Medical Martial God

Chapter 1403: Chase me

The Black Shark Battleship Group, the most aggressive fleet in the entire Hengyun world, they are all created by imitating the only S-class black shark light mother in the Hengyun world, quickly and particularly quickly and fiercely.

After receiving the order, they were like a group of great white sharks that hunted in the ocean, charged at a fast speed towards the daily carrier, and launched the most fierce and brutal attack on this behemoth.

The specially equipped Black Shark engine not only provided them with terrible speed, but also provided them with tremendous kinetic energy. The Black Shark star bombs equipped with it were amazingly destructive, and they could easily get a B-class battleship to devastate and die The powerhouse of the environment poses a huge threat to the powerhouse of the immortal.

At the moment when the group of black shark battleships rushed out towards the daily carrier, the damaging black shark star bombs were like fierce demons showing their sharp fangs and attacked Ye Xuan. They appeared extremely cruel.

"Xiang Dongliu was really willing to give up his hard hand, and actually sent a group of Black Shark warships ..."

Looking at the group of black shark warships rushing by, how to control the defense system of the daily carrier to resist the attack of the black shark star bomb, Wu Ming's complexion was particularly dignified and ugly.

"Why? Is the Black Shark Battleship strong? Your star carrier can't beat it?"

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

"The Black Shark battleship group is the most powerful interstellar fleet in the entire Hengyun world, and it is extremely difficult ... If I still have the daily battleship group on the daily carrier, they will not be afraid of them, but they are completely destroyed by the ten fierce beasts Destroyed. Now if you want to solve the group of black shark warships in front of you, it is undoubtedly extremely troublesome and takes some time. "

Wu Ming stared at the defensive light curtain that was trembling in front of her eyes, her ten fingers rapped quickly on the keyboard, and there was a deep voice in her mouth.

"So, it's up to you to perform."

Ye Xuan nodded gently, did not say anything more, but took out a fairy stone and closed his eyes to adjust the interest rate, and began to restore the body's strength.

The previous battle consumed him too much physical energy. I don't know when this war will end. His moment is to keep himself at his peak.

At the same time, Ye Xuan divided a ray of mind into the space of consciousness and sensed the state of the first avatar splitting the sea dragon dragon whale, and found that this big guy is still absorbing the energy of the billion years of Heaven Demon Gu Soul and is in a sleeping evolution It is estimated that it may not be able to wake it up in a short time.

"Booming ..."

When Ye Xuan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, the huge explosion and impact sounded constantly, but the huge hull of the daily carrier was trembling and shaking under the attack of the black shark star bombs of the black shark warship group.

"This **** group of guys is really annoying."

Wu Ming's mouth issued a scolding voice, maneuvering the Daily Sun to hit several black shark light mother battleships, but unfortunately they were evaded easily, making Wu Ming's face ugly.

If you can still use the black hole, these guys can solve it in an instant, but unfortunately he has used it before, and he can't use it anymore.

From a distance, those black shark warship groups are like a group of black sharks, and the daily carrier is like a huge killer whale.

Now this group of black sharks is launching a brutal and fierce attack on this huge killer whale. They show their sharp fangs and continue to bite on the body of the killer whale, leaving a bottomless scar, making The killer whale looks embarrassed and bloody.

Although the killer whales transformed by the daily carrier have been constantly resisting and resisting, swinging their giant tails and striking the sharks transformed by this group of black shark warships with their bodies, but unfortunately they can rely on super fast Speed ​​and reaction to avoid.

As a result, within a short period of time, the daily carrier has suffered tremendous damage, the indestructible hull has been damaged to varying degrees, and its power has been affected to a certain extent.

Inside the day-by-day aircraft carrier, Wu Ming's mouth was full of cursed words, and his fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard and entered a series of commands.

The day-to-day Lord Barak was also frantically manipulating the day-to-day carrier ’s weapon system at this moment to launch a counterattack against the Black Shark battleship group, but the opponent ’s speed was too fast, and ordinary weapons could not lock them It ’s hard to hurt them, leaving Barak angry and angry, his cute little face reddened, and his eyes were unwilling.

"Barak, start the eighth day-by-day procedure and prepare to release the day-by-day light."

After some operations, Wu Ming set his eyes on the staring black shark warship group in front, with a cold light flashing in his eyes and a cold voice in his mouth.

"The day-by-day light of the eighth order program? Its release will almost completely squeeze out the kinetic energy of the entire aircraft carrier, and we may crash ..."

The Lord of the Day Barak hesitated and whispered.

"Don't worry, we will use backup energy to fly to a nearby planet for landing."

Wu Ming answered calmly.

Later, Wu Ming set his eyes on Ye Xuan and said respectfully: "Adult, once the day-to-day light of the eighth order procedure is used, the kinetic energy of the entire aircraft carrier will be drained. At that time, we can only land, not Can continue fighting again ... "


Ye Xuan nodded gently and answered indifferently.

At the moment when Ye Xuan's words fell, Wu Ming's palm protruded and suddenly opened the valve of the energy thruster, which started the eighth order program.

Barak, the Lord of the Sun, quickly pressed the release button of the Sunlight.

