Medical Martial God

Chapter 1580: Ao Bingxue shows his power!

"Yuying, why does your face look something wrong? Is it okay?"

After the shower, Ye Xuan, who changed his clothes and came out on the sofa, asked with concern, as he walked out of the toilet with a pale face.

"My son, I'm fine... Maybe it's too tired to go out to inquire about the news for a day today. I'll just take a rest for a while."

With a smile on her face, Hun Yuying walked to the sofa next to him and did it.

She couldn't tell Ye Xuan that it was because she drank the tea that Ye Xuan prescribed and turned into this way, right?

"That's good, pay more attention to yourself."

Ye Xuan nodded gently, took a sip of Lingcha, and then turned his gaze on Ao Bingxue and asked, "What news did you inquire about today?"

"My son, we have inquired about the division of forces in Jiutian City. Jiutian City, as the most prosperous capital of Jiutian Star, gathers a large number of masters and forces. Among them, the most powerful is the Jiutian Empire founded by the master of Jiutian Star, and then Jiutian. The Alchemist Guild, Jiutian Pavilion, and then the City Lord’s Mansion and the Five Great Masters of Jiutian City!"

"They are the Situ family, the Sikong family, the Tang family, the Shi family, and the merchant...These five families all have master-level powerhouses..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's question, Ao Bingxue slowly talked about the situation and division of forces in Jiutian City.

Hearing that, Ye Xuan's brows frowned slightly, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes. The five big families of Jiutian City seemed to have offended three of him today.

And he also killed Situ Wenhao, the eldest son of the Situ family.

"My son, what's the matter?"

Perceiving the different color on Ye Xuan's face, Ao Bingxue asked with concern.

"It's nothing……"

Ye Xuan smiled lightly and shook his head, and then told what happened today.

"Huh... that guy is simply taking the blame, if those guys don't know how to retaliate, then just destroy them directly."

After hearing what Ye Xuan said, there was a flash of murderous intent in both Ao Bingxue and Hun Yuying's eyes, and there was a cold snort in their noses.

"By the way, what did you find out about the void ruins?"

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan asked.

"The ruins of the void are hidden in the depths of the void. It is the tomb of a titled realm master. There are many treasures and opportunities in it. It is rumored to have the mystery of stepping into the realm master. Now it is not only the masters of the entire nine-day star field. As they gather near the nine-day stars, the powerhouses of other star regions have also heard the news... and even the high star realm masters are coming, and the competition will be fierce by then."

Upon hearing Ye Xuan's question, Soul Yuying spoke solemnly.

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

Originally, he wanted his body to absorb the origin of the nine suns, but now it seems that he has to change his strategy and try to increase the strength of the second clone as much as possible. The origin of the nine suns is temporarily absorbed by the second clone.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and his thoughts passed to the second clone.

Feeling Ye Xuan's thoughts, the second clone sitting cross-legged in the Xuanlong space within the sea-cracking Xuanlong directly took out the Nine Suns Origin and began to absorb and refine.

If they can absorb the origin of the nine suns, the strength of the second clone will undoubtedly skyrocket in a short period of time, and they will also have many more opportunities and opportunities to enter the void ruins.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Open the door, open it quickly!"

However, at this moment, the rapid knock on the door rang at this moment.


Before Soul Yuying and the others went to open the gate of the Bieyuan, the closed gate was kicked open arbitrarily, and a large number of guards dressed in the Jin family rushed in.

Headed by a middle-aged man, he has a rough face and a tall stature. He is surrounded by **** evil spirits visible to the naked eye. He is like a **** beast, obviously he has experienced killing all year round.

His name is Situ Kuanglan, and he is the great leader of the Situ family. His cultivation has reached the Immortal Realm Great Perfection, and his combat power is comparable to the half-step world master.

Following Situ Kuanglan are the golden guards of the Situ family, the most elite and powerful team in the entire Situ family, the strength of the guards has reached the peak of immortality.

