Medical Martial God

Chapter 1280: The prophecy of the high priest

A moment later, Ye Xuan absorbed and dissolved all the energy in his body, and slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment when he opened his eyes, countless sword lights circulated in his eyes, making his whole person's temperament sharp and extraordinary.

Although his cultivation practice is still in Nirvana Realm, he has reached the twenty-eighth level of Nirvana Realm, and the power he possesses is not weaker than Samsara Realm, and can easily kill any strong man in Samsara Realm.

If it is combined with the white dragon form, Ye Xuan is enough to play against the undead strong. If he enters the state of semi-enchantment, the combat strength is stronger.

Opening his eyes and standing up, Ye Xuan solemnly clenched his fist at Goodner: "Thank you Goodman Patriarch."

Now without the introduction and explanation of Goodner, Ye Xuan can understand the value of the bowl of blood that he just drank.

"Hehe ... hehe ..."

Upon seeing this, Goodner couldn't help but smile and waved his hand. The human in front of him was quite polite, but he smiled and coughed violently with his mouth covered.

After coughing, Goodner looked down at his palm and found that the palm was full of coughing blood.

"% ¥ *% ¥ #!"

Seeing that the two priests' faces changed, they hurried to Goodner's and asked with concern, talking about the ancient gods that Ye Xuan could not understand.

That Goodner waved his hand, not caring.

Later, Goodner set his eyes on Ye Xuan and asked with a smile: "Human warrior, Ru Ming?"

"Patriarch Goodner, my name is Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan said quickly.

"from where?"

The left priest set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and asked Shen Sheng.

"Earth." Ye Xuan did not hide, but answered truthfully.


The left priest and the right priest frowned, their eyes filled with doubt, and apparently they had never heard of the name.

Seemingly thinking of something, Ye Xuan paused and continued: "There are many people outside calling Earth the Earth."

"Earth star?"

The left and right priests lit up.

Goodner is also happy.

The divination of their high priest's divination, but predicted that there will be humans from earth stars to lead their ancient gods to rise again and rebuild their glory. Is this the human in front of them?

But what is the name of the human in the prophecy, and what they look like they have no way of knowing.

From the perspective of the left priest and the right priest, perhaps the human being in front of them is the one in the prophecy.

Right now, the left and right priests are quickly communicating with the ancient **** language that Patriarch Goodner couldn't understand with Ye Xuan.

And Gudner also called Gurd to accept the careful inquiry of the two priests.

Although Ye Xuan couldn't understand what they were talking about, he could guess from Goodner's expression that they seemed a little excited and not hostile to himself.

A moment later, Goodner and they finished communicating. He set his eyes on Ye Xuan, and Shen Sheng said: "Ye Xuan, we have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. The priest conducted divination before his death, saying that an ancient human from earth star would bring us a new generation of ancient gods in hundreds of years, lead us to rebuild the tribe, revive the ancient gods, and return to the top ... The person mentioned by the priest should be you in our opinion. "

"On behalf of the ancient **** tribe, my Goodner expresses my sincere welcome to you."

After speaking, Goodner stood up and put his hand in front of him to bow deeply to Ye Xuan.

The left and right priests and many guards in that hall bowed to Ye Xuan.


What's happening here?

Am I the one in the prophecy?

Am I becoming a guest of the ancient **** tribe?

The sudden change in front of him made Ye Xuan feel a little dumbfounded.

He did n’t know if he was the one in Gudner ’s prediction of the high priest in his mouth. He only knew that his treatment in the ancient **** tribe would be greatly improved, and he could not take this opportunity to establish with the ancient **** family. A deep enough friendship.

In this way, even if it is the landlord of the Hengyun Realm and even the landlord of the Milky Way who led the army to siege the earth, there is the words of the ancient gods to help the earth, then they are not so easy to break the earth.

The ancient **** family will become a huge help for the guardian, and will become a reinforcement for the human race.

However, Ye Xuan did not know how to establish a deep friendship with Goodner.

