Medical Martial God

Chapter 1592: Siege!

With the arrival of Lin Yun, Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao, Qian Daoming and others, a powerful pressure and crisis permeated the hall.

"Is that the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box?"

Entering the hall of Linyun, the eyes of Situ Tianya and others immediately fell on the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box on Ye Xuan's back, with sharp rays of light shining in their eyes.

"Boy, who are you on earth? How can there be a nine-day hidden sword box?"

Elder Zuo of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect standing next to Lin Yun questioned Ye Xuan even more.

Lin Yun, Elder You and the others stared at Ye Xuan with scorching eyes, and the brilliance of wisdom surged in their eyes.

"Elder Left, Elder Right... Haven't seen you for many years, don't you even recognize me?"

Hearing their questioning, Ye Xuan smiled coldly, with indifferent words coming out of his mouth.

"who are you?"

The Elder Right of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect took a step forward and the aura of being the realm master quietly spread.

"It looks like you really can't remember me coming..."

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan gently shook his head and grinned at them: "I am Ling Chi!"

"Ling...Ling...Ling Chi?"

Ye Xuan's words made the faces of Elder Left and Elder Right change drastically, and they both took a few steps back subconsciously, and their eyes towards Ye Xuan were filled with undisguised amazement: "You... You... aren't you dead? Why... why are you here?"

"Ling Chi? Nine Heavens Sword Sect's most outstanding genius more than a hundred years ago, possessed by the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box, the future heir of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect?"

"Didn't he fail while crossing the robbery, died? How could he appear here?"

Ye Xuan's answer caused Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao, Qian Daoming and their expressions to change drastically, and they said in disbelief.

They are very clear about the name of Ling Chi back then. This is the most outstanding and outstanding Tianjiao in the entire Nine Heavens Star Territory. It will break through the realm of the realm as early as more than a hundred years and inherit the position of the sovereign of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. , He has already become the sovereign of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

They never thought that the dead man who was considered to have failed to cross the Tribulation would appear in front of them.

Even Lin Yun's expression changed, and his eyes toward Ye Xuan were full of undisguised horror.

"Don't kneel down when you see Benzong!"

Ye Xuan stared at the left elder and right elder, and the terrifying coercion of the five-star realm master unreservedly released, and five golden energy stars appeared around him, making the faces of the left elder and right elder big. Change, a look of horror.

"Five...Five...Five-Star Realm Master!"

The sound of panic and trembling came from the mouths of the left and right elders.

To be honest, the two of them were a little panicked at this moment.

Ye Xuan's five-star realm master's strength simply brightened their eyes.

They glanced at Lin Yun, who was looking pale next to him, and then at Ye Xuan, who was energetic, with hesitation on their faces, not knowing what to do.

"Xiu is rampant...Ling Chi, you are no longer a member of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, let alone the master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, so don't put on airs here!"

Lin Yun looked at the five golden energy stars next to Ye Xuan with an ugly expression, and the star power flowed throughout his body.

"Yes, Ling have disappeared for more than a hundred years, and your position in the sect has long ceased to exist. If you obediently offer the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box and the title source, you will return to the sect with us. For the sake of being gracious to the sect, you will surely be rewarded many times and give you a new position."

Elder Left and Elder Right also agreed at this moment.

They are the supporters of Lin Yuanzhi, and naturally they would not listen to Ye Xuan's words.

"I was murdered by a traitor when I crossed the Tribulation. Soon after, Lin Yuanzhi ascended to the position of Sect Master... I don't need to elaborate on the reason, right?"

"Left elder, right elder... for the sake of your many years of joining the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, I will give you a choice, either be loyal to me or die!"

Ye Xuan stared at Elder Left and Elder Right, and said coldly.

These two guys probably didn't know the truth about Ling Chi's murder, and now Ye Xuan would give them a chance to tell them.

Hearing what Ye Xuan said, Elder Left and Elder Right fell into long thoughts and hesitation.

"Two elders, Hugh must listen to this kid's nonsense!"  

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun quickly said in a deep voice.

After a while, Elder Left and Elder Right raised their heads and fixed their gazes on Ye Xuan, and said in a deep voice: "If you had no accidents back then and successfully broke through as the successor, then the two of us will definitely be loyal to you and support you. You! But now Sect Master Lin Jiutian Sect Master, we only obey him and Young Master Linyun! I think you still obediently hand over the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box and title source and follow us back to the Sect!"

"It looks like you don't want to live anymore! So...what about you?"

Ye Xuan's expression was cold, and he turned his head to focus on Situ Tianya and Shi Zhonghao, Qian Daoming and others coldly asked.

If these guys were all joined together, even with the strength of his five-star world master, it would not be so easy to deal with.

