Medical Martial God

Chapter 1522: Dragon blade half solution activation!

After the heart of the ocean, several things were auctioned and the time came to noon, and the auction was stopped for an intermission.

The second half of the auction will be held after 2pm.

After eating some dishes from the Kowloon auction staff in the box and drinking some spirits, Ye Xuan yawned and stretched lazily, intending to walk out of the box to go around.

"Son, are we with you?"

Seeing this, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue said.

"No, I went to the last bathroom and walked around."

Ye Xuan shook his head gently and refused to accompany Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue.

"Boom boom..."

He was about to leave, but the crisp knock on the door rang at this moment.

The door of the box opened and a beautiful staff member came in.

"Night boy, these are the many items you photographed at the auction in the morning..."

She handed a storage ring to Ye Xuan and said with a smile.

"I haven't paid for it yet, so I sent it over?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes and he smiled and answered.

"The Pavilion Master and Mrs. Lan have told you that these things will be used by your son first."

The maid answered respectfully.

"Thank you."

Ye Xuan nodded gently, and appreciated the practices of Qin Yuanyuan and Mrs. Lan.

"Then I won't disturb your son and rest."

The maid withdrew respectfully from the box.

Ye Xuan's heart moved, and took the heart of the ocean, the consciousness of the heavens, and the ice holy sword out of the storage ring.

"Well, Yuying, this is yours..."

"Ice and Snow, this is yours..."

Ye Xuan handed the Divine Consciousness Tianlu and Bingxue Holy Sword to Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue respectively.

"Thank you son."

Looking at the items he wanted, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue were surprised, and thanked quickly.

Soul Yuying read it carefully while holding Shenshen Tianlu, while Ao Bingxue waved while holding the ice and snow holy sword, her face was full of excitement and liking.

Ye Xuan, who had planned to go around, returned to his seat and carefully looked at the heart of the ocean.

It must be said that the heart of the ocean is worthy of being a rare artifact. The energy contained in it is too pure. Ye Xuan holds a huge amount of energy in his hands and pours into his body, making him can be described as It is very comfortable.

According to Ye Xuan's estimation, if he can absorb and refine the power of the heart of the ocean, it is estimated that he will be able to cultivate Nirvana to 29,999 levels.

It is a pity that this thing has to be absorbed by Dragon Blade. After all, the half-solution of Dragon Blade needs the heart of the ocean, which inevitably makes Ye Xuan feel distressed.

"Hope you won't let me down."

At the moment, Ye Xuan took out the Dragon Blade.


The dragon blade touched the heart of the ocean, and a tremendous suction suddenly burst out. Chains surrounded by black gas automatically ejected from the dragon blade and invaded into the heart of the ocean. Greedy absorbed the power of the heart of the ocean.

Suddenly, the majestic energy poured into the dragon blade like a storm, so that the color of the dragon blade also changed quietly at this moment, and a dragon eye appeared strangely on the blade of the dragon blade. , A huge dragon power is spread out from the dragon blade.

"what happened?"

"This Longwei, what is this volatility?"

"This energy fluctuation is the heart of the ocean. Is it that the kid is absorbing the heart of the ocean?"

The movement and time in Ye Xuan's box attracted many people's attention. Many people involuntarily turned their eyes to the box where Ye Xuan was.

Unfortunately, they can't see anything. This box is special, as long as Ye Xuan they want, they can isolate the outside eyes and all exploration.

The reason why those people can see them in the box just now is because they actively opened the outside view function of the box.

Nothing can be explored and nothing can be seen. It is undoubtedly that many people are disappointed, but they are helpless.

"Ding! Congratulations, the absorption of the heart of the ocean has been completed, and the half-solution skill Canglong's anger has been opened and can be used!"

A moment later, with a cold and crisp mechanical sound, Dragon Blade completed the absorption of the heart of the ocean.

Of course, the heart of the ocean has not been completely absorbed by the Dragon Blade, and according to Ye Xuan's estimate, there is still one-third of the energy left.

"Canglong's fury? Isn't the fury of the sky burning?"

Hearing the sound of the machine, Ye Xuan's mind filled with doubt.

You should know that the original dragon blade was half-solution, but the flame burned everything, and the flame burned everything. Within a hundred miles, it was turned into a sea of ​​fire. Now it has absorbed the heart of the ocean, but it has become a dragon's fury, which is completely different from before.

His words were just falling off, and a lot of information was poured into his mind along the Dragon Blade, all of which were about the description and use of the Dragon Blade's half-solving Dragon's Fury.

After Ye Xuan read the introduction and description of Canglong's Fury, his face was full of smiles.

The power of this dragon's fury is stronger than the burning fury's fury. It is definitely not a little bit.

"I don't know how strong its lethality is, so I have to find a chance to try the power of this dragon's anger..."

Putting the Dragon Blade away, Ye Xuan murmured to himself.

Subsequently, Ye Xuan set his sights on the remaining heart of the ocean.

It is only half the size of a fist, and the energy inside is still very abundant.

