Medical Martial God

Chapter 1261: Hot discussion!

Military Power System Forum.

With the release of the post "A G-Class Recruit Received the Blood-Eye Star S-Class Mission", the entire forum was boiled.

Breaking the news, after my inquiries and observations, I finally got accurate information about the three S-level tasks of Bloodeye Star. It was not someone else who picked up this task. It was just three of all the D-level tasks that were recently acquired. Ye Xuan, one of the newcomers. You are not mistaken, it is that a newcomer such as him has accepted the S-class mission on Bloodeye, don't believe it, I have strong evidence here.

Evidence one: We found Ye Xuan's video in the data room to check the blood eye star data.

Evidence two: He didn't show up during this time. When someone returned from the mission, they saw them leaving Long Pingxing and heading towards the Blood Eye Star. Here are photos.

Evidence three, when Ye Xuan left Blood Eye Star, he bought a Blood Star Star's route map.

The above evidence is sufficient to show that it is this up-and-coming recruit who has accepted the S-class mission on Bloodeye, and refuses to argue!

The above post has been published, and it was quickly blasted to the top of the hot search list, becoming one of the hottest posts in the entire forum.

After all, the title and message content of a G-level recruit receiving an S-level mission is too shocking, and indeed there is so much evidence and news listed above, which makes many people simply unable to refute.

However, many people still can't believe that a G-level recruit will take over the S-level missions of these three blood stars.

"My grass, really fake? The guy named Ye Xuan is too courageous. Does he think that after completing so many D-level tasks, he can pick up S-level tasks? What international joke is he? Recruit, how strong can you compare with the big gods on the top 100 military achievements list? Those missions are not dare to take it easily. I suspect this post is hype, fake news! "

"It's this guy and this recruit again? Is he trying to get things done? Is he trying to be famous and crazy? S-class missions dare to pick it up, and it's still about blood eyes, isn't that trying to kill? This task will not be taken by this recruit, it is the landlord's hype and wants to earn a wave of popularity. "

"If it was the task that the recruit took, now it's almost a month since Bloodeye received the task. He hasn't returned and there is no news, so he is afraid to be cold."

"Another guy who doesn't know the heights and heights of the earth, even the Linlong team went to the Bloodeye and did not return. He was a recruit? Fake, the landlord is no doubt hype."

"If it was the task that the recruit took, I bet this guy just took the job as a hype. He definitely didn't dare to go to Bloodeye and just walked around in another place and then came back and said that the task was not completed."

"Don't say that, I have eaten and drank with Brother Ye Xuan. He is really attractive, strong and has a strong personality, but I don't think he is the kind of hype you say, I guess this task It was not him. "

"I also think that Brother Ye Xuan is a very self-knowledgeable and sane person. He will not go back for such an S-level task because he knows that he cannot complete it."


All kinds of arguments and quarrels are happening all the time in the military power system.

In short, for this bloodeye star S-class mission, the big guy seems to be very noisy.

Just as people were arguing whether this blood-eye star S-class mission was accepted by Ye Xuan, the S-class powerhouse Shadow Emperor on the military top 100 list released a message: "Real hammer, three S The first-level mission was indeed taken by G-level recruit Ye Xuan. "

As soon as the news of Shadow Emperor's cloudy sky came out, the people who were arguing about whether the recruit Ye Xuan had taken over the task was completely shocked.

The shadow emperor is overcast, the top 100 S-class soldiers in the military rankings, and the mysterious existence has the supreme status and popularity in the hearts of the entire Terran warriors, not only because he has completed countless difficult tasks alone. With a horrific record of destroying a B-class warship group and 300,000 local army by one person, and because he is a subordinate of Long Emperor Lan Feng, his news will never be false.

The news of Shadow Emperor's cloudy sky was sent out and people were boiling.

The original people ’s words changed from whether the G-level recruit Ye Xuan took the Blood Eye Star three S-level missions directly to whether he can complete these three Blood Eye Star S-level missions, or even many of the top military rankings. The characters also came out to speak.

A well-known A-class powerhouse ranked in the top 1000 in the military rankings: "Since the Lord Shadow said that it was recruit Xie Yexuan who took the blood eye star task, then the news will definitely not be false. However, such a dangerous task Can he complete a G-class recruit? As an A-level fighter, I conclude that he cannot. "

A B-class soldier ranked about 10,000 in the military rankings: "I once looked at the blood-eyed star. The planet is weird and scary. There are no creatures within thousands of kilometers, and no one can reach at all. It was clear that a G-level recruit who took on this task would send him to death. It wasn't that I didn't like him, but he really didn't have that strength. "

Adam, a well-known S-class strong in the top 100 military rankings: "That recruit named Ye Xuan is really crazy. He even took the blood-starred S-class task. Should I say he is brave or ignorant? I do n’t dare to take such a task . "

The bloodstains of the well-known S-class powers of the top 100 military ranks: "The newcomer is really a tiger, and he is willing to dominate the wind! However, I hope he can complete these three tasks."

