Medical Martial God

Chapter 1528: Treasure map secret [more]

Leaving the Kowloon auction house, Ye Xuan directly took Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue back to the hotel. On the way, Ye Xuan apparently felt someone secretly peeping, apparently because of Ye Xuan's lavish behavior at the auction and his Many of the treasures photographed have been secretly spotted.

He is a kid in Nirvana, and there are only two half-step worlds majoring in maid bodyguards. How can he not arouse people's covetment?

"Well, these are things for both of you."

Ye Xuan threw the two storage rings to Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, and said with a smile.

Inside the storage ring are things that Ye Xuan helped them photograph at the auction.

"Thank you son."

Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue both looked happy, and thanked quickly.

Ye Xuan smiled and walked to the balcony to drink spirits and taste snacks.

Looking at the gradually dark night, his eyes shone sharply.

"Son, we have been secretly spotted by several groups of people. What should we do next? Should we secretly deal with them?"

Soul Yuying walked to Ye Xuan's side to help him make a pot of spirit tea, Shen Sheng asked.

"For the time being, don't worry, now there are some small will stay in the hotel these few days to improve your strength, and after a few days we will leave Neptune to lead them all out and try to kill them all."

Ye Xuan picked up the teacup and put it in his mouth to taste it gently, Shen Sheng said.


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue looked awkward and nodded.

"I'll go back to my room for a while and I might go out tonight."

Ye Xuan stood up and stretched lazily lazily, turned and walked towards his room.

Looking at the back of Ye Xuan's departure, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue glanced at each other, and there was a helpless wry smile on their faces.

No need to think about them, they knew that Ye Xuan was going out to find Mrs. Lan tonight, but they didn't know what to say.

The hearts of the two beautiful women once again made up their minds that they must win the son earlier.

Back in the room, Ye Xuan did not rest, but took out the mysterious residual picture and studied it carefully.

It is a pity that no matter what the study is, nothing is found, which makes his brow furrowed and he can't understand the picture.

At the moment, Ye Xuan had to put away this thing.

Subsequently, Ye Xuan set his sights on the Ziyang Golden Lock for hundreds of millions of years.

At the beginning, Zihuang said before she fell asleep, Yi Nian Ziyang Golden Lock can wake her up, but unfortunately Ye Xuan has got Yi Nian Ziyang Golden Lock but she doesn't know how to use it.

His heart moved with a wave of soul power to the magic dragon ring and found that the internal space seemed to be isolated by an invisible force, so that he could not detect anything, even if Ye Xuan wanted to throw the billion-year-old Ziyang golden lock into the magic dragon ring. It can't be done either.

"Burn the billion-year-old Ziyang golden lock with your star emperor Long Yan into a liquid and drop it onto the magic dragon ring..."

At this moment, a faint consciousness came to make Ye Xuan suddenly bright.

Ye Xuan nodded, took out the billion-year-old Ziyang Golden Lock and summoned Xingdi Longyan to start burning.

Under the burning of Star Emperor Long Yan, the golden lock of Ziyang Ziyang began to melt quickly, and a magnificent scent of medicine diffused out. Ye Xuan took a sip and felt only relaxed and happy, and his spirit was as strong as if all his soul After being soared, even Ye Xuanxiu was affected by it and was increasing and increasing, making Ye Xuan couldn't help wanting to practice.

Resisting this impulse, Ye Xuan dropped the solution transformed from the 100-year-old Ziyang golden lock drop by drop on the magic dragon ring. The magic dragon ring burst out with a dazzling light, and a majestic pressure was from The dragon ring spread out and swept in all directions.

This terrifying terror made the faces of the enemies who secretly used their soul to probe Ye Xuan's room change greatly, as if they fell into the rough sea and were about to be swallowed by the rolling waves.


In the next moment, a scream of sorrow sounded from the roof or room in the distance, and those guys who originally used soul power to probe the inner situation of Ye Xuan's room were swallowed by terror and terrible pressure before they could recover their soul power. His face was frightened, his face changed greatly, and a cry of pain in his mouth was issued.

These guys shouted their heads screaming under the confusion of the eyes of their companions, and finally bleed and died strangely.

"Damn... this... what the **** happened?"

"Damn, what did the kid do in the room?"

