Medical Martial God

Chapter 1419: Ye Xuan's challenge

Ye Xuan could have returned directly to the camp of the Dragon Nest of the Alloy City Wall after the enchantment that shrouded the duel battlefield had dispersed. There is an indifferent voice coming out of your mouth: "Your people just challenged me actively, and I accepted your challenge! Now it's my turn to challenge you like you."

"Oh, who do you want to challenge?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the galactic master Huangfu Tianzang's eyes flashed, and a look of interest appeared on his face, asking with great interest.

"I heard that there is a peerless dancer next to the master of the Galactic domain. Not only the sky is beautiful, the dance is elegant, but the strength is also very extraordinary. I want to see some more, please enlighten me!"

Ye Xuan's eyes fell on the elegant and succubus behind the emperor of the Milky Way, Shen Sheng said.

"Challenge me?"

There was a certain amount of consternation and surprise on the delicate cheeks covered by the butterfly mask. Obviously, he didn't expect this man to choose to challenge himself.

"Did you make a mistake, this kid actually challenged a woman, wouldn't it be the dance girl who fell in love with Master Domain?"

"This kid is so courageous, and sults his woman in the presence of Master Yu!"

"I heard that the succubus adults around the domain master are from the earth star, shouldn't they have a leg with this kid?"

Ye Xuan's words immediately caused a commotion in the Hengyun House army. Many people were blinking and could not help talking.

Obviously, Ye Xuan's challenge to the demon is somewhat beyond everyone's expectations. After all, in their view, no matter how they challenge, it should be a challenge to a man. What is the ability to challenge a woman?

Not only that, but many soldiers on the dragon's nest were full of doubts and puzzles.

Only Su Haoran, Ye Sifeng, and Crazy Devil Lin Feng flashed their lights and fell into thought.

After a moment, Su Haoran said with a deep voice: "Ye Xuan once had a maid called a demon who joined the dragon's nest. She was born with a charming bone and disappeared in a war. Since then, she has no whereabouts and news! Tianzang's dancing girl is also naturally charming. Could it be that she is a succubus? But ... the charm of the succubus is far less powerful than her. "

"I don't know, but since the boy Ye Xuan did this naturally, he had his intentions. Let's just watch it quietly."

Ye Sifeng flashed, Shen Sheng replied.

"Are you going to challenge the dancers here?"

On the opposite side of the Milky Way, Huang Fu Tianzang heard Ye Xuan's words, his face also appeared a strange color, his eyes shone with a cold light.

"Why? Are you refusing?"

Ye Xuan put away the body of the ancient **** and turned into a human form, gazing at Huangfu Tianzang and asked with a sneer.

The reason why he challenged the succubus was naturally to use this opportunity to rescue the succubus.

"This seat is the master of a domain, how can it be afraid of the challenge of a ants? Succubus, let me take her first level back!"

At the moment, the cold light flashed in the gaze of the galactic master, and he waved his hand and said coldly.


Hearing the words of the Lord of the Galaxy, the demon was slightly lowered, and then he pointed at his toes and jumped like a dancing butterfly, which landed steadily in the center of the battlefield, opposite Ye Xuan.

"Succubus is ordered by the master of the domain to take your first level, you must be careful!"

The succubus gazed indifferently at Ye Xuan, the exquisite cheeks were filled with endless ice, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

"Succubus, don't you know me anymore?"

Ye Xuan looked at the succubus in front of him, took a deep breath and asked in a low voice.


However, the succubus didn't pay any attention to Ye Xuan at all, and a black sword appeared in his hand. The powerful breath spread quietly, and he flicked the sword with a sly intent to stab Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's face sank, and the dragon blade waved in his hand.


The sound of metal hand-over sounded quietly, the tips of the two long swords collided together, and the invisible energy spread around them, setting off a huge wave.

"Kick kick ..."

The attack was blocked, a cold light flashed in the cold eyes of the succubus, the body shook, the arm shook violently, a stronger force spread out, and rushed towards Ye Xuan, even pushing his body back .

"What a powerful force, the strength of the succubus has become no weaker than that of Shangguan Jian in a short time?"

Ye Xuan stepped back dozens of steps before stabilizing his body, and raised his head to look at the enchanted gaze filled with undisguised surprise and dignity.

He knew the previous strength of the demon, but at the moment she showed the strength and cultivation behavior that surprised Ye Xuan.

What happened to her?

The cold light in Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and his thoughts moved, and the eyes of the Star Emperor opened quietly, carefully observing the state of the demon at this moment.

Under the observation of the star emperor's eye, the situation of the succubus body clearly appeared in Ye Xuan's sight.

