Medical Martial God

Chapter 1271: Visit of the Red Emperor!

In the warm and comfortable room, Ye Xuan was lying on the balcony boringly browsing the military power forum. When he saw various posts about himself in the forum, a handsome smile appeared on his handsome face, light Smiled and shook his head.

This trip to Blood Eye Star not only made him a huge gain, but also because of completing the Blood Eye Star's S-level missions and killing Jian Tiancheng and others, his reputation has also been greatly improved.

In people's eyes, he is no longer the new recruit who has just joined the army, but a hero who killed Jian Tiancheng and other top powerful men. He is their idol and a veritable A-class soldier.

All these things made De Xuan feel a little bit surprised.

"Ding Dong ..."

As Ye Xuan's thoughts gradually drifted away, the crisp knocking sounded at this moment, interrupting his thoughts and gradually returning to God.

Right now, he stood up and walked towards the outside of the room.

Opening the door, what appeared to Ye Xuan's sight was a **** familiar figure.

She wears a flowing long hair, a delicate and flawless cheek, a graceful figure wrapped in a red tight robe, and a thick maturity and charm exuding all over her, which can't help falling down on her Under the feet.

"Senior Red King, why are you here?"

Looking at the mature and charming figure exuding in front of his eyes, Ye Xuan's face appeared with a touch of consternation, and he spoke in doubt.

"What? I don't welcome my sister?"

Red Emperor stretched out her white and slender jade hands to caress the long hair that drew down her chest, a charming smile appeared on her face, and she blinked gently at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan only felt as if he had been electrocuted, and answered subconsciously, "Where can I go?"

"Giggle ..."

The Red Emperor giggled and walked into the room writhing with irritability.

Looking at the plump and **** back of Red Emperor, twisting the hot waist, thinking of her blinking action, Ye Xuan only felt that it was difficult to get back to her for a long while.

This woman really is a catchy goblin.

"Senior Red King, what would you like to drink?"

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and patted his forehead. He quickly turned back and smiled.


The Red Emperor answered with a smile.

Ye Xuan poured a cup for the Red Emperor, then poured himself a cup, walked to the side of the Red Emperor and sat down: "Oh!"

"Thank you."

Red King took over the beer, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked back and forth on Ye Xuan.

"what happened?"

Feeling the eyes of the Red Emperor, Ye Xuan asked doubtfully.

"I want to see what secrets you have on this little guy and how you cultivate. Not only have you completed the Blood Eye Star S-Class mission, but they have also solved these issues."

The Red Emperor joked.

"Well ... I'm just lucky." Ye Xuan smiled and explained.

"Come on, it's almost fooling you to fool others and cheating my sister?" The Red Emperor gave Ye Xuan a white look, and said angrily.

"Really, I'm really lucky ... this time to kill Jian Tiancheng, they all rely on luck ..."

Seeing the Red Emperor disbelieve, Ye Xuan could only bring him to the Blood Eye Star, Jian Tiancheng and they found Jiuyin Tianjiguo, Bayin Zengshuncao and other natural treasures, and then came to him to use strategies to kill them The story went slowly.

"You kid ... it's really an ancient spirit. I can't imagine that even Jiantian Cheng will hit your divorce plan, but this is understandable. After all, it's in front of so many treasures. People are greedy and they can It's reasonable to be killed by you. "

After listening to Ye Xuan's narration, a red color appeared on the face of the Red Emperor. Meimu stared at Ye Xuan and smiled and said, "You really know how to stir people's hearts."

"Senior Red King has won."

Ye Xuan smiled and seemed very modest.

"Come on, don't be a senior Red Emperor. Didn't you let me call you Red Sister before? Why did you change your mouth now? Did you abandon me?"

The Red Emperor glared at Ye Xuan and said angrily.

"How can there be ... Sister Hong, you are as beautiful as a fairy, **** and sultry, unparalleled ..."

Ye Xuan said quickly.

What seemed to come to mind, Ye Xuan thought out and took out a Jiuyintianjiguo from the Nether Lord of the Rings: "Red sister, these Jiuyintianjiguo are very helpful to your cultivation, this is what I give you one's gift."

