Medical Martial God

Chapter 1492: Emperor Star Pirate!

Fierce battles are still going on in the dark starry sky.

Facing the fierce and powerful starry sky thieves, Wang Zhong led many Jiulong Pavilion guards to resist with all their might, and tried their best to fight.

Soul Yuying easily crushed the star robber Jack and the six undead powerfuls with one person.

In the face of the powerful soul Yuying, Xing Jie Jack's face was so dark and ugly that he was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that this woman would be so difficult.

I knew that Mrs. Lan had such a master around him, so he would not take this business.

Ao Bingxue was also relying on his strong personal strength to suspend the shadow iron hand and the backbone of several starry thieves, forcing them to retreat again and again, losing ground.

If this situation continues, it won't be long before they will be defeated.

Ye Xuan was sitting on the side watching the battle erupting with great interest, drinking spirit wine, and appeared extremely leisurely and enjoying.

For wars and killings, he has not felt much after many wars against the Hengyunfu Army, but it has long been used to it.

Therefore, people often say that war can sharpen a person's heart and will.

But Mrs. Lan next to them looked at Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue. Their gaze was full of shock and surprise without concealment.

Although she knew that Ye Xuan’s status was unusual, but was born in the super top big family of the universe, she never expected that the two maids who were with him were so terrible and powerful, that Xiu reached the half-step master. To the point, the fighting power is completely crushing the star robber Jack.

At this moment, Mrs. Lan's gaze to Ye Xuan was full of deep fear and complexity.


Ye Xuan glanced at what seemed to feel something.

His thoughts moved, and a ray of consciousness was transmitted to the split-sea Xuanlong whale: "What's wrong?"

"There are three guys in front of him who are not inferior to the star robber Jack... There may be some kind of secret in Mrs. Lan's body to cause these troubles."

The sound of the cracking sea dragon whale resounded in the heart of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on Mrs. Lan, but he didn't say much or ask more.

After all, everyone has their own secret.

Since Mrs. Lan did not want to take the initiative, Ye Xuan would not ask.

But Mrs. Lan saw the atmosphere a bit dull, and couldn’t help but say at the moment: “Yoke, tonight thanks to being with you. Otherwise, if you encounter such trouble in front of you, you can’t cope with the strength of loyal Uncle. I am afraid……"

"Ma'am, don't hurry to thank me. The trouble tonight is not so easy to solve..."

Hearing Mrs. Lan's words, Ye Xuan shook his head gently and spoke lightly.

"Now Star Jack, the dark iron hand, they have been completely suppressed by the Jade Girl, and the situation is very good. I don't know where the son said this?"

Mrs. Lan was keenly aware of the deep meaning in Ye Xuan's words, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, she couldn't help asking.

"My wife knows, but why should I ask [pencil novel] me?"

Ye Xuan answered lightly.

His words made Mrs. Delan's brows tighter. Didn't the night boy notice something.

After hesitating for a moment, Mrs. Lan just sighed softly. She knew that many of her things could not be concealed from Ye Xuan after all.

So, she decided to come out and said with a helpless face: "The young man is really as bright as a torch. The concubine really encountered some trouble... The concubine's husband is named Muronggu, which is one of the three ancient tribes in the sea emperor. The head of the Murong family, on our wedding night, he was drunk and assassinated, leaving the concubine alone, keeping the vacancy for many years..."

"Before my husband Muronggu died, he left a last word to let the concubine take over as the head of the Murong family, but Muronggu's younger brother was extremely dissatisfied with this and attracted a large number of family elders to form an opposition. A good network of people with a lot of loyal followers. They inherited the legacy of my husband and supported the concubine. Coupled with the support of the Kowloon Pavilion behind the concubine, they could barely compete with Murong Fu."

"But Muronggu has grown in strength over the years, and more and more people support him in the family, which gradually makes the situation of the concubine gradually difficult... The group of star robber Jack should be sent by Murong Fu in secret. Assassinated me."

"The concubine really had no intention of implicating the son, and hoped the son would forgive him."

After speaking, Mrs. Lan apologized to Ye Xuan, and she was especially sincere.

"It seems that these years... It's not easy for you to be a woman."

Hearing Mrs. Lan's story, Ye Xuan's face did not fluctuate much, but said lightly.

Upon hearing this, a bitter smile appeared on Mrs. Lan's face.

In the eyes of others, she is Mrs. Lan, who is above all, but the things she has encountered in recent years are extraordinary. Many times she nearly died of life, all of which are supported by her alone, and only she knows the warmth and coldness.

"Son, the tea is cold, I'll pour a cup for you again."

Mrs. Lan quickly changed the subject and smiled.

"Mrs. Lan, our three brothers came from afar. They were very thirsty. The trouble also poured us a cup!"

However, Mrs. Lan's words had just finished falling, and the cold and sadistic voice sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, a gust of wind blowing from a distance made people feel a cold chill, which made Mrs. Delan's movements stiff.

