Medical Martial God

Chapter 1269: poisonous!

In the Military Gong Forum, a post called "The Strongest Recruit in History" was just released, which caused a large number of spectators to watch.

The post is long and reads as follows:

Ye Xuan, a G-level recruit, has created countless miracles since joining the army two months ago, first completing 1,600 ultra-difficult missions in just three days, and then taking on three S-level missions on Bloodeye Done successfully! Do you think it's all over? NO, the real miracle has just begun.

Black Rock? Do you know him? Aoyue Jianzong's Deputy Sovereign, an immortal powerhouse.

Jian Tiancheng, everyone is familiar, right? It is said that the three lords of Aoyue Jianzong are about to enter immortality.

Yuan Ren, do you also know? The Deputy Sovereign of the Hengyun Neizong, the guy who controls the monster killing gods on the Azure Front, and the Vice Sovereign of the Sea God of the Snow, Xuangang ...

These famous people, everyone hates them? Because of them, countless of our fellow soldiers and comrades-in-arms died in their hands, but now I can tell you boldly that they are all dead and fall into the hands of a recruit named Ye Xuan.

It's an immortal legend, it's an incredible miracle, it's the rise of a recruit, and he deserves to be the strongest recruit in history.

This post recounts the miracles and legends Ye Xuan has made since he joined the army in a kind of impassioned words.

Since this post appeared, other posts have sprung up like mushrooms, but the content is about the same, and I highly praise Ye Xuan.

I have to say that recruit Ye Xuan brushed up his presence in the forum.

Looking at the content that appeared in each post, the people who looked at it were shocked, and even doubted their eyes, and felt that they were looking at the eyes.

After all, not everyone witnessed Ye Xuan's delivery of the task at the scene of the military hall, and took out the whole process of Jian Tiancheng's first level.

Even those who witnessed the birth of the miracle in person at the scene are hard to return to God at this moment, and feel a bit unreal.

"I wipe, did the recruit really complete the Bloodeye Star S-Class mission?"

"Well, let's take him to complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission, but what happened to killing the three supersword swords, Tiancheng, the Ancestral Moon Sect, and Yuan Sui, the lord Sect of Hengyun?

"My grass, is it that I haven't woke up or are dazzled. What kind of wind is blowing in this military power forum today?"

"It was awful and awful to lie down. Although I don't know if these are true or not, they look so good. The strongest recruit in history, Niubi die!"

"It scared me to say that a strong F-Class would not dare to speak, the front bench."

Countless people have commented on their posts and posted their own opinions and opinions. Most people can hardly believe this.

It is good for a recruit to be able to complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission. He also killed the top strongmen, the three main swords of the proud Ancestral Sword Sect, Tiancheng, is it possible?

When we do n’t know how strong those guys are, how hard is it to kill?

If they were really good at killing, they wouldn't live to this day, and neither of our comrades-in-arms would fall.

In short, people have had tremendous skepticism about this matter, and they always find it difficult to believe and accept it.

Just when people were skeptical about the content of these posts, a post sent by Stegosaurus Mary was born.

"You are still skeptical of the true events reported in these posts? It is so difficult for you people to accept the strength of a recruit? For us Dragon Nest fighters, the rise of such a fierce man is our blessing, and for us Dragon Nest is a great benefit! If you still do n’t believe this, then you should look at the ranking of military achievements and the rank of Ye Xuan ’s soldiers today, of course, please leave your military achievements, after all, bet on the market Already settled. "

With the posting of Mary's post, a large number of people quickly went to check the military rankings and Ye Xuan's warrior ranks and their own military achievements.

When they found out, they were completely shocked.

"Unfortunately, has there been a mistake in the value of two billion military achievements, ranking 198th in the military achievements?"

"Ye Xuan A-level junior soldier, military value of two billion, military rank 198?"

"Nima, is everything said in the post true? Is this too incredible?"

