Medical Martial God

Chapter 1414: Whereabouts of Succubus

Villa No. 98, Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, Xue Tianhen, Ainina, Crazy Devil Lin Feng and others gathered together. Everyone was drinking wine and chatting together, quietly enjoying this rare leisure time. .

At this time, Ye Xuan's consciousness came with a call to the earth, so that Ye Xuan's brow was not wrinkled, and his thoughts moved directly into the consciousness space.

"Yin Yang Obai sees the master."

The yin and yang Ou, who was slender, had long been waiting in the consciousness space. When he saw Ye Xuan appeared, he quickly and respectfully clenched his fists.

"What's so urgent to find me?"

Ye Xuan raised a brow, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked coldly.

"Master, I just got the news that the Galactic Lord has led the Eight Realm Lords to Ziweixing, and intends to attack the Earth star three days later."

Yin Yang Ou [笔 趣 阁] A dignified expression appeared on the old face, and whispered.

"Master of the Milky Way?"

Hearing his words, Ye Xuan's face could not help changing, and his expression gradually became dignified.

The Lord of the Galactic Basin controls the horrible existence of the entire Galactic Basin. The supreme **** of the entire Galactic Basin far exceeds the level of Ye Xuan's imagination. It can easily destroy the earth with one hand. .

However, Ye Xuan did not expect that such an existence would have come to Hengyun Realm directly, and came to Ziweixing.

Just to resist a strong man such as the Hengyun Realm Master, Longchao did his best.

Now that the galactic masters are coming with eight realms, how does the dragon's nest defend?

This is a devastating disaster for Dragon Nest.

"Besides that, what other information? How many people did they bring?"

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan glanced and asked again.

"Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, only brought eight realm masters, a book maid and a dancing girl named Phantom Demon!"

Yin Yang Ou said respectfully.

"Dancing girl named Succubus?"

Ye Xuan looked stunned for a moment, the color of consternation in his eyes flashed away, and instantly returned to normal: "Tell me about the dancing girl called the demon."

"She is so beautiful and charming, but she is born to be charming ... but I heard that she came from Earth Star, and Xiang Yuanchao dedicated it to Lord Master ..."

Yin Yang Ou Kan talked and talked about the succubus.

"Hoo! Okay, I know, let's go!"

Ye Xuan clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and said coldly.

Subsequently, he withdrew his consciousness and exited the consciousness space.

"Axuan, what's wrong with you? His face looks so ugly?"

"What happened? Where is it uncomfortable?"

In the hall of the villa, everyone looked at Ye Xuan, who was just talking and laughing, but suddenly became ugly and dignified. He couldn't help asking at the moment.

"I just got the news that the Galactic Lord led eight Lords to resist Ziweixing. I have to quickly notify Lord Ye ..."

Ye Xuan quickly said.

When the words fell, Ye Xuan hurried toward the commanding office of the azure base.

"What? The Galactic Lord led eight Lords to Purple MSI?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the people on the scene could not help but change their faces.

Subsequently, they all chased towards Ye Xuan in a hurry.

"Xiaoxuan, why are you here?"

In the comfortable office, Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran were studying data and documents. When Ye Xuan hurried over, their eyes were full of doubts, and they couldn't help asking.

"Master Ye, Marshal Su ... I have important news to report."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Oh? What's the matter? Come and listen."

Su Haoran set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Ye Sifeng's expression gradually became serious, and they could feel the heavy mood of Ye Xuan at the moment.

"I just got the news from Yin Yang Ou ... The Galactic Lord Huangfu Tianzang, with eight realms, has arrived at Ziweixing and ordered to siege the earth three days later."

Ye Xuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes gleaming with dignity.


"Those guys can't wait to come so soon?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran, who had always been calm, could not help but change their faces, and their looks became particularly dignified and difficult to look.

A domain owner, and eight landlords would be nine landlords if they added Xiang Yuanchao.

In the face of such a lineup, even Dragon Nest can't resist even with all its efforts.

Although they have long received the news that the Galactic domain actively left the Star of the Galaxy, they did not expect that they would come so fast, and they had already arrived at Ziweixing.

Such news is extremely bad for the entire Dragon Nest.

However, regarding Ye Xuan's words and the information he provided, they did not doubt Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran.

"Okay, we know ... We will prepare more while still having time these days, and you don't have to worry too much. Go down and have a rest!"

Ye Sifeng reached out and patted Ye Xuan's shoulder, comfortingly said.

Ye Xuan nodded gently, said nothing, and left the office.

"Contact the third brother to let him inform Aunt Zi and let them come back as soon as possible! I went to Senior Wushen and asked him to go out ..."

After Ye Xuan left, Ye Sifeng set his eyes on Su Haoran, Shen Sheng said.

"Okay! Leave it to me."

Su Haoran nodded gently and quickly walked out of the office.

Ye Sifeng's figure moved, and the void opened an ancient door.

The news that the main galaxy Huangfu Tianzang led eight lords to Ziweixing will lead the army to siege the earth three days later. The news quickly spread through the base. The originally quiet and leisurely blue base was busy again At this moment, a large number of Dragon Nest Warriors chose to prepare for battle, and at the same time, a large number of Dragon Nest Warriors went out looking for reinforcements and opportunities.

At the same time, some warriors of the Dragon Nest chose to return to the earth to visit their loved ones in the last three days and reunite with them.

