Medical Martial God

Chapter 1401: Surrender

Day by day in the aircraft carrier cockpit, the system's warning sounds constantly.

"Warning, warning ... The Galaxy Guard is destroyed and the enemy has entered the cockpit."

"Warning, warning ... The laser killing array is broken, and the Yanri illusion is invalid ..."

Listening to this series of sirens, the stern expression in the driver's seat gradually became dignified, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect the enemy to be able to kill the five Galaxy Guardians. You know that the Galaxy Guardians are extremely powerful. The five Galaxy Guardians can be integrated into one and become more powerful. Even its combat power is far from being Above the sword.

It is Wu's most proud guard, protecting his safety to this day.

However, Wu Ming did not expect that the five Galactic Guards were killed.

"Barak, how long have the Galaxy Guards persisted?"

Wu Ming's eyes fell on Xu Huang's Sun Lord Barak, and Shen Sheng asked.

"Four minutes and forty-five seconds."

The daily Lord Barak replied in a deep voice.

Wu Ming's heart couldn't help but sink. It seemed that the enemy's strength was far beyond his expectations and imagination, which caused a deep and helpless surge in his heart.

The five Galaxy Guards only persisted for such a short period of time, so it is even more unlikely that they could defeat the other party with his strength level.

"Rushing ..."

As rustling footsteps came from behind, Wu Ming's seat automatically rotated, causing him to turn slowly.

A handsome and ruthless young man appeared in Wu Ming's sight, causing a trace of consternation flashed across his face.

He thought that it was a well-known old monster who had lived for many years. Where did he think he would be such a young man, and his cultivation behavior was even Nirvana, which made Wu Ming secretly surprised.

He looked at Ye Xuan with a sharp eye, and there was a lot of thought in his mind, trying to find a solution to his dilemma in front of him, but he had no idea at all.

"You are the owner of this aircraft carrier?"

Ye Xuan gazed indifferently at Wu Ming, without any slight fluctuations in his face, his expression spoke indifferently.

"Yes, I am the creator and developer of this aircraft carrier Wu Ming."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Wu nodded and answered proudly.

The ability to design and build this daily carrier has always been extremely proud of Wu Ming.

"Virtual intelligence?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flickered and fell on the body of the illusory sunlord Barak beside Wu Ming, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"My name is Barak!"

Feeling Ye Xuan's sharp eyes, Lord Barak, the Lord of the Sun, clenched the bow and arrow in his handshake and said.

Ye Xuan nodded gently, and then his eyes fell on Wu Ming's look. He said calmly, "Are you doing it yourself, or am I doing it?"

"I always don't like fighting martial arts, and practicing martial arts is just to protect myself. To be honest, I really want to start. I can't beat you ... but I don't want to die ..."

Ye Xuan's words made a frustrated smile appear on the frightened face, and there was a deep voice in his mouth.

"Unfortunately, as an enemy, you must die."

Ye Xuan interrupted Wu's words indifferently.

"I have the richest, most professional and most powerful scientific and technological knowledge in the entire Hengyun industry. I am the most outstanding aircraft carrier builder, weapon R & D engineer, and innovative technology master in the entire Hengyun industry ... Really, I do n’t lie to you. The aircraft carrier was designed and built by me alone ... if you kill me, you will lose a peerless talent in the Hengyun world. "

Wu Ming's face changed, and he quickly explained.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Ye Xuan's sharp eyes fell on Wu Ming's body, and all his secrets were captured in his eyes.

This guy's training is not very strong, immortal, and the breath is not very stable. It seems to be improved by taking the Elixir. Some of the equipment on his body is quite advanced.

If Ye Xuan is not mistaken, the clothes worn by this guy are extremely precious spirit element suits in the universe, which can resist the attack of the immortal powerhouse, greatly improve the combat effectiveness of users, and the price is extremely scary.

The weapon placed beside him is also extremely simple, but it is a holy soldier of the inferior rank.

"I can work for you Dragon Nest, design and build an interstellar carrier for you ... Believe me, I have this kind of technology. I am not interested in killing and killing you at all ... if this time it is not for the Lord Master to go out and force it. If I were to drive this daily carrier together, I would n’t have come at all. I ’m a technology maniac, research maniac, design maniac ... I ’m only interested in designing and researching and manufacturing various warships and aircraft carriers. As for your dragon nest It does n’t matter to me whether I win or lose in the battle with Hengyunfu. I just want to live, and then research and make things I like without worry! "

Wu Ming looked at Ye Xuan's eyes with deep sincerity, and there was a deep voice in his mouth.

As he himself said, he has no interest in fighting, killing, killing, just wanting to do research and build an interstellar carrier.

It is not important for him to work for him, as long as he survives to do research.

Even now that he has surrendered to Dragon Nest, eventually Dragon Nest was defeated and defeated by Hengyun Mansion. With the skills and talents he possessed, he was able to regain attention and importance.