With their movements, the whole day-by-day aircraft carrier burst into a bright light at this moment. The huge hull surface was burning with a layer of red flame, making it look as if it was on fire, and the two-wing engine propeller It is rotating at high speed, and a large amount of flame is ejected from the propulsion device ...

"Stop it, it will run away!"

"Start the predator net!"

Looking at the reaction of the daily carrier, the faces of many pilots in the Black Shark battleship group changed slightly, and a chill appeared in his eyes. A daily carrier was about to escape, and there was a cold scream in his mouth.

As their words fell, the hulls of the black shark battleships also shone with a dazzling black light, and then the chains covered with ghost hands and claws were launched from their hulls, towards the sun. The aircraft carrier bombarded it, pierced the hull of the day-by-day carrier, and bound it tightly.

A chain of chains was straightened, and a large black net formed quietly, trapping the daily carrier in it.

"Black shark star bomb, attack!"

The icy squeak sounded, and the damaging black shark star bombarded the daily carrier, making it instantly set on fire.

Looking at this scene, Wu Ming's eyes flashed fiercely, and there was a pleasant voice in his mouth.

"Little boys, just because you also want to destroy my day-to-day number, dream it! You all have to die today. The day-by-day light, release!"

With the fall of Wu Ming's words, dense ancient runes appeared on the daily carrier. They formed a terrible formation. At this moment, the golden light that melted and destroyed all was released from the daily carrier. The terrible golden sun.

Under the horrified gaze of the pilots of the Black Shark battleship group, the black shark star bombs that were rushing towards the daily carrier were eccentrically melted when they contacted the dazzling golden light.

It feels like the sorbet just taken out of the freezer encounters the sun and melts ...

Not only that, but the black chains around the Sunri are melting at a speed that is visible to the naked eye and breaking apart, so that the carrier is regaining its freedom ...

Of course, the power of the daily light is not the only one. The golden light that melts all shines, and those black yarn warships made of super alloy gods also start one by one at the moment of contact with the daily light released by the daily carrier. Melting point by point, like ice and snow melting ...

"How could this be?"

"Damn, what the **** is this?"

"My warship is actually melting? It's made of alloy gods. Is this a mistake?"

"Ah ... call the headquarters and ask for emergency assistance, I ... I can't hold on ..."

"The battleship actually melted under the golden light? What the **** am I doing?"

"God, the Black Shark battleship is made of alloy **** material, indestructible, it melted at this moment?"

"What the **** did the **** guy do?"

Seeing that the Black Shark battleship he was driving was melting, the pilot of the Black Shark battleship was completely panicked. They looked frightened, and the expression on their faces was like a ghost. They watched their battleship gradually become red. The molten iron melted, and there was a panic and desperate scream in his mouth.

At this moment, the day-by-day aircraft carrier turned into a round of golden sun that released bright golden light and terrible high temperature.

These black shark battleship groups approaching the daily carrier are melted little by little under the high temperature released by the terrible golden sun, and eventually dissipated completely.

Even Ye Xuan, who was sitting inside the daily carrier, was shocked by this scene.

This method is too **** damn right?

Such a thing as melting the Black Shark Battleship, his star Emperor Long Yan can't do it.

But Wu Ming made this daily carrier realize, and they sat inside did not feel the slightest heat.

"This is also my invention. I used to get an ancient book in ancient ruins with ancient mysterious texts, and these texts are a mysterious rune, they can form a formation, I am a daily carrier One hundred million ancient runes were carved on the surface of the ship ’s hull, forming a long-lost daily array ... "

Looking at Ye Xuan's shocked appearance, Wu Ming was very satisfied with it, and there was a lot of pride on his face, saying with great satisfaction and satisfaction.

"You are a ghost."

Ye Xuan was extremely appreciative of Wu Ming. He heard his words and said with admiration.

"Haha ... It's just a hobby to pass the prize! It's just that, the energy is exhausted, we have to go!"

Wu Ming responded with a smile, as if feeling something, his face suddenly changed, and he said without hesitation.

As his words fell, he suddenly activated backup energy to steer the daily carrier to a distant planet ...

Behind them, the black shark warships besieging them are constantly falling, turning into nothingness under the golden light.

"Sir, the Black Shark battleship group is destroyed!"

In the internal command room of the Black Shark Mother of Light, Xiang Dongliu's deputy stared blankly at the group of Black Shark warships in the holographic projection screen in front of him, which gradually lost the signal and disappeared. , Turning his head hard to put his eyes on Xiang Dongliu's body and whispered.

"What? The Black Shark battleships are destroyed? How is this possible? They are the strongest fleet in the entire Hengyun circle ..."

Xiang Dongliu, who was drinking tea, couldn't help but change his face. He stood up abruptly, and there was an abnormal voice in his mouth.

"The system has completely lost their signals and cannot detect them ..."

He pointed at the system panel in front of him and said bitterly.

"What about daily carriers?"

Xiang Dongliu asked coldly.

"Its signal is still there, and it has escaped to the east of the battlefield ..."

The deputy whispered.

"Destroy that **** **** ..."

Xiang Dongliu couldn't bear it anymore, punching heavily on the table in front of him, with a furious voice in his mouth.

In the next moment, Xiang Dongliuqiang calmed down and said coldly.

"After a battle with the Black Shark Warships, they must have no energy. Send me to chase, and I must bring back the head of the traitor who ordered Wu ..."

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