Medical Martial God

Chapter 1494: Black whale saves people!

The sudden burst of windows made their faces change, and when they saw the lightning-drawn tentacles, their hearts sank.

The speed of this tentacle is too fast. As soon as the three of them are too late to dodge, they can only urge the immortal power in the body to defend and form an immortal battle armor on the body in a hurry.


In the next moment, the three tentacles were all drawn on them.

The power of terror roared, and the immortal armor protecting their bodies burst and shattered on the spot, and their bodies were shaken with blood by the terrible power, and flew out.


At the moment when Hell Sanji was pumped up, the three tentacles rolled up lightning on the sofa, and Mrs. Lan flinched back.

All this happened between the sparks of calcium carbide. The fast speed made the face of Hell III and the male in the skull leather suit ready to be lazy to watch a good show change. It was too late to stop it.

By the time they recovered, Mrs. Lan had been dragged out of the window by her tentacles and disappeared.


This sudden change made Hell Sansi look cold and ugly to the extreme, shouting sharply.

They apparently did not expect that someone would dare to slash on their site.

"Catch me!"

The skull mask's face was so dull as if it could drip out, the star power of the whole body rushed, and rushed out like lightning.


The three divisions of Hell quickly followed.

When they chased out of the room and came to the midair outside the window, a particularly shocking scene appeared in their sight.

The entire sky has been replaced by a huge body of a mythical beast, which is huge and almost covers the entire skeleton city.

It has a dragon-like head, a huge whale-like body surrounded by dark blue dragon scales, and a large amount of hot blue air flow thinned out from many air holes in its body, just like a rocket air bomb that fired, which would eject many buildings in Skull City. Things instantly become corroded into nothingness.

Mrs. Lan, who was entangled by her tentacles, was dropped in the air by it.

"This... what kind of beast is this?"

Because of the close distance, Mrs. Lan could not clearly see the whole picture of the mythical beast in front of her, but she opened her face in horror and consternation.

"Oh no……"

Her words had just finished falling, and the tentacles that rolled up her body slammed her into the huge mouth of the blood basin it opened, causing a cry of fright and despair in her mouth.


In the next moment, Mrs. Lan was swallowed into the abdomen by the split-sea Xuanlong whale.

Mrs. Lan, who was swallowed into her belly, only felt the sky turning in front of her.

When she recovered, she found herself in a mysterious space full of rich aura, she looked around curiously...

"Um... hum... um..."

It's just that she hasn't finished looking around, but the madness effect of Bone Eater Dan suddenly happened, causing her to fall down on the ground softly, and a sound in her mouth seemed painful and contented. Whispered.

She felt that her body was about to explode, and the whole person was going to be hot...

She tried to maintain her consciousness and restrain the impulse, but all this seemed to be in vain...


Eventually she couldn't bear it anymore, with a painful and hungry shout in her mouth, and the magnificent blue gushes burst out of her body, shattering her clothes, revealing her The mature and hot body and the skin like sheep fat jade.

"Click click..."

Not only that, but the surrounding energy barrier was shattered by the eruption of her breath, revealing the distant scene.

In the distance, in the middle of a pool surrounded by immortal air, a figure resembling a fairy was closed with eyes closed.

He has a very handsome and ruthless blade face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, which has a seven-point image like Ye Xuan. He is dressed in white and surrounded by sword spirit, just like a generation of sword monarchs.

He was no one else, it was Ye Xuan's second avatar.

After the second avatar broke through and became the master of the realm, he entered the Xuanlong space to retreat and consolidate.

The Sea Split Dragon Whale swallowed Mrs. Lan into her belly and sent her into the Dragon Dragon space.


Looking at the young man sitting cross-legged on the lotus seat in the middle of the pool, Mrs. Lan's blurred eyes erupted into a bright light, just like the hungry beast saw the most desired prey...

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were blurred, her body was hot, her thinking had already fallen, and she didn't know where it came from. She struggled to get up from the clean ground, walked towards the pool in front, and then plunged into the cold In the pool, the delicate and mature body was like a mermaid wandering in the water and came to Ye Xuan, and climbed the Zu Yan rosette...

"People...People...I...I'm so uncomfortable, I...I'm so hot..."

Mrs. Lan landed one hand on Ye Xuan's shoulder and the other arm hugged his waist, leaned her head against Ye Xuan's body and greedily sucked the fragrance of the man on his body. The sound of hooking came out.

The sound fell into Ye Xuan's ears, which made Ye Xuan's body tremble with blood boiling in his body, as if he was about to burst, and Ye Xuan, who closed his eyes and practiced, opened his eyes.

"Lying trough..."

When he saw the lady in front of him who showed a large film like a snowy white hug, he was completely stunned.

Ye Xuan, who was originally sitting on the balcony of the attic, shivered involuntarily. The next moment he rushed directly into his room and lay on the bed.

Later, he integrated all his mind into the second avatar and instantly controlled the second avatar.

