Medical Martial God

Chapter 1525: The battle for the origin of the realm!

When Mrs. Lan announced that the next auction item was the origin of the realm of the realm, everyone at the auction venue subconsciously rallied and stared at the auction stand intently.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

As the sound of the mechanical gear rotating sounded, a huge Xuan Bing prisoner descended from the sky, covering the entire auction stand and setting off a sky of white chill, covering everyone's eyes.

When the cold disappeared, Mrs. Lan's **** and attractive figure appeared in people's eyes.

At the auction table next to her, I don’t know when there is a mysterious treasure box. The runes on the treasure box are full of charm and mysterious power, so that everyone’s eyes are focused on it. .

"This is the origin of a realm."

Looking at everyone under the stage with their eyes and focus, Mrs. Lan extended her white jade hand and gently opened the lid. The light was overflowing, and a tremendous amount of energy and pressure spread from the treasure box. The people at the scene were uplifted and relaxed.

Mrs. Lan took the source of the realm from the treasure box, making it perfectly present in the eyes of everyone.

It was a blue energy ball the size of a basketball. Inside the energy ball, 13 planets resembling a dragon ball were spinning quietly, releasing mysterious power, attracting everyone’s attention, and letting people look at it. His eyes became extremely hot.

"Then... is that the origin of the realm?"

"This is the source of the realm that can make the half-step realm breakthrough into the realm?"

"Half-step world master refining it can jump into Jackie Chan!"

"Originally, what is the origin of the landlord? The thirteen energy planets represent that the landlord was a star power extracted from thirteen planets during his lifetime.

Looking at the beauty of the majestic realm of the realm of the realm of the realm, there were constant swallowing sounds at the scene, and even many people's heartbeats accelerated at this moment.

If it were not for the Xuan Bing prisoner to cover the entire auction stand, I am afraid that some people would go crazy and rush to snatch.

After all, this can make countless half-step masters leap into Jackie Chan, and ascend to heaven.

Although the half-step boundary master and the boundary master are only two words apart, their status and status are simply not the same, and their combat effectiveness is too different.

"It turned out to be the origin of the landlord, and it still contains the power of the thirteen planetary stars. With it, I can break through and become the landlord."

The sixth prince, Hai Shixin, who is beside Hai Bodong, the sea emperor's realm, has become extremely hot looking towards the origin of this realm.

"This thing must get a hand!"

The deceased sect's deputy suzerain, Yin Jiuqu, stared at the real master with shortness of breath, and said with a determined face.

He himself is a strong half-step master, although he has the fighting power to hire a master of the United States, but he is inferior in the end.

"This time I came for it!"

Heng Lianzong's deputy patriarch Yang Jiutian clenched his fists, and his heart was fiery.

"As long as I get him, I will be able to enter the realm of the world in one fell swoop. Who can compete with me in the younger generation of Jiu Tian Xing Yu?"

Lin Yun's expression was fanatical, and his eyes were full of thirst.

Not only them, but also the patriarchs of the major families such as Huang Yincheng, Murong Fu, Duan Mu Tianchen, Gu Sulan and so on.

The only calm in the whole scene is probably Ye Xuan. The soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue around him are also very hot.

Feeling the scorching eyes of Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, Ye Xuan couldn't help smiling: "Do you both want the origin of the realm master?"

"Son son, our two cultivation bases have been staying in the half-step realm for many years. The reason why we couldn't break through is because of the lack of realm of the realm of the both of us pin our hopes on the Yin and Yang soul tactics and compassion..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's question, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue hesitated and said bitterly.

"I took this landlord's origin... It doesn't match your attributes, and it doesn't fit perfectly, so I took him out. You can rest assured that I will give you the right landlord's origin. Stay."

Ye Xuan said with a wry smile.

It was not that he had not considered Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue at the beginning, but it was a pity that the three realm masters he took out did not match their attributes.

"Then...Son...Cultivation of Yin and Yang Soul's Great Compassion..."

Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue blushed and asked with their heads down.

" can rest assured that I will honor my promise and watch the auction."

Ye Xuan coughed twice and changed the subject awkwardly.

While they were chatting, Mrs. Lan announced the starting price of the real master.

"I won't say much about the role and efficacy of Boundary Origin, everyone should understand it. Now I will directly announce the starting price of Boundary Origin."

"The owner's original bid price is 15 million star coins, and each price increase must not be less than 1 million star coins. Now the auction is on."

"16 million!"

"17 million!"

"Twenty million!"

"Twenty-three million!


The words of Mrs. Lan had just ended, and the entire auction site was completely burst. The sound of bids was ringing, and everyone was crazy at this moment.

After all, there is only one source of this realm, and there are too many half-step realms on the scene.

