Medical Martial God

Chapter 1586: The surging undercurrent!

In the warm and comfortable hall, Ye Xuan, Qin Yuanyuan, Xiao Tianyao and others sat casually, chatting leisurely.

   "Old Qin, President Xiao...please use tea!"

   Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue brought up the freshly brewed spirit tea and the prepared desserts, and they laughed.

   "Thank you!"

   Xiao Tianyao and Qin Yuanyuan quickly responded with a smile.

   However, their gazes toward Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue were full of complexity.

You must know that both Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue are the masters of the realm, and I am afraid that their cultivation strength is not under them. It is really hard for them to imagine that the two beautiful and powerful beauties, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, would be willing to follow. Beside Ye Xuan as a maid.

   You need to know that even the domain master-level tycoons can hardly have such treatment.

   This made them even more curious about Ye Xuan's identity, and they became more in awe of him as a whole.

   "This time, I would like to thank Mrs. Qin and Chairman Xiao for helping. If it weren't for you, it would be difficult to end today's affairs."

   Ye Xuan picked up the tea cup and smiled as Qin Yuanyuan and Xiao Tianyao thanked each other.

   "Hehe... Ye Gongzi is polite, I, Qin Yuanyuan, can have today but all rely on you. If you are in trouble, how can I stand by?"

   Qin Yuanyuan answered with a smile.

   "You are the elder of my pharmacist guild. It is more reasonable for me to protect you. I only shoulder the responsibility of the chairman. Young friend Ye Xuan is really serious..."

   Xiao Tang also said with a smile at this moment.

   The two of them didn't dare to neglect Ye Xuan.

As if thinking of something, Qin Yuanyuan looked solemnly and reminded Ye Xuan: "Ye Gongzi, based on what I know about Situ Tianya and the others, I am afraid they will not let this matter go. You should be careful during this time. wonderful……"

  'Yes, they are all the people who must report to you, so little friend Ye Xuan should be more careful. "

   Xiao Tianyao also nodded.

   After a pause, he continued to speak: "The Void Ruins still have three days to open. I wonder if Little Friend Ye Xuan will go there?"

   "Naturally I want to go and see it." Ye Xuan thought for a while, and answered in a deep voice.

   "Situ Tianya, Qian Daoming, Shi Zhonghao and the others are all going to the Void Ruins. If Ye Gongzi wants to go, be careful of the embankment. I am worried that they will be against you in the Void Ruins."

Xiao Tianyao and Qin Yuanyuan both said at the same time: "In addition, as far as we know this time, the royal family of the Nine Heavens Empire will also send people. Situ Tianya and Qian Dao names belong to the Nine Heavens Empire. They will work for it. Unite the royal masters of the Nine Heavens Empire to deal with you. In addition, they also have a good relationship with the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, even if the Ye Gongzi has the soul girl and the Ao girl, they have to be careful."

   "Nine Heavens Sword Sect?"

   Hearing what Xiao Tianyao and Qin Yuanyuan said, Ye Xuan secretly nodded in awe.

   "By the way, don't you go to the Void Ruins?"

   Seemingly thinking of something, Ye Xuan set his gaze on Qin Yuanyuan and Xiao Tianyao, and asked questioningly.

   "The entry of the void ruins has certain restrictions on age and cultivation...I am afraid that we cannot enter it at our age."

   Xiao Tianyao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

   "This chance...we have no hope."

   Qin Yuanyuan also looked depressed and disappointed.

   They are not the amazing generation of martial arts talents. They can cultivate to the present level relying on the accumulation of time and opportunities. Like the Void Ruins, there are huge restrictions on the age of entry, and the two of them cannot enter it.

   "Don't worry, the son who doesn't stay overnight, we will send strong people into it separately, and then let them secretly assist the son."

   Qin Yuanyuan thought that Ye Xuan was worried about his situation, so he said with a smile.

   "Thank you."

   Ye Xuan nodded lightly, and smiled.

   After chatting for a while, Qin Yuanyuan and Xiao Tianyao both left.

   The night was getting darker, and Ye Xuan talked with Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue for a while before returning to the room to rest and fall asleep.

   Situ Family Chamber.


   The sound of the teacup being broken, but the gloomy Situ Tianya slammed a teacup to the ground, venting his anger and incompetence.

   "That **** crap..."

   The sound of angry words came from Situ Tianya's mouth.

   Obviously the death of his son and what happened today made him extremely angry and upset, who had been in the top position for a long time.

   After today's series of events, the prestige and reputation of his Situ family has fallen to the extreme, and his Situ Tianya has become a joke for many people.

   Many people secretly scolded him for being useless, saying that he could not even avenge his son.

   "The patriarch..."

   Looking at the exposed Situ Tianya, all the Situ family members around him were silent, and they didn't know how to persuade him.

