Medical Martial God

Chapter 1441: Kill with a sword!


With the sound of crisp collision of metal handover, the two peerless swords striking Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng were resisted by the weapons in their hands.

The tremendous power exploded, pushing Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng back and forth, making their faces extremely gloomy and ugly, and there was a scolding voice in their mouths: "Damn, how could this guy's power So strong?"

The two of them can be described as top-notch masters, the power under the seat of Di You, Lord of the Spring, his left arm and right arm, and they are invincible in the half-step boundary.

However, now the two of them are easily repelled and shocked by the two swords controlled by Ye Xuan's second avatar, forcing them to retreat again and again, only to feel the pressure.

"It's a skill to resist my knockout, but... that's all."

Ye Xuan stood in the air, looking indifferently at Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng, who struggled to resist the two swords. Their faces were ancient, and there was indifferent words in their mouths.

At the moment when his words fell, a strange sword mark was formed in his hand, and the invisible power spread quietly.



The divine sword, which was difficult to resist by the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng, seemed to be injected with brand-new power at this moment, sending out a loud sword chant, rotating at high speed, and the buzzing sound was endless.

At this moment, the two Excaliburs seemed to be split, divided into thousands, and spurted toward Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng.


This sudden change made the faces of the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng change drastically, and there was a scolding in their mouths.

While retreating, they quickly waved the weapons in their hands to continuously resist the densely spurted swords. The weapons collided, sparks were scattered, and the collision sound of metal hand-overs continued to sound.

Every time a collision, a sword qi darted into Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng's body, making them slow to move.

They thought that these swords were all condensed out of sword spirit, but when touched, they were a physical feeling, so that they did not understand why the two swords just changed into thousands of swords, and they all existed.

This is Ye Xuan's second incarnation in Kendo's supreme attainment to achieve a real situation.

In one thought, everything is illusory.

In one thought, everything is an entity.

From a distance, under the control of Ye Xuan, thousands of Excaliburs flew towards Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng at a super fast speed, like a sky of rain.

Ye Xuan stepped on the Excalibur, standing in the air, one-handed printing, white clothes win the snow, just like a fairy, and extraordinary temperament!

"Ding Ding Ding..."


The sky and the sword rain poured down, and the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng resisted with difficulty in their body styles. Even if they were exquisite in body skills and the magical soldiers in their hands were extraordinary, the armor on them under such a continuous attack Torn by the Excalibur, a bottomless blood stain emerged, and blood continued to flow out.

"Why is that guy so strong? Is he trying to kill us alive? Brother, what should we do now?" Di Changgeng's face was ugly, blood was flowing all over his body, and even a blood stain on his face, He stared at Ye Xuan, who was standing in the sky and manipulating the Excalibur, and there was an angry and corrupt voice in his mouth.

"What else can we do? Our two brothers are not opponents of this guy, so we can only escape for today!"

Di Qingfeng blocked an Excalibur and replied Shen Sheng.

"What are you waiting for, let's hurry!"

At the moment, both Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng clenched their teeth, and showed their way to escape into the distance.

"Want to go? Is it possible?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled coldly, and in a moment of thought, the long sword burst into the sky, as if the arrows were shot at the more fierce and fast speed towards Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng.

From a distance, the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng fled frantically, and behind them the sword rain merged strangely into two sword dragons chasing and biting towards them.

Ye Xuan followed Xingting behind them step by step, with extraordinary temperament and elegant dust.

"Brother, we can't escape!"

Looking at the sword dragons and Ye Xuan who followed behind, Di Changgeng looked ugly.

"In this case, let's fight with him! Use the immortal realm!"

Di Qingfeng stopped suddenly, gazing at the sword dragon and Ye Xuan who came after him, and said coldly.

"Qingfeng Daoyu!"

Di Qingfeng's hands were sealed, his face was solemn, his whole body of energy was rushing, and a loud voice came out of his mouth.

With this action, the flowers and trees on the surrounding asteroids quickly withered, and the rich vitality gathered towards the sky. The sky suddenly tore a crack, and a handle sword suddenly burst out of the crack. And out, lasing down, the invisible energy spread out from the battle sword, forming a huge sword domain.

"Crazy Sword Realm!"

Di Changgeng's expression was cold, the energy in his body surged, and he thrust the Changgeng sword towards the ground.


The sword gas was thin, and countless swords emerged from the void ground at this moment, flying towards the sky, and crushing the two sword dragons chasing them.

The endless long swords are suspended in mid-air, releasing a strong sharp air. The flowers and trees on the surrounding asteroids are pumped into the long swords, giving them great spirituality, just like a large army waiting for them.

The sky where they are located is blocked by war knives and mad swords.