"You kid still have this thought? Come on, your sister, I've got it, but I can't accept this precious thing that is extremely fruity on the nine cloudy days, keep it for yourself."

The Red Emperor looked at the Jiuyintian Jiye from Ye Xuan and shook his head with a smile.

The fruit of these nine cloudy days is extremely precious and of infinite value. Ye Xuan was able to take it out and give her to her. She was very touched in her heart. She received this thought, but she couldn't handle things.

"Hurry up, I have a lot of this stuff. If you do n’t accept it, you are abandoning me ... And, if I hadn't covered you in Suhai, I'm afraid I would have been finished, so this Jiuyintianjiguo, if you do n’t, you have to collect it. "

Ye Xuan stared at the Red Emperor and said earnestly.

"Sister really can't ask for it, you just cultivate in Nirvana and keep it for yourself." The Red Emperor waved his hand and pushed Jiuyintianjiguo back to Ye Xuan.

"Red sister, if you do not have this thing, you are looking down on me. And, it is just a fruit of Jiuyintian, can it be compared with our relationship?" Ye Xuan frowned, her eyes stared tightly. With the Red Emperor.

"Our relationship? Is our relationship very close? Or do you admire your sister and me?" A red look appeared on the face of the Red Emperor, and then leaned forward and leaned against Ye Xuan, staring at Ye Xuan and holding out white Yu's hand was joking on Ye Xuan's shoulder.

"Ahem ... Red sister, don't do this ..."

Ye Xuan's move caused Ye Xuan to hesitate, and he coughed quickly, saying solemnly.

But the light in the corner of his eye was uncontrollably sneaking away to the red emperor, because of his lean forward, and the large white and turbulent waves that appeared in front of him.

"Don't be like this?"

The Red Emperor gently breathed at Ye Xuan, stretched out her palm to catch Ye Xuan's neck, and joked, "Sister, I like very pure little virgins like you, do you like this type of sister? "

"What type?" Ye Xuan breathed a little, and her mind was led away by the Red Emperor.

"What kind of sister do you think?" The Red Emperor leaned close to Ye Xuan's face and asked with a smile.

"Yu ... Yu sister ..." Ye Xuan answered subconsciously.

"Haha ... Royal sister ... haha ​​..."

Looking at Ye Xuan's slightly nervousness and anxiety, and hearing his answer, the Red Emperor could no longer make fun of it, and laughed.

With her laugh, the towering snow white trembled violently, and the raging waves made the mouth dry, as if to draw people's eyes in.

Ye Xuan also gradually returned to God at this moment, and said with a stern face: "Are you a senior, is it interesting to tease me for a young and enterprising young person? It ’s time to take it away!"

"Since you are so determined to let your sister accept it, then that sister will accept it. It will be a token of sentiment to you." The Red Emperor did not postpone it but received the Jiuyin Tianji fruit. This thing was too useful for her, and she continued to tease.

"You're not joking at all ..."

Ye Xuan said quickly.

"Little guy, thank you."

However, before Ye Xuan's words were finished, the Red Emperor kissed his fiery lips on his face, making him as if he had been struck by lightning, as if petrified.

It took a while for him to return to God.

He turned to look at the Red Emperor, and found that at this moment she had recovered her solemn look, as if she had not done anything just now.

"You red sister ..."

Ye Xuan was about to speak, and the Red Emperor interrupted his words: "Little guy, in fact, this time I came to you to find something to transfer to you."

"Is there something to hand over to me?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a puzzle and doubt: "What?"

"I don't know too well. An old guy gave it to me and let me transfer it to you, saying that it was redeemed by you in the military power store."

The Red Emperor said lightly.

As she spoke, she took out three items packed in delicate delivery boxes and placed them in front of Ye Xuan.

"It was these three things."

Hearing the words of the Red Emperor, looking at the three express boxes in front of him, Ye Xuan's face appeared a faint color, muttering to himself.

"What did you redeem in the military practice store?"

The Red Emperor asked curiously.

"Soon you will know."

Ye Xuan said mysteriously, and then stretched out his palm to quickly open the express box.

The outer box of the courier was disassembled, and what appeared to Ye Xuan's sight were three extremely delicate treasure boxes.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath and opened the first light blue treasure box. What appeared to him and the Red Emperor was a piece of light blue luster, which seemed to contain a unique small world with fists. Size gems.