"The patriarch’s sorrow... You are not to blame for this thing, but Qin Yuanyuan and Xiao Tianyao are the two guys to blame! We usually treat them well, but I didn’t expect that they would have to favor the Nirvana boy even if they offend us. ."

   "But what if Qin Yuanyuan and Xiao Tianyao support him, that kid is a dead end after all. Our family has served your Majesty for many years, and your Majesty will never sit idly by."

   Seeing Situ Tianya's appearance, someone couldn't help but persuade him.

   His Majesty in their mouth naturally refers to the emperor of the Nine Heavens Empire, that is, the domain master of the Nine Heavens Star Territory!

   "Patriarch, Lord Guan is here."

   Their words just fell silent, when a member of the tribe hurried in and reported.

   "Please come!"

   Hearing the words of this tribe, everyone was overjoyed, and Situ Tianya was full of spirits, and hurriedly spoke.

   Soon, a middle-aged scribe came in.

   He is dressed in blue clothes, gentle and elegant, and he looks quite scent of books.

  His name is Guan Yushu, and he is the counselor of the second prince of the Nine Heavens Empire, who advises the second prince.

   "Master Guan!"

   Looking at Guan Yushu who walked in, Situ Wenhao had a reluctant smile on his face, greeted him with a quick walk, and quickly spoke.

   "Patriarch Situ is polite...The second prince heard the news of the death of the writer, and ordered me to come to greet him."

   Guan Yushu said with a fist.

After a pause, Guan Yushu continued to speak: "The second prince asked me to bring a message to Patriarch Situ, so you don’t have to worry about it. He will give you fairness in this matter. In addition, the second prince found out that the kid named Ye Xuan will Enter the Void Ruins, he will send someone to help you kill him..."

"This is the star collapse talisman given to you by the second prince. The star force can urge it to explode the strongest attack of the six-star realm master, killing the strong five-star realm master and below, and it can also be used as a defense to resist The Lord of the Five-Star Realm made a full blow, looking at Patriarch Situ to mourn."

   While speaking, Guan Yushu took out a delicate talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Situ Tianya.

   "Thank you, Lord Guan."

   Hearing Guan Yushu's words, and looking at the star collapse talisman he handed over, Situ Tianya hurriedly clasped his fists and said thanks.

   "Thanks to me, it's useless. If you want to, thank your second highness!"

   Guan Yushu gently shook his head, paused and continued to speak: "This time, the Second Highness of Void Ruins will go there in person. I hope that Patriarch Situ will help his Highness to win the billion-year Profound Ice Fire!"

   "Situ Tianya will definitely go all out!"

   Situ Tianya quickly clasped his fist.

   "Then, I will leave!"

   Guan Yushu nodded lightly, then walked away and disappeared into the dark night.

   City Lord Mansion, Yanwu Hall!


   Qian Daoming had an ugly face. He slammed his fist heavily on the spiritual power pile, and the terrifying power burst out, smashing the spiritual power pile used to practice boxing into powder, bursting open.

   Today's encounter made him extremely angry, and his heart was filled with anger.

  He is the lord of the dignified Nine Heavens City, the general of the Nine Heavens Empire, with an extraordinary status, but today he has endured a shame and shame.

   He took people to avenge his son, but not only did he fail to avenge him, but his son was also abolished in front of him and all the people. The root, this is undoubtedly hitting him in the face.

   But at that time, he couldn't do anything about it. He could only eat this dumb loss, which made him lose face and anger.

   How can he swallow this breath?

   He vowed to make the miscellaneous thing named Ye Xuan die better than life and cut him a thousand swords!

   "My lord... Sect Master Linyun is here."

   At this moment, a guard hurried in to report.

   Looking at the fragments of spiritual power piles in one place, he swallowed secretly.

   The Lord of the City used to kill people when he was angry and angry, but fortunately, now his temper has abated a lot and he is just playing spiritual power.

   "Please come!"

   Hearing this, Qian Dao Ming's face showed a hint of surprise, and he quickly went out to greet him under the leadership of the guard.

  He has always had a good relationship with the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. Young Master Linyun is the servant of the Nine Heavens Empire in the future, and he will marry the eldest princess.

   If he can call the shots for himself, then even the Nine Dragon Pavilion and the Nine Heavens Alchemist Guild have to weigh them carefully.

   "I have seen Young Master Linyun."

   Soon, Qian Daoming saw Qian Daoming who had arrived with a large number of Nine Heaven Sword Sect masters, and he hugged his fists respectfully.

   Feeling the breath of Lin Yun at this moment, Qian Dao's name is secretly awe-inspiring and moody, but he did not expect that Young Master Linyun has already broken through to become the star master and is about to enter the realm of the two-star realm master.

   Such a speed really made him feel embarrassed and frightened. You must know that the last time he saw Lin Yun, he was still in the half-step realm of the realm. It took less than a month to break through.

   doesn't know what kind of opportunities he has had recently.

