in the cup, While chatting leisurely, it seemed extraordinarily cozy and leisurely.

The **** woman is covered with long light purple hair and has a snake-like seductive cheek. Her graceful figure is wrapped in a delicate and unique light purple robe, revealing her **** shoulders and chest. Enticingly white, beautiful and glamorous.

She was lying lazily on the sofa, and her long beautiful legs wrapped in white stockings were on the coffee table, adding a little charm and charm to her whole person.

She has a name that is particularly loud in the Hengyun world-Ghost Queen Bibisa.

Of course, when she first heard her name, it was easy to hear it as "forced", so people rarely dared to call her name directly, calling her ghost or Her Majesty directly.

She is the lord of the Supreme Soul Sect, not the three lords, nor the two lords, but the lord.

The man sitting to the left of the Ghost Queen has long silver hair and is wearing a silver armor. He has a handsome face and the charm of a mature man. There is a sharp edge all over his body, like a handle. The scabbard sword is extremely cold, and it feels like you should not enter.

His name is Jian Gui, and he is the two lords of Aoyue Sect. Because he has two peerless supernatural powers of Kendo and Gyodo, he can use the ghost to control the sword and use the sword to lie down on the ghost. Unfathomable, its strength in the Hengyun industry can be called terror.

The man sitting on the right side of the ghost queen has a bald head, a rough face, a bearish waist, and a thirty-centimeter-long sword mark spreading from his chin along his neck to his right shoulder, as if his head and The body is patchworked by the sword marks on the neck, making him look very fierce, giving people a sense of intimidation.

His name is Kuang Tiandao, but he is the three lords of the Cult of the Sea God. His physical body is extremely powerful. He is known as the invincible physical body in the Hengyun world. Did not dare to provoke him.

As for the rest of the man, he looked like he was in his forties, with short dark red hair, a dark red armor, a cold face, sitting there like a mountain, exuding a strong breath.

His name is Ape Mania, and the blood of the giant ape family is flowing on his body. His strength is strong. Compared with the undead Emperor Kuang Tiandao, the ghost queen comes to the front line. Even so, it cannot be underestimated. First Deputy Sovereign of Emperor Tianzong.

Because the masters of the five majors have not breached the blue front line constructed by the earth since this time, the top leaders above are particularly dissatisfied with this, so they are sent out to support them.

The ghost queen yawned, stretched a lazy waist lazily, with a moving voice in her mouth that made the heart beat faster: "The guys in the sky are really true, and they have not been able to use the blue with so many hands and resources. The front was breached, but the Lord Lord was quite dissatisfied with it. The other day was even more furious ... This is a good thing, and we sent some of our hard-working guys. "

Hearing the words of the ghost queen, Kuang Tiandao's face could not help but a helpless smile appeared, with a low voice in his mouth, "It's no wonder that the Lord Lord will be furious, after all, I was not long ago But I heard that the other owners of our Galaxy domain seem to impeach him in front of the Lord Lord, saying that he is incompetent and cannot even win a small earth star in his own domain. It seems that he wants to make the domain owner Substitution. Master Lord has a breath in his heart and has nowhere to vent, but can only spread the fire on us. If we cannot break the blue front this time, I am afraid that we will have to change the next time. . "

"I don't know why those guys are fighting for a low-level planet? Because there is a dragon emperor here? But the emperor of the dragon emperor has already died."

The ape frantically held up the wine glass and drank the immortal drink inside, and sneered.

"If the Dragon Emperor is not dead, no one will dare to move this planet. As for what secrets on this planet will attract many lords or even lords, I am also very confused. Queen, you are the most important thing for lords My confidant, should I know some insider? Speak out and listen to me. "

Jian Gui stretched a lazy waist and moved his bones, set his gaze on the ghost queen, and asked Shen Shen.