"Patriarch Goodner was polite."

Ye Xuan quickly recovered and said with a smile.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then continued to say: "Master Gulad took me to say that someone was seriously injured and needed my help. I don't know ..."

He had to find a way and opportunity to bring Gudner closer to them and gain their trust.

In Ye Xuan's opinion, what Gulad said before asking if he would heal is an opportunity and method.

"It's amazing to say that your human race has excellent medical skills and doctors can solve any disease. You can do medical skills?"

The left priest set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and asked Shen Sheng.

"Well, for a while, I don't know where you need my help and service?"

Ye Xuan nodded, Shen Sheng said.

"The patriarch had a fierce battle with the celestial demon mink a long time ago. He was seriously injured, his physical condition continued to decline, and his strength continued to decline. I wonder if you can heal the patriarch?

The right priest said quickly at this moment.

Goodner also set his eyes on Ye Xuan, waiting for his answer.

In their view, if Ye Xuan was really the person mentioned in the prophecy of the high priest, then he must be omnipotent and able to heal their patriarch.

"I need to look carefully at the injuries and conditions inside the Lower Gudna Patriarch, and then make an assessment and draw a conclusion ..."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Okay, labor ..."

Shen Na, the Patriarch of Goodna, said.

Ye Xuan did not speak, but walked towards Goodner. When he walked up to Goodner, two guards were about to scold him to stop him, but Goodman waved his hand. And stopped them.

At the moment, Ye Xuan came to Goodner's side, let him sit down, then stretched out his palm and put it on Goodner's sturdy wrist.

As a patriarch of the ancient **** family, Goodner is nearly ten meters tall even if his size is not much revealed. Ye Xuan is like a villain in front of him, only as big as his arm.

At the moment, Ye Xuan is carefully feeling the situation of Goodner's body. A ray of soul power silently flows into Goodner's body, putting the internal structure and condition of his body in Ye Xuan's mind Present clearly.

Although Goodner is an ancient god, the internal structure and organs of his body are not much different from humans. The only difference may be their size and eyebrow Venus.

At this moment, the organs in his body were in a state of exhaustion due to the severe damage, especially his lungs, which had a huge scar almost torn his lungs in half.

Now the power in Goodner's body is passing by all the time, making his body dry and weak.

Among the four Venus in his eyebrows, there is a very extraordinary power, which is the source of the power of the ancient gods.

The power contained in Venus should have been continuously flowing into his body to provide power for his body, but now the power revealed in these four Venus is indeed particularly weak and small, unable to support Goode Necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Not only that, but one of the four Venus stars seems to have a prototype of closure and disappearance. The light is particularly dim and weak, and there is no power to rush out.

Once Venus completely disappears at this moment, Goodna's power will drop drastically, from the four-star ancient **** to the three-star ancient god, and his longevity will also be greatly reduced.

It is especially troublesome to cure Goodner's physical injury, even Ye Xuan can't find the slightest clue.

Moments later, Ye Xuan slowly withdrew his palm.

"How? Can you heal the patriarch?"

Seeing this, the left and right priests quickly asked.

Goodner also set his eyes on Ye Xuan, waiting for his answer.

However, Goodner's mood seemed a little nervous, after all, it was related to his life.

"Although the injury to the Gudna patriarch's body is serious, it is not impossible to heal, but it takes a certain amount of time."

Ye Xuan thought about it, Shen Sheng said.

"So you can really heal the patriarch's injury?"

Ye Xuan's answer made the left priest and the right priest's faces appear full of surprise, they can't wait to ask.

"I can't guarantee whether he can completely heal the injury of Patriarch Goodner, but I will do my best."

Ye Xuan's eyes swelled with wisdom, and set his sights on the left and right priests, and answered solemnly.

"Haha ..."

"The prophecy of the high priest is true ... the patriarch has been saved, and you are indeed the adult in the prophecy."

Hearing Ye Xuan's answer, the left priest and the right priest laughed.

