Medical Martial God

Chapter 1267: The birth of a legend!

"It's so terrifying. A skull has such a powerful fierce breath. How strong will this person be during the heyday?"

"Who is this person? A powerful foreign enemy killed by Ye Xuan?"

"Just judging from the breath released by this skull, I am afraid that his strength has definitely reached reincarnation."

"He went out on a mission to kill a reincarnation powerhouse?"

Looking at the first stage that Ye Xuan took out, I felt the fierce breath released by it. People all around couldn't help but change their faces, and the words of surprise came from their mouths.

"That's Heiyan, the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect?"

The sword sage Nie Feng, who was staying in the Supreme Lounge, and summer willow, and the devil Luo Luocheng, the three of them were widening their eyes, and their mouths were filled with amazement.

Maybe others don't know Black Rock, but they are quite clear, because they have fought against Black Rock many times on the Azure front recently.

That black rock is their old couple.

They are even more aware of the strength of Black Rock, but a strong man who has stepped into the immortal state many years ago. His cultivation has reached the state of immortality, and his combat effectiveness is extremely prominent in the immortal state.

However, now Ye Xuan has taken out the first stage of Heiyan, how can this not make them feel wrong and shocked.

"Black Rock, Vice-lord of Aoyue Sect?"

Even the red emperor who was always calm beside him was shocked by the first stage of the black rock that Ye Xuan took out.

"Let's go, look out ..."

Jiefeng Nie Feng couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and walked towards the hall where Ye Xuan was located outside.

In summer Liu, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng also stood up and walked towards the outside. The red emperor hesitated and followed closely.

"So ... that is Master Jiefeng Nie Feng?"

"Not only Lord Swordmaster Nie Feng, but also one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng, summer willow, and red emperor!"

"I'm going. I'm too lucky today. I actually saw the legendary S-class powerhouse?"

Sword Saint Nie Feng, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng, Red Emperor, Summer Willow The arrival of the four of them caused a shock and sensation in the hall. Exciting and enthusiastic voices came from the mouths of people around .

"I have seen Nie Feng, Luo Cheng, Xia Liu, Xia Honghuang, and four adults."

Jian Ruxue greeted them with a smile.

Ye Xuan looked at the arriving Red Emperor, a flash of consternation flashed on his face, and then showed a long-lost smile to the Red Emperor.

The Red Emperor was about to speak, but Jian Sheng Nie Feng was the first to say: "Boy, where are you from here?"

"I was attacked by a C-class battleship on my way to the Bloodeye mission, and this person was the leader of that battleship ..."

Ye Xuan groaned and spoke slowly.

"Do you know who he is? What is his behavior and identity?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng asked again.

"His name is Heiyan, and he is the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect.

Ye Xuan set his gaze on Jian Sheng Nie Feng and asked puzzledly.

To dig?

This person is the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect, and the strong one at the immortal level?

Nima, is there anything wrong?

Does this mean that this recruit has killed an undead strong, and is the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect?

He just repaired Nirvana, and actually killed Heiyan, the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect?

Ye Xuan's words fell into the ears of the people around them, so that their pupils could not help shrinking, and looking at Ye Xuan was like a ghost.

That's not the undead strong, Hei Yan, deputy lord of Aoyue Sect, but was killed by a recruit?

Jiefeng Nie Feng was also shocked by Ye Xuan's answer.

He took a deep breath and pressed down the shock in his heart. He stared at Ye Xuan and asked, "Did you say that Heiyan, the Deputy Sovereign of Aoyue Sect, was killed by you?"

"Yes." Ye Xuan did not deny it but nodded gently.

Although there was the credit of Queen Medusa for killing Black Rock at the beginning, this man had military rewards. Ye Xuan had to reward him first.


Ye Xuan's affirmative answer, Jian Sheng Nie Feng, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng, Red Emperor, and Summer Willow could not help but shock them again.

You must know that Ye Xuan is only a Nirvana realm, but Aoyue Jianzong's deputy master, Heiyan, is an immortal realm. The two of you are two different realms.

However, Ye Xuan killed them, how could this not keep them from shaking.

At this moment, sword master Nie Feng, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng, and the red emperor's eyes changed to Ye Xuan.

Feeling their eyes on Jian Sheng Nie Feng, Ye Xuan couldn't help but hesitated. Then he realized that his true cultivation was just Nirvana, and he used Nirvana to kill the undead strong. This seemed to many people. It is incredible.