There is an invisible seal in the sea of ​​the demon's knowledge, and at the same time it has two yuan infants.

One of the Yuanying belongs to the demon, while the other Yuanying invades into the sea of ​​the demon.

The demon's Yuanying has been sealed by another Yuanying. Not only is that Yuanying still absorbing the power of the demon's Yuanying continuously, trying to devour and integrate it, so that he can completely control the demon's The body, blending her memory, blends perfectly with this body.

This is precisely the capture in the world of self-cultivation.

At this moment, the demon is in the process of being controlled by others.

No wonder the succubus at this moment will have no previous memories and no knowledge of Ye Xuan.

This scene made Ye Xuan look cold, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

What he had to do now was to quickly catch the succubus, and then help the real succubus to wake up, suppress her Yuanying in the sea, and help her complete the anti-recapture, so that the real succubus would come back. Too.

Of course, things are just as Ye Xuan has seen and guessed. The succubus was indeed taken away, and the person who took her away was not an ordinary person, but the lower body of the Milky Way was seriously injured, and the flesh is about to Decaying star soul realm.

Succubus's innately charming bones perfectly meet the requirements of the Star Soul Lord.

The entire galactic domain is divided into ten major astral realms, each of which holds a realm master seated under the control of the galactic master, is the general under his seat, known as the ten major realm under his seat, and Star Soul Realm is one of the ten major realms in the galaxy. Its strength ranks third among the ten realm, and its strength is far above Xiang Yuanchao.

In other words, at this moment, the body of the succubus is the star soul realm master.

When Ye Xuan carefully observed the body of the demon, the demon launched a particularly fierce and fierce attack on him.

From a distance, Ye Xuan seemed to be surrounded by dense shadows, and under the siege of a large number of shadows, forced him to retreat again and again.

Ye Xuan's face was cold, and there was no slight fluctuation on his face. He resisted the attack of the demon with all his strength, observed her flaws and loopholes with the eyes of the star emperor, looking for a suitable opportunity to launch a counterattack against her, and strive to be able to surprise her in an instant. Give uniforms.

"I don't know how strong the guy who seizes the demon is, the fighting experience is so richly perverted, I can't find the slightest chance to fight back ... and her body is erratic and elusive ... "

"It seems that if you want to take her down, you can only start from her Yuanying! The ordinary attack should have no effect, only the soul attack, if you can hit her Yuanying, then it can help the demon let She regained a trace of consciousness and scrambled for control of her body ... "

Ye Xuan's body is constantly receding under the continuous attack of the demon, but the huge soul power is quietly spread out, brewing the attack.

"Star Soul Sword!"

The icy voice sounded, and the demon suddenly came close to Ye Xuan's front, waved the sword in his hand and cut it out against Ye Xuan. The sharp black sword shone in Ye Xuan's eyes.

Ye Xuan smiled coldly, his steps moved, his body suddenly retreated, a ray of light gleamed in the sky, and a meteorite burning flames shrouded the demon and bombarded her.

Falling Star Soul Tips First Form: Streamer Star Fall!

Not only that, in the densely falling meteorites, a soul blade carried a sharp killing intention towards the demon.

Falling Star Soul Decision Type 2: Star Soul Destroy the Sky Blade!

At the same time, a large number of meteorites in the distant sky were suddenly towed to form a huge planet, smashing towards the demon.

The third form of falling star soul: Vientiane sky falls!

A huge crisis shrouded the succubus and made her face change drastically.

She was about to retreat, but she was swallowed by the falling meteorite group.

The huge soul blade fell from the sky and fell on the demon.


The blood-throbbing pain came from her mouth, and the pain of her soul made her move slowly.

Before she had any time to escape, she was hit by the larger meteorite planet that fell from the sky.


A huge explosion sounded, and the succubus was swallowed up by the sky.

The cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes.

The dazzling white light bloomed, and the dense chains burst out to wrap the succubus, trapping her in the white light enchantment.

Ye Xuan took advantage of the situation, rushed into the dust, turned his right hand into a knife, chopped heavily on the neck of the demon, and fell into Ye Xuan's arms. Stabbed into her body.

There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the succubus, who was originally screaming in pain, and he raised his head hard to look at the man in front of him. There was a surprise and weak voice in his mouth.

"Adult ... I ... I finally wait ... waiting for you."

When the words fell, the demon closed her eyes and fell into a coma.

Ye Xuan's thoughts moved, and the immortal coffin in the dragon dragon ring emerged quietly. Ye Xuan put the demon into the immortal coffin and re-received it into the dragon dragon ring.

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