The luster flowing inside the gem contains endless power, exuding a breath of inspiration.

"This is the source of Wannian Xuanjing?"

Looking at this fast and unique gemstone, a look of astonishment appeared on the face of the Red Emperor, and he asked in confusion: "This thing is extremely helpful to the beasts, it can help them increase the growth value of a thousand years and randomly obtain an ability Do you use military value to exchange it for the animal? "

"Yes, I have a beast that is still growing." Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and whispered.

"What star rating for that beast? If its blood level does not reach six stars, don't give it food, it is too wasteful," the red emperor urged.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly to understand, and then opened the second treasure box, a streamlined suit of armor that appeared in his sight. It not only contained the armor, but also included the boots and wrists. , Cloak, and so on, it looks very pulling.

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and wiped it off, feeling abnormally comfortable, and the movement of belching in his body became active at this moment.

"Starlight suit? This is a good thing. Its defense is amazing. It can withstand the attack of the undead strong. It is very suitable for your level. Put it on."

Looking at the starlight suit inside the treasure box, the red emperor said with a smile.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and quickly took it to the nearby dressing room to change the starlight suit.

The moment he put on the starlight suit, Ye Xuan only felt that his six senses had been strengthened, the rate of thoron operation in the body was twice as fast as usual, and the strength and speed had been enhanced. There is no weight, extremely breathable and comfortable, making Ye Xuan feel value for money.

"Yes, handsome guy!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan, who was especially handsome and upright coming out of the dressing room, saw Red Huang's eyes light up and couldn't help but sigh.

This starlight suit not only enhanced and enhanced Ye Xuan's strength, but also greatly improved his face value.

And this starry suit with Ye Xuan's white dragon form is absolutely handsome, making him the most beautiful cub in the world.

Ye Xuan nodded with satisfaction, then opened the third treasure box.

What emerged from his sight was a large bottle of pure white pulp, where the light flowed, containing incomparable energy, and a manual.

"This is a psionic sap. Why are you changing this thing?" Looking at the psionic sap, Red Huang flashed a puzzled look in his eyes and asked in confusion.

"I have a paper-cut supernatural power that can transform the avatar, but the cultivation realm can only be improved in the Yang Reality, so I plan to use this psionic sap to try it." Ye Xuan answered in a deep voice.

During the conversation, he had picked up the instructions and carefully tinkered with them. He soon made the psionic sap into white paper, and then trimmed them into paper people by a unique method.

Ye Xuan's thoughts moved and the paper-cutting supernatural powers poured into the paper people.


The paper man rose against the storm, instantly transformed into Ye Xuan's appearance, surrounded by blue energy, and a breath ten times stronger than before spread out from his body.

"The perfect completion of Nirvana?"

The Emperor Ye Xuan was surprised when she felt the cultivation of Ye Xuan transformed from the paper man.

Even Ye Xuan was startled with a look of astonishment.

Later, the surprise was transformed into ecstasy.

He didn't expect that the paper man's avatar, which was transformed from the blank paper made by the psionic tree pulp, directly promoted a great realm.

Today, Ye Xuan ’s "Nirvana" has reached the fifteenth level. The paper man's avatar is about fivefold. Its combat power is stronger than the general masters who have completed the nirvana. After all, the general nirvana is great. The master is only equivalent to the four realms of Nirvana.

The huge improvement of the paper man's demeanor has increased Ye Xuan's combat effectiveness in an all-round way, and also greatly improved his fighting method.

"The paper man's avatar is powerful enough to hire a man from the Nirvana Great Conquest. How many avatars can you use at one time?"

After a brief shock, the Red Emperor quickly returned to God and set his eyes on Ye Xuan, asking Shen Shen.

"Approximately one hundred can be manipulated at the same time." Ye Xuan thought and answered.

"a hundred?"

Ye Xuan's answer surprised the Red Emperor again.

Isn't this too tigery?

What magical power does this boy cultivate?

This can form a Nirvana commando.

"Hey ... maybe more than a hundred, maybe more."

Ye Xuan smiled and answered with a smile.

Red Emperor: "o ((⊙﹏⊙)) o"

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