Medical Martial God

Chapter 1551: Fierce battle in the sea!

The sea-splitting dragon whale is best at fighting in the water.

As it plunged into this extremely turbulent nine-day star sea, its appearance also quietly changed at this moment, and a large amount of sea water was swallowed by it during the breath and then passed through the body through a series of transformations. The air holes expelled, making its speed soar, just like an ultra-high-powered aircraft carrier.

His huge body swayed, setting off an invisible wave, and in a flash, he flew a super long distance, came to the side of the sawtooth whale and hit it straight.


A dull crash sounded at the bottom of the river, and the huge sawtooth whale was directly lifted off by the terrifying impact of the sea-splitting dragon whale, making the Tiga giant monster standing on its back stared. The gaze of Xianghai Xuanlong Whale was full of surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the little Red Flame Skyfire Bird just now turned into a giant beast with the body of a dragon head whale in an instant, and its momentum was no weaker than her mount Sawtooth Whale.


The sawtooth whale has survived for hundreds of millions of years. Although its bloodline may not be noble, its growth level can be called prehistoric horror. When subjected to such an attack, its eyes are full of fierce light, and it opens its mouth and spit out one. The huge energy ball bombarded towards the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale.

Faced with an attack like the Sawtooth Whale, the Sea Splitting Dragon Whale didn't mean to dodge at all, but opened its mouth and directly swallowed the bombarded energy ball into its stomach.

At the moment of swallowing this energy ball, the surface of the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale's body was instantly covered by terrible lightning, countless lightning swam away, and then suddenly spit out an energy ball entwining the lightning towards the serrated whale.


The energy ball spit out by the Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale resembled a fierce electric dragon bombarding the sawtooth whale's extremely hard body with a huge sound.

Sawtooth whale's astonishing defensive scales shattered on the spot, and the entire human body seemed to be electrocuted, and the bones in it surrounded by lightning were clearly visible.

When the state of electric shock was over, a scorched scar that was bombarded by thunder and lightning appeared on the surface of the serrated whale, which looked shocking, with blood flowing out of it.

"Human, looking for death!"

Upon seeing this, the giant Tiga demon's face was cold, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent. The serrated whale under her feet rushed out, holding the harpoon and carrying the power of destroying the world and the earth, she strove to Ye Xuan and the sea-cracking dragon. The whale cut off.

"Master, be careful!"

Ao Bingxue and Soul Yuying's eyes flashed, and they slammed their teeth to stand in front of Ye Xuan, the long sword in their hands was unsheathed, the star power flowed throughout their bodies, the real body of the realm master holding the gods appeared, and the weapons in their hands blocked them.


The sound of metal transfer sounded, but Ao Bingxue and Soul Yuying used the real body of the realm to block this powerful blow. The terrifying power was transmitted from the real body of the realm like a wild beast, making their faces solemn. The hands holding the long sword were shaking.

If it were not for her strength to break through to the realm of the realm, the two of them would not be able to withstand the blow of the Tiga giant monster.

The huge body of the sea-splitting profound dragon whale was also suppressed by the terrifying force for a certain distance.

The power of this Tiga giant monster is simply terrifying, and it will not be the overlord of the Nine Sky Star Sea.

"Two one-star realm masters also want to stop the emperor?"

When the attack was blocked, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the giant Dejia monster, a touch of arrogance appeared on his exquisite cheeks, and the voice of indifferent and ruthless words came from his mouth.


As her words fell, her heart moved, and the dragon's tail suddenly flicked and pierced the airflow as lightning and drew towards the soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, bringing them a strong crisis.

They had personally seen the power of Tiga Giant Demon's blow. Qing Luan Bird's head was directly exploded, and they didn't dare to take it hard, they could only dodge.

At the moment, the star power flowed all over their bodies, their soles slammed into force, their arms flicked and the terrible power burst out and shook the Tiga monster's harpoon heels away, and their bodies flew upwards, avoiding the Tiga monster's. Tail attack.

Upon seeing this, the giant Dejia smiled coldly, and the tail that he pulled out suddenly changed direction and attacked towards Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white holy fire rushed on his body, and the emergence of the armor of dawn made him rise and become the king of dawn.

At the moment when Tiga's giant fairy tail drew, a **** of heaven burning with a sacred flame emerged and embraced Ye Xuan in his arms.

The third type of anger of the gods: guardian of the gods!


Tiga's giant demon's tail was drawn on the guardian god, and the terrifying power erupted, directly shaking the guardian **** to pieces. Ye Xuan's body was also shaken by the huge backlash and flew out by the sea-splitting mysterious dragon. The whale caught it and landed on its back.

This Tiga giant monster is simply ridiculously strong.


The sea-splitting black dragon whale let out a roar, countless energy flowed through the whole body, and the majestic pure power in the water gathered towards its mouth, condensed into a huge purple energy ball, and then slammed at Di The giant monster spit out.

Sea-splitting Xuanlong bullet.

"Shield of the Ocean!"

Facing the powerful counterattack of the Sea-Cracking Dragon Whale, Tiga giant monster did not despise anything. The harpoon in his hand spun at high speed, and the sea water rolled up in front of her, condensing a huge water shield to block her. .