"Master Ye Xuan, don't know what is needed to treat the patriarch? What can we do for you?"

The left priest said respectfully.

Now his attitude towards Ye Xuan has been slightly changed, and his name has become Lord Ye Xuan.

That Goodner also said at this moment: "There is Lord Yexuan, what do you need to say ..."

"I need a quiet house, as well as some information about your ancient gods, etc. I need to research something before I can think about how to treat the injury of Patriarch Goodner ..."

Ye Xuan pondered for a moment and thought for a while.

"Okay, I will let someone arrange it."

At this moment, the left priest quickly opened his mouth and told the people to go down and arrange.

"Master Ye Xuan, what else do you need?"

The left priest asked again.

"I need a variety of medicinal materials in order to develop medicine ... For now, let's do this for the time being, there is no other requirement."

Ye Xuan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I will let all the herbs from the tribe be sent to your room, Master Ye Xuan ..."

The right priest spoke quickly.

"Well ... Patriarch Gudna, I need you to cooperate with me. I want to check the internal conditions of the next ancient **** star, and you need to release the power of ancient **** star ..."

Ye Xuan set his eyes on Goodner and said solemnly.

During the speech, Ye Xuan opened the eyes of the star emperor quietly, carefully inspecting the condition inside Goodner.

"it is good!"

Goodner nodded gently, and then slowly turned the power of his ancient **** Star in the face of Ye Xuan ...

In an instant, the violent golden energy flowed from his ancient eyebrow star like a torrent and poured into his body, making his body strength continue to increase ...

"Originally, my power should be stronger, but since I was injured, my power has continued to decrease. At this moment, the power I can use is limited, which is less than one-tenth of the peak ..."

Goodner said with a deep voice while running the ancient **** star pouring out.

Ye Xuan saw that only one of the four ancient gods of Godner had the power to flow out, and there were two ancient gods that had no reaction, and even there was power pouring into the one that was about to be closed. Among the ancient gods, the operation of Gudner's power is not smooth, and Ye Xuan's brows are tightly wrinkled.

In his view, if he wants to heal Gudner ’s injury, he must first start with his ancient superstar, and if his ancient superstar recovers, then he will have the power to support his body to ease his physical condition, then he The injury is able to heal slowly through nursing.

"Patriarch Goodner, well, you can take credit."

At the moment, Ye Xuan Shen Sheng spoke.

After a sudden pause, he set his eyes on Goodner, and said solemnly: "Patriarch Goodner, the root cause of your physical weakness is not the heavy damage to your lungs, but the ancient **** star of your eyebrows ... … You were supposed to be a four-star ancient god. When the power was turned far, four ancient **** stars lighted up and rushed out a powerful ancient **** power. Now, only one ancient **** star flows out of power, and the other two ancient **** stars have nothing. Reaction, even the fourth ancient **** is still absorbing the power flowing from your first ancient god, which makes your power exhaust faster ... "

"So, if you want to solve your problem, you need to treat your ancient **** star. Excuse me, why did your ancient **** star become like this? Has it been hurt?"

Ye Xuan's words shocked Goodner and looked at him with shock.

Obviously, he didn't expect this human to be able to see the problem of his ancient **** star, and described the situation so clearly.

After pondering for a moment, Goodner said: "When I killed a branch patriarch of the demon sable, before it died, it slammed all its power into my ancient superstar, causing the interior of my ancient superstar ... "

"Okay, I know the general situation. I need someone to take me to the prepared room for retreat and research. Don't let people disturb me during the period." Ye Xuan nodded and spoke quickly.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Goodner gestured to the left priest and asked him to take Ye Xuan out of the hall.

After Ye Xuan and they left, Goodner set his eyes on the right priest. Shen Sheng asked, "Right priest, what do you think of this person?"

"Patriarch, he can clearly state the reason of your body, I think he can cure you ... he should be the one in the prophecy of the high priest."

After hearing this, Goodner fell into a long silence, shook his head, and spoke lightly.

"I hope so, let the people entertain him."

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