Medical Martial God

Chapter 1536: Boy, you can't

"My son, you can be regarded as coming back... We haven't seen you alone these days."

In the cozy and comfortable room, Ye Xuan had just walked in the door, and the two of them, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue, greeted them quickly, a little bit strange.

These days, although they have stayed in this hotel to retreat and cultivate to improve their strength, they still encountered a lot of trouble. During the period, many people sneaked in to assassinate and test them, but they were all killed by them.

Obviously, some guys didn't give up on Ye Xuan, and some people even planned to try out Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, but their fate was destined to be miserable and tragic.

In just a few days, there were no fewer than fifty immortal realm masters who were damaged in the hands of Ao Bingxue and Hun Yuying, and there were also two half-step realm masters.

"I went out to solve some trouble."

Ye Xuan answered with a smile, and after a while he continued to ask: "Nothing has happened to you these days, right?"

"There are many people who came to test us, wanting to do something to me, but we solved them all..."

Hun Yuying told Ye Xuan what had happened during his absence.

After listening to their narration, Ye Xuan nodded gently, and then he handed the skull ring that Yin Jitian had in his hands to Hun Yuying's: "Hey...I prepared all these things for you. Take a look quickly."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, looking at the storage ring he handed over, a look of surprise appeared on Soul Yuying's face, obviously a little flattered.

Her eyes flashed, and she quickly took the skull ring to check it.

"Wow... there are so many good things in it? Not only are there various spirit treasures, but also the corpse puppets, as well as the corpse refining techniques and secrets of the middle grade of the holy rank?"

Seeing the contents inside, a deep joy appeared on Kun Yuying's face, and a cry of exclamation in his mouth made Ao Bingxue who was next to him envious.

"Those things are nothing...Hey, I prepared these things for you."

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smiled. With a move with his palm, the light flashed, and the realm master of Yin Killing Sky appeared in Ye Xuan's hand and was handed to Soul Yuying by him.

"This... is this the origin of the world master?"

"My son, this... is this thing for me?"

Looking at the realm master origin that Ye Xuan handed over, Hun Yuying's whole body was completely stunned, and there was an incredible voice in his mouth.

"Of course it's for you. Its attributes are exactly in line with yours. It's the most suitable for you."

Ye Xuan nodded and answered with a smile.

"Thank you, son..."

With so much excitement, Hun Yuying threw directly into Ye Xuan's arms and gave him a deep hug.

With her action, Ye Xuan only felt that two soft **** were squeezed and deformed on his chest, and an indescribable feeling came. Fortunately, even if Soul Yuying loosened him...

This scene fell into the eyes of Ao Bingxue next to her, which made her very envious and at the same time happy for the soul Yuying.

With this realm master origin, Soul Yuying will undoubtedly enter the realm master realm.

After handing the things to Hun Yuying, Ye Xuan turned his gaze on Ao Bingxue, a hint of apology appeared on his face, and a deep voice came out: "Bingxue, I'm really sorry, this time I will go out. I couldn't find the right thing to bring you back, but don't worry, I will help you as soon as possible to get a realm master origin!"

"The son is serious, and the son has this heart, and Bingxue is satisfied."

Ye Xuan's words made Ao Bingxue feel a sense of loss in her heart, a light smile appeared on her face, and she answered with a smile.

"Yuying, there are many people in the Sea King Star, so don't worry about refining this world master. It's not too late when we leave Sea King Star to find an unmanned planet."

Ye Xuan nodded, his eyes fell on Soul Yuying's body, and said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Hun Yuying smiled and nodded.

Ye Xuan is right, Sea King Star is not an excellent place for the origin of the refining world master. You must know that the origin of the refining world master is not so easy and easy, even after the refining is successful, it will usher in The test of the tribulation, if someone interrupted at that time, it would undoubtedly be a very troublesome thing.

"By the way, son... where did you get this world master origin?"

As if thinking of something, Soul Yuying asked curiously.

Ao Bingxue also cast his curious eyes on Ye Xuan.

They were very clear, how precious and rare the realm master origin is, but Ye Xuan suddenly got a realm master origin. How can we not let them feel curious and confused?

"I killed the Sect Master of Refining Corpse Sect, the origin of this world master is his!"

Ye Xuan did not hide it, and said calmly.


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, both Ao Bingxue and Soul Yuying couldn't help being taken aback. Obviously they didn't expect Ye Xuan to silently kill the corpse refining sect master.

