Medical Martial God

Chapter 1275: Yin Yang Long Feng Dan [second more]

"Old man, why are you coming back? Anything else?"

Ye Xuan opened the door of the room and looked at Su Wen who had returned, asking in doubt.

"Master Ye Xuan, this is the case, there is an old thing that I want to discuss with you."

Su Wen's face was full of smiles, and he smiled.

"That being the case, then Su Lao also invited to sit inside."

Ye Xuan's face appeared with a touch of wonder, and invited Su Wen to the villa's living room to sit down and make a cup of tea for him.

Su Wen was very flattered by Ye Xuan's actions, and he respected Ye Xuan even more.

This young man is easier to contact and deal with than he imagined, and is not arrogant and impatient, it is rare.

"I don't know what Su Lao has to discuss with me?"

Ye Xuan went to the sofa and sat down, asking with a smile.

"In fact, there is not much, it is still because of the Reiki cultivation room ..." Su Wen said with a bitter smile.

"Reiki practice room?" Ye Xuan's eyes flashed puzzled.

"Master Ye Xuan, the thing is like this ... Because your practice is too powerful and horrible, the aura that you will pour into other training rooms during your cultivation will also attract the past to you. The practice room caused other people ’s practice rooms to have no aura inflow or a small amount of aura inflow, making them unable to practice normally, so this old man came here to discuss with Lord Ye Xuan and let us re-enter The underground training room is remodeled to provide a customized aura channel for your training room, so that it will not affect other people, and we guarantee that it will not affect your cultivation. "

Su Wen said in a deep voice.

"Because I practiced too much, I robbed the aura of other practice rooms?"

Su Wen's words made Ye Xuan a little bit wrong and aggressive.

"Yes." Su Wen nodded.

"But didn't you say it was okay when you first came to the test?" Ye Xuan's eyes were more incomprehensible.

"This is a rhetoric I found, but I don't want to let everyone know that it is because of your practice, Lord Ye Xuan, that everyone cannot practice normally. This will affect your relationship with everyone, so we have returned to discuss it with you. Su Wen explained with a smile.

"That's the case. Since that's the case, then just follow what you said. I can't affect everyone because of my cultivation?" Ye Xuan thought about it and answered quickly.

"Master, wise, thank you for your understanding. If there is nothing else, I will leave. I will send someone to renovate the master's reiki training room later."

Su Wen held a fist in front of Ye Xuan and then left respectfully.

It wasn't long after Su Wen left. Some staff came to renovate Ye Xuan's practice room. Ye Xuan didn't care about it, but let them do the tricks below. He went to the rooftop of the villa to drink. Get tea.

What seemed to come to mind, Ye Xuan thought, and an ancient book appeared in his hands.

There are two eye-catching typings in this book-Pharmacopoeia!

The ancient book "Pharmacopoeia" was obtained by Ye Xuan in the zero realm at the beginning, which is the secret of Haotian Yaozong. It contains the method of a refining pharmacist, and it needs to be repaired to reach the real world and possess the universe You can only read the top 100 different fires on the different fire list.

At that time, Ye Xuanxiu was not enough, and he did not subdue the Nirvana ancestors to view it. Now he can take it out and study it carefully in his spare time.

At present, Ye Xuan was in a state of mind, and the Emperor Xinglong burst out from his hand and started to burn against the Pharmacopoeia.

With the burning of the Star Emperor Dragon, the original ancient Pharmacopoeia was constantly undergoing metamorphosis at this moment. The cover of the book began to fall off, and the golden text flashed in the fire of the Star Emperor Dragon.

When Ye Xuan burned it, it was no longer the old and obsolete look, but a glittering heavenly book with a large amount of golden text jumping like a flame.

Ye Xuan carefully read the pharmacopoeia.

Foreword: The journey of refining medicine is vast and vast. I would like to record this book's many insights into refining medicine.

In this book there are a lot of unique records about how to become a refining pharmacist, how to carry out refining, and there are a lot of strange and unique fangs. Ye Xuan is dazzled.

Ye Xuan saw that for a whole day, he was completely intoxicated in the ocean of knowledge of refining medicine.

Not because he thinks refining medicine is fun, but because refining medicine is very powerful and very profitable. In the entire universe, refining medicine is the most noble existence.

Especially those advanced pharmacists are sought after everywhere they go.

As for the usual elixirs that Ye Xuan saw, they are all **** for real pharmacists.

An elixir from a real pharmacist can break through the monks who have been stuck in the bottleneck for many years, can revive the severely wounded monks with full blood, and can make a downcast family rise instantly ...

So far, the refining pharmacists Ye Xuan has met are fake refining pharmacists, and the elixir he has obtained is just useless elixir.

In the universe, the refining pharmacist is divided into four orders of heaven, earth, mystery, and yellow, and each order is divided into nine grades.

Up to now, even the lowest-ranking yellow-ranked first-class refining pharmacists on the earth are not counted as pharmacists. Those so-called miracles are not worthy of real elixir.

