Medical Martial God

Chapter 1263: No one believes [third more]

"Captain, don't you celebrate with Brother McLennan about his promotion to the C-Class? How come back so soon?"

Borger had just returned to the room, and Mary, a member of his partner Stegosaurus, greeted him and asked with a doubt.

George, who was sitting on the sofa wiping his weapon, also stopped, and cast doubt on Borge's body.

After all, they all know that McClenn has just been promoted to C-Class soldiers today and they are going to invite their captain, Borger, to go to the Lingneng Hot Spring Hotel to celebrate it. It stands to reason that he will not be back tonight.

However, Borger didn't leave long before he came back, obviously something was wrong.

As a result, both Mary and George ignited gossip and a hint of curiosity.

"We were planning to celebrate it well, but I met Brother Ye Xuan and their party in the Lingneng Hot Spring Leisure Hall, and I took McClen to chat with them in the past, and by the way asked some recent rumors about him ..."

Polger took off his coat, hung it behind the door, walked to the sofa in the living room, and sat down, speaking slowly.

"Those rumors? Are you talking about Ye Xuan taking the Blood Eye Star S-class mission?"

Listening to Borger's, Mary and George were more interested and looked at Borger with curiosity.

"Yes, I thought those rumors were false. Brother Ye Xuan would not have taken the time to take on the S-class missions, but I found that we were all wrong. The outside rumors were all true. S-Class mission. "

Bourg nodded slightly, took a sip of red wine from the coffee table, and continued: "They not only took the S-class tasks about Bloodeye, but also completed them."

"What? Ye Xuan, not only did he take on the S-Class mission on Bloodeye, but he also completed it?"

Borge's words fell into the ears of George and Mary, so that they could not help but be taken aback, and there were thick mistakes on their faces, with incredible words in their mouths.


Bourg nodded slightly.

"This ... is this fake?"

"Yeah, but that's an S-Class task. He actually completed it?"

George and Mary were shocked again, with their eyes widened, their mouths widened, and trembling words in their mouths.

"It's true."

Borger was very satisfied with the expressions and reactions of George and Mary, and spoke with determination.

"You asked him what he told you? Could it be he bragging?"

Mary and George frowned, still somewhat unbelievable.

"I saw the badge of the Linlong team he brought out, and a video he took on Bloodeye, which should not be wrong! The reason why Maclen and I did not continue to be him The C-class soldier celebrated because he felt that his promotion to the C-class soldier was nothing compared to the three S-class tasks completed by Ye Xuan ... "

Polger shook his head and said quite helplessly: "That Ye Xuan is really a monster, a recruit has completed the S-class mission."

"But now, 99% of the people on the Military Forum said he couldn't complete this task at all ..." Mary still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Polger: "So wait tomorrow Xuan, they will have a good show when they deliver the task. "

"Then we should take this opportunity to help Ye Xuan hype?"

Mary blinked and asked with a smile.

"Now Ye Xuan's popularity is already very high. If another wave of speculation causes a sensation, then he will be completely stable and can do it!"

Hearing what Mary said, Bourg thought about it.

While he was speaking, Mary had skillfully opened the holographic projection and entered the military tribune.

She is an old man in the Military Gong Forum and has a very high reputation, especially after she broke out that Ye Xuan will deliver more than 1,600 missions.

With a little groaning, Mary posted a post-"Recruit Ye Xuan has completed the S-class mission, and the legend is born."

Hello everyone, this is Mary, I am glad to bring you the biggest dry goods in this period. Recently, many friends are discussing whether the blood-eye star's S-class task was accepted by recruit Ye Xuan. Can he complete this task? Mary announced the answer for everyone in advance.

Today, a friend of mine met and talked with Ye Xuan, a recruit who hasn't appeared in Long Xingxing for a long time. At present, the recruit Ye Xuan has personally acknowledged that he has received the S-class mission of Blood Eye Star, and has completed The three S-class missions are expected to be delivered to the military power system lobby tomorrow.

A new miracle, a legend will be born tomorrow.

When Mary posted this post, it suddenly attracted countless people to watch, and a large number of people clicked into the post to browse and leave a message.

Of course, many people don't believe Mary's words at all.

What a joke, is it possible for a recruit to complete an S-Class mission?

To many, this is simply impossible.

At the moment, there are many people leaving messages, and even many people directly pose as Ye Xuan, and the formation is neat.

"Where is the dry goods? How can I see that the landlord is in YY? There is no dry goods and evidence."

"I've been to the water experience again, it's really heartbreaking! Landlord, can you be a little literate and just write the story like this?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Ye Xuan, a recruit. I hereby declare that I haven't taken over the S-level missions. The above are all made by the landlord!"

"Hello everyone, I am recruit Ye Xuan, I was not able to complete the S-level task. The landlord is talking nonsense, don't believe it!" "Hello everyone, I am recruit Ye Xuan, I am now performing G-level tasks outside. fake."

