Medical Martial God

Chapter 1439: Battle of the realm!

In outer space, fierce battles continue.

The opponent faced by the Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier, was not Xuesiyan, the Xuehan Realm, who was repelled by her, but Nangong Ziruo, the Nanwu Realm.

Nangong Ziruo's ability to become the master of Nanwu Realm does not depend on her beautiful and intoxicating posture, but on her extremely powerful strength.

The battle between her and Empress Miweier of the Dragon Territory can be described as indispensable and equal.

The Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier, took a picture with the palm of the mountain.

Nanwu Realm Master Nangong Ziruo was also shot with a palm, possessing the power of collapsing mountains and cracking the ground.

The two palms collided, making a dull collision sound, and the energy of terror sprayed from the palms of their palms like a turbulent wave, sending both of their bodies to Zhen Fei.

In the moment when Queen of the Dragon Domain Mi Weier retreated, the sharp light in her eyes flashed, and the one-handed seal, the majestic dragon screamed out of her body, forming a Nangong Purple If washed away.

Aoyue Dragon Seal!


Zhen Tian's dragon chant sounded, and at the moment when Nangong Ziruo hadn't had time to react, Long Yin fell heavily on her chest.


A dull collision sounded, and bright red blood spewed out of Nangong Ziruo's mouth. Her body flew out like a broken kite, and her breath became much weaker.

"call out!"

However, this woman is also a ruthless character. Her eyes flashed fiercely, pinching the trick with one hand, and her heart moved. The blood spitting out of her mouth strangely gathered in the air into a **** poisonous snake with a huge mouth and sharp edges. The fangs bite away towards the Queen of the Dragon Field Mi Weier.

The Scarlet Viper rushed out very fast, as if a Scarlet beam passed by, even if Mi Weier reacted quickly, the body moved to the side, and his shoulders were all bruised by vigor, and a blood stain appeared, with blood flowing.

In a confrontation, both were injured.

However, Nangong Ziruo's injury seemed more serious.

Stabilizing his body, he raised his head and looked at the Miweier standing in the wind in front. .

"Namwu World, open!"


As her words fell, countless **** spears suddenly rushed out of the ground to the sky. Not only that, but also a large number of terracotta warriors emerged strangely, like millions of soldiers.

At the same time, there is a giant general **** statue covering the sky and hiding from the ground, making this heaven and earth quietly become a huge ancient star battlefield.

Nangong Ziruo flew up and landed steadily on the godlike statue of the general in the center of the battlefield, standing against the wind.

Behind her, mysterious and ancient planets emerged slowly. They exuded dazzling light, and the endless power of stars poured out, shining on the terracotta warriors and gods, so that they faded the dust and opened. The closed eyes started to wake up and resurrect.


In just a moment, the dense terracotta warriors and horses and a deity were all resurrected and turned into a million troops standing still, waiting for Nangong Ziruo's order.


Nangong Ziruo's eyes stared at Mi Weier, who was opposite, with a loud sigh in his mouth.

At this moment, countless soldier generals rushed towards Miweier with monstrous killing intentions.

"Quanlong Realm!"

Looking at the roaring army, Mi Weier's delicate cheeks had no expression on her cheeks, her eyes were closed, her mouth was full of words, and the whole of her hands was sacred.

Behind her, an ancient planet slowly emerged, and endless dragons flew out of the planet and attacked the army of terracotta warriors ahead. This is a pinnacle matchup!

Compared to the miraculous and fierce battle between Miweier and Nangong Ziruo, the battle between the ancient **** patriarch Goodner and the Dongming Realm Hongtian is much simpler and more violent.

Goodner reveals that the ancient **** is a real incarnation of a thousand-footed giant with his fists continually attacking Hong Tian, ​​the master of the Eastern Ming Dynasty.

Hong Ming, the main lord of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, summoned his gigantic giant main body without any defense at all, and also launched a mad attack on Goodner. The fists of the two constantly collided and carried out. The most primitive melee.

As the head of the ancient **** clan, Goodner is extremely powerful. The body of the ancient **** is indestructible. One punch is enough to smash an asteroid.

However, the strength of Dongming Lord Hong Tian is also quite good, especially the strength and aggression of the real body he tempered is not weaker than Goodner, the fists between the two are crisscross, you come to me It can be said that it is inseparable. From a distance, it looks like two towering ancient giants are fighting, and they are fierce and fierce.


Another powerful collision, Goodner and Hong Ming, the main lord of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, were shocked by the powerful force and flew out.

After a long battle, he was not able to win. This made Gudner undoubtedly lost patience.

He gazed coldly at the Dongming Realm Master Hong Tian who was breathing heavily in front of him. The fierce light flashed in his eyes, the power of the ancient gods in his body was running, and the golden light of the whole body was flourishing. All the power was gathered towards his fist at this moment. The cold voice came from his mouth.

"Ancient God Booms!"

As he punched out, the terrifying and terrifying power bloomed, and there was a feeling of breaking the world.

It seemed that the sky was going to be smashed by him.

"Dongming Realm!"

Upon seeing this, the cold light in the eyes of Hong Tian, ​​the master of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, flashed, his hands were sealed, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.


As his words fell, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Goodner's fist hit the center of the vortex directly.

The majestic suction exploded, and Goodner's body was dragged directly into the vortex.