"Don't die, hurry up, what did the boy do, what do you perceive."

Looking at the companion who screamed for the weird death, the secretly sentry guys asked anxiously and frightenedly.

However, they did not get any answers. "What's going on with this coercion? Does it mean that the boy has master protection besides those two women?"

The master of the corpse sect, Yin Ji Tian, ​​withdrew his soul in the first time, and looked ugly.

Yin Jiuqu, the deputy patriarch of the corpse sect beside him, also frowned, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes: "Otherwise I will send a pubic lice to look over?"

They did not leave after the auction, but secretly stared at Ye Xuan, wanting to start against Ye Xuan.

"For the time being, don't worry, don't hit the grass and startle the snake, let those guys do it first, after all, it's not just us two who are staring at him..."

Yinjitian shook his head gently and said lightly: "Let's just watch the changes these days."

Soon, a complete 100-year-old Ziyang golden lock was absorbed by the magic dragon ring, and the horrible coercion gradually disappeared. The glory of the magic dragon ring also gradually became weak and eventually disappeared completely. .

"Boy, what did you do during this time, and how did you provoke so many people? There are three powerful masters in the secret world, hundreds of immortal realms, and many immortal realms."

The magic dragon ring light disappeared, and the familiar voice of Zi Huang rang in Ye Xuan's heart.

"Ce... Are you kind of asking? Isn't it that I provoke so many people because of the million-year-old Ziyang golden lock...Do you think I'm easy this time?"

Hearing Zi Huang's voice, Ye Xuan spoke angrily, and at this moment he began to cry constantly: "You don't know, but I almost got cold several times during this time..."

"Okay, you kid don't complain here, your deeds can be remembered."

Ye Xuan's words were interrupted by Zihuang before he finished his words. After thinking about it, Zihuang continued: "There are many people staring at you. Be careful yourself during this time. I have to spend a certain amount of time to absorb billions of dollars. The full energy of the Ziyang Golden Lock will not disturb me until the point of life and death."

"Wait a minute, help me see this crippled treasure map."

Ye Xuan quickly took out the incomplete treasure map.

He does not understand does not mean that Zihuang can not understand.

"Good boy, this thing is extraordinary, where did you get it from?"

The phantom figure of the Purple Phoenix floated out of the magic dragon ring, and took a close look at the torn treasure map in Ye Xuan's hands.

This is a manifestation of her soul.

"Why did you buy it at the auction? Is this thing useful?"

Looking at Zi Huang's serious look, Ye Xuan asked suspiciously.

"This thing is from ancient times, and it's less than ten thousand years old... The mystery of which you can use your star emperor Long Yan to burn it will be revealed."

Zi Huang said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded, without any hesitation, directly summoned Star Emperor Long Yan to burn the incomplete treasure map.

It's a pity that he burned it for about 20 minutes, and there was no change in the incomplete map. There wasn't even any signs of being burnt. Ye Xuan secretly surprised him, and he looked forward to it more.

After all, the temperature of his star emperor Long Yan is extraordinary, and the immortal realm must be peeled off if it is immortal.

However, this incomplete map is so burned, obviously there are some problems.

"Nothing happens after burning for so long, is it the right way?"

After burning again for a long time, there was still no response. A hint of doubt flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes and asked in a puzzled way.

"It's about to change, and add more fire."

Zi Huang said with a blank expression.

Ye Xuan did not speak, and once again strengthened the firepower.

About five minutes later, the incomplete treasure map showed signs of melting, which made Ye Xuan happy and again.


In the next moment, a scene that shocked Ye Xuan quietly happened, it seems that because he failed to control the firepower and caused the firepower to be too fierce, the incomplete treasure map was "chucked" and burned to ashes by him.

"Lying trough!"

In this scene, Ye Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't help but swear.

"What about now?"

He reached out and touched his head, and asked with a sad face.

Such a result is completely unpredictable [Biquge].

"You don't hurry up to collect the flames yet." Zi Huang said angrily.


Ye Xuan had just received the flames, but in the air there was a large fingernail size, and the translucent blue knot was suspended in the air, just like a small blue flame.

"This... what is this?"

Looking at the blue seal, Ye Xuan asked puzzled.

