Medical Martial God

Chapter 1278: Green Jupiter, ancient **** [second more]

Three days later, Ye Xuan and Hong Huang arrived safely at Ao Jupiter.

On the way to Green Jupiter, they did not encounter any danger or obstruction. Compared with Ye Xuan, when they went to the Blood Eye Star exploration, they were smooth and comfortable.

The weather on Qingmuxing is pleasant, and the vegetation is prosperous. When you look at it, it is all green. It gives people a sense of extreme relaxation and relaxation, which is especially suitable for human habitation.

However, Green Jupiter seems to be still in the primitive era. Many ancient trees, flowers and other plants are hiding huge crises. The size of the Warcraft that lives on it is also particularly huge and fierce. If you want to have a human monk living here, you need to carry out a series of Construction and development.

Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor landed on the planet's highest mountain, stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooked the distant scenery, and let the breeze blow their clothes and their long hair.

"Looking at a piece of green, no villages or buildings suitable for human habitation were found ..."

Ye Xuan looked back, Shen Sheng said.

"Well ... let's go and look into the distance to see if we can find some traces."

The Red Emperor nodded gently, and said with a deep voice.

"it is good!"

The next moment, they both flew towards the distance at a very fast speed.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, like two goshawks passing over the emerald green forest below.

"Hmm ..."

When they flew to the center of the forest, the ancient trees came to life strangely, with a roar in their mouths, turned into a thousand tree demon and stretched out a weird tentacle towards Ye Xuan and Hong Huang. Entwined, trying to drag them into the forest.


Seeing this, Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor flashed a cold light, and a snort came from their noses. The crimson radon burst out of the Red Emperor's body, and incinerated the tentacles that had been entangled into nothingness.

The dragon blade in Ye Xuan's hand emerged, and it was chopped out sharply, and sharp blades of energy broke out to cut the millennium tree demon into two halves.

Subsequently, the two flew towards the distance at a faster speed.


However, the two hadn't flew far, and the angry roar of Warcraft came suddenly from below at this moment.

Under the shock and ugly eyes of Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor, a huge hand with long hairs suddenly came out of the middle of the forest and grabbed at them both.


Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and the dragon blade in his hand whistled, dived down and chopped in that giant hand.

It is a pity that instead of cutting off the giant hand, it rubbed a brilliant spark and made a clear sound.

Majestic strength erupted from the giant hand, and Ye Xuan shook back.

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the Red Emperor, and the sleeve robe fluttered sharply. The crimson blade sprayed out and chopped on the giant hand, leaving a negligible scar, and then a powerful force broke out on the arm, then gave her Zhenfei .

Ye Xuan and Red Emperor flew for hundreds of meters in midair to stabilize their bodies.

Looking down at the giant hand in the forest below, his brows frowned.

Could it be that there are ancient giants living on this planet?

"Boom boom boom boom ..."

When Ye Xuan and Hong Huang flashed their thoughts, a dull explosion came from the forest below, and then Ye Xuan and Hong Huang saw an extremely shocking scene.

Under their gaze, the huge old trees in the forest were being uprooted, and an extremely large figure slowly emerged from the ground, stood up, and was covered with towering giant trees on his back.

This is an ancient giant with a height of one hundred feet, with a large number of ancient trees and a lot of dust and dirt on their bodies. As an invisible force diffuses from his body, he will The dust and dirt on his body shook away, revealing his appearance.

His appearance is similar to that of human beings, but his body size is countless times larger than that of human beings. At the position of his eyebrow, there is a Venus flowing, which seems to contain a unique small world, an indescribable surging The force spread out of his body, making people feel a tremendous oppression.

Not only that, the surging blood from his body made Ye Xuan's blood seem to be boiling.

"This ... this is the ancient god?"

Looking at the giants who showed their true colors, Ye Xuan and Hong Huang both looked shocked, and the words of surprise came from their mouths.

The ancient gods, an extremely powerful and terrifying race in the universe, they have the body of a giant like a human, and endless longevity. They are one of the longest living creatures in the universe and can survive for thousands of years.

The power contained in their bodies is unique in the universe and has the ultimate destructive power.

An adult ancient **** is more terrifying and powerful than watching the moon. A random punch can destroy a planet.

The strength of the ancient **** is determined by his beastly Venus, which is divided into nine levels from one star to nine stars.

The fighting power and destructive power of the one-star ancient **** alone have the power to easily crush the undead strong, extremely terrifying and overbearing.

The little ancient **** in front of him is exactly a star ancient god.

Ye Xuan and Red Emperor never thought that there was an ancient **** on this green Jupiter.

"Human ... kind, you ... why are you here?"

The ancient god's eyes containing everything in the world stared at Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor in the air. He could feel that Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor seemed to have the same blood flowing in him, so he did not attack again. Instead, he spoke coldly.

Maybe it was because he hadn't spoken for a long time. His voice sounded hoarse and dry, but he had a convincing coercion and strength, which brought a great pressure on Ye Xuan and the Red Emperor.

