Medical Martial God

Chapter 1290: Leave the ancient **** tribe

Ancient **** tribe, central square, steel cage made of **** meteorite.

Covered with blood, the embarrassed Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness were held in a cage, looking at the standing ancient **** around them, feeling the breath emanating from them. His eyes were filled with deep fear and Panic.

They are famous on Hengyunxing, and their status is even more distinguished. When did they receive such treatment and become prisoners of the enemy.

They knew they were completely planted this time.

Their only hope is that the human monk who cultivates only Nirvana, after all, these ancient gods have great respect for him.

If he is willing to save, then they will be able to be rescued.

At the moment, Kuang Tiandao set his eyes on Ye Xuan next to him and opened his mouth pleadingly: "This son, I am the three Sect Masters of the Sea God Sect, and I am very famous in the Hengyun world. Open your mouth and save us, we must thank you. "

"Yeah, the son ... we look at your breath as Nirvana. If the son is willing, we can take you back to our sect practice and improve our strength. As long as the prince thinks, we will provide the most for the prince in the sect. Good practice ... "

Ape Madness also quickly spoke at this moment.

"No need!"

However, before their words were finished, they were interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent voice.


Hearing Ye Xuan's words and feeling his attitude, both Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness couldn't help but sink.

However, they were not reconciled, but continued to say: "Son, both of us are people under the seat of the Hengyun Realm. Now, the Lord is leading a large number of powerful people to come. If you hurt us, the consequences will be It will be particularly serious. We have no intention to be an enemy of the son and the ancient **** clan, and we also ask the son and the ancient gods and adults to let us go. We are willing to pay compensation for the previous behavior ... "

"Hengyun Realm Lord?"

Ye Xuan sharply caught Kuang Tiandao and Ape Mad with their words. The cold light flashed in his eyes and asked coldly.

"Yeah ... The son didn't know, we are the confidants of the Hengyun Realm Master, and led the leading expedition team to the blue front to reinforce the five major coalition forces to help them break through the blue front and win the earth, only because we encountered time and space on the way. The turbulence, the battleship crashed, and we just fell on this planet, it was really unintentional to offend ... "

Kuang Tiandao quickly said.

"Although the ancient **** clan is powerful, the Lord of the Realm is expensive as the Lord of the Realm, and his power is also extraordinary. If the son and the ancient Gods insist on killing us, then the Lord of the Realm will revenge for us. ... "

Ape Madness also said quickly at this moment, with a hint of threat in his words.

"is it?"

The cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he said, "Well then do you know where I am from?"

"where do you come from?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, both Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness subconsciously asked.

"Earth Dragon Nest!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madly coldly and answered indifferently.

"Earth Dragon Nest?"

Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness couldn't help but stunned.

"Damn, you turned out to be a humble inhabitant of earth star?"

"How is it possible? How could your low-lying inhabitants of the earth star have connections with the ancient gods?"

In the next moment, they seemed to think of something. Their pupils shrank uncontrollably, and their faces could not help changing. Their gazes toward Ye Xuan were full of shock and horror that was not concealed. There was an incredible voice in his mouth.

Are all the inferior residents from the earth star turned out to be the ancient **** king of the ancient **** clan?

The earth star behind the **** has a connection with the ancient Protoss?

There are hundreds of ancient gods here. If they help Earth Star against the Lord Lord, they will be able to hit the Lord Lord unexpectedly. This is undoubtedly a huge blow for them.

Do those **** earth star untouchables still have such a hidden card?

Thinking of this, Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness all burst into a horror and coolness in their hearts.

"Fuck, let us leave here ..."

"Damn, let us go out quickly ..."

At the next moment, their bodies burst into anger, crashing into the cage like crazy, trying to break the cage and rush out from here.

They must pass these messages out and tell the Lord Lord that they still have the huge power of the ancient gods behind the earth star ...

"Brother Gu Zhen, send them on the road!"

Ye Xuan looked at Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madly indifferently, and said coldly.


As Ye Xuan's words fell, Gu Zhen, who revealed the body, reached out and grabbed Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness from the inside, then stuffed it into his mouth to chew ...

"Do not……"

Kuang Tiandao and ape crazy their desperate voice gradually disappeared, and finally dissipated completely.

The ancient Sanxing, a three-star ancient god, happily satisfies a hiccup, and the ancient Shenxing, a brow-hearted man, shines brightly, and his figure is enhanced again.

After all, Kuang Tiandao and Ape Mad are extremely extraordinary in their strengths, but they are a great supplement to them.

After solving the problems of Kuang Tiandao and Ape Madness, Ye Xuan invited the ancient **** patriarch Goodner to his room.

"Master Ye Xuan, don't know why you are looking for me?"

Looking at Ye Xuan's solemn look, Goodner asked quietly.

"Patriarch Gudna, I'm going to leave the ancient **** tribe after a while."

Ye Xuan thought for a while and answered with a deep voice.

"You want to leave the ancient **** tribe?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Goodner couldn't help but be surprised, a stunned look appeared on his face.

