Medical Martial God

Chapter 1437: Those who offend my earth will be punished far away!

"Meet the Dragon Emperor!"

Regardless of their status, the Dragon Nest million soldiers were all kneeling down on one knee and facing the figure on the sky.


The huge ten fierce beasts and countless dragons and beasts also bowed their heads at the man at this moment, and a low roar of obedience sounded in his mouth.

Looking down from the sky and appearing in Huangfu Tianzang, the Northern Underworld Lord Bei Cong, in their eyes, is a particularly shocking and spectacular scene.

They watched with their own eyes a million soldiers and hundreds of thousands of dragons at the same time kneeling down at the man to pay respect to the man, as if he were the master of the nine heavens, a leader of a huge dynasty, an emperor who ruled the era.

Millions of people obeyed, ten fierce roars, hundreds of thousands of Warcraft creeping and trembling.

Such scenes far exceed the most magnificent Hollywood special effects in world movies.

The whole world is only the man standing in the sky.

Even the eight masters of Beiming Realm Beicong, Blue Eagle Realm He Qiong, Youquan Realm Di You and even the Galactic Lord Huangfu Tianzang were deeply shocked by this scene.

As for the soldiers of the Hengyun Mansion at this moment, they seemed to be petrified. They stared blankly at the shocking and magnificent scene in front of them and became a terracotta warrior.

They can't imagine what kind of man can make a million people submit to worship, make the fierce ten beasts bow their heads, and make hundreds of thousands of dragons and beasts submit.

"Zhujun, hard work!"

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng gazed calmly at the people who surrendered to worship. The sleeve robe gently waved, and everyone only felt that the body was lifted by an invisible force.

Huangfu Tianzang, the master of the Milky Way, stared at the youth in the sky with scorching eyes, thinking of the words that had just been worshipped by the soldiers in the dragon's nest, he had a large number of pictures in his mind, and the appearance of this young man gradually met with him many years ago The image of the man who killed the Quartet in a single battle with hundreds of domain masters and thousands of domain masters gradually overlapped.

"Dragon...Dragon Emperor?"

"Dragon Emperor Lan Feng... Are you... are you dead? How could it appear here?"

"'s can't be the Dragon Emperor...impossible...he's already dead."

In the next moment, Huangfu Tianzang looked as if he was crazy, and looked at Longdi Lanfeng blankly, and there was a horrified voice in his mouth.

As the master of a domain, he has never been as perverted as he is today.

"Dragon Emperor Lan Feng?"

"He... he turned out to be Dragon Emperor Blue Front?"

"This... how is this possible? This is impossible..."

It is not just that Huangfu Tianzang is completely out of state at this moment, the eight major realms of the Northern Underworld Lord Beicong, the Cangming Realm host, the Blue Eagle Realm He Qiong, the Xuehan Realm Xuesiyan, etc. are all at this moment. Shocked by the deep earthquake, Lan Feng's gaze was filled with deep horror, and there was an incredible voice in his mouth.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Although they haven’t seen the Dragon Emperor who has created countless legends, they have heard countless stories about him.

Especially this guy in the center of the universe hit a hundred domain masters and thousands of domain masters and even the title domain masters.

He circulated endless legends in the universe, but everyone knows that he had already fallen a few decades ago.

It is for this reason that the powerful people in the universe dare to hit the earth star, and dare to siege the earth star without fear.

However, they never imagined that Dragon Emperor did not die, and he was still alive, appeared in front of them, and appeared in this Hengyun Realm.

"Dragon...Dragon Emperor!"

"Then... the man who made the universe tremble?"

Soul Yuying, the overlord of the Soul Sect of Taishang, and Ao Bingxue, the overlord of Aoyue Sword Sect, stared blankly at the young man who had disturbed Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, and his heart was full of endless shock.

"It seems... that the superior did not lie to us!"

"Now, it is time for us to make a decision!"