"Ling Chi... now the Nine Heavens Sword Sect and the Nine Heavens Star Territory are not yours... I think you should hand over the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box and Title Origin!"

Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao, Qian Daoming and others replied in cold voice.

"It looks like you have all made a choice... if that's the case, then all go to die!"

Ye Xuan's eyes were murderous, and the Nine Heavens Sword Art was operating, and the majestic sword energy burst out from his body. Nine holy swords flew out from the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box and merged with the sword energy into nine. The stegosaurus screamed towards them.

Sword Qi looted, murderous intent everywhere!

"Do it!"

Murderous intent flashed in Lin Yun's eyes, and the majestic aura of the two-star realm master spread out from his body.

The cultivation level of the two elders on the left and right are also the two-star realm masters. The strength of the two depends on the development of the explosion, and the left and the right are attacking and killing Ye Xuan.

Not only that, Situ Tianya, Qian Daoming, Shi Zhonghao and the powerhouses they brought all launched a siege against Ye Xuan at this moment. The momentum was huge, fierce and mighty, and they forced the nine huge heads from the front. Stegosaurus blocked it.


A dull collision sounded, and terrifying energy and vigor spread out from all directions.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Lin Yun, the elders of the left and right, Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao, Qian Daoming and the others were all shaken by the powerful force and flew out, and they took dozens of steps to stabilize their figures.

Of course, Ye Xuan was also shaken by the powerful force and took a few steps before he stabilized his body.

The eyes of everyone on both sides looked particularly ugly and solemn.


In the next moment, Lin Yun, Situ Tianya, Elder Left and Elder Right rushed to Ye Xuan again with endless killing intent.

"Wan Jian Wushuang, nine swords into one!"

Ye Xuan's face was as cold as frost, and as soon as he pointed out, the majestic sword aura in his body whizzed into a torrent of sword aura and melted into a single giant sword and slammed.

"Nine swords break the sky!"

"Vientiane Jian Yin!"

"Great Sword!"

"Star-Cracked Sky!"

"Hell Ghost Fist!"


Facing Ye Xuan's powerful blow, Lin Tian, ​​Situ Tianya, Elder Left, Elder Right, Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao all displayed their powerful assassins without hesitation at this moment!


The sky-shaking collision sounded through the hall, and the terrifying energy spread in all directions like a stormy wave, but the two sides rushed up against this spreading energy.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The swords collided, and the collision of swords and swords rang endlessly.

Their speed is too fast, so fast that they can only see the shadows flashing quickly in the hall.

Ye Xuan relied on the powerful strength of the five-star realm master to fight Lin Yun with one person's power, and Situ Tianya and the others did not fall under the wind at all.

Although the entourage they brought all possessed the strength of a half-step world master, they continued to fall under Ye Xuan's attack, and they couldn't stop Ye Xuan's sword at all.

In just a moment, Lin Yun, Situ Tianya and the others' entourage all fell, and there was a cold corpse in the hall, which made their expressions look particularly ugly at this moment.

"How can this guy be so strong?"

"None of us are his opponents when we join forces?"

"No, we have to find a way, if this continues, we will be dragged to death by him!"

"Damn it, is the Five-Star Realm Master so difficult to deal with?"

Lin Yun, Situ Tianya and the others obviously did not expect Ye Xuan's strength to be so strong. So many of them could not achieve much effect against him with so many people. Instead, they continued to be killed. If this continues, it can be said to them. It is particularly disadvantageous.

At this moment, the expressions of Lin Yun and others were ugly to the extreme.

"Damn it, withdraw first, and wait until you find enough opponents to deal with him!"

Seeing the situation becoming more and more unfavorable for them, Lin Yun shouted coldly.

As his words fell, he first gave up the attack on Ye Xuan and rushed to the outside of the hall, followed by Situ Tianya and others.


However, they had just rushed to the entrance of the hall, and a huge dragon's tail drew on them like lightning, causing them to be severely injured. A large amount of black blood was sprayed from their mouths and their bodies flew out heavily. Smashed into the hall.

"If you want to leave now, I am afraid it is too late!"

As the icy voice sounded, a cold wind blew, and under the extremely solemn and ugly gazes of Lin Yun, Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao and others, a huge sea dragon slowly emerged at the entrance of the hall.

The three slender figures stood on top of Hailong's head, making them very conspicuous.

They are Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue!

"Ye... Yexuan!"

Seeing that riding a sea dragon arrives at Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying and others, Lin Yun, Situ Tianya and the others, the expressions on their faces are ugly to the extreme, and there are voices of incomparable astonishment.

They didn't even think that Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying and the others would break in here at this time.

Their arrival, coupled with the next Ling Chi, didn't this drive them into a desperate situation?

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