Ye Xuan wanted to absorb himself, but he thought about it and decided to let his second clone absorb.

Now that the second avatar has reached the edge of breakthrough after this period of cultivation, with the help of this oceanic heart, it will inevitably be able to break through to become a two-star realm master, and the level of combat power improvement will far exceed the absorption of Ye Xuan itself.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan summoned the **** beast streamer, the miniature shrunken crack sea genus whale emerged from the inside, and Ye Xuan directly entered the space of the dragon in the body of the sea split genus whale.

"You came?"

Looking at the coming Ye Xuan, the second avatar sitting cross-legged slowly opened his closed eyes.

With constant practice, breakthroughs and improvements in his strength, he looked more and more like Ye Xuan.

"Um... this thing is for you, it should be able to let you break through to the two stars."

Ye Xuan nodded gently, and moved the heart of the ocean to the second doppelganger with a palm.

"It turned out to be the heart of the ocean..."

A look of joy appeared on the second doppelganger's face, and after a close examination, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes: "Isn't it complete?"

"My dragon blade absorbed a part, this is the rest."

Ye Xuan walked aside and sat down, nodded.

"It doesn't matter, this remaining energy is enough for me to break through to the two stars."

Shen Sheng, the second avatar, said.

"For Jiutian Jianzong... what do you think?"

Ye Xuan thought and asked.

Although the second doppelganger was split from his own soul, he now has his own consciousness and ideas, so Ye Xuan is ready to ask him. After all, the young master of Jiutian Jianzong of the Kowloon auction is involved.

"The position of Sect Master should have been mine, so I naturally have to take it back!"

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the second avatar, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

He accepts Ling Chi's complete memory, and fusion with these memories already regards himself as Ling Chi.

After a pause, he continued to say: "But Jiutian Jianzong is extremely powerful, and this matter will not be in a hurry for a while... I had been hit by the disaster and fled the Jiutian star territory for many years. I don't know the situation of Jiutian Jianzong, We have to wait until we have gone to Jiu Tianxing to make plans."

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan's eyes flickered and stretched lazily lazily: "What about Linyun and others?"

"Don't move them for now, if they don't open their eyes, kill them."

In the eyes of the second avatar, the murder flashed, and a chill quietly spread from his body.

"That line, you broke through to the Two Star Realm Master as soon as possible, and let me handle and deal with it outside."

Ye Xuan stood up slowly, striding towards the outside of Xuanlong Space and disappeared into Xuanlong Space.

Leaving Xuanlong Space, Ye Xuan's figure returned to the box.

Looking at Soul Yuying, who was completely intoxicated in Shenshen Tianlu, and Ao Bingxue, who was refining the ice and snow holy sword, Ye Xuan smiled, and did not disturb, but walked out of the box.


Ye Xuan stepped out of the box and caught the attention of many people.

However, Ye Xuan ignored it and went straight out of the auction.

Seeing Ye Xuan leave alone, a lot of joy flashed on the faces of many people and followed quietly.

After all, Ye Xuan is only a nirvana, and he is a treasure, which is inevitable.

"Find some people to test the kid."

Lin Yun, who was tasting Lingcha in the box, blinked and said coldly.


As his words fell, an old man quietly left.

Walking out of the box and feeling the tail behind him, Ye Xuan's face appeared a sneer. After leaving the auction hall, he drilled straight into a small alley, which made many people who secretly followed followed. , Quickly followed.

"Boy, stop for me!"

Ye Xuan walked along the alley for a distance, and was stopped by a group of people.

These are three middle-aged men with sturdy and cold faces. Xiuwei has reached immortality. He has been paying attention to Ye Xuan secretly in the auction venue. When Ye Xuan left alone, they followed.

Now, they look at Ye Xuan's eyes full of greed.

A kid in Nirvana [country novel], they are completely indifferent.

Although Ye Xuan has two powerful beautiful bodyguards, they did not follow.

Now they can easily kill Ye Xuan to **** his treasures. Once they succeed, they escape.

"Boy, if you know you, obediently give the heart of the ocean and the treasures on your body. Our three flames brothers can leave you a way of life!"

The headed Han stared at Ye Xuan with a staring look, and said coldly.

"If you want, get it yourself."

Ye Xuan smiled coldly and said indifferently.

"court death!"

The three brothers of the flames looked cold, rushed out, and began to siege Ye Xuan in a triangle.

In the eyes of Ye Xuan, a murderous flash struck, and he stepped forward and disappeared strangely, turning into a stream of light passing by the three flames.

"How... how is it possible?"

The three flames froze suddenly, and they looked at their incredulously broken bodies in disbelief, and a word of terror came from their mouths.

The words fell, and their figures split quietly, and fell to death.


"One move killed three immortals?"

"That guy is really Nirvana?"

This scene made some secretly observing some guys who followed him take a breath, and looked at Ye Xuan's eyes with horror, daring not to act lightly.

A Nirvana realm can easily kill three immortal realm powerhouses, which in their view is really incredible.

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