Medical Martial God

Chapter 1568: Nine Yin Origin!

"Look, that is the origin of Jiu Yin."

As Qin Qingxia’s excited voice sounded, in the valley at the bottom of the lake, a huge green lotus surrounded by yin air appeared at the bottom of the lake, and in the center of the green lotus, a nine-color source crystal emitting a dark light looked abnormal. Eye-catching, full of a sense of mystery.

This is the origin of the nine yin bred from the origin of the nine yang, its value is not weaker than the origin of the nine yang, it is extremely rare in the vast universe, and is regarded as a treasure by countless women.

Looking at the looming Jiuyin Origin, Qin Qingxia was very excited, and she couldn't care too much, and rushed towards the Jiuyin Origin at a very fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smiled, and did not stop.

To be honest, the attraction of Jiuyin Origin is also extremely huge for him, and he can't help but want to take it, but there is an agreement between him and Qin Qingxia, and it is impossible to violate the Jiuyin Origin.

What's more, he has already obtained the origin of Nine Suns and the origin of the world master obtained by killing Bao Yizhao.

Therefore, Ye Xuan restrained the urge to **** the origin of the nine Yin.


Qin Qingxia was extremely excited, and soon rushed to the front of the Jiuyin Origin. She was about to stretch out her white jade hand to take the Jiuyin Origin into her bag, but an accident happened suddenly.

The earth trembled, the gorge collapsed quietly, and a big mouth that swallowed everything burst out from the ground without warning, swallowing the blooming green lotus together with the source of the nine Yin into the mouth, and there was no less Biting towards Qin Qingxia.

This sudden change caused Qin Qingxia's face to change drastically. The dense crisis permeated her heart and made her look dignified to the extreme. She was too late to explode. Seeing that she was about to be swallowed by that big mouth of blood, a light and shadow Passed by her, took her into his arms and moved out.

At the moment Ye Xuan rescued Qin Qingxia, Ye Xuan stuck out his palm, and a majestic suction burst out the Jiuyin Origin that was about to be swallowed in the abdomen by the blood basin, and received his magic dragon ring. in.


An angry roar sounded, and amidst the dust and raging vigor, a giant tail carrying a boundless killing intent drew towards Ye Xuan and the others.


Ye Xuan's expression changed slightly, and without thinking about it, he blocked the Daxia Longque Sword in front of him.

The dull collision sounded horrible power erupting in all directions, Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia who was held by him were both shaken by the powerful force and flew out, smashing towards a huge rock in the distance.

Seeing that Qin Qingxia's body was about to hit the boulder, Ye Xuan turned her arms around her body and hit the boulder with his back, making an ear-splitting sound, smashing the boulder to pieces.


A mouthful of black blood also sprayed out from Ye Xuan's mouth.

This force is really too strong and too terrifying, even he was seriously injured by this blow.

If Qin Qingxia ran into and unloaded her strength, I am afraid that she would have been seriously injured in her life.

After smashing the boulder, Ye Xuan hugged Qin Qingxia and flew upside down for several hundred meters at the bottom of the lake before he stabilized his figure and removed the majestic impact.

Stabilizing his figure, raising his head to look at the collapsed canyon in front of him, and at the center of the diffuse dust, Ye Xuan's expression can be described as solemn.

Judging from the power of the giant tail slam just now, it is definitely an extremely terrifying beast, and its combat power is even far above the Ten Thousand Years Ice Dragon and the Raging Blood Toad.

Obviously, neither Ye Xuan nor Qin Qingxia had thought that the origin of the Nine Yin was still guarded by a beast.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, whose face was slightly pale with blood stained on the corner of his mouth, Qin Qingxia couldn't help asking with concern when thinking of the scene of him desperately trying to save herself.

"It's be careful, that big guy may be difficult to deal with."

Ye Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked straight ahead at the muddy front, and said solemnly.

"Boom boom boom..."

His words just fell silent, but heavy footsteps came from the turbid front, and a huge beast appeared in the sights of Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia, making their expressions particularly solemn. Look with difficulty.

This is a huge dragon tortoise that has reached ten thousand feet in size. Its dragon head is a crocodile turtle. Its four sturdy legs are like four pillars full of fierceness. The hard turtle shell mountain shines with ancient runes. The body is surrounded by nine layers of halo of different colors, and there are seven purple stars on the center of the eyebrows, which is extremely mysterious.

"Xuanlong Snapping Turtle!"

Seeing the sacred beast walking out with monstrous ferocious might, Qin Qingxia's face was so dignified that it was hard to see the extreme, and the sound of cold words came from her mouth.

The mysterious dragon snapping turtle, the seven-star beast, has a growth level of nine ranks. It is a combination of the Northern Ming mysterious dragon and the giant mountain crocodile. It not only possesses the terrifying defense power of the giant mountain crocodile, but also possesses the North Ming Xuan The dragon's horrible and abnormal attack power, the combat power is especially terrifying, even if the five-star realm master sees it, he is not willing to provoke it easily.

Especially the Black Dragon Snapping Turtle in front of me seems to be guarded by the Jiuyin Origin all the year round. It has been partially mutated under the influence of the Jiuyin Origin's power, and its strength is undoubtedly even more powerful and terrifying.

As it walked step by step, a rush of pressure filled the hearts of Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia, making their expressions extremely solemn.

