Medical Martial God

Chapter 1511: Sovereign sword spirit!

Ye Xuan did not know anything about what happened in the Murong family, nor did he care about it.

I woke up in the morning and washed up, and Ye Xuan began to practice after breakfast.

Now he has cultivated Nirvana Realm to a very high level, reaching Nirvana Realm 10099 weight. Even if he does not integrate with the second avatar, Ye Xuan also has the fighting power to hire a one-star master, but he does not have the first The two-part and first-part split sea-sea dragons are powerful.

According to Ye Xuan's estimation, although his second avatar did not break through the realm of the realm soon, the combat power was quite powerful and terrifying, enough to hire two stars of the United States or even the realm of Samsung.

Now Ye Xuan's second avatar already has 98 energy planets, only two energy planets can reach 100 stars and become a two-star world master.

The cohesion of the two energy planets requires the original star power of the two planets, which is undoubtedly extremely difficult to find.

If it is possible to find an unowned planet in the universe and extract their geocentric origin for refining, that would be the best.

If there is no hostless planet, then it can only be snatched, of course, this matter is not in a hurry.

As for the first avatar, the split sea genus dragon whale, it has not digested and absorbed all the energy of the billion-year-old blue source crystal. I don’t know how much it will grow after it is digested and absorbed.

At present, the Sea Split Dragon Whale is asleep in the **** beast stream, digesting the energy of the billion years of blue source crystal will not wake up in a short time.

Slightly pondering, Ye Xuan's palm moved, revealing the Junni Sword that had been given to him by the ancient mammoth elephant that was billion years old.

This sword is extremely sharp. The sword is nine feet long and looks like a dragon ridge. The sword has a blue dragon pattern. The eyes of the blue dragon are closed, but it contains a unique charm. The shape of the sword handle is like a golden dragon roaring in the sky.

The light of the sword circulated, the sharp sword looming looming, full of spirituality, is absolutely not a rare magical soldier.

Even if Ye Xuan hasn't refined it into his own magic weapon, holding it in his hands also has a sense of communication.

The quality of this Jun Nijian may have exceeded the scope of the Saint Order, and it is no less than Ye Xuan's Dragon Blade.

After carefully looking at this Jun Jian sword, Ye Xuan knotted his hands with a complex seal, quietly biting his fingertips and dripping a drop of essence on the sword body of Jun Ni Jian.


The moment the blood of Ye Xuan dripped on the sword of Jun Ni Jian Jian, the closed dragon eye of the blue dragon pattern on the sword was suddenly opened, and the sound of the majestic and tremendous and loud dragon Yin was loud. Penetrating into Ye Xuan's mind, he directly pulled his consciousness into a strange world.

This is a gloomy world. Nine shanks in front of the sky are burning with black flames, and the sword is wrapped with chains. The sword is magnificent and magnificent. It is extremely majestic.

The dense chains extend from the nine holy swords, looming in the darkness like a giant python nestling on the nine mountains.

Ye Xuan stood at the foot of the mountain and quietly looked at the shocking scene in front of his eyes. His heart was filled with deep doubts: "This is the space of consciousness of Jun Nijian, or is it the vision he caused?"

"Hehe... I can't think that the emperor waited for thousands of years, but he only waited for a little guy in Nirvana? What the **** is that dead elephant doing?"

Just as the thought flashed in Ye Xuan's heart, the ancient and majestic voice quietly sounded in this world.

"Who is talking?"

The sudden sound made Ye Xuan's eyes sullen. He glanced around and found nothing abnormal, so he shouted.


His words had just fallen, but a huge explosion came from a mountain in front.

The mountains tremble, the rubble rolls, the flames spray thin, and many plants are burned into nothingness.

A huge dragon head emerged from the mountain, and his huge longan was staring coldly at Ye Xuan. This is an ancient green dragon who has not known how many years it has survived. Its huge body was suppressed by nine mountains while the dragon spine was sealed by nine holy swords, making it only able to sleep here, waiting for the loved ones. Come, rescue it from the seal.

At the same time, it is also the sword spirit of Jun Ni Jian!

Only when the seal on it is lifted can Junjun Jianfang be completely activated and refined.

"Are you talking?"

Looking at the ancient green dragon suppressed by the nine mountains, Ye Xuan said with a deep voice.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?"

The ancient Qinglong glanced at Ye Xuan lightly and said disdainfully.

"Here is the world of Swords and Swords?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, Shen Sheng asked.

In the vast universe, there are countless treasures. Many powerful treasures have internal space after their rank reaches the holy rank. There are even living spirits inside, and swords are no exception.

In Ye Xuan's eyes, here is the inner world of Jun Ni Jian.

"Every nirvana environment is a bit of an's not a panic to see the emperor, it's a bit of courage..." The ancient Qinglong shook his head and said coldly: "It's a pity that Nirvana is too weak, It’s not enough to sew the emperor...but it’s better than nothing."

"This emperor has been hungry for thousands of years, so you can be a good food for you."

The ancient Qinglong said calmly.

As his words fell, his thoughts moved, and the majestic dragon spit out of his mouth, turning into a thousand-foot green dragon entrenched in midair.


Then the green dragon flicked the dragon's tail violently, carrying Ling Yun's murderous intent, and went straight to Ye Xuan, waving his sharp claws towards Ye Xuan.

