Medical Martial God

Chapter 1412: Master and Apprentice 【Fourth】

The room filled with fragrance.

"how about it?"

Ye Xuan looked anxiously at the ruddy night goddess Ainina, and there were words of concern in her mouth.

He just completed the first double repair with Ainina, the two are combined, and the soul is compatible. Ye Xuan's soul power poured into the sea of ​​consciousness of the night goddess Aina even repairing her broken and broken sea of ​​knowledge. Both Nirvana and Yuanying were nourished, and the discovery surprised both of them.

Having just finished the cultivation, Ye Xuan asked Enina for the first time.

At the moment, Ainina's clothes were half unraveled, her face was ruddy, her eyes were peach blossoms, she looked beautiful, and she was completely free of the pain and fatigue of the previous serious injuries, but she was energetic and her eyes were radiant.

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, she slowly closed her eyes and felt the condition of her body carefully.

For a moment, she opened her eyes, her beautiful cheeks were filled with smiles, and there were surprise words in her mouth: "Adult, my broken sea of ​​knowledge has recovered a third, and the injury of the soul Yuanying has also suffered. A certain patch has been received ... This exercise is also amazing! "

Hearing her words, Ye Xuan couldn't help but take a long sip, and put a big rock in his heart.

This Yin-Yang Soul Formula Great Compassion is indeed miraculous, completely saving Ainina's life, so that she does not have to die.

At the moment, Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Then we continue to practice?"

"Are you here yet?"

Ainina's beautiful face was instantly covered with blush, her eyes were embarrassed, and she looked particularly attractive.

"Cough cough ... In order to recover your injury as soon as possible, I also worked hard ..."

Ye Xuanqian said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two embraced again, surrounded by qi, and flowed into the body of the two. The soul blended into the nature of Taoism, and contained a unique mystery ...

In the early morning of the next day, when the sunlight of the morning light spilled in from the window, Ye Xuan and Ainina sleeping together gradually opened their hazy eyes.

Ai Nina snuggled in Ye Xuan's arms, and after secretly glancing at him, she shyly closed her eyes, her mouth slightly raised, and an attractive little dimple appeared on her cheek, which was very moving.

After a day and night of hard work and double cultivation, her injuries not only healed, but her strength cultivation has also been greatly improved. The cultivation of the realm from the undead Xiaocheng directly broke through to Dacheng.

The knowledge of the sea is more extensive and solid, and Nirvana Yuanying, who sits entrenched in it, is surrounded by light and spirit, and is like a Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Ye Xuan yawned, looked down at Ainina snuggling in her arms, and a light smile appeared on his handsome face.

He carefully felt the changes in his body, and a deep consternation appeared on his face.

He felt like he was reborn, his body was full of indescribable power, and his soul was so powerful that he could clearly feel the situation of several kilometers away.

In his knowledge of the sea, the soul Yuanying became more powerful, surrounded by golden light, filled with invisible majesty, like a **** of war.

The training progress of his "Destroy" is directly increased from Nirvana Realm 299 to 399 Heavy, and the strength of the whole person has been greatly improved.

"No wonder Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue, they want to practice this Yin-Yang Soul Recipe Great Compassion, it is indeed magical."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and thoughts flashed in his heart.

"Adult ... are you awake?"

At this time, Ai Nina no longer pretended to be asleep, slowly opened her eyes, looked at Ye Xuan's side face, and said with a smile.

"Um ... how are you feeling now?"

Ye Xuan nodded gently, Shen Sheng asked.

"The injury was healed, not only that ... the strength was improved."

Ainina took a deep breath and felt it carefully, her face covered with smiles, and said with a smile.

"That's good, let's go, we should go out and go!"

Ye Xuan nodded gently and quickly put on his clothes. After washing, he walked with Aina towards the outside of the room.

They had just walked out of the villa, preparing to go around, and saw the violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio hurrying up.

"Ainina, did you see your teacher?"

The violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio set his eyes on Ainina, Shen Sheng asked.

"No ... I didn't see the teacher yesterday to today. Are you having trouble with her?"

Ainina frowned without traces, Shen Shen asked.

"We have searched the base and haven't seen her. You know her character, and I will never leave without saying a word for no reason ..." said the violent golden lion Antonio.

"Brother Golden Lion, I know where she is, Senior Annie."

Ye Xuan hesitated and whispered.

"Where did she go?"

The violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio set his eyes on Ye Xuan and asked quickly.

"Senior Anir may have gone to Ziweixing ..." Ye Xuan's face appeared with a bitter smile.

"Why did she go to Ziweixing?" The violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio's face could not help changing.

"Nina was seriously injured. Senior Anil was to avenge her and take Hengtianyu as the first level."