Many people are willing to use the family's decades and hundreds of years of income to fight for the origin of the owner.

In just a short time, the price of the main source of the realm has soared to 30 million star coins, and it is still skyrocketing, making Ye Xuan secretly slap.

"Fifty million!"

The new head of the Murong family, Murong Fu, gritted his teeth and directly quoted his reserve price.

"55 million!"

However, Huang Yincheng directly quoted a higher price, making Murong Fu's face disappointed.

Fifty million is already all the assets that the Murong family can use today.

"60 million!"

"Sixty-two million!"

"65 million."

Unfortunately, Huang Yincheng's prices have also been squeezed out one after another.

Many people are very eager for the origin of the landlord, but this price also makes them despair.

"80 million!"

Yin Jiuqu of the corpse sect was angry.

"83 million!" Yang Jiutian of Heng Lianzong also said.

"90 million!"

Six princes Hai Shixin could not sit still.

Even if he is the prince of the Sea Emperor Realm and has the base of the Sea Emperor Realm, this price is also a terrifying number for him.

"100 million!"

Lin Yun, the young master of Jiutian Jianzong, also shot at this moment. He wanted to make a final decision with an absolute attitude and crush the audience.

This price completely dispels the idea of ​​99% of the people on the scene.

"110 million!"

The Sea Emperor Haibo Dongsheng voice began.

"120 million!"

Situ Mingjiang from the Nine Stars Situ family has never spoke out.

This time he came on behalf of their Situ family, and bidding on this source of the realm of the realm was a must.

"Two hundred million!"

Lin Yun's face did not change color, said coldly.

The price of 200 million yuan represents his absolute will, which makes Destiny Jiang smile bitterly and can't help giving up.

"230 million!"

Tang You, the elder of the Alchemist's Guild, gritted his teeth.

Even as a refining pharmacist, he couldn't refine the panacea that allowed the half-step realm to break through to the realm.

"250 million!"

Haibodong, the Sea King Realm, definitely struggled.

"300 million!"

However, Lin Yun never wavered in order to obtain the incomparably strong will of the original master.

Hearing his words, all the people on the scene fell silent, and Hai Bodong, the Sea King Realm, sighed softly.

Even if he is the master of a world, he is no better than Lin Yun.

"Three hundred and twenty million!"

Just when everyone thought that Lin Yun was about to succeed, the icy and pleasant voice came from a box on the second floor, making everyone's eyes awkward and subconsciously looking at the source of the sound.

It is a pity that the people in the box are not willing to show the true face. People can't see the scene inside the box, but they can feel the unpredictable oppression of the lord in the box.

Inside the box is definitely the owner of a certain astral world, and listening to the voice is still a woman.

"This auction is really hiding dragons and lying tigers."

Ye Xuan couldn't help sighing.

He originally wanted to raise the price of Lin Yun, but he did not expect someone to come out at this time.

"350 million!"

Lin Yun looked ugly and gritted his teeth.

This is all the funds he can use.

Even if he was the young patriarch of Jiutian Jianzong, his wallet was almost bottoming out.

"350 million."

Slightly pondering, the mysterious female realm inside the box opened again.

"How much money do you two have?" Lin Yun set his eyes on the old man behind him.

"It has just been spent on bidding, and there are less than one million remaining..." The old man replied bitterly.


Lin Yun uttered a curse in his mouth and had to choose to give up.

In the end, the real master of the mysterious female realm was taken away at a high price of 353 million, which made the people on the scene sigh.

That's 353 million...

What a desperate number, even if the powerful master of the realm has to accumulate countless years to acquire this huge sum of money, one can imagine how difficult it is to be promoted to the realm of the realm.

At this moment, the scene did not know how many people felt a sense of frustration in their hearts.


The sound of sighing was constantly remembered at the auction venue, causing many people to gradually lose interest in the following auction items.

"The origin of the landlord is indeed rare, but everyone does not have to be discouraged. This time our Kowloon auction is full of sincerity and will never let everyone go empty-handed! Next I announce the next auction item, it is still a land of the landlord !"

Looking at the extremely lost people, Mrs. Lan on the auction stage was moving with a smile, and there was a clear voice in her mouth.

"What? There is the origin of the Boundary Lord?"

"I went, did you make a mistake? Is this true or false?"

"Really there is a source of realm? How do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"Lying trough, don't be stunned. Hurry up and prepare the money for me to continue the auction. Be sure to take this source of the realm!"

Mrs. Lan's words undoubtedly caused a huge sensation, making many people think that they seem to be dreaming.

However, when they saw the source of the landlord held in Mrs. Lan's hands, they fell into a boil.

"Quick... Quickly prepare funds!"

The hopeless people's hearts raised hope again.

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