Summer Willow, a top 100 S-class leader in the military rankings: "The three S-class missions of Bloodeye are very difficult. I considered taking them for a long time, but I did n’t expect to be picked up by a recruit. This task is impossible for him to complete. ! "


In short, basically everyone thinks that G-class recruit Ye Xuan is impossible to complete this task.

Even the forum also released a vote for whether G-level recruit Ye Xuan can complete the Blood-Eye Star S-level mission.

In a short period of time, the number of votes reached 20,000. All the votes were all recruits Ye Xuan who could not complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission. The voting interface was extremely miserable, and no one believed that they supported Ye Xuan.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed people suddenly found that the turnout seemed to change suddenly.

Originally, Ye Xuan was unable to complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission with a 100% turnout rate, but now it has become 99.99%.

Although it is only a small difference of 0.01%, it still surprises people.

They found that there were three more votes to support Ye Xuan in completing the Blood Eye Star S-class mission.

And it was not ordinary people who gave him these three votes to return his mother, but the S-class gods of the top 100 military achievements.

The three S-class gods in the top 100 military rankings are the card emperor Ou Yueyun, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai and the angel queen worry about Xiao Ke.

The operation of these three big brothers took a long time to shock people.

After all, they are all well-known figures in the top 100 military rankings. They have unparalleled strength.

How could an S-class powerhouse like them suddenly support a G-class recruit?

At this moment, many people even personally trusted the card emperor Ou Yueyun, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai and the angel queen worry about Xiao Ke, but did not get any explanation and answer from them.

In short, the three of them voted in a strange way.

It wasn't until someone for the card emperor Ou Yueyun, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, that they spoke out to explain people.

The explanation of that person is as follows: "You do n’t understand now? Great God Ou Yueyun, the reason why they voted recruit Ye Xuan to be able to complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission is a kind of support and encouragement from their predecessors. That recruit is really able to complete the Bloodeye S-Class mission. "

This kind of explanation people have expressed acceptance and understanding, admiring the card emperor Ou Yueyun for their caring for their younger generations. Dragon star, in a high-end villa.

Nie Feng, one of the top 100 S-class strongmen in the military rankings, was reading in the study, and his assistant A-level soldier Ling Xue came in.

"My lord, I've figured out who actually took the three S-class missions about Bloodeye."

Looking at the sword-setter Nie Feng who was reading the book, Ling Xue slumped slightly, and spoke respectfully.

"Oh? Who is so bold to take on tasks that we dare not take?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng put down the books in his hand, raised his head and set his eyes on Ling Xue's face, asking curiously.

"It is a G-level recruit who has just joined the army. His name is Ye Xuan."

Ling Xue answered with a bitter smile.

"What? You told me it was a G-class recruit who took on the Bloodeye star's S-class mission?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng was stunned. What kind of operation is this?

"Yes, this news will never be wrong. Now all the military forums have exploded ..."

Ling Xue nodded solemnly.

"The recruit really didn't know the heights and heights, and went to death for nothing."

Jian Sheng Nie Feng sighed slightly and said with a little disappointment.

He thought he would be a S-class powerhouse on the top 100 military achievements list, but turned out to be a recruit, which made him completely uninterested.

In the view of Jian Sheng Nie Feng, the recruit was sent to death.

"Sir, do you want to read the remarks on the forum?" Ling Xue thought for a while and asked.

"No more, keep busy." Jian Sheng Nie Feng waved his hand.

What seemed to come to his mind, he hesitated and continued to say, "In addition, after the official announcement that the kid's blood-eye star S-class mission failed to complete, you go to this task."

"Sir, do you mean to take this task, we are going to Bloodeye?"

Ling Xue could not help but be shocked.

"Well, check it out." Jian Sheng Nie Feng nodded gently.

Originally, he was not going to go to the blood star, but a recruit took this task and made him very uncomfortable. Isn't that because their predecessors were incompetent, a recruit would dare to take up this task, but they did not dare?

If so, wouldn't it have been spread as a joke, so Jian Sheng Nie Feng made this decision.

"it is good!"

Ling Xue retreated respectfully.

Boot Camp, Director's Office.

Instructor Borg Huck and director of the office Zhang Lu were sitting here chatting, but the patrol leader Zhong Kui hurried over at this moment.

"Captain Bell, what's the matter? Let you rush over so eagerly."

Looking at the violent Zhong Kui, Borg Hulk and Zhang Lu both asked with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't it because of the three recruits that the three guys not only received and completed all the D-class and D-class tasks and so on?" Zhong Kui quickly said.

"Yes, that's right, our recruit barracks are still stained with them because of this. What's wrong? What's going on with those three guys?" Borg Hulk nodded, smiling. Asked.

"The guy named Ye Xuan went to take over the three S-class missions of Bloodeye Star, and now the Military Gong Forum has exploded."

Zhong Kui took a deep breath and calmed down before she spoke quickly.

"What? They took Bloodeye's S-Class mission?"

"Are they crazy?"

Both Borg Hulk and Zhang Lu were frightened by Zhong Kui's words, stood up with a stunned expression, and the words of astonishment were heard in their mouths.

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