"The Bloodeye Star S-Class mission has only 550 million military power. Where did the extra billion come from? Could it be that guy bought it with Jian Tiancheng's head?

"I made a grass, it was awesome, and I suddenly became an A-class soldier. This is my dream of my life. It seems that he really killed the group of Jian Tiancheng."

"Idol, my real idol, my male god, is the man I dream of in my heart. It's too good."

Although people don't believe the content of the post, when they see Ye Xuan's military value ranking and his fighter rank, they have to believe because the fact is in front of them.

Ye Xuan, he really did everything they thought was impossible at all, subverting their perception.

Although Ye Xuan spent a lot of military achievements, his military achievements won't change in the military achievements list, because this is his military achievements, which represents his contribution to the war to defend the earth.

This list only counts the fighters who have accumulated military merits. It does not change because the soldiers spent military merits. It is because of this that the military merits occupy a huge weight in people's hearts.

Who would have thought that Ye Xuan, who was originally at the end of the military rankings, suddenly rushed to the top 200 in the military rankings, ranking 198!

After the deep shock and surprise, people finally came back from the shock and surprise.

Then, as if thinking of something, he quickly looked at his military power system panel.

When they saw their few military achievements, the whole person looked like a discouraged ball and became extremely amazed.

Some of them actually lost a lot of military merit, but because the military merit system opened a handicap about whether Ye Xuan can complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission, they did not hesitate to make a bet and put their military merit points. Both were taken in, and Ye Xuan, who was remanded, could not complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission.

At this moment, they lost their pants.

Suddenly, there was wailing on the forum.

A well-known A-level fighter: "I am in circles, my three million military achievements, all gone."

A B-level junior fighter: "I have worked hard to accumulate 1 million points of military achievements, and I have lost all."

A senior C-level soldier: "What do I have to do to upgrade the military strength of a B-level soldier? No, all his mother's lost."

A D-class junior fighter: "I performed a thousand tasks and accumulated three million military points. This is gone. I knew this already. I should bet Ye Xuan could complete the Bloodeye Star S-class task."

There are no shortage of lucky people in the sorrows of the earth, such as Mary, George, and Polger.

Mary: "Look at you like this, but the old lady sent a post to remind you that you don't believe it ... Where is it like me? I have made millions of military achievements in vain."

George: "Dear brothers, don't cry, stand up, aren't you just some military achievements? You worked hard for several years to perform multiple tasks and earned them back. Oh, my military achievements on my account are so bright ..."

Borg: "Haha ... George, Mary, you guys are really bad, don't you just make millions of military achievements? Don't show off everywhere, it's better to be low-key like me."

Looking at Mary, George, and Polger's remarks, people felt like they wanted to kill him.

Dragon Nest, patrol rest place.

As soon as Zhong Kui completed his patrol, he couldn't wait to open the military power system panel to check it. When he saw an unread message sent by the system, he felt particularly nervous for a moment, and then carefully opened the message carefully.

"Sorry, the 600,000 military power points of the XXXXXX market you bet on have failed. The military power points will not be returned."

When Zhong Kui saw the system news, he felt that the weather was thundery, and the entire human brain was blank.

"Bet failed? What's the situation? Could it be that guy has completed the Bloodeye Star's S-Class mission?"

It took a long time for Zhong Kui to recover from the state of loss, and then he opened the Military Gong Forum and looked at it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you look at it.

"What? That guy not only completed the Blood Eye Star S-class mission, but also killed the three main sword Tiancheng of Aoyue Jianzong?"

Zhong Kui jumped up on the spot, scaring the next man sitting next to him, and asked in confusion: "Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm okay." Zhong Kuiqiang calmed himself and shook his head with a grin.

At this time, his phone rang, and it was a call from Borge.

"Old clock, how about it? You made a lot of money this time? How can you thank me? I heard that a new batch of catwoman came from Longyu. The quality is pretty good, when will you take me over? ? "

Polg's words of invitation were ringing on the phone.

