Medical Martial God

Chapter 1462: Ending【上】


"Is that guy dead?"

"Of course it's dead, it's gone."

"Awesome! Haha, Lord Longdi won!"

"Brothers, did you see that? Lord Longdi won."

Looking at the man standing in the void, and looking at the black gorge swallowed and disappeared, the dragon nest warriors can be said to be in great spirits, with excitement and excitement in their faces, and a very enthusiastic word in their mouths.

After persevering for so long, how could they not see the dawn of victory without excitement and excitement?

"I haven't won yet. I can't kill him in my current state."

However, the calm and indifferent voice of Longdi Lanfeng poured cold water on the excited people, so that the smiles on their faces were quietly frozen, and the heart could not help sinking, and a bad hunch came up, and the bottom of my heart was also Full of deep worry.

"Black Flame Star Burst!"

They were about to speak, and the icy, ethereal voice quietly rang in the sky.


With the sound of this sound, under the eyes of countless people in shock and horror, the void in front suddenly burst to reveal a huge hole covering a hundred miles, the endless hot flames and the cold bitter winds shattered. The roaring rush out of the cracked space made the temperature of this world suddenly rise and fall suddenly, and became a world of ice and fire.

At the same time, the majestic energy spread out from the broken void, sweeping in all directions to disperse the clouds in the sky and raise a huge mushroom cloud.


The miserable and screaming sounded, but some Hengyunfu monks near the explosion center were gradually dissipated into nothingness by the spread energy.

In just a moment, thousands of Hengyunfu soldiers fell and died.

At the same time, there is a majestic energy like a roaring flood rushing towards the dragon nest warriors not far away but being cut off by the dragon emperor blue front, blocking them, resulting in no casualties in the dragon nest.

This sudden change made everyone's heart sink, their eyes flashed, and they all fell into the cracks of the space in front.

Under the gaze of their eyes, a thin, bony, blood-scarred figure was burrowing out of it with a disheveled hair.

His fascinating and beautiful face became extremely cruel and twisted due to pain, and the body wrapped in a black robe was completely corroded by the water of the Styx, showing a large piece of bone, and it seemed that only the skeleton was left like a skeleton The skeleton looked extremely embarrassed and scary.

The image of Hei Tu at the moment is almost terribly embarrassed.

"Dragon! Emperor!"

He stared at the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng with a bitter gaze, and his ears were snarled with rage and rage.

Since his debut, he has never suffered such a serious injury.

Not only was his physical body severely damaged, his soul was also corroded by the Stygian water, which was difficult to repair in a short time.

The black tea at this moment is undoubtedly in an absolutely serious injury.

His expression was fierce, like a crazy mad dog rushing towards the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng to try to avenge him.

Upon seeing this, there was no slight fluctuation on the face of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, but the black tea from the remote control of the nine-foot green front in the hand slowly raised, and the words of peace came from his mouth: "You If you want to end the same as Huangfu Tianzang, Ben Jun doesn’t mind fulfilling you!"


Longdi Lanfeng's calm voice fell into Hei Tu's ears as if he possessed a certain magic power, which caused him to involuntarily emerge the miserable state of Huangfu Tianzang. A chill came from his heart and he couldn't help but shudder. The figure that rushed out was also quietly frozen and stopped.

It was not easy for him to practice to the main domain of the domain and become a party hegemon.

At this moment, He Tu forced himself to calm down.

He stared at Longdi Lanfeng, his eyes shone wisely, and the countless stars in it seemed to be seen through Longdi.

Unfortunately, all he saw was a mist.

The man in front of him looked like a fan and made him blind.

"Dragon Emperor, you scare me less. At this moment, you are the end of a crossbow. Will you deliberately bluff and want to scare me?"

After half a ring, Hei Tu looked back and said coldly.

"Is it bluff? Can you try to see if Ben Jun can kill you."

Longdi Lanfeng smiled faintly and said calmly.

Between the words, a terrible momentum surged out of his body, making this heaven and earth a storm of time, as if the end was coming.

"Then why don't you kill me?"

Feeling the momentum released by Longdi Lanfeng, Hei Tu's face could not help changing, only felt a great pressure pervading his heart, which made him secretly surprised but tried hard to calm down.

"The reason why you are kept is because the monarch needs you to bring a letter to the old things in the center of the universe."

Longdi Lanfeng answered indifferently.

"Bring letter? What letter?"

He Tu asked solemnly.

"Go back and tell the group of old things, don't try to hit the earth again, and my deity will go to them when I settle the bill. Remember? If you remember, go away!"

Longdi Lanfeng slowly withdrew the long sword raised in his hand and said coldly.

Long Di Lan Feng's words undoubtedly caused a turbulent wave in the heart of Hei Tu: "Is it true that this guy's deity is not dead? If so, then the subsequent troubles will be greater."

"Okay, I will tell you! Goodbye!"

Now, He Tu replied in a deep voice.


Hei Tu was about to leave, but Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, took a step, and shouted.

Heida's brows were not wrinkled with traces, but the pace did not stop.

"He asked you to wait, didn't you hear?"