Looking at Situ Kuanglan and the others who broke in to surround the courtyard of the Bieyuan, Kun Yuying and Ao Bingxue raised their brows, and there was a chill in their eyes. They were about to speak, but they were interrupted by Situ Kuanglan's majestic voice. : "Under Situ Kuanglan, our head of the family invites three of you to come with us!"

"Tell you the patriarch, if you want to avenge Situ Wenhao, you are not enough, let him do it himself!"

Ye Xuan yawned, stretched lazily, and said calmly.

To be honest, he didn't expect these guys to come so fast, and it didn't seem to be a long lesson.

"Looking for death! Take them down for me!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Situ Kuanglan's eyes flashed murderously, and the violent breath spread, and he shouted.

As his words fell, murderous intent bloomed in the eyes of the many golden guards he had brought, and his whole body rushed towards the hall with endless killing intent.

The coming is violent and fierce!


Upon seeing this, Ao Bingxue's eyes flashed with cold light, murderous intent bloomed in his eyes, a sharp shout in his mouth, and a sharp wave of his sleeves, the ice star power spread horizontally and horizontally, and he rushed to the gold guard who attacked from the front.


Wherever the ice star force passed, the sound of freezing ice sounded, and layers of ice crystals whizzed and spread, and all the golden guards that roared from were frozen into eye-catching ice sculptures.


Situ Kuanglan let out a cold snort, and the crazy knife with the knife on his waist suddenly unsheathed, holding the crazy knife high in both hands, the **** evil spirit burned, and the majestic **** evil energy poured into the crazy knife and slashed towards Bieyuan.

The violent **** sword aura seemed to divide the entire Zubeiyuan into two.

It is a pity that the sword energy had not had time to fall, and it was swallowed by the spreading ice star power.

In addition, the ice seal spread horizontally and horizontally along the blood-colored crazy knife along the sword, and surged towards Situ, making Situ's face changed drastically, as if he saw a beast of cold ice rushing towards him.

Before he could have any reaction, he was swallowed by the terrifying ice beast, frozen by the ice star power, and a thick layer of ice condensed on his body to become a striking ice sculpture.

In just a moment, Situ Kuanglan and the golden guards he brought were all frozen, and only two guards stood at the door.

Looking at the frozen Situ Kuanglan and others, the two guards at the door only felt cold and horrified.

A cold wind blew by and they shivered involuntarily.

In the end what happened?

Where are we?

Kuanglan Commander is gone in an instant?

"Go back and tell your Patriarch that he wants to avenge Situ Wenhao and let him do it himself!"

Ao Bingxue's icy voice made the two of them like an amnesty, and they crawled away and disappeared into this world.

With a wave of Ao Bingxue's sleeve robe, the door that was kicked opened slowly closed.

"Master Meng, right here..."

The two guys hadn't left for a while, but Meng Ze, the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion, came to the gate of the Bieyuan with a large number of guards.

"What are you doing in a daze? I didn't hurriedly kick the door open, so I dared to move the third son. These guys are looking for death!"

At the moment, the butler Meng Ze waved his hand and said with a cold voice.


His words just fell silent, when a guard kicked the door open.

The door kicked open and what they saw in their sight was a particularly shocking scene. They saw eye-catching ice sculptures standing in the yard, exuding waves of cold, making them irritated with cold, like a falling ice cellar.

"Yes... it's the golden guard of the Situ family!"

"This... is this the head of the Situ family, Situ Kuanglan?"

"They are all frozen."

Seeing the ice sculptures standing in the courtyard, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were completely stunned.

"Master Meng, I...what should we do now?"

A guard asked in a low voice.

Their strength is not as powerful as the golden guards of the Situ family and Situ Kuanglan.

"Fuck, look at how you are. We are from the City Lord's Mansion, with the Nine Heavens Empire behind them. What can they do to us?"

The housekeeper Meng Ze slapped the head of the captain of the guard and shouted sharply, "Hurry up and call me out!"

"You guys inside, listen to me, you are already surrounded..."

Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue and others who were drinking tea could not help but raised their brows when they heard the voices coming from outside. When they looked out the window, they saw Meng Ze and other people in the City Lord’s Mansion, making their eyes flash. impatient.

"Dry tongue!"