"Hello everyone, I'm Ye Xuan, a recruit. I'm chatting with Catwoman right now. The above is fake news. Don't believe it."


Looking at these messages, Mary could not help but a helpless wry smile appeared on her face, she shook her head gently, set her eyes on Bourges, and said with a bitter smile: "Captain, no one believes that Ye Xuan has completed the task. And there are many people who pretend to be anonymously leaving messages. "

"Look, someone has opened the market in the Military Gong Forum."

Just then, George, who was sitting next to him, seemed to have found something and said quickly.

As his words fell, Mary and Polger looked at the holographic projection in front of him.

"Ye Xuan is not able to complete the three S-level blood eye star missions and the odds of being able to complete the blood eye star missions are 1.25 to 10?"

"Well, who made this handicap?"

The words of horror came from their mouths.

Military Gong bet this is an entertainment project often played by big guys in the military system.

"Captain, are we going to bet? A lot of people are pressed, basically Ye Xuan who is bet cannot complete the task."

George turned and set his eyes on Borger's body, asking in a deep voice.

"Betting, you have to bet. This is a great opportunity to earn military power."

After a brief horror, Borge quickly returned to his mind and said with a smile.

"How to hold it?" George asked again.

"Of course, Yaxuan was able to complete the task. I saved 5 million points of military power over the years. I plan to do some more tasks to get 10 million points to upgrade to a C-level soldier. Now I'm all in!"

Polger pressed the watch to open the military power system interface and pushed his five million points of military power to all-in.

"Really all-in?" Looking at Polger's move, Mary and George looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

But they knew Borge very well. This guy paid special attention to military merit, but this time he went all-in?

"Fuck, get out!"

At present, the two of them also bet their only 500,000 points of military merit and 600,000 points of military merit.

The bet ended at 12am, Polger looked at the time and made a call to McClenn, and told him about the opening of the general power system.

"Grass, I upgraded the C-Class soldier, and now there are 10,000 points worth of military power left. I knew that I would not be in a hurry to upgrade if I knew it would be open. It ’s a big loss. Borger, you guys made a lot of money Ah, remember to ask me to play Catwoman then! "McClenn's extremely annoying words came from the phone.

"Okay, let's do this first. I'll call some other friends to inform them. Such a good thing naturally will make them make a fortune."

Polger shook his head to cut off contact with McLlen, and then dialed the phone of his friend Zhong Kui.

"Borg, is it all right?" Zhong Kui's voice came over the phone.

"Good guy, tell you the quickest way to make military achievements. The military system has opened the market. Hurry and check it out. Remember that Ye Xuan can complete the S-level blood eye star mission. I'll hang up."

Polger hung up the phone and continued to call his friend Borg Hulk, who also informed him of the opening of the military power system.

Zhong Kui, who was patrolling, looked at the hung up phone and opened the military system panel with a slight groan. When he saw the handout and many posts in the forum, he was completely shocked.

Obviously, he did not expect that this matter would become so hot.

However, in the end, he did not press Ye Xuan to complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission, but instead deferred all military achievements. He was unable to complete the Blood Eye Star mission.

After all, he has a certain understanding of Ye Xuan. He is indeed a newcomer who has just arrived in Dragon Nest. Although he has some strengths, he does not have the ability to complete S-level tasks, not to mention the S-level tasks of Bloodeye.

After receiving the call, Borg Hulk also bet Ye Xuan to be unable to complete the Blood Eye Star mission. His thoughts and judgments are similar to those of Zhong Kui.

Although Ye Xuan is not able to complete the Blood Eye Star mission, the odds are very low, but the victory is steady!

Of course, there are too many people who have the same judgment as them.

In short, there are very few people who can complete the S-class mission of Bloodeye Star.

Dragon star, the supreme box of a super luxury entertainment venue.

The four figures of extraordinary temperament, while drinking in the box, chatting leisurely to the sky, seemed rather leisurely.

If outside people are here, they will be able to recognize the four of them, because they are all famous figures on the military achievements list.

They are S-class strong swordsman Nie Feng, handsome S-level strong summer Xia Liu, ruthless S-level strong one-armed sword Emperor Luo Cheng, mature and attractive A-level strong Red King.

Jian Sheng Nie Feng glanced over the crowd, raised his glass and smiled, and said, "This time I asked my friends to ask you to do me a favor."

"Oh? The swordmaster wants us to help? What the **** is it?"

Listening to Jian Sheng Nie Feng, a summer-looking Liu Tiao in white clothes appeared handsome and smiled.

One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng and Red Emperor both curiously set their eyes on Jian Sheng Nie Feng.

"That's it. I plan to take on three S-level missions about Bloodeye, and would like to ask you to accompany me at that time to help me."

Jian Sheng Nie Feng groaned for a moment, slowly speaking.

"Bloodeye's three S-class missions? Haven't these three missions been taken up by a recruit?" One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng asked puzzled.

