Medical Martial God

Chapter 1283: Old God ancestor

On the top of the mountain, the ancient **** Ding stood towering. Unlike the previous one, the runes carved on the entire ancient **** Ding at this moment seemed to come alive at this moment, and the dazzling light was shining.

Ye Xuan only felt that the power in his body was completely uncontrollable and rushed toward the ancient **** at this moment.

This sudden change caused Ye Xuan to be surprised, his face changed greatly, he tried hard to release the palm placed on the ancient **** tripod, but he could not break free, as if there was a huge suction crazy Absorbing the power in his body made Ye Xuan feel extremely panicked.

"Do n’t panic, although this ancient **** tripod is absorbing the power in your body, it may not be a bad thing for you. I have just carefully checked the information and looked for information about the ancient **** tripod, it is The treasure created by nine ancient gods at the peak of the ancient **** family has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and it seems to contain the strongest cultivation method of the ancient **** family called ancient nerves ... "

When Ye Xuan was flustered by this, Zi Huang's voice rang in the bottom of his heart, making him a lot calmer at this moment.

"Pour all the power inside you into the ancient **** tripod."

Hearing Zihuang's words, Ye Xuan nodded gently, no longer resisting the ancient suction of the ancient **** tripod, but actively poured the power into the ancient **** tripod.

The reaction and change of Gu Shending did not attract the slightest attention of Lao Qinglong, because it was already accustomed to such imagination.

Because the ancient gods who have always come to want to conquer the ancient **** tripod will trigger such a movement, but no one can conquer the ancient **** tripod.

By then Gu Beina was very nervous about it. She stared at Ye Xuan and Gu Shending closely, her jade hands held tightly together, and kept praying on her chest.

As the energy in Ye Xuan's body was continuously poured into the ancient **** tripod, the light of the runes carved on the ancient **** tripod was brighter and dazzling, which made the ancient **** tripod's momentum more terrifying and compelling.

The lifelike nine dragons surrounding the ancient **** tripod also changed at this moment.

The scales sculpted on them lit up the dazzling golden brilliance at this moment, and the originally closed longan showed signs of opening at this moment.


With the sound of a vicissitudes of ancient dragon chanting, the dragon with its eyes closed among the nine-headed dragons entwining the ancient **** tripod suddenly opened the fierce dragon eye at this moment, a monstrous dragon Prestige.


The sudden sound of the Dragon's Yin made the eyes of the old Green Dragon could not help but gleam, the sharp light in the dragon's eyes flashed away, turned his head to put his eyes on Ye Xuan, who poured power into the ancient **** tripod, and raised his eyebrows. There was a trace of surprise on his face, and there was a muttering voice in his mouth: "This guy actually awakened the first dragon soul on the ancient **** tripod?"

You have to know that the nine-headed dragon that entangled the ancient **** tripod was not only created, but the nine nine-star ancient gods grabbed the nine-headed dragon and sealed their dragon souls in it, which made the ancient **** tripod powerful. More prosperous.

"The first dragon soul is awake? Lord Ye Xuan is really amazing."

Gu Bena was even more excited and excited.

It is important to know that from ancient times to the present, the ancient Protoss can awaken the first dragon soul, not more than twenty people.

In the past hundred years, there is no one who can awaken the first dragon soul in the whole ancient **** race.

As a human race, Ye Xuan was able to awaken the first dragon soul in the ancient **** tripod. It was already extremely powerful.

And they are very clear that if they want to completely conquer Gushen Ding, they need to wake up the Nine Daolong Souls. It is rumored that when they wake up, they can summon their ancestors, and they can successfully conquer the Gushen Ding once they are recognized by their ancestors.

Ye Xuan has taken the first step in awakening the first dragon soul.


When Lao Qinglong and Gu Bena were surprised by this, another loud vicissitude of the dragon chant sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, the second dragon encircling the ancient **** tripod suddenly awakened, turning into an illusory dragon entrenching the sky.

"This ... this is the second dragon soul? Lord Ye Xuan awakened the second dragon soul."

Seeing this, Gu Bena roared with excitement and excitement.

"This guy is a bit capable, as a human being, he can actually wake up the second dragon soul ..."

The eyes of Lao Qinglong looking at Ye Xuan also changed at this moment, and there was a sharp light flashing in Longan.

You have to know that there are only 18 people who can wake up the second dragon soul.

The achievements of these eighteen people are particularly huge throughout the ancient Protoss.


The moment when their words just fell off, another loud dragon yell sounded.

The third dragon soul was also awakened by Ye Xuan's power at this moment.

