Medical Martial God

Chapter 1566: They are from the magic door!

Seeing the four men in black who rushed in quickly, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with coldness, and his heart moved, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword flew out of the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box and fell into Ye Xuan's hands. As a result, Ye Xuan's temperament changed, surrounded by sword aura, and a chill was filled.


In an instant, the four men in black slammed in front of Ye Xuan, and they uttered a stern shout, light circling all over their body, star power surged, and a palm shot at Ye Xuan.

His palms spit out, and a sharp cold wind blew on Ye Xuan's face like a knife.

Facing their siege, Ye Xuan's face did not fluctuate at all, and the Big Xia Longque Sword in his hand was sharply cut out.

The sword light was shining and the sword aura swallowed, illuminating the eyes of the four men in black, bringing them a strong crisis, making their complexions slightly changed, and they had to give up the offensive and volleyed back to avoid. The attack of sword energy.

While avoiding the sword qi, they used the force of the backflip to kick in the air with their right leg carrying a powerful force from four different directions to Ye Xuan, bringing up the sky full of leg shadows.

Such an all-round siege made Ye Xuan unable to dodge at all, but he didn’t mean to dodge. It was just a thought. A large amount of sword aura suddenly burst out from the lake, like a flying sword piercing the sky. The four men in black shrouded them, making their faces changed again.

If they insisted on continuing to attack Ye Xuan, then they would be swallowed by the sword energy rising into the sky.

The kid in front of him is a master with a sword.


Thinking of this, their eyes flashed, and they suddenly changed their offensive body to explode to the back while pinching the seal with both hands.

Four meteorites that they had summoned from the sky suddenly appeared in the sky, carrying huge strength and smashing down towards Ye Xuan.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The dense sword aura hits the meteorite boulder with a piercing sound, rubbing a brilliant spark, but it cannot be smashed and exploded, and the meteorite falls faster and faster with the passage of time, the huge suffocation The oppression made Ye Xuan's expression extremely difficult to see.

Each meteorite is huge, like a suppressed Mount Tai. The huge power and terrifying power of the four meteorites falling is definitely not something ordinary people can resist. I am afraid that half of the lake will have to be filled by them.

It has to be said that the strength of these four men in black is really powerful. Just now they have consumed most of their physical strength when they sealed the Raging Blood Toad and the Ten Thousand Years Ice Dragon, and they are still able to display such a method.

Facing their attack like this, ordinary means can no longer stop them.

A cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, the majestic star power in his body surged, pinching the tactics with one hand, and the wild power roared into the Nine Heavens Sword Box behind him, making the Nine Heavens Sword Box shine.

"Nine swords break the clouds!"

As the icy voice came from Ye Xuan’s mouth, the sound of swords rang endlessly, and the nine-handed holy sword burst out from the nine-day hidden sword box and turned into nine streams of light. Meteorite falling from the sky.

The powerful sword aura carried by the nine-handed holy sword is like nine big rivers rushing to the sky, looking extremely magnificent.


The nine-handed holy sword shot down on the four falling meteors, erupting with a shaking sound, and the terrifying sword energy poured into the meteors arbitrarily, causing dense cracks to appear on the huge meteors, and finally Unable to withstand the impact of the sword qi, it suddenly shattered and burst open.


The four falling meteorites were shattered, and the four men in black's offensive was broken, but their faces suddenly turned pale, and they suffered a huge backlash. A large amount of black blood was sprayed from their mouths, and the powerful breath instantly became wilting. After a lot, the whole person was shaken by the powerful force and took dozens of steps backwards before stabilizing his body.

Steady his figure, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan in front of him. At this moment, the complexions of the four men in black became particularly solemn and difficult to look.

The strength of the young man in front of him was far more terrifying and powerful than they expected.

"This kid is not easy, what should I do next...?"

One of them couldn't help but asked.

As his words fell, the other two also cast their eyes on the leading man in black.

"The previous battle has consumed too much for us. If we continue to drag it on, it will be extremely detrimental to us. We must fight quickly."

The leader in black said with a cold expression: "Use the soul burning secret method to kill him!"


As the words of the leader in black fell, black flames burned on the surface of their bodies, and their wilting aura instantly became stronger, causing their aura to skyrocket, and the injuries in their bodies were repaired at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and their aura became even stronger. It was at this moment that it climbed steadily, and got a huge improvement and breakthrough.

Not only that, their huge real bodies of realm masters also appeared together, and black flames burned on the surface of their bodies, giving people a sense of huge crisis, a breath of suffocation from their bodies. The water in the lake evaporates at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are these guys going to be serious?"

Seeing that the injuries of the four men in black were instantly repaired, and the aura was still rising, Ye Xuan's expression gradually became more solemn, and there was a mumbling voice in his mouth: "If so, then Let me play with you."

As Ye Xuan's words fell, the body cultivating within the Sea-Cracking Xuanlong Whale's body merged all the minds into this second clone, making the aura of the second clone more powerful and fierce.

So far, Ye Xuan has not experienced the full strength of this second clone after breaking through to the realm master.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and his heart moved, the Nine Heavens Sword Art in his body quietly circulated, a whole body surrounded by the supreme sword intent, the real body of the realm master who looked handsome and mysterious like the emperor of the sword appeared behind him. , More than three hundred purple energy planets slowly revolved around him, and the majestic star power poured into Ye Xuan's body and the real body of the realm master, making their aura too much stronger. The Xia Longque Sword appeared in the hands of the real body of the realm master, making him ferocious and strong to the extreme, and the monstrous sword aura from his body washed away the clouds.