"What new recruit?" Honghuang asked puzzledly. She had been retreating a while ago, but she just didn't understand what was happening outside.

"It was a recruit who had just joined Dragon Nest and received the Blood-Eye Star S-level mission, but he could not complete it, so I plan to pick up this mission after his mission fails, and notify you in advance to agree with you Just a moment. "Jian Sheng Nie Feng said lightly.

"Sir, it's not good."

However, the words of Jian Sheng Nie Feng just ended, the door of the box was quietly opened, and Jian Xue Nie Feng's assistant A-level strongman Ling Xue hurried in.

"what happened?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng asked puzzled.

"There is news in the Military Gong Forum that the recruit Ye Xuan has completed the Bloodeye Star's S-Class mission and will be delivered tomorrow, and the military system has also opened a line on whether he can complete the mission."

Ling Xue said quickly.

"Oh ... nonsense, a recruit has been able to complete the S-class task? It's just that some guys deliberately speculated in order to open the market." Jian Sheng Nie Feng said disdainfully.

"Wait a minute ... Lingxue, what did you say the recruit's name?" The red emperor sitting next to him blinked and asked in a deep voice.

"His name is Ye Xuan, what's wrong? Senior Red Emperor." Ling Xue asked puzzledly.

The Red Emperor did not speak, but quickly opened the panel of the military system and looked into the forum carefully.

"This guy just made so much noise just here?"

When the red emperor read the news inside, a delicate smile appeared on her delicate cheek, and she smiled and opened her mouth.

"Oh? The Red Emperor knows this recruit?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng's eyes flashed a surprise, and asked with a smile.

"I have a good relationship with this little guy, but I didn't expect this little guy to come to Long Pingxing silently." Hong Huang said with a smile.

"How much does the Red Emperor know about this little guy?" One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng asked.

"Not too much. I knew him about a few years ago, that little guy was the realm of Emperor Wu ..." said the red emperor with a grin.

"Wang Wang Realm? So low?" Sword Saint Nie Feng and one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng were both a bit mistaken.

"Well ... but that little guy has the ability to fight at a higher level, and the martial arts potential is unlimited ..."

After a pause, she continued to say, "If this blood-eyed star-level task is really taken by that little guy, then the sword master ... I'm afraid this task can't wait for you to pick it up."

"What do you mean?" There was a puzzlement in the eyes of Jian Sheng Nie Feng.

"I mean ... that little guy could possibly accomplish this task." The Red Emperor replied lightly.

Then she set her gaze on the betting hand and said with a smile: "The odds are pretty good, I have exactly 50 million military achievements here, and I'm all set."

Speaking, the Red Emperor in the presence of Sword Nie Feng pushed all the military merit points to Ye Xuan to complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission.

"Red Emperor, you can really make a joke. Although I don't know why you are so confident in that recruit, is it appropriate that you bet all your military merits on him?"

Seeing this, Jian Sheng Nie Feng could not help saying.

The Red Emperor smiled and didn't explain anything, and she couldn't be sure if Ye Xuan could complete the S-Class task of Blood Eye Star, but she just instinctively chose to believe it.

"That being the case, let me play it."

Seeing the Red Emperor did not explain, Jian Sheng Nie Feng also opened the military power system panel, betting on his account for 300 million military powers, Ye Xuan was unable to complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission.

"Hehe ... I have a play too. Although the Red Emperor doesn't know what relationship you have with that little guy, you do have a bit of anger."

One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng smiled at this moment.

Then he bet 100 million points of military merit and Ye Xuan was unable to complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission.

"Listening to the Red Emperor, I'm curious about the recruit, but let alone the blood-starred S-Class mission, even if we haven't been sure of it, the Red Emperor thinks it was still a few years ago. The juniors in the Wuwang realm have stronger strength than us and can complete the blood eye star mission? "S-level strong summer Xia Liu also smiled at this moment.

"Although not 100% sure, but I think if it is the task he took, then there is at least a little hope." The Red Emperor thought for a moment and thought.

"Then you made the wrong bet this time."

In summer, Liu shook his head, and also opened the military power system panel to distribute 100 million military power and bet Ye Xuan to complete the S-class task.

In this regard, the Red Emperor shook his head helplessly, and said nothing more.

Bihai Bieyuan, Long Pingxing is a very famous villa area, only C-class soldiers are eligible to move in.

Jian Ruxue wore long hair, stood in a light purple nightdress standing on the rooftop of the villa, and looked at the posts in the Military Forum displayed by the holographic projection in front of her. A lovely smile appeared on the cute and delicate cheeks.

She looked up at the starry night sky with a murmur of words in her mouth: "That guy is back at Dragon Rising Star, is he going to deliver the task tomorrow?"

"Does he really complete the Bloodeye task?"

"Is it done?"

Speaking, Jian Ruxue lowered her head and looked at the only one million points of military power left on the panel of military power system in front of her, then bet it on Ye Xuan to complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission.

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