"Yes ... my homeland is now facing a siege from the strong enemy of the Hengyun world. I must rush back to support as soon as possible. Besides, staying in the ancient **** tribe will not help everyone."

Ye Xuan nodded softly and thought for a while.

Some of the heritage and ancient nerves of the nine-star ancient **** that he got have been gradually passed on to Gudna and Gu Bena these two days. Staying here can't help the ancient **** tribe.

And he learned from Kuang Tiandao's mouth that the Lord of Hengyun Realm would personally bring a large number of powerful men to conquer the earth, and Ye Xuan must rush back to protect the earth as soon as possible.


Goodner wanted to keep Ye Xuan open, but after seeing Ye Xuan's determined look, he didn't know what to say.

"I will refine more Gulindan for you in the next few days. It should be able to improve the overall strength of everyone. If Gulindan is gone, or if you encounter some things, then you Remember to send someone to Dragon Nest to inform me that this is to find my token. When you send someone to take this token out, they should not embarrass you. "

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and handed his badge of the Dragon Nest A-class warrior to Goodner from the storage ring.

"okay, I get it."

Goodner took the badge solemnly from Ye Xuan and nodded gently.

"Well, let's do this first, I want to make alchemy."

Ye Xuan yawned, stretched lazily lazily, and said with a smile.

"Master Ye Xuan, remember to notify me when you leave, we will see you off."

Goodner took a fist at Ye Xuan, then walked around and walked away.

When Goodner left, Ye Xuan was busy in the room.

Three days later, under Goodina, Gubeina and Guzhen's resignation, Ye Xuan left the ancient **** tribe.

"Master Ye Xuan, take care!"

Gu Bena chased out of the tribe, looked at Ye Xuan's leaving back, her delicate cheeks were full of perseverance and complexity, and waved goodbye to him.

Ye Xuan did not look back, but went further and further away, and eventually disappeared into their eyes completely.

On the black night, on the Green Jupiter, the Red Emperor took Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, the card emperor Ouyue Yun, Jian Sheng Nie Feng, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai and many other powerful people to the place where he and Ye Xuan met Gulad And introduced to them.

"I met Ye Xuan and the ancient **** here. He was extremely dissatisfied with our sudden arrival, but he did not have too much hostility. He knew that if he asked Ye Xuan whether he would heal, he got an answer from Ye Xuan. Then he forcibly took Ye Xuan ... "

"We've searched the Green Jupiter almost all these days and found no traces ... and there are no traces of the battles you were fighting at that time, would you be mistaken?"

Hearing the words of the Red Emperor, Jian Sheng Nie Feng looked at the intact forest in front of her eyes, and Shen Sheng spoke.

These days, they searched the Green Jupiter and found nothing. This result made them extremely puzzled. Sword Saint Nie Feng is also normal to doubt the Red Emperor's words.

And if the Red Emperor really had a battle with the ancient gods here, there should be traces of the battle, but there is nothing here.

"Maybe because of the climate here or other reasons, the traces of the fighting here have disappeared, or they have deliberately restored it to its original state in order to hide the whereabouts ..."

Looking at the forest in front of him, which was almost restored to its original appearance, the Red Emperor's heart was also full of deep doubts, Shen Sheng said.

"Do not rule out this possibility, keep looking!"

The sharp light flashed in Ye Sifeng's eyes, Shen Sheng said.

"Rushing ..."

As Ye Sifeng's words fell, the people around were about to leave, looking around, but the sound of rustling footsteps came from the depths of the jungle, causing them to stun their eyes, their bodies turned away, and their eyes stared at the jungle deep.

Under their gaze, a black shadow moved at high speed in the jungle.


Sword Saint Nie Feng even shouted at this moment.

At the moment when his words fell, the powerful vigor under his feet erupted, the sword in his hand emerged, and even turned into a streamer carrying Ling Yun's murderous intent to go deep into the jungle.

At the moment of rushing out, the long sword in his hand was slashing against the high-speed moving shadow.

Ye Xuan is moving at high speed in the dense forest, preparing to rush out of this dense forest, a strong crisis emerges without any signs in his heart, making his face change unavoidably. The dragon blade emerged in his hand, slashing out of the rushing shadow.

Hao Tian Ba ​​Dao!


In the next moment, the sound of metal hand-over sounded deep in the jungle, but Ye Xuan's dragon blade collided with Jian Sheng Nie Feng's long sword.

The energy of terror roared out like a row of mountains and seas, spreading vertically and horizontally in the direction of the two of them, shaking off or uprooting the ancient trees around.

Horrible force [biquga] broke out, and both Ye Xuan and Jian Sheng Nie Feng were shocked by the powerful force and flew out.

Ye Xuan was shocked and flew for hundreds of meters, hitting an ancient tree to stabilize his body.

Lifting his head to look at the shadow that was shocked and flew out, a murderous flash in his eyes, a powerful force under his feet erupted, chasing him directly.


"Kick kick ..."