In the next moment, Soul Yuying, the overlord of the Soul Sect, and Ao Bingxue, the overlord of Aoyue Sword Sect, glanced at each other and made a decision in the bottom of his heart. "Go! Capture Ziweixing!"

At the moment, they did not hesitate to evacuate from the battlefield quietly with the people of Taizong Soul Sect and Ao Yue Jianzong.

They are going to fulfill the agreement with Ye Xuan and send a gift to Dragon Nest.

And this gift was to win Ziweixing, breaking the back road of Hengyunfu army.

The battlefield is huge, and few people pay attention to and care about the whereabouts of Taishang Soul Sect and Aoyue Sword Sect. After all, everyone's eyes are now focused on the man named Longdi Lanfeng in the sky.

Looking at the figure standing in the sky and thinking about his endless legends, the soldiers of Hengyun Palace looked terrified and shocked, and couldn't help but swallow the saliva with difficulty, the fighting intentions in his heart dropped sharply, and the morale fell to the extreme .

This is not to blame them for being timid, or for their inability to do so, but even the domain master Huangfu Tianzang of the Milky Way is at this moment his mother's gaffe.

"Dragon... Lord Dragon Emperor."

After a brief shock, Tianfu, the Lord of the Galaxy, finally recovered from the shock and panic, looking at the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng's eyes full of uncovered fear, with a low, hoarse voice in his mouth Outgoing.

The big man in this terrible area was afraid at this moment.

But he has seen countless domain masters even stronger than him, even titled domain masters, mercilessly beheaded by this man.

Still waiting for the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng to speak, the main owner of the Galaxy, Huangfu Tianzang, continued to say: "Lord Emperor, I... I don't know that you haven't fallen, this... this is a misunderstanding... Please also invite Lord Long Emperor Take our lives, I... I will order the withdrawal of troops, and I will never step into this sector again."

"You are quite acquainted, but have you ever heard a word?"

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng gazed calmly at Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, and spoke lightly.

"What's the matter?"

Tianfu, the master of the Milky Way, swallowed hard and asked subconsciously.

"Those who offend my earth will be punished even if they are far away!"

Longdi Lanfeng said calmly.

The voice is calm, but it is full of a domineering world.

The calm voice of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng echoed into the ears of the million soldiers who fell into the sky of the Dragon Nest, but it caused their blood to boil. The blood of the whole body was burned at this moment, and the fighting in his heart climbed to the extreme.

"A good sentence will be punished if it is far from me!"

Countless people couldn't help but sigh in the bottom of their hearts.

"Lord Emperor, you have to spare people and spare people. Do you really want to kill them?"

Emperor Tianfu of the Milky Way involuntarily shuddered, holding the fear in his heart, and gritted his teeth.

"Blood debt must be paid for blood! If Ben Ben really let you go today, you will definitely come back with those guys in the universe, will Ben Ben let the tiger return to the mountain, and stay in trouble?"

"Instead of killing chickens and monkeys with you!"

Longdi Lanfeng stared indifferently at Huangfu Tianzang, with a cold voice in his mouth.

Although he is only an avatar now, it is not difficult to kill the low-star domain masters such as Huangfu Tianzang.

However, once the energy of this avatar is exhausted, it will disappear, and it will no longer be able to protect the earth.

Even so, before his deity returns, he must kill the fierce name, deter the giants in the universe, and make them forget to act rashly.

Moreover, the reason why the earth powerhouses are scarce is because of the lack of the source of the landlord. If we can leave all these people such as Huangfu Tianzang and kill them, and refine their source of landlord, then the earth will produce a large number of powerhouses. In addition, the top combat power will also be greatly improved.

Even in the face of the invasion of powerful enemies later, they can resist it.

Once the Huangfu Heavenly Tibetans are killed, the entire galactic region will be controlled by the warriors of the earth and become the territory of the Dragon Nest.

Therefore, these guys must die now!

This will be a full counterattack from the earth fighters.

"Adult Dragon Emperor really is a good spirit... However, you are just a doppelganger. I really want to fight for my life and I will not be afraid of you!"