Gu Bena and Lao Qinglong didn't have time to speak. Two consecutive dragons sounded at this moment.

As these two dragon chants sounded, the fourth dragon soul and the fifth dragon soul revived and entrenched the sky.

"Sir Ye Xuan might be a natural choice!"

Gu Bena looked at Ye Xuan's eyes full of enthusiasm and said excitedly and excitedly.

She had also tried to collect this ancient **** tripod, but she only awakened three dragon souls. She knew how difficult it was to wake up the dragon soul.

However, now that Ye Xuan has awakened the Five Dragon Souls, how can this not make her excited?

At this rate, Lord Ye Xuan might be able to wake up the Nine Dao Dragon Souls and summon the ancestors of the ancient Protoss.

"This ... how did he do this guy?"

Lao Qinglong's expression became unprecedentedly serious and serious. His eyes shone with wisdom, and his thoughts flashed.

You know, only five people have been able to awaken the Five Dragon Souls throughout the ancient Protoss.



At this moment, the ancient **** Ding radiated a buzzing sound, and then a louder dragon chant sounded.

The sixth dragon soul awakened.

The sound of Long Yin didn't stop, and the seventh Dragon Soul also woke up at this moment.

The shadow of the seven-headed dragon circling the sky, flying around the ancient **** tripod, making the entire ancient **** tripod appear more mysterious, as if there is some kind of power awakening from the ancient **** tripod.

"Seventh Dragon Soul is awake! Lord Ye Xuan wakes up the seventh Dragon Soul ..."

Looking at the ghost image of the seven-headed dragon flying around the ancient gods, Gu Bena was as excited as a child.

"From ancient times to the present, only two people from the ancient Protoss awakened the seven dragon souls in front of the ancient Shending. They were the eighth and the ninth Patriarchs. God! "

Lao Qinglong took a breath and looked at Ye Xuan's eyes full of shock: "He is just a human, how could he have the power to awaken the Seven Dragon Souls?"

Ye Xuan did not care about Gu Bena and Lao Qinglong's reaction, because he found that as his power kept pouring into Gu Shen Ding, he seemed to have a more secret connection with Gu Shen Ding.


Ye Xuan gritted his teeth now and poured the power of his body into the ancient **** tripod again.

The eighth dragon soul awakened suddenly at this moment, emitting a harsh dragon chant, exuding fierce fierce power, and constantly swimming around the ancient **** tripod.

"Only the last dragon soul is left, Master Ye Xuan, come on!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Bena couldn't help shouting at Ye Xuan.

As long as Ye Xuan wakes up the last dragon soul, he can call out the ancestors of the ancient gods.

Old Qinglong's mood no longer knew what to use to describe it. He stared at Ye Xuan, his eyes full of undisguised shock and horror.

He never imagined that a human being had awakened the ancient soul of the eight dragons.

Now only the last one is left to wake up all nine souls of dragons.

Since ancient times, no one has awakened the Eight Dragon Souls, at most it has only awakened the Seven Dragon Souls.

However, now that the energy in Ye Xuan's body is almost dry, whether it can wake up the ninth dragon soul is unknown.

"Is it true that this man can really wake up the ninth dragon soul?"

Lao Qinglong's face was filled with unprecedented dignity, and thoughts flashed in his heart.

Ye Xuan frantically poured the power of his body into the Ancient God Ding, but no matter how he re-infused, the ninth Dragon Soul did not wake up because of it, and the suction continued to weaken and became stronger and more violent Seems to **** his entire body into a mummy.

"It seems that the human kid is over."

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was constantly losing weight, Lao Qinglong whispered, waving his paws.

"Master Ye Xuan, come on, you must be able to ..."

Gu Bena was very nervous, her jade hands held tightly together, and there was a muttering word in her mouth.

"Damn, fight!"

Facing the more majestic suction from the ancient Shending, Ye Xuan looked extremely unsightly, and then he snapped his teeth, pouring all the power in the body into the ancient Shending.


The ancient **** Ding Jinguang flourished, shaking the world, and the ninth dragon soul suddenly woke up, swimming wildly around the ancient **** Ding.

"The ninth dragon soul is awake."

"God, Lord Ye Xuan awakened the Nine Daoist Souls, will soon be an ancestor?"

Looking at the awakened Nine Daolong Souls, Gu Bena was shocked as a whole, and there was a very excited voice in her mouth.


"This human actually actually awakened the nine dragon souls. How did he do it? Isn't he a human?"

Lao Qinglong took a breath of air, his eyes were almost shocked, and his eyes were full of horror and shock, and there was an incredible voice in his mouth.