"This is the information contained in the crippled treasure map, but it is an extremely ancient letter-writing method in the ancient times, and only the domain master-level strong can perform it." Zihuang said lightly.

"Then what should I do now?" Ye Xuan looked like a little white at this moment. Although he read many cosmic books and made up for a lot of cosmic knowledge, this thing was not among them.

"Extend your finger, wrap it with soul power, and click on it."

Purple Phoenix said lightly.

Ye Xuan nodded, immediately followed suit, wrapped his fingers with soul power and nodded on it.

Suddenly, the blue mark turned into a streamer and flowed into Ye Xuan's hands and poured into Ye Xuan's eyebrows, making Ye Xuan's eyebrows have a blue mark, shining with dazzling light, and a lot of information was pouring in Into Ye Xuan's mind.


Ye Xuan felt that his consciousness was dragged into a world of vast flames. In this flame world, there was a thick cold mist. In it, he saw a group of ice-fire compatible flames releasing a terrible high temperature, burning a world. At the same time, it released a terrible cold, as if to freeze this world, so it made the world cold.

The unique shape of the flame resembles a blooming lotus, which is extremely extraordinary.

As his vision continued to expand and expand, Ye Xuan's vision gradually left the world of flames and came to the outside world. Finally, he came to outer space and saw a shining planet.

These planets are connected together to form a striking nine characters, and finally the picture gradually disappears.

The blue mark of Ye Xuan's eyebrows gradually dissipated, and his consciousness returned to reality.

"How? What message is left in it?"

Zihuang asked curiously.

"I saw a sea of ​​fire, in the sea of ​​fire I saw a burning lotus...and then my eyes rose to outer space..."

Ye Xuan briefly described the pictures he saw.

"Through what you just described, if I didn't guess wrong... the flame you saw should be a kind of heaven and earth fire, and it's a billion-year mysterious ice fire ranked nineteenth in the cosmic fire list, that flame And the fog is formed by its influence. And the star field you just saw should be its location."

Zi Huang thought for a moment, and Shen Sheng replied.

"Yi Nian Xuan Ice Fire?"

Hearing her words, Ye Xuan's face showed a lot of joy, and there was an excited voice in his mouth: "You mean that the flame is a billion-year-old ice fire, and the star field just now is a million-year-old star. Ice and fire location information?"

"It shouldn't be wrong!"

Purple Phoenix nodded gently, and then quickly said: "You can buy a cosmic star map to find its specific star field through the cosmic star map, and then estimate which one it is based on the characteristics of the planet you see. On the planet."

"it is good!"

Without saying anything, Ye Xuan hurried out of the room.

There are many shops selling cosmic star maps on the street, but many of them are incomplete or in a star field, and they have a very abstract feeling, which does not meet Ye Xuan's requirements at all.

In desperation, Ye Xuan had to go to the Kowloon Pavilion and found Qin Yuanyuan.

"Complete universe star map?"

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, Qin Yuanyuan was stunned.

"Why? Have a problem?"

There was a trace of doubt and confusion in Ye Xuan's eyes.

"The son knows nothing, the universe is boundless, boundless, and many places are unknown. People have been continually searching, but in the end they have failed to find the margin, there are still many unsolved places... as far as I know, no one can Draw a complete star chart."

Qin Yuanyuan said with a wry smile.

"Also..." Ye Xuan nodded suddenly.

"If the son is not disgusted, I have a relatively complete star map here, but I can give it to your son..."

Qin Yuanyuan pondered slightly, walked to the treasure chest of the study, and took out a round ball shrouded in star power: "This star map is a gift from an old friend of mine. The son only needs to pour soul power into it to view ..."

"Thank you Qin Lao."

Ye Xuan took the ball and thanked.

Later, he poured the majestic soul power into it, and suddenly a vast star chart appeared in his mind.

There are various labels and marks on this vast planet, and the nine characters composed of planets that Ye Xuan sees are the nine-sky star field.

"Nine Sky Star Field?"

Ye Xuan was shocked by this result, and a smile appeared on his face.

He did not expect that the 100-year-old Xuan Binghuo would actually be in the Jiu Tianxing domain, and it seemed to be near the Jiu Tianxing, which was an unexpected joy for Ye Xuan.

It seems that Neptune must be dealt with as soon as possible, and set off for Jiu Tianxing.

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