   "Uncle Qian is polite!"    Lin Yun's face was full of smiles, and he quickly reached out to help Qian Dao.

   "I don't know why Sect Master Linyun came here this time?" Qian Daoming asked cautiously.

   "I heard that Youzhi was injured, so I stopped by to see him." Lin Yun answered with a smile.

   "He is interested now..."

   Hearing Lin Yun's words, Qian Daoming sighed lightly, his expression complex and helpless.

   "Uncle Qian, don't worry, I found out that there is a treasure named Six Yin and Nine Yang Sacred Fruit in the Ruins of the Information Void, which can heal aspiring injuries." Lin Yun patted Qian Daoming's shoulder and said comfortingly.


   Hearing this, Qian Daoming's eyes lit up.

   "Well, it's just a bit difficult to obtain, but I still need Uncle Qian to be with me..."

   Lin Yun nodded gently.

   "No problem..." Before Lin Yun's words were finished, Qian Daoming quickly agreed.

   "That's good..."

Lin Yun took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said with a grim look: "Aspiration is my brother and friend. I can't help but report his hatred... I have sent someone to investigate and I know the whole story! That kid will also enter the void ruins, even if he is protected by two world masters, it is not enough to be afraid, when you and I will join forces to make that kid look good!"

While talking, Lin Yun took out an exquisite jade box and handed it to the name of the Qiandao: "Uncle Qian, this is the divine fruit of my Nine Heavens Sword Sect-the Nine Gods Fairy Fruit. You can convince Youzhi to stabilize his injury. , We will be able to save him when we enter the void ruins and obtain the sacred fruit of six yin and nine yang!"

Looking at the jade box that Lin Yun handed him, he was so touched by Lin Yun's words that the name of the money knife made him swiftly clasped his fists and said: "You are really fortunate to have a friend like you, son, son. From now on, my Qiandao name will do my best to assist and help the son!"

   "Uncle Qian is polite, you and I are already a family! I have other things, so I will leave first!"

   Lin Yun's face was full of smiles, and he smiled and said.

   The purpose of his coming here has been achieved. He has completely bought the hearts of the people with the name of the money knife, gained his friendship and goodwill, and made him a good knife in his hand.

   At that time, this knife will help him get rid of the little bits and pieces from Sea Emperor Realm.

   He couldn't not report his grudges in the Sea Emperor Realm!

   "I will send you!"

   Then, he took someone to leave under Qian Dao's name.

   Jiutian City, Shijia Courtyard.


   Shi Zhonghao slammed a fist against the ancient tree in the courtyard, and an angry curse came out from his mouth.

   The powerful force shook the 10,000-year-old tree violently, and the leaves rattled.

   "What good is it for you to be so angry? It's just the wailing of the weak and incompetent."

   A cold and strange voice sounded, and a cold face appeared on the ten thousand year old tree, and his gaze at Shi Zhonghao was full of undisguised abuse and mockery.

   Shi Zhonghao stared at him coldly and ignored him.

   "Want to become stronger, want to restore the lost face, want to avenge your son?"

   The cold face stared at Shi Zhonghao and continued to speak.

   "Don't stop talking... I know how you feel in your heart now. It must be painful to be stepped on, right?"

   "I can make you stronger, dominate one side, avenge your son... how about? Cooperate with me?"

   The tree demon's cold face showed a weird smile, like a demon in the dark: "As long as you release me from this **** old tree, I will be able to fulfill all your wishes..."

  He is a weird existence that existed in the ancient century. It was sealed here by the ancestors of the Shi family, and was sealed and guarded by the Shi family for generations.

   Originally, the Shi family was the strongest overlord of Nine Heavens City, and once cultivated a domain master, but because of the incompetence of the younger generations, they gradually declined...

   "Why should I believe you?"

   Shi Zhonghao stared at the tree demon sternly, and asked coldly.

   "Because... you need me! I can make you stronger!"

   The tree demon smiled coldly and stretched out a finger from the book to point to Shi Zhonghao's eyebrows: "How?"

"it is good!"

   After a film, Shi Zhonghao seemed to have reached some agreement with the tree monster, and replied in a deep voice.

   In the next instant, he pinched his hands with both hands, slammed his fingertips and pointed them on the ten thousand years old tree.

  The 10,000-year-old tree burst out with bright light, and densely sealed runes appeared on it...


   The rune broke open, and a ghost rushed into Shi Zhonghao's body.

   Shi Zhonghao's body trembled suddenly, the energy of his whole body skyrocketed wildly, his momentum rose steadily, and a terrifying wind was set off in the yard...

   "Ye Xuan, Qin Yuanyuan...I want you to die! Haha..."

   The leaves fell swiftly, and the wild laughter echoed in the courtyard for a long time.

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