At the moment when their words fell, the nine dragon souls surrounding the ancient God Ding rushed towards the sky at this moment, spit out a magnificent energy ball.

The nine energy **** collided together, bursting out with a dazzling brilliance.

In Ye Xuan, Lao Qinglong and Gu Bena's shocking gaze, an illusory and huge ancient **** emerged on the sky, deeply shaking their eyes.

This ancient **** is extremely huge, exudes supreme domineering all over his body, nine eyebrows circulate in the eyebrows, exudes a shocking power.

His figure was so huge that even Gu Bena and Lao Qinglong appeared insignificant in front of him.

If you look down from outer space, you will see a very shocking scene.

An indescribable ancient **** is standing outside the planet Jupiter. The huge Jupiter is like a basketball in front of him.

At the moment when this ancient **** appeared, many ancient gods of the ancient **** tribe seemed to feel something, and their faces could not help changing, looking up to the sky.

Looking at the huge ancient **** that emerged from the sky, and at the eye-catching nine golden stars, they were all shocked.

Patriarch Goodner took many tribesmen to kneel at this nine-star ancient god.

"See your ancestors!"

Very respectful words came from Goodner's mouth.

"Is the ancient Protoss that has fallen to such a degree?"

Nine-star ancient gods overlooked the crowds of the ancient **** tribe, with a vicissitudes of voice in their mouths.

Goodner was just about to answer, but the nine-star ancient **** was one of the best, a stream of ancient **** star flooded into his eyebrows, so that its original dim fourth ancient **** star suddenly lit up a dazzling light, Goodner's body is constantly expanding, from the original old quickly to youth and strong, exudes a powerful force ...

"More ... more ... thanks to the ancestors."

Such a change made Gudner's face ecstatic, and he knelt and respectfully thanked.

Nine-star ancient gods did not care about Gudna of the ancient **** tribe, but turned their heads and put their eyes on Ye Xuan who was standing under the ancient **** tripod. His eyes shone with strange light and said to himself.

"I didn't expect that it would be a human being to wake me up. It seems that my ancient Protoss is really declining ... okay, okay ..."

Then he asked in a deep voice: "Human, what is your name?"

"Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and replied respectfully.

"Ye Xuan, I tell you all the way, I hope you can care for my family!"

The nine-star ancient **** stared at Ye Xuan, Shen Sheng said.

The moment his words fell, he stretched out huge fingers and slammed into Ye Xuan's eyebrows.

The rich life and death crisis made Ye Xuan's face drastically change. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that his body could not move at all.

The wind was blowing, Ye Xuan had long hair flying, and his clothes fluttered with the wind. The fingers of the ancient God of Nine Stars continued to enlarge in Ye Xuan's pupils, replacing the entire world before him.

Fortunately, this finger finally stopped in front of Ye Xuan, and the power it showed was extremely gentle, and the influx of Ye Xuan's eyebrows continued, making his eyebrows appear a vortex ...

The vortex gradually condensed to form a striking Venus, exuding a striking light, and at the same time, a large amount of memory heritage poured into Ye Xuan's mind, making him dizzy.

When the second Venus of Ye Xuan's eyebrows was formed, the nine-star ancient **** did not stop, but continued to have gentle energy pouring into Ye Xuan's eyebrows, forming the second Venus and the third Venus in his eyebrows. The fourth Venus ...

With the action of the ancient **** of nine stars, his nine golden stars gradually dissipated and became eight, seven, six ...

When Ye Xuan's eyebrows condensed nine gold stars, the nine gold stars of the nine-star ancient god's eyebrows had disappeared, leaving only a vortex.

As for the old Qinglong and Gu Bena, they were shocked by the scene before them.


After doing all this, the ancient **** Jiuxing slowly withdrew his finger.

He looked at Gu Bena, who knelt down and respectfully knelt next to him, raised his eyebrows, flexed his fingers, and turned all the power left in his body into a golden light into Gu Bena's eyebrows.


Suddenly, Gu Bena's body continued to swell and grow bigger, her eyebrows popped up with the third Venus, and she possessed the prototype of the fourth Venus, which could become a four-star ancient **** at any time, making her shocked.

As she gradually came back to God, the ancient God of Nine Stars traversing the sky gradually dissipated ...

"Send your ancestors."

Looking at the dissipating Jiuxing ancient god, Gu Bena nodded respectfully at him.

As for Ye Xuan, the whole person stood blankly.

A lot of information was rushing through in his mind ...

The vision in the sky gradually disappeared at this moment, only the ancient **** tripod was still full of light.

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