Hearing Borger's voice, Zhong Kui couldn't help but show a thick bitter smile and helplessness. At this moment, I don't know how to describe it.

"Hey, boss, do n’t hesitate to say something, please tell me when you are going to play? Wouldn't you be a guy who made military achievements and didn't recognize anyone?" Seeing that Zhong Kui didn't speak, the phone opposite Poll The grid spoke again.

"That ... Lao Bo ... I don't have any military skills. I may not be able to invite you to drink and watch Catwoman." Zhong Kui hesitated and whispered.

"What? No military merit? Under what circumstances, shouldn't I make you bet to win millions?" A voice from Borger surprised.

"I didn't listen to you. Ye Xuan, the recruit, was unable to complete the Bloodeye Star S-class mission." Zhong Kui smiled bitterly.

"What? You ..."

"I have something to do, I'll hang up first."

Before he could finish speaking, Bourges directly hung up the phone, and his heart was extremely regretful.

It would have been nice if he had listened to Borge.

Boot Camp, Director's Office.

Zhang Lu was sitting on a chair while watching the movie leisurely, while sorting out the materials.

"Director Zhang, it's not good, Instructor Hulk is drunk ..."

A hasty knock sounded, and a staff member rushed in quickly.

"Drunken? Why did he drink suddenly? Take me to see it." Zhang Luwenyan quickly got up and walked out of the office.

Soon she was led by the staff to the instructor's lounge.

Borg Hulk sat down in his chair drunk, pouring his spirits into his mouth ...

"Huck, why are you drinking so much wine, are you crazy?"

Seeing this, Zhang Lu scolded Borg Hulk's hand in a stern expression.

"Lulu, leave me alone, you want me to drink a bit more, I want to get drunk once ..." said Borg Huck drunk.

"Why?" Zhang Lu asked coldly.

"I ... the military merits I've worked so hard for all these years ... all gone ... Borg's guy called and asked me to bet that Ye Xuan could complete the Blood Eye Star S-class mission, but I didn't listen to him. Bet Ye Xuan was unable to complete the Blood Eye Star S-Class. As a result, the boy not only completed the Blood Eye Star S-Class mission, but also killed the top powerhouses, such as Aoyue Jianzong, three main swords, Tiancheng ...

"I ... I should have been happy for this kid, after all, he was out of our recruit barracks, but I ... I was not happy, I ... I have lost all my military skills, I ... I'm fine Regret. "

"Actually, I know that guys are very extraordinary, but I ... I just didn't expect them to be so powerful and so strong ..."

Borg Hulk stood up staggeringly, with annoyed words in his mouth.

"If you do n’t have military skills, you can make more money. Look at you like this, but you are still an instructor. Isn't your appearance like a joke?"

"There will be recruits training in a while, you cheer me up."

Zhang Lu walked to Borg Hulk and patted him on the shoulder.


"Again, you still have me without military skills, aren't you?" Borg Hulk wanted to say something, but Zhang Lu smiled, stretched out his palm and gave him a hug.

"Lulu, you ..."

Borg Huck's pupils shrank, and the whole man froze.

"Hulk, let's be together."

"Haha ... OK ... Haha ..."

The next moment, Borg Hulk was drunk and laughed hug Zhang Lu.

He has liked Zhang Lu for a long time, and has not had the courage to confess. He never expected to be blessed by misfortunes this time.

"Huck, go and drink with me ..."

Zhong Kui, who had just walked in to find Borg Hulk and get drunk the last time, saw Zhang Lu and Hulk embracing each other and stood on the spot.

He was ready to come to Hulk for comfort, but ended up eating a wave of dog food.

"Hmm ..."

A bite of old blood was almost sprayed from Zhong Kui's mouth ...

Damn, it's definitely poisonous today.

This is the darkest day in Zhong Kui's life.

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