Seeing that the compromise was ineffective, Huangfu Tianzang's expression instantly froze, and there was a voice of Sen Han in his mouth.

He had been secretly observing the dragon emperor blue front in front of him, but found that he was not the deity he encountered in the center of the universe, but an avatar. Therefore, Huangfu Tianzang dare to tear his face at this moment.

If he meets the Dragon Emperor himself, he dare not dare to do so, kneeling and begging for mercy.

But the front is just a doppelganger, he is not incapable of fighting one.


"It turns out that the Dragon Emperor is just an avatar?"

"A doppelganger has this kind of momentum and oppression. It is indeed the most terrifying existence in the universe. Do we really want to be an enemy?"

"Nonsense, didn't you hear him say? Blood debts must be paid, and people won't accept our compromise."

"Margot, is it so crazy to have a doppelganger? So many of us are afraid of him."

After a brief shock, I heard the dialogue between Dragon Emperor Lan Feng and Huangfu Tianzang. After learning that this Dragon Emperor was only an avatar, the soldiers of Hengyun House quietly sighed in their hearts and renewed their eyes. There was a fighting intent.

These guys are ruthless people, knowing that since there is no way back, then the next step is to fight desperately.

"War! If the domain master can stop and defeat the Dragon Emperor avatar, we must be able to destroy the Dragon Nest and take down the Earth Star!"

"Yes, we may not have a chance of winning once we start the war!"

"As for Lord Yu, who stopped the Dragon Emperor, we will be victorious."

Northern Sovereign Master Bei Cong, Youquan Realm Master Di You, Nanwu Realm Master Nangong Ziruo, Youquan Realm Master Di You and others also swelled a bit of war at this moment, clenched their fists, and there was a full battle in their mouths The icy words of interest came out.

"It can be seen that Ben Jun is an avatar, you have a bit of eyesight!"

Huang Fu Tianzang saw that he was just an avatar, but Dragon Emperor Lan Feng was not surprised, but said indifferently: "However, this does not change the ending you will fall here."

When the words fell, Longdi Lanfeng took a step forward, with a figure like a charm, instantly appeared in front of Huangfu Tianzang, and pointed at him.

A sword qi burst out of his fingertips without warning, taking the first level of Huangfu Tianzang.


The cold light flashed in Huangfu Tianzang's eyes, and there was a cold hum in his nose. Instead of evading, he punched out.


A dull collision sounded, Huangfu Tianzang's fist and Longdi Lanfeng's finger collided together, and the terrifying energy spread and swept in all directions around their bodies.


Dragon Emperor Lan Feng's arm shook violently, and a terrifying force burst into bloom.


Huangfu Tianzang's face changed drastically, only to feel a great force came, a black blood was sprayed from his mouth, his body was shocked by the huge force, and flew out, gliding in the air for thousands of kilometers.

"What a terrifying force... such a fighting force for a doppelganger?"

He flew for thousands of kilometers before Huangfu Tianzang stabilized his figure stably. He stretched out his palms and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. He raised his head to look at the distant Dragon Emperor, his eyes gleaming with dignified light. There is a deep voice in his mouth.

However, he cannot compromise!

At this moment, he has no retreat.

"All soldiers, follow the orders to level the dragon's nest with this seat!"

At the moment, Huangfu Tianzang said coldly.


As his words fell, the Northern Underworld Master Bei Cong and the Youquan Kingdom Master Di You led many Hengyun Palace soldiers to rush towards the Dragon Nest Army.

And Huangfu Tianzang rushed out lightning fast and launched another attack on the Dragon Emperor.

"Zhujun listens to orders and kills enemies with this monarch!"

The light flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor and went straight to Huangfu's heaven.


Behind him, countless dragon nest warriors rushed towards the Hengyun Mansion with a tremendous war intention.

PS: Three more sent, I posted the portrait of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng on the WeChat public account Xiaoming. The friends I want to see are paying attention to the WeChat public number Xiaoming.

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