Medical Martial God

Chapter 1496: Great gain!

Xuanlong space, center of pool water surrounded by immortality, Zu Yan on the rosette.

In the water mist, the two figures are crisscrossed and intertwined, looming, and a **** low voice is heard.

This low groan seems to be filled with deep satisfaction, and it seems with a strong desire, ecstasy and bone biting, which makes the listener feel itchy and hard to extricate himself.

Unfortunately, there is no audience here.

In the face of Mrs. Lan who has taken the guts and is almost insane, it is difficult for Ye Xuan to control and resist.

Of course, even if he wanted to resist, it would have no effect. After all, Mrs. Lan has completely lost her mind.

The role of Bian Qing Qing Dan is quite terrible, even the master of the realm can not resist, let alone her?

At this moment, she was completely indulged in this most primitive desire. Ye Xuan was sat down by her to do the up and down movements. As her body twisted continuously, her mature seemed to be able to drip out of perfection The body is perfectly presented, exposed to Ye Xuan's sight, filled with his eyes, and shocked his soul...

Mrs. Lan's figure is really great, mature and plump, **** and graceful, just like a ripe peach, a lot of water will flow out when you move it...

As she continued to exercise, the unique and soothing feeling made Mrs. Deran completely sink into it, and there was an alluring whisper in her mouth.

At the same time, there is also a tremendous amount of energy and vitality flowing into Ye Xuan's body to enhance his cultivation and strength and consolidate his realm...

As Mrs. Lan kept asking for it, Ye Xuan discovered that Mrs. Lan's complexion gradually became pale, and her cultivation practices were constantly falling. This is the role and efficacy of Gu Yan Qing Dan.

The energy and vitality of the monk who has taken Bone Love Pill will be completely transferred to the other party during the exercise, enhance the strength and cultivation of the other party, and consolidate the other party's realm, but in the end she will become a dead bone herself. Die in this crazy desire...

Moreover, it is rumored that there is no cure for this.

"It's not the way to go on like this...she will die!"

Looking at Mrs. Lan's appearance at the moment, Ye Xuan struggled to maintain his last sense of reason, so that he could wake up from it: "It seems that it can only use the Yin and Yang soul formula to help try to resolve the current dilemma."

As Ye Xuan's words fell, he defended and attacked, and the Yin and Yang soul tactics in his body worked with great compassion and mentality.

His voice seemed to have some kind of magical power and fell into Mrs. Lan's ears, making her lost eyes cleared: "People...People..."

"Move according to my formula..."

Ye Xuan Shen Sheng said.


After a moment, the water splashed in the pool, the mist rolled, and a tempting sound like a natural sound came out.

This sound lasted for a whole day and night before it gradually disappeared. Ye Xuan and Mrs. Lan who had been entwined together on the rosette of Zu Yan also woke up from that wild state.

Although this day and night was crazy and wonderful, Ye Xuan felt that his entire waist was almost flashed.

Even if his physical cultivation reached the lord of the world and practiced the Yin-Yang soul tactics of great compassion, but this day's extravagance and catharsis still made him a little overwhelmed by this physical body, and there was a feeling that the body was completely hollowed out.

As for Mrs. Lan, it is completely different. Perhaps because of the Yin and Yang Soul Formula's great compassion, the role of Bianqing Qingdan has not only been completely resolved, but also has become an accelerator for the cultivation of Yin and Yang Soul Formula's great compassion. , The skin becomes more radiant and full of elasticity, as if the whole person is fully activated, it seems to have a more mature charm and charm...

"Thank you son for saving."

Mrs. Lan put on a light blue long dress, arranged her clothes, and her attractive cheeks were covered with tempting blush. She glanced contemptuously at Ye Xuan, who was wearing her own clothes next to her. A mosquito-like sound came out.

Although she was taken by Gu Yanqing yesterday, her consciousness was particularly vague and dominated by the most primitive desires, but she still remembers what happened yesterday...

Thinking of her almost crazy and debauchery appearance, Mrs. Lan's cheeks were flushed, and she wished to find a ground seam to get in, even though she knew it was the role of Bitter Love.

At first, she thought she was dead and would become a plaything of the third division of hell, but she didn't expect that she would be saved by a **** beast at last, and then appeared here...

Not only that, her role as Gu Yan Qing Dan was not only completely relieved, not only was the vital energy in her body not absorbed, but she felt that her cultivation ability had also been refined and became stronger.

Thinking hard, she couldn't help but think of the scene when Ye Xuan passed the exercises yesterday.