"I'm not quite sure about the specific situation ... It seems to be related to the upcoming Universe, and the dragon emperor's fight with the hundred domain masters seemed to be for this little earth star. In short, if we can If the star is taken down, then it is definitely a great achievement. Even if the universe is coming, we will be blessed, understand? "

The ghost queen tasted the gentian immortal in a cup leisurely, glanced at the people around her, and spoke slowly.

After a pause, she continued to say, "At our speed, there are still about two months to reach Earth Star, so that those guys can prepare for this time to break the blue front."

"Queen, why do you say that Dragon Emperor is such a clever man that he suddenly worked with hundreds of domain masters?"

The crowd apparently did not return from the Dragon Emperor and the backbone of the hundred domains, but asked curiously.

"This is unknown." Ghost Queen shook her head gently.

She was about to speak again, but the bracelet on her hand was shining with a glare, which slightly changed the face of the ghost queen. This is the contact method that she and the Lord will use only in the event of some emergency. .

At the moment, the ghost queen's thoughts, a ray of soul power is to penetrate into the trait bracelet, while a lot of information is pouring into the ghost queen's mind, making her face look particularly dignified and ugly.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, Jian Gui, Kuang Tiandao and others asked with a puzzled look.

"problem occurs."

The ghostly empress looked ugly.

"What happened to make your face so ugly?"

Hearing the words of the Ghost Queen, Jian Gui, Kuang Tiandao, and Ape Madness, the hearts of the three of them could not help but sink, and their faces gradually became dignified.

"The Lord Lord reported that the Lord Lord has allowed other Lord Lords to intervene in the Hengyun Realm, asking us to break the blue front and win the Earth Star within one and a half months!"

Said the ghostly empress Shen.

"Within a month and a half?" Jian Gui, Kuang Tiandao and others were startled.

"Yes." Ghost Queen nodded.

"But it takes us a month to reach Earth Star as soon as possible. In addition, there are a lot of strong men on Earth Star. It is unlikely to break Earth Star in such a short time ..." Ape frowned and sank. Sound open.

"Let them accelerate, Lord Jie said, he has sent 500,000 elites to start supporting us, and all the other five masters of the Five Sects have also dispatched." Said the ghost queen Han Han.

"Since this is the case, then we must be able to break the earth star in one and a half months."

Hearing here, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the huge wild ancient dragon snake dragged the Star Warship towards the distance more quickly.

Blood eyes, deep underground.

A bronze coffin lay quietly in the gloomy dark cave.

There were no fingers in the darkness of the cave, and it was cold and cold.


However, at this moment a painful scream came out of the coffin suddenly.

With this scream, the coffin shook violently, as if something was about to burst out of the coffin.

"Hmm ..."

After the coffin trembled, the coffin cover was suddenly lifted off by a huge force, and a man with a pale face stood up from the coffin.

His appearance and appearance looked exactly the same as the soul tyrants killed by Ye Xuan, even more real.

He is the main body of the three main souls of the Supreme Soul Sect.

What was killed by Queen Medusa was just a puppet he had spent countless painstaking efforts to refine.

He has always relied on the puppet to go anywhere, and his own body has been hiding in the coffin.

Because they are too spiritually cultivated, the soul itself and the uncle are mysterious, so no one has been aware of this secret.

After his uncle came to Bloodeye, he hid the coffin containing the body under the ground just in case.

Had it not been for his cricket clone to be killed by Ye Xuan and his body would have been severely damaged, he would not have been drilled out of the coffin at this time.

"Those **** bits ... wow ..."

The soul tyrant who sat up looked extremely ugly, with a scream in his mouth.

But before his words were finished, he spit out a black blood in his mouth.

The death of Xun's avatar caused him to be extremely traumatized, and his soul was particularly damaged.

"Wait a minute, when I find that thing, I will make a heavy price for you **** guys."

Soul Ba Tianqiang endured the severe pain from his body, and spoke with a cold face.


As the words fell, he climbed out of the coffin and disappeared into a cave as a black wind.

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