At the moment, he quickly explained: "Ahem ... I'm lucky to be able to kill this black rock. At that time, he had just fought against an eight-winged violent snake emperor in the starry sky. He was seriously wounded and his fighting power was less than ten times of his peak One, so we were able to kill him. "

"So it is."

Hearing Ye Xuan's explanation, Jian Sheng Nie Feng, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng appeared a faint color on their faces, which was somewhat relieved.

Otherwise, it would be too bad for Ye Xuan to use Nirvana Realm to kill Aoyue Jianzong's vice-lord Heiyan.

It can only be said that the luck of that black rock is really bad.

"Like Snow Maiden, how much military power can this man receive?"

Seeing the relief of the crowd, Ye Xuan quietly took a sigh of relief and turned his head to fall on Jian Ruxue's body, asking in doubt.

"Wait a minute, I'll check for you."

Jian Ruxue took a deep breath, forced the shock in her heart to quickly return to her mind, and began to inquire.

After a moment, she set her eyes on Ye Xuan and replied in a deep voice: "Heiyan is a powerful man who has never died, and cooperates with his identity as the Deputy Sovereign of the Sword Emperor of the Proud Moon, killing him can reward 150 million The value of the army! "

"Is 150 million worth of military power worth?" Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with excitement, the heads of Heiyan are so valuable, and Jian Tiancheng's heads are more valuable.

"Yes!" Jian Ruxue nodded earnestly.

The difficulty of killing an undead strong is not less than that of an S-class task. The military value is naturally horrible. Otherwise, where does the military value of those guys on the top 100 military achievements list come from?

"So how much is this head worth?"

Ye Xuan thought, and with one stroke of his hand, he took out the ruthless head of Hengyun Neizong's deputy master Yuan.

"Hengyun Neizong's Deputy Sovereign Yuan is fierce?"

Looking at Ye Xuan's head, Jian Sheng Nie Feng, one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng shrinking their pupils, their faces could not help changing again.

The top powers of the five major leagues of their team who have been lingering on the blue front for a long time are well aware of them. They can be 100% sure that this is the fierce head of Hengyun's deputy suzerain.

"Yuan Yunzong, the deputy lord of Hengyun Sect, is the guy who led the beast to kill God on the Azure front? He was also killed?"

"Well, isn't it? That's Yuan Yuan, this guy is a fierce man. I don't know how many of us have been killed on the Azure front."

"Is Yuan really killed by Ye Xuan?"

Hearing Sword Saint Nie Feng and One-armed Sword Emperor Luo Cheng's words, the people around them were very shocked. The eyes and expression of Ye Xuan who held Yuan's fierce head was like looking at a monster.

You must know that the fierce strength of Hengyun's Deputy Sect Yuan Yuan is much stronger than Black Rock.

"This is the fierce head of Hengyun Neizong's Deputy Sovereign Yuan. You killed him?"

The bottom of Jian Ruxue's heart was also so shocking that he set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and asked in confusion.

"Well, I'm lucky I met him on the Blood Eye Star and suffered a serious injury after a war with a five-grade **** beast, and I killed him." Ye Xuan nodded and smiled.

Still waiting for Jian Ruxue to speak, Ye Xuan continued to say, "Yes, I killed some people besides him."

"You help me see how much military value their heads are worth."

During Ye Xuan's speech, the three main swords of the proud Ancestral Sword Tiancheng, the vice-lord of the Canghai Shenzong, the madness of the vice-sovereign of the Tianxian Sect, and the three main souls of the Taishang Soul Sect dominated their heads.

"This ... this is the head of the three main swords of Aoyue Jianzong, Tiancheng?"

"And the head of Xuekang, the vice-lord of Canghai Shenzong?"

"Death of the Celestial Sect of Emperor Tianzong dies and the three souls of Taishang Soul Sect dominate the sky?"

When Sword Master Nie Feng and One-Armed Sword King Luo Cheng saw Ye Xuan's heads taken out of the Void Lord's Ring in turn, the whole man was completely stunned, with incredibly disgusting words in his mouth.

"Is this ... is there something wrong with this? Jian Tiancheng, Xue Kuang, Hunming they were all killed by this kid?"

Even the summer willow, which has always been light and light, was deeply shocked by Ye Xuan's head at this moment.

With a certain understanding of Ye Xuan, the Red Emperor who thought that he would not be surprised by whatever he did was also shocked and persecuted at this moment. The look to Ye Xuan was full of undisguised shock and Startled.