Hong Ming, the host of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, smiled coldly and walked into the whirlpool and disappeared without a trace.

Goodner just felt the flower in front of him, and when he recovered, he found himself in a vast starry sky.

Twenty-three ancient and huge planets surround him, forming a circle to surround him.

In the center of this encircling circle, there is a bigger planet with a glowing glow, and Hong Tian, ​​the Lord of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, is standing on the planet and staring coldly at Goodner, with a cold voice in his mouth.

"Feel the taste of death, star burst!"

As the words of Hong Tian, ​​the Master of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, fell, the murderous flash in his eyes flashed, and the palm of his divine power pressed violently towards the planet below.


With this action of his, the twenty-three ancient planets surrounding Goodner are all shining brightly at this moment, and they are constantly expanding and emitting a breath of destruction.

Then they were all detonated in the next second.

A huge explosion sounded, and the power that devoured everything to destroy everything suddenly spread out and swallowed away towards Goodner.

The strong life-and-death crisis permeated Gudner's heart, making him change his face, thinking about it, using the strongest defensive magic power of the ancient protoss, the endless light of the whole body surged, and the battle armor formed quietly.

"Ancient God bless!"


Fu Xi, the Lord of the West Sea, looked coldly at the card emperors Ouyue Yun and Wang Xiaoshuai in front of him. The cold eyes flashed with a bitter cold, and there was a cold voice in his mouth: "The two of you guys are really not afraid of death. Dare to block this palace with your half-step major?

Although these two guys were only majoring in the half-step world, their combat effectiveness was quite powerful, and they dragged her for a long time.

At this moment, Fu Xi, the Lord of the West China Sea, had become extremely impatient.

", don't be so anxious. I have the first handsome man in the world and the second beautiful man in the world to play with you. You should be happy. After all, there is no such opportunity for others. You are so anxious. I'm a little embarrassed... or wait for me to show my big baby first?"

The world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai took off his shirt while talking, revealing his strong and handsome figure.

"Shameless and cheap, let this palace die!"

He heard Wang Xiaoshuai's filthy language, the cold light in the eyes of Fu Xi, the master of Xihai Realm, flickered, an Guqin appeared in his hand, and he turned the vibrato violently.

The sound of the piano sounded, and the huge sound blade sharply cut through the air and attacked the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai.

"Huh... This woman is really anxious. My big baby didn't take it out, so he was so eager to start, it was really owing."

Upon seeing this, a ridiculous smile appeared on the face of the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, and he pulled out three sticks from his trouser pocket.

With three sticks in his hand, his entire momentum suddenly changed, his hair turned silver at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a silver dragon scale appeared on his strong body, so that his momentum surged and his strength increased. The light of the stick is transformed into a silver stick with three bold characters engraved on it-the protector stick!

"Beauty, come on, I will eat a little man!"

The world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai waved his protector stick, slammed the sonic sharp blade, rushed out of the jump and flew up, raised the protector stick with both hands, and slammed down at Xixi Realm Master Fu Xi.

"This guy……"

Looking at the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, who attacked Fu Xi, the master of the West Sea Realm, the emperor Ou Yueyun's handsome face could not help but have a helpless smile, and there was a deep voice in his mouth.

At the moment when his words fell, the cards fluttered and rotated at high speed. He stepped on the cards as if the **** of gambling was alive, dashing towards Fu Xi, the master of the West Sea Realm, and a large number of cards rotating at high speed seemed to cover the Xi Xi Realm Fu Xi.

At this moment, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai and the card emperor Ou Yueyun both took out the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

Not because of anything else, just because the woman in front of him is indeed difficult to tangle.

"Wow, wow..."

Seeing this scene, Fu Xi, the chief of the West Sea Realm, swelled in his eyes, and his body moved at high speed, quickly plucking the strings, and a large number of sonic blades flew out, constantly attacking Wang Xiaoshuai and the card emperor Ouyueyun. , To seal all the routes they attacked to death.


It is a pity that these sonic blades can't stop Wang Xiaoshuai and Ou Yueyun from being brutally broken by them, and the long sword composed of the powerful protective girl stick and the golden card hits Fuxi, the master of the West Sea Realm.

Fu Xi, the master of the West Sea Realm, had a flash of light in his eyes, and Guqin Ge was in front of him in his hand, and collided with the protector rod to erupt a harsh metal sound.

The majestic power rushed out like a wild beast and engulfed Fu Xi, the Lord of the West Sea Realm, spitting her body into the mouth and spitting out blood.

"It hurts this palace, you two of these cheap things die for me! Xihai Realm, show me!"

Fu Xi, the master of the West Sea Realm, flew several kilometers before stabilizing his body. He stretched out his palms and wiped the blood at the corners of his mouth. His eyes stared coldly at Wang Xiaoshuai and Ou Yueyun in the front, and there were words of gritted teeth in his mouth.


As her words fell, thunder and lightning surged across the sky, the wind blew, the drifting rain poured down, and the monstrous water poured from afar.

Ancient planets emerged quietly, rising slowly in the sea.

Fu Xi, the leader of the West Sea Realm, has been rising, and his strength has skyrocketed.

On the other side, Ye Xuan is in trouble and trouble.

PS: Brothers, I posted on the WeChat public account Xiaoming that the Dragon Emperor Lanfeng is going through the universe. If you are interested, you can check it out!

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