As a dull collision sounded, under the stunned eyes of the Red Emperor and Ye Sifeng, the sword saint Nie Feng, who was originally rushing into the depths of the jungle, was like a cannonball at a faster speed. The dense forest flew out of the depths, backing up dozens of steps before stabilizing the figure.

"Old Nie, how are you? Are you okay!"

"Brother Nie, don't you care?"

One-armed sword emperors Luo Cheng and Xia Liu who had a good relationship with Jian Sheng Nie Feng quickly rushed to Jian Sheng Nie Feng to support him, and asked with concern.

"I'm okay ... Everyone be careful, that guy's strength is extraordinary. It's too dark. I didn't see his appearance clearly. I don't know his identity."

Sword Saint Nie Feng pressed down the tumbling blood inside his body, staring at the depths of the dense forest, Shen Sheng said.


The next moment, as if he noticed something, his face changed, and his voice began to sink.

"Holy Light!"

Upon seeing this, a cold face emerged from the old face of Prometheus, the Emperor of Light, standing next to Ye Sifeng. The sharp light in his eyes flashed, and he slammed his scepter.

The dazzling holy light illuminates the dark night sky and the forest.

Ye Xuan, who quickly rushed out, only felt as if he had a 100,000-watt light bulb in front of him, and it was difficult to open his eyes. His body suddenly changed direction and rushed out to the side.

"Ye Xuan?"

Although Ye Xuan's movements are very rapid, but then the Holy Light of Prometheus, the Emperor of Light, Red Emperor, Ye Sifeng they saw Ye Xuan's figure and appearance clearly.

"Ye Xuan, is that you? I'm Hong Jie, and I came back with someone."

"Brother Ye Xuan, I am the first handsome, come out and drink!"

The Red Emperor and the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai shouted loudly at this moment.

Hearing the shouts coming from the front, Ye Xuan hiding behind the ancient tree then half his head came out and looked towards the front.

Seeing through the Holy Light the Red Emperor suspended in mid-air, Ye Sifeng and his party, he could not help but take a long sigh of relief, and then walked out of the jungle with a step: "Master Ye, Red Sister ... "

"Actually this kid?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, Red Emperor, Ye Sifeng and Wang Xiaoshuai, they all flew past.

"It turned out to be him? That guy has the power to knock me back?"

Sword Saint Nie Feng stared blankly at Ye Xuan who came out, thinking of the force that had repulsed him just now, but he threw a storm in his heart.

"That guy is just a nirvana, and he was able to repel Brother Nie?"

Xia Liu, the one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng could not help but look awkward, and there was a shock and shock in his heart.

They knew very well the strength of Jian Sheng Nie Feng. As the top 100 in the military rankings, the fighting power of Jian Sheng Nie Feng was definitely powerful and terrifying, but he was shocked by Ye Xuan of Nirvana. How could this be done? Do not let them feel shocked and surprised?

Not only them, the accompanying violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio, Hades Holt, Shadow Emperor cloudy day, they are also keenly aware of this, looking at Ye Sifeng, Red Emperor, Wang Xiaoshuai, Card Emperor Ouyue Yun Ye Xuan, who repeated their greetings, also caused a shock and shock.

They didn't expect a period of time to pass. In the past, this kid who needed to be protected by them had grown to the point where he could fight against Jian Sheng Nie Feng Chamber.

At this time, Ye Sifeng, Wang Xiaoshuai, Red Emperor and others who had completed the repetition and greetings with Ye Xuan gradually recovered.

"Boy, that's not bad. I was able to deal with Jiansheng for a while?"

Wang Xiaoshuai joked.

"Hey ... I'm just a fluke, it's Senior Sword Saint Nie Feng's mercy."

Ye Xuan smiled and gradually withdrew from the white dragon form.

During this period of the ancient **** tribe, not only his medicine refining skills and his combat effectiveness have been greatly improved, but his cultivation ground has also been elevated to a particularly terrifying point.

Now he has cultivated to the Nirvana 99 realm.

In the form of white dragon, he is enough to fight any undead strong.

"I have no mercy, I just used 80% of the sword just now."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Sword Saint Nie Feng couldn't help but stunned. Obviously, Ye Xuan would answer this question to take care of his face, which made him feel more sympathetic to Ye Xuan and smiled.

"Boy, tell me, what did you experience on this Jupiter? Is it true that the Red Emperor said there is an ancient **** here?"

Ye Sifeng set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, Shen Sheng asked.

Hearing his question, everyone else set their eyes on Ye Xuan, waiting for Ye Xuan's answer,

"Yes, there is indeed an ancient **** on this planet. The ancient **** captured me just to save me from his companion ... After he cured his companion, they let me back Now. "

Ye Xuan thought for a while and answered with a smile.

He didn't tell Ye Sifeng that he became the ancient **** king of the ancient **** clan. After all, it sounded a little too incredible.

A human being has become the noble ancient **** king of the ancient **** family?

"In this case, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so let's leave as soon as possible!"

Ye Sifeng nodded gently, did not stay too much, but took the people away quickly.

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