The sea-splitting mysterious dragon bombarded the water shield with a huge sound. Seeing that the water shield was about to break, the giant monster Tiga raised his brows, and the hand holding the harpoon shook suddenly. The majestic power poured into the water. The shield squirmed strangely, causing the crack to heal quickly.

The powerful blow of the Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale was easily blocked by the Tiga monster.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ao Bingxue and Soul Yuying didn’t know when they appeared behind the Tiga giant monster. They slashed the back of the Tiga giant monster with their sharp swords and powerful power. on.


Ye Xuan said in surprise.


Ye Xuan thought that in the face of the surprise attack of the two world masters, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, Nadiga giant demon would also be injured, and even his neck might be cut off, but the final result was quite disappointing. .

The long swords in their hands stood on the back of the giant Dejia monster and made a sound of metal interlocking, rubbing the incomparable sparks, and they couldn't break her skin and flesh, causing her slightest damage.

"How could this be?"

Such a result caused Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue to be shocked, and their faces were filled with astonishment and disbelief.

Obviously, he didn't expect the defensive power of this Tiga monster to be so strong.

They were about to attack again, but the huge body of Tiga giant demon suddenly shook, huge power burst out, the blue energy centered on her body and turned into circles of blue fire waves sweeping in all directions. , Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue were shocked and flew out.

Fighting in the water, their strength can be said to have been greatly affected.

Suddenly, the two of Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue were shaken off, and the giant monster Diga suddenly turned back, holding the harpoon in his hand and stabbing them fiercely, the sharp harpoon continued to enlarge in their pupils, It made them stand upright.

When a carp hit hard, they were dangerously and dangerously avoiding this shocking blow.

"Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Return to the Ruins!"

An icy voice rang in the ears of the Tiga giant monster, but Ye Xuan, who was surrounded by sword aura, held the Jun Ni sword and carried his monstrous power, severely slashed towards the giant giant Tiga monster and landed on Tiga precisely. On the neck of the giant demon.


The sword light flicked from the neck of the giant Dejia and rubbed brilliant sparks, but still couldn't hurt the giant Dejia even a bit.

Suffering from Ye Xuan's surprise attack, Dijia giant demon didn't care, smiled coldly, and slapped Ye Xuan with a backhand.

A suffocation came, making Ye Xuan look solemn, and suddenly blocked the Jun Ni sword in his hand and summoned the guardian god.

The guardian **** was smashed to pieces by the Tiga giant monster once again, and a powerful force came to shake Ye Xuan.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was shocked, there was a cruel color in the beautiful eyes of the giant monster Diga, and suddenly he opened his mouth and spit out a snake like a python, showing its sharp fangs, biting and twisting towards Ye Xuan. Away.

Seeing that Ye Xuan had nowhere to escape, the huge body of the Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale rushed over to block Ye Xuan's.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the long tongue of the Tiga monster was bounced back, leaving two eye-catching scratches on the dragon scales on the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale.


The cold and ancient voice came from Tiga's giant monster's mouth. She held the huge harpoon and pierced the head of the sea-splitting dragon whale fiercely, and set off a huge wave.

This was an extremely shocking scene, as if a stunning giant was about to subdue a prehistoric giant whale.

Even the Sea Splitting Profound Dragon Whale felt a threat from the blow of the Tiga monster.

It was about to swing its body to escape, but the sawtooth whale at the feet of the giant Dejia spit out a large number of tentacles to entangle the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale, making it difficult to break free in a short time.

The fierce light in the eyes of the sea-splitting black dragon whale was shining, and the blood burst out from all over, and the voice of ancient vicissitudes came out of its mouth.

"Crack the sea!"

With the sound of the ancient vicissitudes of the Sea-Cracking Mystic Dragon Whale, thunderclouds surged on the Sea of ​​Nine Sky Stars, and an indescribable huge blood-colored lightning bombarded the Sea of ​​Nine Sky Stars.

In an instant, countless blood-colored lightning rushed in the sea of ​​nine stars, turning into a thunder pond.

The billowing sea water was even cut off by the **** lightning, flowing backwards one after another, splitting into two, and the **** lightning accurately bombarded the harpoon that was pierced by the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale.


The body of Tiga giant monster shivered and turned into a huge skeleton, and an electric shock screamed from her mouth. The harpoon in her hand could no longer be held securely, and finally fell down.

The tentacles of the megalodon that originally entangled the Sea Splitter Whale were instantly evaporated by the terrifying electric current.

Sea Splitting, one of the gifted magical powers of Sea Splitting Dragon Whale, summons the most ferocious blood-colored thunder and lightning from the void to shatter everything. Only the adult Sea Splitting Dragon Whale can display it.

Under this blow, Ye Xuan's predicament was instantly reversed.

"Hold it, I'll save Xiao Jiu!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he flicked a sentence directly into the large mouth of the serrated whale that opened due to electric shock.


Ao Bingxue and Soul Yuying took advantage of this opportunity to attack the giant Dejia again.

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