They knew the power of the corpse refining sect master, the guy's method of controlling the corpse was extraordinary, occupying a place among the masters of the star world.

However, Ye Xuan actually killed him.

And they were secretly guessing not long ago that Ye Xuan was fascinated by Madame Lan’s goblin and was happy in the Danxin Pavilion. They didn’t know that Ye Xuan went to the corpse refining sect master Yin to kill the sky in order to help them get the origin of the world master. fighting.

Thinking of this, both Ao Bingxue and Hun Yuying felt a strong sense of guilt and self-blame in their hearts, especially the soul Yuying who got the origin of the realm master. The guilt and self-blame in her heart became more intense, and the whole person could be described as There is no place for self-confidence.

"Get some rest early, I'm also a little tired, so I go to bed first."

The two of them wanted to say something, but Ye Xuan yawned. He felt a sense of exhaustion, and he waved his hand and turned to his bedroom.

Back in the room, Ye Xuan lay on the bed, and he let out a long sigh of relief. Only then did he feel more comfortable.

Ye Xuan spent a lot of means to fight against Yin Killing, and it was extremely costly to him.

What made Ye Xuan puzzled was why he felt so painful in his waist and looked a little weak?

It stands to reason that if it was caused by fighting, it shouldn't be the case, right?

"Is it because the practice of Yin-Yang Soul Jue Great Compassion Fu in Danxin Pavilion with Sister Lan these days is too long?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly and fell into a long thought.

After a while, he shook his head and threw a few kidney qi pills into his mouth, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

"It looks like I have to refine a batch of pills to nourish the kidney recently."

Ye Xuan pondered inwardly.

It didn't take long for the guy to fall asleep on the bed.

In the early morning of the next morning, Ye Xuan got up early and went to the largest medicinal market in Haihuangxing.

He wants to buy some materials, intending to review and upgrade his alchemy so that he can refine the Nine Sun Nirvana Pill as soon as possible. After all, this thing is quite profitable.

If he can refine the Nine Sun Nirvana Pill, then he will have a large amount of considerable income in the future.

"Sell pill, all kinds of pill, don't miss the chance to pass by..."

"Hey hey, little brother, I think you have a guilty face and you have had an excessive sexual **** recently and need to make up... hey hey, don't look at it, that's right, it's you."

Before Ye Xuan took a few steps in the medicinal material market, he was stopped by an old man who specialized in selling pill.

This old man has white hair, a long beard, and a cane in his hand. A thick and loving smile appeared on his old face. He looked like an old man who cared for comrades with kidney deficiency. Trivial.


Stopped by this old man, Ye Xuan couldn't help but stared blankly, a strange look appeared on his face.

"That's right, it's you... Little brother, although you are a young man and strong, but everything is better than anything... Look, you look soft and masculine at a young age. I have no ambition..."

"Although there are some double cultivation techniques in these years, you must not indulge in it... If the old man is right, you have kidney deficiency to your bones. If things go on like this, your kid will die soon. But you have better luck to meet my Yumian Langjun. , The problem with you is not a problem at all..."

The old man stroked his beard and said proudly,

"Jade face Langjun?"

Ye Xuan couldn't help but be in a daze, thinking that this wretched little old man can't contact Jade Mian Langjun because of his appearance, but this little old man

What I just said seems to make some sense...

"Yes, the jade-faced Langjun is me, I am the jade-faced Langjun who crosses the universe, playing with the thousands of female emperors, and has been among the thousands of flowers, the jade-faced Langjun who does not touch his body..."

The little old man stomped the cane in his hand and said proudly.

Feeling Ye Xuan’s skeptical look, the little old man continued: "Little brother, why do you think I became like this? I will tell you, I pretended to be deliberate, there are too many red faces, and I am chased every day. With Sony Ericsson, that's hard work, so I can only find a place to hide and sell medicinal prescriptions, and take care of your kidneys to live a life..."

"Have you read this book? The story in it is adapted from my experience..."

While talking, the little old man also took out a brochure from his sleeve.

Ye Xuan looked at the pamphlet. There were a few particularly eye-catching characters "The Story of the Thousands of Female Emperor Sony Ericsson". As for the picture, it was quite beautiful.

"Believe it now?"

The little old man put the pamphlet into his sleeve with a proud face.

"Don't talk, I'll get your pulse..." While speaking, the little old man had already placed his palm on Ye Xuan's wrist.

Ye Xuan was trying to break free, but found that his body was unable to move a bit, and he couldn't use the slightest amount of strength to make him secretly awe-inspiring.