The previous successive battles not only consumed too much of their strength, but also caused them to be more or less injured. Now facing the 7-star and 9-rank mythical beast, the mysterious dragon snapping turtle, there is no battle at all. Power.

"Small humans dare to covet this king's treasure? Give me the Jiuyin Origin."

Xuanlong Snapping Turtle stared at Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia coldly, and talked.


Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan looked ugly, glanced at Qin Qingxia, who had been seriously injured and had lost combat effectiveness, and said without hesitation.

"it is good!"

In the current situation, fighting with this Xuanlong snapping turtle can't get the slightest benefit at all, only escape is the only way out.

At the moment, the two of them swam towards the lake without any stay, and began a frantic escape.

"If you stole this king's treasure, you can't escape."

Upon seeing this, the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle let out an angry roar, the huge body suddenly rushed out, the neck stretched quietly, opened the huge mouth and carried Ling Xuan's killing intent towards Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia. Swallow them into the stomach.

Its speed is too fast, and it caught up with Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia in a flash, making them look ugly, and the crisis in their hearts became more intense.

Ye Xuan's face was cold, and he turned back abruptly, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword in his hand was cut out with a single sword, the sword light bloomed, and the huge sword aura fell on the head from the bite of the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle.


The metal-like sound of the sky blasted, and the astonishing sword energy was directly shattered into powder by the head of the Xuanlong snapping turtle. The open blood basin of the Xuanlong snapping turtle was surging towards Ye Xuanhe. Qin Qingxia came with a bite.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be swallowed into the mouth of the blood basin of the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle, Ye Xuan's sword aura roared, and the speed suddenly increased and opened the distance, leaving the tiger's mouth.

However, Qin Qingxia's speed slowed down a lot because of her injuries. She couldn't keep up with Ye Xuan and fell behind, unable to escape from the mouth of the Xuanlong snapping turtle.

Even now, Qin Qingxia has fallen into the open mouth of the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle and only needs to wait for the mouth of the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle to close before being completely swallowed into its stomach.

A crisis of death permeated Qin Qingxia's heart. Looking at the mouth of the blood basin that gradually closed, and Ye Xuan who flew farther and farther, a helpless wry smile appeared on Qin Qingxia's exquisite cheeks. She knew that this time. There is no escape.


Ye Xuan, who was flying in front, saw that Qin Qingxia hadn't followed for a long time and looked back and just saw the scene where Qin Qingxia was about to be swallowed by the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle, which made his face change involuntarily and let out an angry curse in his mouth.

At the moment, he gritted his teeth abruptly, turned around and flew back, turning into a streamer and rushing into the open mouth of the Xuanlong snapping turtle without hesitation, and appeared beside Qin Qingxia.

The huge real body of the realm master emerged, and forced the huge mouth of the Xuanlong snapping turtle that was about to bite down.

"How? Are you okay?"

The deep voice came from Ye Xuan's mouth.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, and seeing Ye Xuan's behavior, Qin Qingxia couldn't help but was taken aback. Obviously, she didn't expect Ye Xuan to risk her death and come back.

She and Ye Xuan are simply cooperative treasure hunting relationships. Although the two parties have an agreement, there is no requirement for the other party to rescue them from death.

Now that Ye Xuan came back to save her regardless of the danger of her life, did Qin Qingxia feel a little bit astonished and moved?

This guy can obviously escape by himself, and he is dead, he can completely swallow the Nine Yin Origin and the Nine Yang Origin.

Of course, in fact, Ye Xuan himself wanted to slip away the exclusive treasure, but the personality will of the second clone did not allow him to do so, and Ye Xuan turned around in desperation.

After all, the second clone of Ye Xuan was originally a handsome gentleman.

"Kacha Kacha..."

I don’t know what kind of powerful force the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle’s bite contains. Even Ye Xuan’s real body can't stand it. The real world master has a series of fine cracks, and the cracks continue to whistle and spread. , May collapse at any time.

"Give you this thing, hurry up! Leave it to me to hold it here, and the accounts between us will be cleared."

Seeing Qin Qingxia not speaking, Ye Xuan directly threw the Jiuyin Origin to her and shouted sharply.

"But...but you..."

Looking at the Jiuyin Origin that Ye Xuan handed over, and hearing his words, Qin Qingxia looked astonished and hesitant.

"No, but, hurry up... You will only be my oil bottle if you stay here now, and the account between us is completely settled... From then on I will not owe you, and you will not owe me! Go!"

But before Qin Qingxia's words were finished, she was interrupted by Ye Xuan's unquestionable loud shout.

"it is good!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Qin Qingxia stopped saying much, put the Jiuyin Origin into the storage ring, and slammed her teeth, cast her body skills and left her badly injured body quickly.

As if thinking of something, Qin Qingxia turned her head and asked Ye Xuan: "By the way, what's your name?"


Ye Xuan answered in a deep voice.

Qin Qingxia didn't say much, but left quickly.


When she flew a certain distance and looked back, she just saw Ye Xuan's real body being bitten by the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle, and the Xuanlong Snapping Turtle swallowed Ye Xuan into his stomach...

Qin Qingxia was heartbroken, gritted her teeth abruptly, and flew farther and farther, disappearing to the bottom of this lake.

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