A strong crisis permeated Ye Xuan's heart, making his face slightly changed.

He didn't think about it, his body suddenly retreated, Star Emperor Long Yan burst out of his body, and a **** appeared behind him, causing him to climb up and then punch suddenly Smashed towards the thousand dragons.

Celestial Fury First Form: God's Hand of Punishment


In the next moment, the fists of the golden **** collided with the Qianlong Qinglong, and a huge explosion erupted.

The power of terror spread out from all directions like a stormy sea. Under the gaze of the ancient green dragon in consternation, the thousand-footed green dragon condensed by his dragon's energy was directly burned into nothingness by the star emperor Longyan gushing from the fist of the golden god.

"How could this be?"

"Was this Nirvana Realm boy able to withstand the attack of the emperor?"

This result undoubtedly made a trace of consternation flash in the eyes of the ancient green dragon. Obviously, Ye Xuan of Nirvana Realm was able to smash his dragon spirit.

You must know that Ye Xuan, who is in Nirvana, is just a trivial ant, and he can die in one breath.

Looking at the stunned ancient green dragon, Ye Xuan appeared a sneer on his face, and said lightly: "If I didn't guess, are you the sword spirit of Jun Ni Jian?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words and looking at what he was looking at at the moment, the ancient Qinglong slowly recovered, and set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, and re-faced the young man in Nirvana.

"Tell me, how can you lift the seal on your body, make you surrender, and reactivate Jun Nijian?"

Before waiting for the ancient Qinglong to speak, Ye Xuan asked again.

"Let this emperor submit to the emperor's seal?"

Ye Xuan's words made a sneer appear on the ancient Qinglong face: "Do you really think you have a skill in a Nirvana?"

For thousands of years, countless people wanted to lift his seal, let him surrender, and activate the refining Sword, but unfortunately no one succeeded, and all of them became blood in his mouth. Now a kid in Nirvana has said that he wants to submit to him and lift his seal. This is extremely ridiculous to the ancient Qinglong.

"Let's talk nonsense, what do you say directly?" Ye Xuan's eyes flashed impatiently.

"It's really an arrogant boy. Lifting the seal is not easy. You need to pull out the nine holy swords on the nine mountains! But even the Lord of the World may not be able to pull the nine holy swords from the mountain..." Ancient Qinglong Xu Xu said.

Once Ye Xuan pulled the nine holy swords from the mountain, the seal on it would be lifted, and he could shatter the nine mountains to regain freedom.

The words of the ancient Qinglong had just finished falling, and Ye Xuan flew into a mountain, grasping the hilt of his sword and vigorously exerting his power, but unfortunately the holy sword was still...

"Useless, a nirvana in your area cannot pull the holy sword from the mountain."

Feeling Ye Xuan's move, the ancient Qinglong said disdainfully.


However, his words had just finished falling. Ye Xuan was covered with golden light and suddenly turned into a thousand gods. The golden giant grasped the hilt of his sword and slammed hard.

A series of fine cracks appeared on the ground, the trembling sound of the mountain continued to sound, the entire holy sword was trembling, and was finally pulled out of Ye Xuan directly.

"Lying trough! He pulled it out?"

The holy sword was pulled out of the mountain, and the ancient Qinglong only felt that his body was light, and there was a startled and unbelievable voice in his mouth.

This old monster that has survived for 100 million years has begun to explode at this moment.

"Brother... You have the body of an ancient god, and you are too good! Lying trough... Brother, save me!"

Looking at Ye Xuan who pulled out the holy sword, the ancient Qinglong was completely excited, and his mother's name was Ye Xuan called Big Brother.

Ye Xuan glanced coldly at Qinglong, threw the holy sword he pulled out to the side, then walked to the side and sat down.

"Hey, hello... Brother, don't stop. Pull out all these swords..."

"Brother, save me, as long as you rescue me, from now on, Long Tianao will be your little brother..."

Seeing Ye Xuan stopped, Qinglong Longtianao, who was so desperate for freedom, said in a hurry that he quickly said.

This change of face is almost a quick match, compared to before.

"It's not impossible for me to rescue you... I will sign the Heavenly Dao Pact first."

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and fell on Long Tianao's body, said lightly.

This evil dragon is extraordinary. In case he rescues this guy, this guy will be in trouble if he wants to swallow himself, so he has to sign the Heavenly Dao Contract first.

"Heavenly Pact? No problem, as long as you can save me out, you are my brother..."

Long Tianao answered quickly.

It has been trapped here for thousands of years and is bored to death. Although it can't go out of the Sword after the seal is lifted, it can at least take a look at the outside world...

At the moment, it did not hesitate to sign a heavenly contract with Ye Xuan.

After signing the Tiandao contract, Ye Xuan is not nonsense, directly revealing that the ancient **** really used the power of the ancient **** to pull out the remaining eight holy swords from the mountain...


A loud dragon chant sounded, and the power of terror erupted from Long Tianao's body. The nine mountains that suppressed it for years were shattered by it, and at this moment it finally got out of its trap...

"Haha... My Long Tianao is finally back, haha..."

Long Tianao hovered in the sky at high speed, and there was a loud laughter in his mouth.

Looking at the circling Long Tianao, Ye Xuan was trying to speak with an invisible force, but he pulled him out of this world.

PS: 32,000 words, the brothers remember to vote for Wushen after reading it!

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