In order to become an alchemist, the conditions are extremely difficult, first of all, it requires huge and powerful soul power, and the control of soul power reaches an extremely terrible level. Secondly, it requires its own attribute energy to possess the fire attribute, and finally it also needs to have a kind of heaven and earth. Different fire.

No refining chemist is not a true pharmacist, and he cannot make a real elixir.

Because of this, the number of pharmacists in the entire universe is extremely rare, and their status is so precious.

"I have all these conditions ... So I have the potential to become a refiner."

Ye Xuan looked at the conditions to become a pharmacist and muttered to himself: "It seems that I have to find some time to practice pharmacology and try to become a pharmacist as soon as possible ..."

With this idea in mind, Ye Xuan carefully looked for simple Dan Fang in President Su.

It is a pity that he did not find the Danfang that he can make. The Danfang in the book of Pharmacopoeia is a very high-level existence.

This result made Dexuan very upset and sorry.

When Ye Xuan was about to put away the pharmacopoeia, his eyes flashed, and he vaguely remembered that the pharmacopoeia seemed to mention the author's first refining process of elixir.

"found it."

Right now, he just picked up the pharmacopoeia and looked carefully. The book reads: "Yin and Yang Longfeng Dan, the elixir that many pharmacists have chosen for the first time, and I am no exception. ... "

"Okay, try to make this Yin Yang Long Feng Dan first."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan spoke with excitement.

"That ... Lord Ye Xuan, the cultivation room has been transformed."

Ye Xuan was going to go to Long Pingxing's medicine store, and the staff of the renovating practice room said respectfully.

"Thank you." Ye Xuan thanked the staff.

"Then we leave first, Lord Ye Xuan!"

The staff members greeted Ye Xuan and left.

Ye Xuan went to the medicinal material store in the center of Longyingxing to buy medicinal materials made from Yin and Yang Longfeng Dan. Fortunately, these medicinal materials are not rare and they are easy to buy.

At the same time, Ye Xuan also bought a medicine tripod.

Soon, he returned to the villa and started his first refining.

"Yinyang Longfeng Dan's refining process is extremely simple. First, you need to put the three herbs of love grass into the medicine tripod and heat it for 30 seconds with different fire, and then add the green wood incense ..."

Ye Xuan kept the refining process of Yin Yang Long Feng Dan in mind, and put medicinal herbs such as Qingcao and Qingmuxiang into the medicine tripod in turn.

"Dora ..."

Ye Xuan did not grasp the timing for the first time. The fire was too strong and the medicinal materials in the medicine tripod were burned into ashes ...

After several attempts, Ye Xuan's forehead was already covered with sweat beads, but fortunately, the refining was finally successful, and a scent of dandelion drifted out from the medicine tripod and filled the air with a refreshing heart ...

"Hmm ..."

Before Ye Xuan had time to collect the refined elixir, the crisp knocking sounded.

Ye Xuan had to put down the medicine tripod and quickly opened the door.

"Hello guy, how are you?"

The door of the room opened, and a **** figure appeared in Ye Xuan's sight.

The visitor is not someone else, it is the Red Emperor.

"Red sister, why are you here?"

Looking at the red emperor who arrived, Ye Xuan asked in confusion.

"Sister, I live here too. I heard that you made a lot of noise here, so sister came over to see why you are not welcome?"

The Red Emperor writhing into the villa with a fiery figure, and laughed.

"Are you learning medicine?"

When she smelled the scent of medicine in the air and saw the medicine pot placed next to it, a touch of wonder appeared on the delicate cheeks. Before walking to the medicine pot, she took the golden elixir inside and placed it I looked carefully before my eyes: "What kind of elixir is this? It smells so fragrant and makes people want to swallow it ..."

During the conversation, the red emperor put the elixir in his mouth to make a look.

"Red sister, this elixir cannot be taken ..."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's face could not help but slightly changed, and rushed towards the Red Emperor.

"Hmm ..."


However, because Ye Xuan was too nervous and anxious, he failed to stop the impact and hit the Red Emperor. Due to the impact of the force, the Red Emperor trembled, shook his hands, and stuffed the elixir into his mouth ...

The elixir was melted in the mouth, and when the Red Emperor reacted, she was absorbed by her.

Ye Xuan slaps his head, despairing.

"That ... Ye Xuan, I'm really sorry, my sister didn't deliberately give this elixir, but I was just curious to take it and observe it."

Looking at the despairing Ye Xuan, the Red Emperor gradually turned back and said apologetically.

As if thinking of something, she frowned and continued to say, "I said, it's not just a panacea. Why were you so nervous just now? Isn't this panacea important to you?"

Does it matter?


Ye Xuan was just worried that the Red Emperor would recognize the elixir, which would make him very embarrassed. After all, Yin Yang Long Feng Dan is not an ordinary healing medicine, but a spring medicine.

Once the Red Emperor recognizes it, what do you think of people?

Wouldn't Ye Xuan's first name be ruined?

That's why Ye Xuanfang is so nervous.

However, now the Red Emperor swallowed the Yin Yang Long Feng Dan into his stomach, which was troublesome.

What should I do?

Ye Xuan expressed a headache.

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