In the eyes of Longdi Lanfeng, a murderous flash flickered in his eyes, and a sword in his hand was sheathed with a sharp sword gas passing by He Tu to cut off a strand of his long hair.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Black Tea looked at Sen Han, stopped, turned around and set his eyes on Ye Xuan, asked coldly.

"Where is Leng Qingcheng? Give her to me."

Ye Xuan stared coldly at the black tea, and asked coldly.

"Are you asking the woman who is the bloodline of the Nine Nine Gods and Phoenix?" Hei Tu smiled coldly and said nonchalantly.

"Nonsense, where is she?"

The magnificent murder of the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng spread, and the smile on the face of Hei Tzu quietly froze.

Hei Tu gazed at Ye Xuan provocatively and said with a sneer: "That woman, she has already been brought back to Hei Mingtian by my people. If you want to save her, please guide Hei Ming Tianyu. Gee... The woman of the Nine Nine Gods Phoenix bloodline is very valuable. If you come late, the woman will be gone..."


Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, and he was about to speak, but Hetu's body suddenly burst into a cloud of black mist and then turned into a black crow flying away into the distance, disappearing into everyone's sight.


When the black figure completely disappeared, the original dragon emperor's blue front face was suddenly white, and a large amount of black blood was sprayed from his mouth. His strong breath instantly became weak and solid. The body gradually became illusory and transparent.

"Mad, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Feng, how are you?"

"Lord Emperor Long!"

"Senior Lan Feng..."


Seeing this scene, the faces of the people at the scene could not help changing. Snipers, Gods, Wu Qianju, Ye Sifeng and others quickly rushed to the side of Longdi Lanfeng to support his body.

"Relax, I'm okay, it's just that the energy in this sub-body has been exhausted and reached its limit."

Upon seeing this, Longdi Lanfeng gently waved his hand and said calmly, "In the beginning, I left this avatar to cope with the situation today, and now it seems that my task of this avatar is successfully completed. "

"The reason why I just didn't shoot the black tea again is to let him go, because this avatar has reached the limit, and I can only use the momentum to force him back and let him take the words back. After this series of things, After those guys knew that I was still alive, they would definitely not invade the earth in a short time, and the big guy would be able to spend a period of time safely."

Listening to the words of Longdi Lanfeng, the people at the scene could not help but fall into silence.

Originally they didn't understand why he would let Hei Tu leave, now it is clear.

"And Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, and the eight major kingdoms under his seat have fallen. Their origin and the heart of the domain master are also enough for the big guys to successfully break through and create a group of top powerhouses belonging to the earth."

In his speech, the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng delivered the heart of the domain master obtained by the killing of the master of the Galaxy, Huangfu Tianzang, to the hands of Wushen Wuqian.

The two said nothing, but nodded to the eyes.

His eyes fell on the card emperor Ouyue Yun, the world’s first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai and others. He stretched out his palm and patted their shoulders, smiling and said: "In these years, you have worked hard to protect the earth, and now you have the opportunity to go out and make a break. I’m not sure which day I can meet my deity."

Hearing the words of Longdi Lanfeng, the card emperor Ou Yueyun, the world's first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, they all nodded gently.

After a pause, Dragon Emperor Lan Feng set his eyes on Ye Xuan and said apologetically: "Ye Xuan, I am sorry that I was not able to help you back to Leng Qing City. Hei Ming Tian Yu needs you to go there by yourself. Once I broke... In addition, there are many secrets in you that you don’t know, you should go to reveal yourself. You need to be aware of the nine types of gods and the thirty-six types of sword eyes, and now all you have is fur... "

Ye Xuan nodded solemnly without speaking.

Because the energy is about to run out, Long Di Lan Feng's body becomes more and more transparent.

He walked to Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran, extended his palms and gave them a hug: "I am most guilty, you little guys, I have not been with you since you were born, as a father, I obviously failed, please forgive me."

Hearing the words of Longdi Lanfeng, Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran clenched their fists and tried to suppress their emotions, whispering: "Father, this does not blame you, we have never blamed you..."

"Okay, I will not chatter with you when I don't have much time. Let's talk slowly when the deity comes back."

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng smiled and patted Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran on the shoulders, and then towards the Empress Miyuer of Longyu, Su Hanyan, You Xiaoke, Ruo Qingya, and Orange Xiaohan, they walked to their bodies Beside.

"Han Yan, Weier, Xiaoke, Qingya, Sister Ye, Xiaohan...I..."

Dragon Emperor Lan Feng opened his mouth to say something, but his words hadn't been finished before, Su Hanyan, Mi Weier, You Xiaoke but they quickly rushed into his arms...

They have not seen him for more than a hundred years, and the emotions in their hearts can no longer be expressed in words.

"Sorry, I have been grieved for more than a hundred years since I left..."

Looking at the beauty snuggling in his arms, Long Di Lan Feng looked guilty, and there was a deep voice in his mouth.

"I love you!"

When the words fell, the figure of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng gradually became transparent, and the blue fluorescence disappeared into everyone's sight.

"Warriors of the earth, the future of the earth will be handed over to you for the time being, and we look forward to our future reunion."

Looking at the gradually dissipating figure of his Dragon Emperor Lan Feng and hearing his words, the Dragon Nest Warriors clenched their fists involuntarily, burning a strong fighting spirit and flame in their hearts.

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