This little old man has something.

After a while, the little old man retracted his palm and turned his gaze on Ye Xuan, his gaze was full of disdain and contempt: "Young man, you are not good..."

"You can't do it, your whole family can't, believe me or not..."

Ye Xuan almost jumped up when the little old man said so.

"Don't worry, listen to me first... If I'm not mistaken, your kid has cultivated the Yin Yang Soul Art Great Compassion Fu, right?"

The little old man waved his hand and interrupted Ye Xuan directly.

Ye Xuan's whole body was stunned, and his gaze at the little old man was filled with deep consternation.

How does this little old man know that what he is practicing is the Great Compassion Fu of Yin and Yang Soul Art?

Could this guy really be the legendary hidden master?

"And it seems that your kid has been cultivating this Yin-Yang Soul Jue Great Compassion Fu for some time, but why do I say you can't?"

The little old man said to himself.

"Why not?" Ye Xuan asked subconsciously.

"Because the progress of your Yin-Yang Soul Art Great Compassion Fu cultivation is too slow. I think that the emperor I had cultivated to 108 levels in one month and unlocked 108 stunts... and you guys have been practicing for so long and only 36 levels. Tell me how you can do it. ?"

The little old man gave Ye Xuan a white look and said angrily.

"Senior, do you also practice the Great Compassion Fu of Yin-Yang Soul Art?" Ye Xuan's gaze at the little old man was filled with sorrow and respect.

"Nonsense... This Yin-Yang Soul Secret Art Great Compassion Fu was created by this emperor. Otherwise, why should I stop you with so many people on this street? It's because you cultivate the Yin-Yang Soul Secret Art Great Compassion Fu, which is barely half a descendant of this emperor. That's why the emperor stopped you."

Before Ye Xuan could speak, the little old man asked again, "Is your kid a pharmacist?"

"The junior can barely be regarded as an alchemist."

"What grade?"

"Probably a fifth-grade Yellow?"

"You are simply a spicy chicken, you are only of this grade with the Pharmacopoeia..."

"Senior, how do you know that I have a pharmacopoeia?" Ye Xuan couldn't help being surprised. This little old man really saw through his too many secrets.

"The pharmacopoeia was created by me, and it has my breath." The little old man said irritably.

"Dare to ask Senior?" Ye Xuan held his fist respectfully.

"This emperor is the emperor who has swept the universe by thousands of female emperors, who have passed through thousands of flowers, and the leaves do not touch her body. This makes countless female emperors coveted in dreams but can't get the male **** Jade-faced Xiaolang... The old man said proudly.

However, this guy's temperament is completely incompatible with the so-called Yumian Langjun and the Immortal Emperor Haotian, making the atmosphere a bit embarrassing. Many passing pedestrians looked at him as if they were idiots.

"Don't you know how to admire me?"

Seeing Ye Xuan's indifferent appearance, the little old man said irritably.

For a moment, Ye Xuan didn't know what to say to resolve this embarrassment.

"I don’t know how to respect the teacher at all, forget it... I don’t bother to care about it with you kid. The cultivation of Yin-Yang Soul Art and the Great Compassion Fu requires the aid of a pill to eliminate its sequelae. You can take these prescriptions and study them slowly. You should also take it away... Besides, when you return to the Haotian Medicine Sect, tell Yao Chen that bastard, don't let him give me a handful of inheritors..."

The little old man stuffed Ye Xuan a lot of messy things, and said angrily.

In the words, the little old man was obviously dissatisfied with Ye Xuan.

"Right, do you have money?"

As if thinking of something, the little old man asked lightly.


Ye Xuan nodded subconsciously.

"take it out."

A gleam of light flashed in the little old man's eyes.


Ye Xuan hesitated and took out a bearer star coin card.

"Oh...10 million stars? Your kid is quite rich, and this money is considered to be the cost of your medicine..."

The little old man rubbed his hands in excitement, grabbed the Star Coin Card in Ye Xuan's hand, and said with a smile.

"Also, go back and tell Yao Chen that bastard, let him not send someone to come to me..."

After leaving a word, the little old man closed the stall numbly, and quickly disappeared into the medicinal material market.

A cold wind blew by, and Ye Xuan, who was stunned in the same place, shivered involuntarily, and then gradually recovered.

Nima, what is going on?

I was just completely bluffed by that little old man.

"Forget it, go back and try it..."

Looking at the mess of things in his hands, Ye Xuan said with a wry smile.

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