The bitter smile on Ye Xuan's face was thicker, and he paused and continued to say: "I thought she would take you with you. I didn't expect her to go alone ..."

"What? The master went to Ziweixing alone to help me take revenge?"

The night goddess Ainina froze, clasped her jade hands, and opened her face in amazement.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable warmth in her heart ...

"Come with me!"

At this moment, the violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio quickly walked into the base conference room.

At the same time, a large number of Dragon Nest's top strongmen received the call information and rushed towards the meeting room.

When Ye Xuan and the night goddess Ainina came to the conference room, Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, the card emperor Ouyue Yun, the world ’s first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, the shadowy cloudy day, the violent food emperor Lao Zhai, the one-armed sword emperor Luo Cheng , Xia Liu, Jian Sheng Nie Feng, they all gathered here.

"Did you find the blue shark?"

Looking at the violent golden lion Antonio, Ye Xuan they came, they all quickly asked.

"She is very likely to go to Ziweixing to seek revenge on Hengtianyu."

The violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio hesitated and whispered.


"She went to Ziweixing alone?"

"What are you waiting for? Let's kill Ziweixing quickly!"

"Yes, kill it, I'm afraid it's too late to go late."

Hearing the violent Golden Lion Emperor Antonio, everyone's face could not help changing, the Shadow Emperor was cloudy, the violent food Emperor Zhai said they did not hesitate.

"Wait ... don't worry!"

Su Haoran pondered for a moment, Shen Sheng said.

"Not in a hurry? How can we not in a hurry? Ziweixing is in crisis, and there is a real master who sits in town and goes late, and the people are gone."

Shadow Emperor's cloudy sky said anxiously.

"I just checked, she didn't go alone, and Xiaojin went together! With Xiaojin's space shuttle ability ... If they are really invincible, they should be able to get away safely."

The wise light in Su Haoran's eyes surged and he spoke slowly.

"Xiao Jin went together? That's okay ..."

After hearing this, everyone felt a sigh of relief.

The so-called Xiaojin is the fierce five-claw golden dragon in the ten fierce beasts. Its fighting power is quite terrifying, and it has the talent to travel through the space. If it wants to go, the master of the realm may not be able to stay.

"Let's go, let's go to the azure front and wait, if they don't come back after a incense stick, then we will kill Ziweixing."

Ye Sifeng's eyes shone coldly and compellingly, and he spoke indifferently.


As his words fell, everyone nodded together, all rushing towards the blue front ...

On the azure front, many masters of the Dragon Nest are ready to go, Ye Xuan, the night goddess Aina and even Xue Tianhen, and Queen Medusa are also listed.

Looking at the vast expanse of starry sky ahead, everyone couldn't help but clenched their fists, and their mood gradually became heavy with the passage of time.

Soon, the time of Yixiang was about to pass. When the people were preparing to go to Ziweixing, the space in front of them suddenly shattered.


A loud dragon chant sounded, and a huge golden dragon carrying the heavily wounded blue shark queen Anil rushed out of it, and appeared in the sight of everyone, so that they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The pale blue shark queen Anil, who was lying on the dragon's head, looked at the crowd in front of her, and there was an apologetic smile on her cheek, and there was a low voice in her mouth: "Sorry, because my recklessness makes everyone worry Now ... "

"But ... Fortunately, it's not humiliating. I brought Hengtianyu's head back."

During the speech, the blue shark queen raised the head of Heng Tianyu who was clutching her hand.


Looking at the weak face of Queen Bluefish Queen Annie, looking at the head held in her hands, the eyes of the night goddess Ainina gradually became wet, and she couldn't help but rush to the side of Queen Bluefish Queen Annie , Hug her body tightly ...

Tears blurred her eyes and slipped out of her eyes.

"Master, I'm sorry ... Master ... I'm bad, it hurt you ..."

A voice full of deep self-blame came from Ainina's mouth.

"Stupid girl, you are my apprentice, how can you be bullied? Whoever bullied you, I will help you beat you back."

Queen Bluefish Annel touched Ainina's small head lovingly, and said with a smug look on her face.

"You guys and disciples ..."

Seeing this warm scene, everyone's faces were also full of smiles, and they looked especially happy.

Ye Xuan looked at the blue shark Queen Annele's eyes full of undisguised respect.

Although I do n’t know how fierce fighting broke out on Ziweixing, or what happened to Queen Ann, the Blue Shark, what she experienced on Ziweixing, she was able to break into the enemy camp alone and take down the Hengyun Sect Master Heng Tianyu The first level is definitely not only based on courage, but also requires strong enough strength.

Worthy of being one of the fourteen blades once under the seat of the Dragon Emperor.

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