Ao Bingxue's face became cold, and his sleeves waved, the majestic ice star power was like a wild beast roaring out of the hall, pouring out towards the steward Meng Ze and the guards of the city lord's mansion, in their horrified eyes They swallowed them under the gaze, frozen into an eye-catching ice sculpture, leaving the butler Meng Ze alone in place.

Looking at the many subordinates who were frozen into ice sculptures, the butler Meng Ze shivered involuntarily, only feeling a chill rushing straight into his forehead.

The place where she stood under her feet was even wetter.

This guy was scared to pee.

"Go back and tell you the city lord, if you want to avenge his son or something, let him do it himself!"

Ao Bingxue's voice sounded leisurely, causing the butler Meng Ze to gradually recover.

" wait for me..."

With a viciously thrown word, the butler Meng Ze scrambled away in a panic.

The cold wind blew, and the gate of the Bieyuan Garden closed automatically again.

The quality of this game is really extraordinary, I have not been kicked twice after playing!


However, the door had just been closed, and the angry Tang family guard kicked the door open and rushed into the courtyard.

When they looked at the eye-catching ice sculptures in the yard, they were all taken aback...

What is the situation with Nima?


In the bewilderment, the terrifying ice star power rushed out from the hall of the villa like a flood that opened the gate and swallowed them, leaving only a more bewildered Tang family guard in it.

"Go back and tell your Patriarch that if you want revenge or something, let him come in person."

An icy voice sounded that the bewildered Tang family guard was slammed out with invisible strength, and the gate of the Bieyuan Garden was closed again.


After a while, the gate of Bieyuan was kicked open again.

But it was the steward of the Shi family who rushed here angrily with a large number of Shi family masters.

When they kicked the door open and saw the eye-catching ice sculptures densely standing in the courtyard, they were completely stunned.

what 's wrong?

Is this an ice sculpture exhibition?

Did we come to the wrong place?

At this moment, they all had doubts about where they came from.

They were about to speak and send someone to search. A terrible chill burst out from the front hall. Before they could react, they swallowed all of them, leaving only one guard who was scared and confused. Standing shivering in the ice.

"Go back and call your Patriarch!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and their bodies were drawn out with terrible energy, and they fell outside the courtyard.

"Ah... ghost..."

A scream of screams came from their mouths, and they rolled away.

"It's really boring, all the cats and dogs who came here, none of them can fight!"

Ao Bingxue stood outside the window with the eye-catching ice sculptures standing in the yard, and shook his head gently, feeling a little dull...


Really a master is lonely as snow.

Situ Family Residence.

"What? Those guys in Kuanglan have been frozen in ice, so I want to let this seat come in person?"

"Okay, I want to see, who dared to kill my son of Situ Tianya and let this seat take revenge in person."

When Situ Tianya heard the report from the returning subordinates, he immediately angered and rushed to the Bieyuan where Ye Xuan and the others were.

City Lord's Mansion, Main Event Hall!

The city lord Qian Tianming was sitting in the hall reading a book, while the butler Meng Ze ran in, "Big...sir, genus... the subordinate is incompetent, unable to bring the guy who bullied the third young master. Come back, please forgive me."

"What the **** is going on?"

Qian Tianming looked cold, put down the book in his hand, and asked coldly.

"My lord, those guys are too cruel, and we froze all of us to death without saying anything... and they even threatened to let you come to the house yourself..."

The housekeeper Meng Ze hurriedly described to Qian Tianming what happened in Bieyuan.

"Hmph, it's really arrogant. He hurt the city lord's son and asked me to go to the door himself. I want to see who that guy is, and dare to run wild on this place!"

Hearing the words of the butler Meng Ze, Qian Tianming's killing intent surged in his eyes, and he said with a cold voice.

"Father, I'll go with you, I want that kid to die than life!"

When the words fell silent, Qian Tianming took many masters from the City Lord's Mansion to leave, and Qian Youzhi also followed.

The same scene was staged in the Tang Family and Shi Family respectively.

At this moment, a large number of masters were rushing towards the Bieyuan where Ye Xuan was located.

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