Medical Martial God

Chapter 1583: Siege!

"Is my time to die?"

"Do you think that people like you alone can do anything to me?"

Hearing the words of Qian Dao's name, Ye Xuan took a leisurely sip of spiritual tea, and said calmly.

Although the three families of the City Lord's Mansion, the Situ Family, and the Shi Family are indeed particularly powerful within the Nine Sky Stars, and each family has a strong master of the world, Ye Xuan and the others are not vegetarian.

Judging from the current situation, there is no need for Ye Xuan to take action, only Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue can easily resolve the situation.

So Ye Xuan didn't care at all.

"Hmph, crazy tone... Do you think you can be fearless with the protection of two master-level maids? Boy, let me tell you, no matter where you are from, but this is Nine Heavens City, you can make trouble here. It's your extraordinary status and a strong domain owner can't keep you!"

Shi Zhonghao let out a cold snort, looked at Ye Xuan, and said word by word.

"I don't mean to want to make trouble here, everything is just caused by you."

Ye Xuan yawned, stretched lazily, and spoke slowly.

"We caused it ourselves?"

The fierce light in Situ Tianya's eyes flickered, and an angry voice rang out from his mouth: "Didn't you kill my son Situ Wenhao?"

"I did kill him, but I didn't provoke him. Instead, he sent someone to kill me secretly, trying to seize the treasures from me. If he didn't provoke me, how could I come and kill him? If you usually discipline him a little, don't let him bully the weak by his own identity, and make him think that no one dares to do anything with him, he won't end up like this. All this is just his own fault."

Ye Xuan glanced at Situ Tianya and answered coldly.

Situ Tianya's eyes flickered fiercely, and his fists creaked.

He didn't understand the whole story. He only came to get revenge when he heard that his son was dead. He didn't expect it to be because of this reason.

"No matter what he does, then you shouldn't kill him, he is my son after all!"

Situ Tianya said murderously.

No one in Jiutianxing dare not give him face.

"He is your son and not my son! If you don't raise the godfather, you can only blame yourself even if you are to blame." Ye Xuan glanced at Situ Tianya and said coldly.

"Then you hurt my son?"

The name of Qian Dao, Shi Zhonghao and the others said angrily.

"I was just looking for the guy Situ Wenhao to settle the accounts. I gave your son a chance to tell them that there is nothing wrong with them and let them leave... But instead of listening, they have to do something with me, so I have to teach them a little lesson. It’s a lot of face for you to not kill them directly."

Ye Xuan answered neither salty nor lightly.

"If you took care of your son Tang Youzhi's mouth just now, he wouldn't be abandoned in your presence."

Seeing Qian Daoming's ugly face, Ye Xuan said to himself.

" matter what reason you have, in short, you must give a satisfactory explanation today for hurting our people, otherwise you don't want to leave here alive today."

Shi Zhonghao let out a cold snort in his nose and said with killing intent in his eyes.

"Yes... No matter what reason you have, you must give us a satisfactory account today."

Qian Dao's name, Situ Tianya and the others also agreed.

Even if they knew the truth was wrong, in front of so many people, they would never bow their heads and lose their face.

"Really stubborn... if that's the case, then I have to destroy you all and send you on the road."

A trace of murder and impatience flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he spoke coldly.

He didn't want to make things big, even he did not hesitate to explain the course of the matter clearly. As a result, these guys were still so unreasonable, so no wonder he was so cruel and murderous.

"Where did the kid dare to be so arrogant in Jiutian City? When my Tang family didn't exist?"

Ye Xuan's words just fell silent, but the cold and angry voice rang at this moment.

With the sound of this voice, Tang You, the elder of the Tang family, Tang Tiande, the deputy patriarch, and Elder Xu of the Jiutian Pavilion, together with a large number of Tang family masters, rushed over at this moment.

"Old Don!"

"Brother Tiande!"

"Elder Xu!"

Seeing that Tang You, Tang Tiande and his party, Qian Daoming, Situ Tianya, and Shi Zhonghao all greeted him with a smile.

Tang You is not only the patriarch of the Tang family but also the elder of the Alchemist Guild. Because of his perennial intoxication in refining medicine, his strength has not entered the realm of the realm, but because of his extraordinary refining skills, his connections are quite broad. , Elder Xu from Jiutian Pavilion is a long-time friend.

In addition, the Tang family and Jiulong Pavilion have always had in-depth cooperation. After hearing the news, Elder Xu rushed over with him.

As for Tang Tiande, Tang Wushuang’s father, the deputy patriarch of the Tang family, his martial arts talent is extremely strong, he is a powerful master, if it is not because Tang You has not abdicated, then the Tang family head is him, and his status is in Jiu Tianxing. Extraordinary.

"Grandpa, was the **** kid who hurt me!"

After their brief greetings, Tang Wushuang pointed at Ye Xuan who was sitting on the top of the building with his fingers, and said angrily.

"It turned out to be him?"

Tang You followed Tang Wushuang's gaze, and happened to see Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue, so that his brows wrinkled without a trace.

At Haihuangxing's Kowloon auction, he had seen Ye Xuan, and had a little friction because of bidding for the prescription of Nine Sun Nirvana Pill, and finally he gave Ye Xuan a token.