She looked down at the source of the voice, and three of them were covered with black mist, surrounded by ghosts behind them, as if the three Yin evil men from Hell Yin passed through the battlefield and appeared in front of the attic, hanging in the air. Stand up.

"You... are you the third division of hell?"

Looking at the three people who suddenly came with the wind, Mrs. Lan's face could not help changing, and her look was particularly ugly and dignified.

However, there was no slight fluctuation in Ye Xuan's face next to him, still drinking tea calmly.

The Division III of Hell, known as the Star Thief Emperor in the Sea Emperor Realm, is the king of all thieves in this universe. They have always been mysterious and weird, and the means of murder are especially cruel and so called the Division III of Hell!

It is rumored that they once played against the master of the realm, and finally retreated.

"Hehe... I didn't think Mrs. Lan knew the names of our three brothers!"

Hearing Mrs. Lan's words, the young man named Guisi among the three divisions of Hell laughed and laughed.

When he laughed, he showed two rows of cold white teeth, which made people shudder.

"Three Divisions of Hell? Protect Madam!"

The movement here is also noticed by Wang Zhong and others who are fighting in the distance.

Wang Zhong uttered a loud drink in his mouth to split the many starry thieves around him and wanted to rush to Mrs. Lan's side, but they were stopped by these starry thieves.

"Humph, there are three more guys looking for death!"

Instead, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue were unmoved and smiled coldly.

In their view, the third division of Hell was here to die, and they were not worried about Ye Xuan's situation at all.

"You were entrusted by Murong Fu?"

Mrs. Lan's eyes flickered and she spoke coldly.

"Hehe... this will have to trouble Mrs. Lan to walk with us personally, and you will reveal the answer yourself."

The chiefs of the third division of Hell looked thin and scared and laughed as if crying, which was frightening.

"I can go with you, but I have a condition."

Mrs. Lan took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

"Conditions? What conditions?"

The division's eyes flashed and asked coldly.

"It's very simple. All of this happened because of me. I will go with you. You let the night boy and many of my men leave."

Mrs. Lan said with a deep voice.

In Mrs. Lan’s view, although Ye Xuan’s status is extraordinary, even if he killed the Tianhe Star Master Yun Tianhe, it still cannot be compared with the third division of Hell.

If Ye Xuan is in conflict with them, the consequences will be extremely serious. Ye Xuan and they may be seriously injured or even fall, so Mrs. Lan only proposed such a condition.

This is her own business, and she does not want to involve Ye Xuan.

Hearing Mrs. Lan's words, they looked at each other and then nodded gently: "Yes!"

Then he turned his head and said to Jack, the star robber in the distance, "Jack, stop..."


At the moment, Jack of the Stars slammed his body technique with a bite, pulled away from Soul Yuying and shouted, "Give me a stop!"

With the stolen Jack's order, many of his subordinates were also withdrawn to the side at this moment, and both sides of the original fighting also stopped.

Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the two of them coldly swept the blood-stained star robber Jack and others and flew back to Ye Xuan.

At the same time, the injured Wang Zhong also brought the guard to Mrs. Lan's side.

"Uncle Zhong, I will take a trip with them and the night boy will ask you to keep them safely to Neptune."

Mrs. Lan turned her head and told Wang Zhongding.


Hearing Mrs. Lan's words, Wang Zhong and others changed their faces.

Mrs. Lan ignored Wang Zhong but turned to Ye Xuan and said, "Yongzi, it is a great honor to be able to meet your concubine. This matter is due to me. I should not let the son be implicated, I have told Zhongzhong Uncle sent you to Neptune, I wish my son good luck!"

The words fell, and Mrs. Lan caressed her long hair with a smile, and then leapt from the attic and fell beside the third division of Hell, saying lightly: "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

Hell Sansi was expressionless and turned Ms. Lan away.

"Three adults, those two superb beauties..."

Upon seeing this, star robber Jack, who was wounded, stared at Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue with a vicious look and said unwillingly.

"Don't forget our mission!"

Hell Sansi replied without looking back.

"let's go!"

Star robber Jack and others looked at Soul Yuying deeply, and Ao Bingxue glanced at them, and waved with many men to follow the three divisions of Hell.

"Madam...I blame my lack of strength..."

Looking at Mrs. Lan who was going away, Wang Zhong squeaked in fists with a squeak in his face.

"Uncle Zhong, you have tried your best and you don't need to blame yourself. Remember, safely send the night boy to Neptune."

The sound of Mrs. Lan's empty voice echoed in the darkness, and her figure gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

In the darkness, a huge black shadow flashed away and followed quietly.

"Son, let them take Mrs. Lan away?"

Soul Yuying hesitated and could not help whispering.

"Yongzi, please raise your hand to save my wife!"

Wang Zhong also knelt at Ye Xuan at this moment and pleaded.

"Go ahead!"

However, Ye Xuan's face did not fluctuate at all, and his expression spoke indifferently.

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