She did not expect that there would be such a mysterious double cultivation method in the world...

Not only did Mrs. Lan not blame Ye Xuan, but she was very grateful.

"You and I will do whatever we want!"

Ye Xuan looked indifferent, there was no slight fluctuation on his face, he answered lightly.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Mrs. Lan could not help but have a charming smile on her cheeks. She knew that the reason why Ye Xuan said this was just to bring this matter to her, making her feel that she did not owe her...

"Son...I'll prepare some food."

At the moment, Mrs. Lan wriggled the attractive body to the shore...


It was just that she had just stepped forward, but a burst of pain came in the crotch that made her take a breath. She tried to keep calm, but she still seemed a little staggered and unnatural when she walked along...

Looking at the way Mrs. Lan walked, Ye Xuan couldn't help but stunned. Then he set his eyes on the blooming lotus in Zu Yan's lotus. Thinking of the way Mrs. Lan walked, there was a trace of surprise and surprise on his face...

Does Mrs. Lan still say that Xiaoer is not successful?

Wasn't she married before?

However, the way she walked from Mrs. Lan did not seem to pretend.

Ye Xuan then heard Mrs. Lan said that her husband had been killed on her wedding night. Could it be that she had kept her virginity until then?

But... this seems a little unrealistic.

Ye Xuan shook the chaotic thoughts and gradually brought back the mind and consciousness to the body.

In the warm and comfortable room in the attic, Ye Xuan lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes.


As his eyes opened, his consciousness gradually returned, and a feeling of emptiness came quietly, causing a bitter smile to appear on his face, and the whole person took a long sigh of relief...

Although Mrs. Lan was entangled with his second avatar, the feeling was not lacking. It was also so cheerful, crazy and real, and even had a different feeling.

However, the only thing that regrets Ye Xuan is that it is too much effort.

He felt that he was almost hollowed out, full of energy and full of exhaustion.

As for Ye Xuan's body, he is still in high spirits...

Lying on the bed, he recalled the pictures of double cultivation with Mrs. Lan in the Xuanlong space, and thought of Mrs. Lan's so-called **** figure. The corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised an arc, and there was a mutter in his mouth: "That woman... It’s really fascinating and endless.”

After the words fell, Ye Xuan once again divided a ray of mind into the second avatar.

In the Xuanlong space, Mrs. Lan grabbed two fish racks and set aside a fire to roast by the pool. She seemed to be in a good mood. She did not feel any unhappiness or emotion for what happened with Ye Xuan before.

"Son, this place only has can just stop."

Seeing Ye Xuan approaching, Mrs. Lan held out her white jade hand to caress the bangs on her forehead, and handed a roasted fish to Ye Xuan's front.

"Thank you." Ye Xuan answered lightly, looking a little cold.

No way, this is the character and character of his second avatar, even if Ye Xuan is still in control now.

"Oh... son, where are we now? Why are you here? Hell Sansi they..."

What seemed to come to her, Mrs. Lan asked suspiciously.

She could feel that Ye Xuan, who was in front of her, seemed to be a little different from the Ye Xuan son she met in her impression.

And when she went with the third division of Hell, they let Wang Zhong take Ye Xuan and their Neptune.

"All three of Hell are dead... As for here, it's the space inside my beast."

Ye Xuan took a bite of grilled fish and answered lightly.

"The three hells are all dead? Is this the space inside your beast?"

Ye Xuan's words surprised Mrs. Delan, and a trace of consternation flashed on her delicate cheeks.

She couldn't help but flash the red flame sky fire dragon that was faster than Qingfeng.

She had never heard of Chi Yan Tianhuo Jiao being able to cultivate space in her body.

Ye Xuan nodded lightly and didn't say much.

"What about that skeleton man?"

Mrs. Lan asked again.


Ye Xuan answered lightly.

"He is also dead? That's the realm..." Mrs. Lan shocked again.

She was well aware of the horror and power of that skull leather man.

"Go, go out and see if you can gain something..."

Ye Xuan didn't say anything more, but stood up and walked outside the Xuanlong space.

Mrs. Lan followed.

When Mrs. Lan came out of the Xuanlong space, what appeared in her sight was a very shocking scene.

I don’t know what kind of fighting broke out here. The entire Skeleton City has become a waste. The planet that once gathered countless star robbers can’t even see a shadow...

Ye Xuan flew to the abandoned Skull City below. There were so many star thieves here. The third division of **** is also the star thief emperor. There must be no less treasures...

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