"What's wrong? Don't!"

Feeling Tang You's gaze and Qian Dao's name, Situ Tianya asked suspiciously.

"I met Ye Gongzi at the Haihuangjie Kowloon Auction..."

Tang You replied in a deep voice.

"Ye Gongzi, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Tang You stared at Ye Xuan and said in a deep voice.

"I did not expect that we would meet so soon." Ye Xuan answered lightly.

To be honest, he didn't think that Tang You turned out to be the patriarch of the Tang family, but the two of them weren't familiar with each other, they were just a relationship.

"Ye Gongzi, I know your background is not small, but here is a nine-day star, no one can protect you... The old man doesn't mean to be an enemy of you, and the old man doesn't want to embarrass you! You hurt my grandson. Son, in front of everyone, please apologize to him. My Tang family will expose this matter and let the past go!"

Tang You pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

As the Patriarch of the Tang family, he didn’t want to offend Ye Xuan too much, but he didn’t want to lose the face of the Tang family, so these words can be regarded as giving Ye Xuan a face and at the same time preserved the face of their Tang family and gave it to everyone. Let me explain.

"It's not my fault, but let me apologize, Don't you think this makes sense?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said with a sneer: "You gave me a piece at the beginning, but now you return it! Make a clear line between you and me!"

While talking, he threw out the token Tang You had given him.

This thing has no effect on him, after all, he himself is the president of the Medicine Refining Association.

"Boy, don't be ignorant of what is good or bad. Patriarch Tang has already given you a lot of face. What if you hurt someone and apologize?"

This scene made Tang You look ugly. Elder Xu, who had a good relationship with Tang You next to him, couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily.

"What are you? Is there a place for you to speak?"

Soul Yuying's eyes flashed, staring at Elder Xu, and said coldly.

"I am Xu Chengwu, the elder of Jiulong Pavilion!"

Xu Chengwu is so extraordinary as the elder of the Kowloon Pavilion, where he has been questioned like this, he is completely angry all at once.

This scene fell in the eyes of the people around him, making him all sneer to himself, looking at Ye Xuan, their eyes were full of gloat.

"Are those three guys idiots? You don't even know Elder Xu? Who doesn't know that Elder Xu is the senior elder of the Kowloon Pavilion, second only to the five elders..."

"I don't know what the origins of those three guys are. They won the City Lord's Mansion, the Situ Family, the Shi Family, and the Tang Family. Now even the Jiulong Pavilion is offended. It's a good show."

"No matter what their origins, they offended so many forces at once, I am afraid it will be over today."

"Oh, it's a pity that those two super beauties are simply stunners... I am afraid they will end up miserably."


Many people who watched the excitement were talking about it at this moment. Anyway, it is not too big for everyone to watch the excitement.

"People from Kowloon Pavilion?"

Hearing Xu Chengwu's words, Ye Xuan's brows couldn't help but frowned.

Both Mrs. Lan and Qin Yuanyuan are Jiulong Pavilion.

"What? Afraid?"

Xu Chengwu thought Ye Xuan was scared, and said with a smug expression.

Ye Xuan set his gaze on Xu Chengwu's body, shook his head lightly, and faintly said: "For the face of Jiulong Pavilion, I don't care about you... I advise you, you are the best here. Don't participate, it irritates me, it is too late for you to apologize at the Kowloon Pavilion!"

He looked at the face of Madam Lan and Qin Yuanyuan and gave this guy a warning.

"Haha...I apologize to the Kowloon Pavilion? Boy...who do you think you are?"

Ye Xuan's words fell into Xu Chengwu's ears, making him seem to have heard a big joke, and at this moment he couldn't help laughing.

Situ Tianya, Tang You, Shi Zhonghao, and Qian Daoming looked at Ye Xuan with sneers.

How mad is this guy to say such a thing?

They have seen someone crazy, they have never seen such a crazy one.

"Too crazy, is this guy an idiot?"

"He is blatantly provoking Jiulong Pavilion..."

"No one can save him right now, they are done..."

People all around couldn't help but talk and talk at this moment.

A nirvana boy who dares to be so mad and offends so many powerful forces at once. What is it not to commit death?

"If you really want to know who I am, then you can ask Qin Yuanyuan, he can tell you!"

Ye Xuan ignored Xu Chengwu's laughing and mocking appearance, and answered lightly.

"Boy, you'd better be respectful. Old Qin’s name is not something you can call directly. Don’t think that you can scare me if you move out of Old Qin’s name! His existence will recognize you all Nirvana boys, don’t What a joke."

Xu Chengwu said fiercely with a flickering light in his eyes.

"I don't mean to be joking with you...I just reminded you kindly on Qin Yuanyuan's face." Ye Xuan answered coldly.

"Huh... don't pretend to be fools here! Boy, let me give you one last chance, either kneel down and apologize slowly, give me a satisfactory explanation, or die!"

A trace of impatience flashed in Qian Daoming's eyes, and angry words came out from his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, now that everyone is here, we can easily kill them with our strength... just kill them directly!"

Situ Tianya said in a cold voice.

"Do it!"

In the next moment, everyone's expressions were cold, and they all spoke.

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