In this blue wind sword field and crazy sword field, the momentum of the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng is rising, and a lot of power is continuously poured into their bodies so that their strength has been greatly improved. .

"Immortal real body!"

Their expressions were solemn, and the immortal power of their bodies rushed. An ancient idol holding a mad sword and an ancient idol holding a war sword emerged behind Di Changgeng and Di Qingfeng, making them sacred as if they were the gods who dominated the world.

The two brothers have already come up with the means to press the bottom of the box, intending to fight Ye Xuan's life and death.

I have to say that the behavior of these two guys is quite decisive, and the combat literacy is quite good. Once they find that they can't escape, they will do their best.

"It's a bit of courage, even if you don't run away, are you going to fight my life and death?"

Ye Xuan stepped on the Excalibur, standing in the air, pinching the tactic with one hand, the broken Stegosaurus turned into two Excaliburs around him, and his eyes looked indifferently at Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng, who summoned the immortal true body in front, look Speak indifferently.

"Boy, you can force our two brothers to fight against each other, and you are proud of yourself! Next year's today is your day of death!"

Perhaps because the strength has soared and improved in the field, Di Qingfeng's fear of Ye Xuan was obviously weakened at the moment, and he spoke coldly.

"Next, let you see the fusion martial arts of our two brothers!"

Di Changgeng also said coldly.

At the moment when the words of the two of them fell, Di Changgeng raised the Changgeng sword in his hand and slashed at Ye Xuan with a sword.

The action of the immortal real body behind him is exactly the same as him, and it is also a sword!

"Crazy Sword!"

Di Qingfeng also slashed out with his blue wind knife, as did the immortal real body behind him. "Battle sword!"

"Martial arts fusion-swords and dragons and tigers!"

In an instant, a violent sword gas and a huge sword gas burst out suddenly, and then collided and merged into a whole body surrounded by the sword gas, and the eyes of the dragon and tiger beast Bite towards Ye Xuan.

In the whole sky, there is only one dragon and tiger beast transformed by the fusion of sword gas and sword awn.

It is extremely fierce, and everything it passes along is smashed by it. That terrible fierce power is like the City of Warcraft that is coming to an end.

It must be said that the fusion martial arts exhibited by the two brothers Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng are indeed somewhat powerful and extraordinary.

At least, Ye Xuan felt a little crisis under their move.

Of course, it is just a crisis.

"Sword gasification, sword gasification, but it's a bit interesting! Unfortunately, not enough to see..."

Looking at the engulfed dragon and tiger beast, Ye Xuan's face did not fluctuate at all, and his expression spoke calmly.


As his words fell, his thoughts moved, and he did not mean to dodge, but instead turned into a streamer and rushed directly towards the dragon and tiger beast, two swords surrounded his body divinely.

"court death!"

"act recklessly!"

Seeing Ye Xuan rush toward the dragon and tiger beasts, Di Changgeng and Di Qingfeng both smiled coldly and could not help but scold.

That kid was so arrogant that he dared to face up with their fusion martial arts, and this move of them could be enough to threaten the real master.


"Click click... boom..."

However, in the next moment, the brothers Di Changgeng and Di Qingfeng were completely dumbfounded.

They watched Ye Xuan rush into the mouth of the dragon and tiger monster. They thought Ye Xuan would be torn apart by the sword and sword gas inside, but they were shocked to find that the body surface of the dragon and tiger monster appeared. A series of fine cracks came out.

The cracks continued to spread vertically and horizontally, and finally the whole dragon and tiger beast burst into bursts, turning into debris falling in the sky, and the terrifying sword and sword qi disappeared.

A slender and elegant figure walked out of the explosion center intact.

He stepped on the sword, dressed in white, with long hair fluttering and a handsome look, like a god.

"How... how could this be?"

"How could it be like this?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, who had broken their fusion martial arts and came out unharmed, Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng rounded their eyes, narrowed their pupils, opened their mouths wide, and there was a horrified discourse in their mouths.

They never imagined that this guy was so powerful, so easy to break the fusion skills of their two brothers.

"It's my turn!"

It wasn't until Ye Xuan's indifferent voice sounded that they gradually recovered.

Ye Xuan's words fell, his thoughts moved, and the two swords that surrounded him were as fast as lightning towards Di Qingfeng and Di Changgeng, and they easily broke the defense of their immortal real body. Zoom in constantly.

"Do not……"

The voice of despair came from their mouths.


The sword light flashed over, the blood splashed, their bodies suddenly solidified, and their voices stopped abruptly.


Excalibur shattered their souls, penetrated their minds and consciousness, and destroyed their Yuanying.

Bright red blood spewed out of their mouths, and their bodies fell heavily towards the ground.

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