At this moment Ye Xuan is completely integrated with the second avatar, the second avatar is him, and he is the second avatar.

"Lan...Mrs. weigh yourself."

Looking at the blurred eyes in front of her, Mrs. Lan with a sullen and hungry face, smelling her charming woman fragrance, Ye Xuan swallowed subconsciously, holding back the boiling blood in her body and the desire to be opened, whispering .

"Woo... um... woo... lan... um..."

However, Ye Xuan's words had just finished falling, but Mrs. Lan hugged his neck directly, and then kissed her lips on his mouth, and sucked greedily.

The voice of Ye Xuan's words directly turned into a whimper, and the unspeakable touch spread all over his body, making him smooth and sinking.

He tried to maintain his consciousness and was about to push Mrs. Lan away, but Mrs. Lan grabbed his hand and fell on the soft mountain that countless people wanted to climb, making Ye Xuan unable to extricate himself...


When Ye Xuan lost his mind, the sound of shattered clothes sounded, but Mrs. Lan directly tore his clothes, pushed him down on the seat of Zu Yan, and then fumbled on him.


Outside, skull leather men, Hell Sansi and others looked at the huge cracked sea genus whale across the sky with dignified and ugly eyes, and the face was full of shock and shock.

Obviously, I didn't expect a huge monster like this to appear without warning, and it would have swallowed Mrs. Lan alive.

Not only that, many star robbers in the city were also stunned by the sudden appearance of the split-sea genus whale. The gaze looking at the split-sea genus whale was full of undisguised shock and terror, with a mouthful of There was a lot of talk.

"What kind of Warcraft is this? Why does it appear here?"

"What a terrifying World of Warcraft, it's terrifying, what is it doing here?"

"The dragon head whale is sprayed with air currents. Is this the legendary beast of the sea cracker?"

"Cracking Sea Dragon Whale? You said he is Cracking Sea Dragon Whale? But it doesn't look like it."

"Maybe it's a split sea genus whale xenogeneic species, which has mutated..."

"Uhhhhhhh... this cracked sea dragon whale is not fully grown. If we catch it and tame it, aren't we developed?"

Now many people have recognized that this giant beast is the sea cracking dragon whale.

But these guys not only did not have the slightest fear and fear, but instead looked excited and greedy.

After all, these guys are not ordinary people, but star thieves, all of them are desperate, not afraid of the sky!

"It's really a split-sea genus whale that is not fully grown...our brother is well-developed."

"It is rumored that the Sea Split Dragon Whale is the rarest beast between heaven and earth, and it will appear only in tens of thousands of years. The adult Sea Split Dragon Whale will not be afraid even if it is the title domain master. If we can surrender it and capture it, the future Why worry about the road?"

The third division of Hell also said enthusiastically and excitedly at this moment.

But the male in the skull leather jacket looked dignified, and he didn't speak. The gaze looking at the split sea black dragon whale was full of hidden deep dread.

If this split-sea genus dragon whale is still in its infancy, he is naturally not afraid, but now it is already in the growth period and is about to pass the growth period to reach the age, the combat power and destructive power can be described as extraordinary.

However, if you just let it go, it would be a pity.

Slightly pondering, the skull leather man turned his head to look down on the body of Hell Sansi and others, and said, "How do you and I work together to take this sea-dragon whale?"

"Haha... so good! How can this opportunity to get rich be let go like this, little ones, rush for me and take me this cracked sea dragon whale!"

At the moment, **** three division three people said with a laugh.



As the words of Division III of Hell fell, a large number of forts in Skull City and a variety of interstellar orbital guns were all aimed at the split-sea genus whale at this moment, and launched a wild attack on it.

In an instant, a large number of shells, dense energy beams, and a variety of claws flew out at a super fast speed towards the sea cracking dragon whale, covering it to the utmost.

From a distance, the dense artillery fire, energy beams and claws undercut form a giant net into which the sea cracking dragon whale net is inserted.

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the sea-cracked dragon whale, and a roar rose from the sky. The terrible breath broke out. The hot flame bloom burned the attacking shells and other things into nothingness.

Not only that, in the eyes of the split sea Xuanlong whale, it was a killing intent, and the opening mouth suddenly sucked the energy between the world and gathered towards its giant mouth, condensed into a huge Xuanlong projectile.

Subsequently, it spit out the black dragon bullet towards the skeleton city below.

"No, flash away!"

"Run away!"

Upon seeing this, the skull leather man noticed the unpleasantness for the first time, a roar in his mouth, and his body suddenly retreated.

The third division of Hell is also evacuating sideways in a frenzy.


The trembling explosion sounded, and a large number of star robbers rushing towards the cracked sea genus whale were blown into nothingness. The huge skull city below was even razed to the ground at this moment, I don’t know why it caused it How many star rogue casualties.

A mushroom cloud covering thousands of miles bloomed on the sky.

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