"Master Gu Shen ... I waited for this place by mistake to interrupt your rest, Master Gu Shen. I also hope that Master Gu Shen is not to blame."

The Red Emperor took a deep breath, held his fist respectfully to the ancient god, and said apologetically.

"Here ... not where you can come ... leave quickly."

The ancient **** glanced at the Red Emperor coldly, and the humming words came from his mouth.

"Thank you Lord God, we will leave now ..."

The Red Emperor nodded slightly, and pulled Ye Xuan's sleeve to leave Ye Xuan, but the ancient **** said again: "Wait a minute."

The Red Emperor looked dignified and walked in a footstep. He was a little elusive about the ancient god, so he clenched his fists respectfully to the ancient god: "Master, what else do you tell me?"

As for Ye Xuan, he stared at the ancient god. The wise light in his eyes was flowing and did not speak, but communicated with Zi Huang who had just regained consciousness in his heart.

"Boy, why is there an ancient **** here?"

"Here is Green Jupiter, an ancient planet that gave birth to life. As for why there is an ancient **** here, I don't know ..."

"Ancient gods are particularly powerful in the vast universe. If you can make friends with them or you can make your third avatar into an ancient god, then you are awesome."

"Do you think the ancient gods are so easy to make good, so easy to take homes?" Ye Xuan said angrily.

When Ye Xuan communicated with Zihuang, the ancient **** spoke again: "Human ... can you wait for medical treatment? I heard that human medical treatment is superb ..."

Hearing the words of the ancient gods, both the Red Emperor and Ye Xuan were stunned, apparently did not expect that this ancient **** would suddenly ask like this.

The Red Emperor was about to speak, but Ye Xuan said, "Master, the ancient god, we have extraordinary medical skills. I don't know why the ancient **** asked this question?"

In Ye Xuan's view, the reason why the ancient gods asked in this way is obviously that there should be a demand, but this is an opportunity to make friends with the ancient gods. How can he let it go so easily?

As for the Red Emperor, when he heard Ye Xuan's answer, he was helpless and stared at him fiercely.

In her opinion, Ye Xuan is a pig teammate.

Obviously you can get away, why should you answer like this?

"The chief of my tribe is seriously ill and needs Ru's help. Can I go to my tribe with me?"

Ye Xuan's answer flashed a surprise on the old face of the ancient god, and quickly said.

Perhaps because he was used to speaking, he spoke much more smoothly.


Ye Xuan nodded and Shen answered.

"Ye Xuan, what are you doing? What can you do?"

Ye Xuan's words fell into the ears of the Red Emperor, so that he could not help but change his face, and quickly said: "Follow me ..."


However, before the words of the Red Emperor had finished, the ancient **** had stretched out his huge palm and grabbed Ye Xuan, holding Ye Xuan in his hand.

Later, the ancient **** took Ye Xuan to the distance at a super fast speed ...

"Damn ... asshole, let go of him!"

Seeing this, the red emperor's face changed drastically, with a scream in his mouth, chasing the ancient **** at an extremely fast speed, and launching an attack on it.

However, the ancient **** waved his hand, the majestic strength burst out, the terrible energy swept away, took the Red Emperor to the air, and sprayed a black blood in his mouth.

However, the Red Emperor did not give up but continued to pursue.

"Red sister, don't worry, I'm fine. I'll go back with him. You go back to Long Pingxing first and wait for me."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan shouted to the Red Emperor.

The Red Emperor did not listen to Ye Xuan's words, but continued to pursue the ancient gods and was once again pumped away by the ancient gods.

In front of the behemoth of the ancient god, the Red Emperor seemed too small, even though she had just broken through to immortality with the power of Jiuyin Tianjiu not long ago.

The Red Emperor still did not give up, pursued again, was pumped again, and eventually fell into serious injuries, unable to move.

"Red sister, go back, believe me!"

Ye Xuan shouted at the Red Emperor, and then gradually disappeared into the sight of the Red Emperor under the leadership of that ancient god.

"That little bastard, it really is Hulai!"

Looking at the fading Ye Xuan, the Red Emperor shook her hand and said angrily.

At that time, Ye Xuan did not say that he would heal these things, so this kind of thing would not have happened, but he did not know what that guy thought, and he even said that his medicine was extraordinary ...

The Red Emperor did not leave Green Jupiter, but found a place to heal.

When she healed her wounds, she searched for Ye Xuan's trace on this green Jupiter.

At first she was able to find their direction according to the huge footprints left by the ancient gods, but in the end the footprints of the ancient gods disappeared strangely, as if there had never existed at all, and the Red Emperor secretly anxious.

Time passed, and five days passed in an instant. The Red Emperor still could not find any whereabouts and news of Ye Xuan.

In desperation, she was only able to leave Green Jupiter and return to Long Pingxing for help ...

As for Ye Xuan, it was an extremely ancient village led by the ancient gods.

Here, there are a large number of ancient gods.

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