After all, his technology and talents are one-on-one even when looking at the entire universe.

"As long as you don't kill me, provide me with a laboratory for me to host the research and development of interstellar warships and interstellar carriers. Anything else you want me to do ... Once you have my technology, your dragon nest will be able to build high performance yourself. The high-level interstellar battleships and interstellar carriers are very helpful to you, right? "

Seeing Ye Xuan did not speak, Wu Ming continued to speak.

"I can barely accept this reason for you, but I need you to show your sincerity first ... Shoot down those A-class starships to me."

Ye Xuan gazed indifferently at Wu Ming, extended his finger to the front of the ten fierce beasts, and said to them the many A-class starships attacking them.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Wu Ming's face: "The starships were designed and developed by me. They are like my own sons. You want me to destroy them. I ..."

"How? You can't do it?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with a chance, and a flash of impatience interrupted Wu's words.

A thick, helpless wry smile appeared on Wu Ming's face, and finally nodded, commanding to the day-to-day Lord Barak: "Use super-audio high-energy cannons to destroy their systems."

"Yes, master!"

Barak, the Lord of the Day, nodded and quickly tapped on the keyboard quickly.

"Super Audio High Energy Cannon Launch!"

As the words of the Lord of the Day, Barak, fell, the hull of the Daily Carrier suddenly lit up with a dazzling glory, and a huge column of energy suddenly jetted out from the muzzle of the right wing, straight into the sky, and then suddenly A burst of fire broke out, and a brilliant firework burst into the sky.


A loud explosion sounded, terrible sound waves roared in all directions, sweeping in all directions.

The systems of the A-class interstellar warships that had launched a fierce siege on the ten fierce beasts suddenly failed at this moment, instantly lost their ground, and fell down.

"What's going on? The warship system malfunctioned abnormally, and the kinetic energy completely disappeared ..."

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Who is doing to our warship?"

"Grass, power failure, the battleship is about to crash ..."

The face of the warship pilots who had originally manipulated the A-class starship to siege the ten fierce could not help but change his face, his expression was frightened, and there was a voice of anger and corruption in his mouth.

At the moment when their warship failed and their kinetic energy fell, the ten fierce beasts launched a fierce counterattack against them.

Wannian Xuangui's tail resembling a python directly rolled up an A-class starship and slammed it into another starship.

The five-clawed golden dragon's sharp dragon claws waved and landed on an interstellar battleship. The terrible power erupted, tearing the battleship into pieces.

The ice lord Bai Ze flapped his wings, causing a terrible ice hurricane to directly involve two out of control interstellar warships, completely frozen, and fell down below ...

The ancestral dragon roared up in the sky, a huge energy bomb condensed in his mouth, and then spit out and hit two warships to destroy them ...


Not only the ten fierce beasts attacked the starships, but the muzzle of the various fortifications of the day-to-day carrier light up, and a terrible beam of destruction and interstellar orbital artillery fired out and went straight to the starship , Blast them into pieces.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? How does the daily carrier attack us?"

Seeing this scene, an interstellar warship pilot scolded angrily.

"It shouldn't be attacking us, but they missed ..."

Someone answered quickly at this moment.

It is a pity that his words have just finished falling, and the battleship was bombarded by shells fired by the daily carrier.

Under the siege of the ten fierce beasts and the daily carrier, all the A-class star carriers that besieged the ten fierce beasts were shot down and crashed.

"It seems that the little guy Ye Xuan has successfully gained control of the aircraft carrier ... Since that's the case, we won't need us here anymore, let's go ... help Ye Sifeng the kid in the battlefield where they are."

The evil emperor stood in the void and took a deep look at Ye Xuan in the distant daily carrier. With other fierce beasts, he went straight to the distant Ye Sifeng with wild killing intentions, and the card emperor Ouyue Yun went to the battlefield where they were ... …

"I have done what you said. Now you should believe me?"

Wu Ming stared at Ye Xuan, his expression calmly opening.

"Leave a promise!"

Ye Xuan's face still has no expression or fluctuation at all, and speaks lightly.


In this regard, Wu Ming did not resist, but under the gaze of Ye Xuan's gaze, he made a heavenly vow very readily.

"Sir, what are you telling you now?"

After doing all this, Wu Ming set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and asked respectfully.

"Now that you have truly surrendered, join the Dragon Nest ... then make some achievements ... use the daily carrier to attack the soldiers and their fleet of Hengyunfu, I look forward to your next performance."

Ye Xuan went to the position of co-pilot and sat down, poured a glass of red wine, took a leisurely sip and said lightly.

"Okay! Since that's the case, let adults see the power of my day-to-day warship ..."

Slightly pondering, Wu Ming agreed readily.

In the next moment, he was maneuvering toward the battlefield ahead with the daily carrier.

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