She felt that the standing young man and the little fellow in her impression were like two people at this moment.

For the first time, she thought Ye Xuan was so strange in front of her.

This guy unexpectedly killed the three main swords of Aoyue Jianzong, Tiancheng, and the deputy chief of Canghai Shenzong, all of them killed?

This is a complete subversion of the Red Emperor's perception of Ye Xuan.

As for the people around, they were shocked by the names of Lei Guaner who were surrendered by Jian Sheng Nie Feng.

They narrowed their pupils, widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and looked at Ye Xuan with trembling body trembling, and their brains were shocked and blank.

Standing next to Ye Xuan, Borg, Mary, George, who accompanied Ye Xuan to fulfil the task, stayed completely at this moment, like petrified.

The shock brought by Ye Xuan's head was too great.

Jian Ruxue was completely shocked by her entire body, and her tall breast on her chest was so shocked that she could not calm down for a long time and set off waves of turbulent waves ...

The shock and surprise that this man brought to the Blood Eye Star once they came back was so huge that it subverted everything they knew.

Although they are unwilling to believe it all, the heads of Ye Xuan and the fierce breath released from their heads clearly tell them that this is all true. Ye Xuan did not lie to them. There is no hallucination.

"Boy, do you really kill Jian Tiancheng, Xue Kuang, Soul Domineering, Yuan ruthless they killed?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng was surging, and clenched his palms, trying to keep himself calm, set his eyes on Ye Xuan, and asked Shen Shen.

"This ... this is my luck. When they met them, they had just experienced a fierce battle. They were seriously injured and had no combat power. I was able to kill them."

Ye Xuan explained with a bitter smile.

As if thinking of something, he continued to say, "Yes, the three main souls of the Supreme Soul Sect domineering didn't actually die. What I killed was just a cricket clone he usually used to walk outside instead of himself. As for the damage to his body, I was not able to kill him, so this head should not be counted. "

While speaking, Ye Xuan thought that a ray of star emperor dragons burst out and burned the first level of the soul domineering into nothingness.

Hearing Ye Xuan's almost perfunctory explanation, looking at his calm appearance, Jian Sheng Nie Feng's mood could not be calm for a long time.

Although it was difficult for him to believe that Ye Xuan could kill Jian Tiancheng, but now the fact is in front of them, they have to admit it.

One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng, summer willow, and red emperor looked at each other, and their mood was also extremely complicated. The eyes looking at Ye Xuan were full of deep sighs and shock.

Although Ye Xuan's explanation was perfunctory, saying that it was Jian Tiancheng that they suffered severe injuries, and he was lucky to kill them if they were seriously injured. However, they knew that even if Jian Tiancheng was seriously injured, they could not be easily injured. The killers, even if they encounter them, may not be able to do so.

They don't know what kind of secrets Ye Xuan has, but what he did really shocked and admired them.

"Good job, boy, you are the first person to make me ashamed and admire Jiefeng Nie Feng!"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng stretched out his palm and patted Ye Xuan's shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Boy no matter how you kill Jian Tiancheng, Yuan ruthless them, you are the heroes of our planet, the heroes of the Azure Front, and their death will hit the place and reduce the huge pressure for our Azure Front. Dry It's beautiful! "

One-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng looked at Ye Xuan and opened his mouth in consternation.

"Ye Xuan, isn't it? I'm so desperate that I'll have a drink with Summer Liu in my free time."

Summer Liu also said with a smile.

"Boy, you did not disappoint the emperor, excellent!"

The Red Emperor looked at Ye Xuan with complex eyes, his face was full of smiles, and he laughed.

"Tough, mighty!"

"Brother Ye Xuan, you are really awesome!"

"Haha, as soon as Jian Tiancheng dies, our blue front can be peaceful for a while now."

"Hemp eggs, Brother Ye Xuan is an idol in my heart. He's handsome."

"It's so handsome. This is definitely the most handsome man the old lady has ever met, and she just loves to die."

After a brief shock and shock, the other people in the hall quickly returned to God at this moment. The eyes looking at Ye Xuan were filled with deep enthusiasm and worship, and they spoke with consternation.

At this moment, Ye Xuan is just the perfect idol in their eyes.

"Ye Xuan, you are really awesome!"

Even the steady sword Ru Xue said at this moment.

Ye Xuan not only completed the S-class mission of Blood Eye Star, but also killed Jian Tiancheng and the five major suzerain figures of Yuan Ren, they blinded their eyes and shocked them.

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