Because they are very clear that this may be the last battle of the earth, they may fall on the battlefield, so they want to be able to visit their loved ones at a glance before going to the battlefield.

Ye Xuan is also extremely busy these days. He has divided a lot of avatars to practice alchemy. At the same time, his second avatar is also cultivating. He only needs to win a source of the realm, so he may break through to become the realm master.

If in the next battle Ye Xuan can kill a realm, and seize the power of his realm to refine, then Ye Xuan's second avatar can break through to the realm level.

Of course, it is too difficult for Ye Xuan to kill a landlord.

In addition, Ye Xuan ’s body has not been idle during these days. Basically, he is practicing double cultivation with the night goddess Ainina, which makes his soul power and cultivation practice skyrocket.

Now even if it is not integrated with the second avatar, Ye Xuan's cultivation practice has reached the 999 weight of Nirvana Realm, and he is not afraid of the strong in the immortal realm.

At the same time, Ye Xuan tried to use Yu Jian to contact Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, and asked when they would officially join Dragon Nest.

However, they did not get their answer.

According to Ye Xuan's estimates, these two women may be violating the heavenly pledge made between them and Ye Xuan because of the arrival of the Galactic Master.

Regarding the fact that the succubus has become the dancing dancer beside Tianfu, the main lord of the Galaxy, these Tian Yexuan's hearts are still particularly irritable. According to Ye Xuan's estimation, the succubus is either involuntarily or under control Conscious memory has been tampered with.

In short, no matter how, Ye Xuan decided to take back the demon from the galactic master.

In addition, Ye Xuan went to the seabed where the sea dragon dragon whale slept. This big guy devoured billions of days of Devil Gu and is still in the process of sleeping and sleeping. There is no sign of awakening, but its body has become particularly special. Huge, because of its breath, often caused a tsunami in the sea and a huge disaster on that asteroid.

Three days, fleeting.

When the darkness before dawn gradually dissipated, and the warm sunlight poured down from the sky through the clouds, the Dragon Nest Army was ready to go, and a large number of Dragon Nest Warriors stood firmly on the azure front alloy wall.

The golden sunlight fell on them, reflecting their sturdy faces, as if a **** of war who respected the dead stood on the Great Wall of China, guarding the great rivers and mountains behind him.

On the tallest general platform in the center of the city wall, only 57 S-ranked strongmen in the top 100 of the Dragon's Armed Forces standing in the dragon's nest stood upright, exuding a strong fighting spirit, like a peerless general who commanded the army and swallowed the mountain and river.

After countless battles, especially after the tragic World War I, there are only fifty-seven S-class strongmen on the top 100 military merit list, and now only 57 are left. Of course, Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, and Queen Medusa Are among these fifty-seven people.

These are the top fighting powers that Dragon Nest can handle today.

If it were not Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, card emperor Ouyue Yun, violent golden lion emperor Antonio, shadow emperor cloudy, the world ’s first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, the top ranking military powerhouses can rely on their outstanding combat power and leapfrogging ability and Ten fierce beasts are on the top. I am afraid that the dragon's nest can't withstand it, and it has already broken.

Time passed little by little, and in the long wait of everyone, the distant sky finally showed a slight change, and a large number of black spots appeared, dense and dense, spewing over and over.

The most conspicuous among them is not the Black Shark, but a golden spaceship pulled by the nine-headed golden dragon.

On top of the head of the Nine-Headed Golden Dragon, Hengyun Realm Lord Xiang Yuanchao, Cangming Realm Lord Host Name, Blue Eagle Realm Lord He Qiong, West Sea Realm Fuxi, Dongming Realm Hongtian, Beiming Realm Beicong, Nanwu Realm Master Nangong Ziruo, Youquan Realm Master Di You, Xuehan Realm Master Xue Siyan Nine Great Realm Masters stand against the wind and act as guardian vanguards.

On the golden spaceship, the master of the Milky Way, Huangfu Tianzang, sat lazily on the throne and tasted the wine, and the maiden demon danced an elegant dance, making him look extraordinarily relaxed, without the battle to be launched. In the eyes.

Around this spaceship are 24 powerful and terrifying figures, and they are intimately minded by the followers of the eight major masters during these three days. After all, except here, they are all All of them are from Hengyun House, and they are not as easy to use as their own.

Of course, these twenty-four strong men are far less attractive than the spaceship pulled by the nine-headed golden dragon.

"Kowloon pulling a boat?"

"Nine-headed dragon is not an ordinary dragon, but a purple gold dragon. Each head is fierce and powerful. Its bloodline level reaches seven stars and its growth level reaches eighth grade. It is not far from being evolved into a holy beast. Weaker than ten fierce beasts! "

"Then the nine-headed Zijin God Dragon Head stands above the Nine Great Lords of the Galaxy?"

"It's really a good show to let the nine-headed Zijin Shenlong pull the ship and the Nine Great Lords serve as guards. Is that guy the Galactic Domain Master?"

Looking at the fast approaching army, looking at the spaceship pulled by the nine-headed purple gold dragon, they felt the terror that they released. All of them looked particularly dignified and ugly.

The mighty army of Hengyun Mansion was distraught in front of the nine-headed purple-gold dragon pulling the spaceship.

Soon, they came to the azure front and stopped in front.

The wind blew, and a terrible majestic air came to the face, making the generals of the dragon's nest secretly awe-inspiring.

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