The real body of the four men in black is not unpowerful. They are a thousand feet tall, and they are still burning with black flames. They look strange and mysterious, and the terrifying breath makes the heart palpitations.

However, as Ye Xuan displayed the real body of the second clone, the real body of the four of them seemed extremely small, because Ye Xuan’s real body was three thousand feet tall and powerful. More prosperous and stronger, just like the king of swords that stands tall in the world.

The real body of the four men in black was like an evil demon standing in front of the Sword Lord.

"The real body of that guy's realm... is so strong!"

"This guy is so young, he is already a three-star world leader!"

"I can't keep my hands anymore! Display the real body fusion!"

Seeing Ye Xuan's real world master displayed, the expressions of the four men in black were extremely solemn, and they felt an extremely strong danger.

The cold light in their eyes flickered, and a decision was made in their hearts.

"I will give you a chance to take the lead alone. You had better give me the strongest means."

For the first time, Ye Xuan felt an unprecedented strength and confidence. The Big Xia Longque Sword in his hand pointed to the group of people in front of him, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he said coldly. .

"as you wish!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the black-named and black-clothed man's complexion was ugly to the extreme, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

"True body fusion!"

As their words fell, their hearts moved, and under Ye Xuan's gaze, the bright light under their feet lit up, and a huge rune formation of four-pointed stars quietly formed to connect them together, and then they The real bodies of the four realm masters gradually merged together at this moment.


The four real bodies of the realm masters wriggled strangely and quickly merged to completion. With a roar resembling a primordial evil demon, a huge realm of realm master who was not weaker than Ye Xuan's real body slowly emerged.

Its size reached an astonishing 3,000 zhang, wearing black armor, black flames burning all over its body, broken chains around its hands and feet, a **** ghost eye on its forehead, and a violent breath came from him. The diffusion in the body caused the lake to burst open continuously.

This alive resembles the evil demon that slaughtered the world in ancient times.

"Can the real body of the world master still be integrated?"

This scene caused Ye Xuan's brows to frown slightly, and a trace of doubt and surprise flashed in his eyes.

It was the first time that he saw that the real body of the realm master could fuse together and become stronger.

Of course, the real body of the realm master is not without the possibility of fusion. Those who need fusion have almost the same cultivation level, and the cultivation methods are all the same. They also need to be connected with each other, which is more than a hundred times more difficult than martial arts fusion.

It was indeed extraordinary that these four people were able to use the means of fusion of the world masters.

"Boy, die!"

The fusion of the real body of the world master was completed, and the thinking and actions of the four men in black were exactly the same, and cold and hoarse words came out of their mouths.

As their words fell, the mysterious and huge evil demon's real body slid into the void with one hand and grabbed it forcefully, drew a ghost knife from the void, making him more powerful.

He held the ghost knife and rushed out, with the help of a strong momentum, he raised the ghost knife in his hands with both hands and slashed at Ye Xuan.

"Cthulhu Ghost Blade Slash!"

Cold and biting voices came from the mouths of the four men in black.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled coldly, and did not dodge or crisis, but rushed out with a huge real body of the realm master. The Daxia Dragon Sparrow sword in his hand was surrounded by star power, and he slashed out without any fancy. .

Following Ye Xuan's movement, the real body of the huge realm master was also cut out with a single sword with the large Big Summer Dragon Sparrow sword.

Nine Heavens Sword Slash!


There was no expectation of the fierce crashing sound, and some were just like the cracking sound of a knife cutting clothes.

The real body of the evil demon that was condensed by the four men in black under the sword of the real body of the realm of Ye Xuan was cut into two pieces on the spot. The fierce Big Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword was left behind. Reduced the ground and slashed on the evil demon true body.

The sharp sword aura erupted, and the demon's body was cut into two halves as crisp as white paper, and fell into the lake, splashing water.


The real body of the evil demon was destroyed. The four men in black looked as if they were struck by lightning, and their faces were abrupt. A large amount of black blood was sprayed from their mouths. The body was shaken by the terrifying force and flew out and hit the distant mountain severely. A loud noise erupted from the wall.

Before they could have any chance to breathe, Ye Xuan took the power of the real body of the realm master to tear the real body of the evil demon and swung the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword towards them unabated, making their faces changed greatly.

"Boy, I've remembered this account, so you can wash your neck and give us a good wait..."

Upon seeing this, the four people's complexion changed drastically, and the voice of gritted teeth came out.

As their words fell, the leader took out an array disk in his hand, and star power poured into it. The array disk was radiant. A huge teleportation array quietly spread out and enveloped their bodies, causing their bodies to gradually disappear. In the formation...


They disappeared, Ye Xuan's attack fell on the cliff, and a loud noise erupted.

The towering mountain was directly cut in half by a sword, forming a moat in the middle.

"Even with a formation, it runs very fast."

"Are they from the magic door?"

Seeing the four disappeared, Ye Xuan frowned and spoke coldly.

"Go and see how that woman is going first!"

After that, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and he dived towards the bottom of the lake.

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