Medical Martial God

Chapter 1595: Meet Qin Qingxia again!

In a world where fire and ice blend, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue are standing on top of the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale and walking forward constantly, resisting the scorching high temperature and biting low temperature, making them sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Constantly tossing in these two polar climates.

Even now their cultivation bases have reached the realm master state, it can be said that it is difficult to move in such an environment.

If there is no realm of Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale to open up and protect, I am afraid they would not dare to go deep like this.

Looking at the blazing flames all around, and the endless icebergs in the west, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others looked particularly solemn.

Ye Xuan's thoughts moved, and the huge divine consciousness merged into the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale, completing the sharing of vision between the two sides, and looking into the distance with the help of the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale's vision.

The huge perception of the Sea-Splitting Mystic Dragon Whale dispersed, and everything around it was clearly under its control.

After walking for more than half a day, Ye Xuan and the others' scenes changed again. A huge glacier appeared in front of them, but on the surface of the glacier was burning fire.

From a distance, the entire glacier was burning with **** fire, which seemed very strange.


A loud phoenix sound came from the distant sky, causing Ye Xuan's brow to be raised.

He raised his eyes and saw that a huge Flame Suzaku was fighting a Blizzard ice lion that was huge.

On top of the flame vermilion stood a woman in red. She had an alluring face, a fiery figure and extremely sexy.

Under the violent attack of the Blizzard Ice Lion, the woman in red and the Flame Vermillion Bird retreated steadily, full of great danger, and the woman in red was seriously injured and embarrassed.

"is her?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan said suspiciously.

This woman in red is no one else, but Qin Qingxia he had encountered in the Jiutian Mountain Range.

Ye Xuan obviously didn't expect Qin Qingxia to appear here.

"Let's take a look!"

Ye Xuan thought, and the second clone Ling Chi turned into a streamer and flew towards the distance.

As for Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue, they controlled the Sea-Cracking Xuanlong Whale to fly in another direction to find the whereabouts and clues of the billion-year Xuan Binghuo.

Qin Qingxia's situation is particularly bad.

Although she succeeded in absorbing and refining the Nine Yin Origins of the Nine Heavens Mountain Range, her strength has been greatly improved, and she has made a breakthrough into the realm master realm and became the two-star realm master.

But facing the Blizzard Ice Lion, who had reached the 8-star and 9-rank level, and whose combat power was comparable to the three-star realm master or even the four-star realm master, she was still in desperate situation, and she seemed to be in danger.


The Flame Suzaku under her feet let out a roar, and the violent energy rushed into its mouth continuously, causing it to climb wildly and condense a huge fireball, and spit it at the Blizzard Ice Lion. Get out.

Suzaku Sun Bullet!


Facing the fierce fireball of Flame Suzaku, the fierce light in the eyes of the Blizzard Ice Lion flickered, and he opened his mouth and spit out. The terrifying cold air sprayed from its mouth and turned into a torrent of cold air and collided with the fireball.

A huge explosion sounded, and the terrible cold air directly engulfed the fireball into the ice, and turned into a torrent of torrents and swallowed towards the Flame Suzaku and Qin Qingxia.

Its speed is so fast that Flame Suzaku can't dodge it at all.

In the next instant, the Flame Suzaku was frozen into an eye-catching ice sculpture and lost its power in the air, and smashed down into the ice river below.

Qin Qingxia herself escaped dangerously and dangerously.

Looking at the icy Flame Suzaku, she looked ugly, and she suddenly retreated without even thinking about it.

However, the Blizzard Ice Lion was chasing after him, and instantly appeared in front of Qin Qingxia, waving that sharp claw towards her.


Qin Qingxia's face changed drastically, it was too late to dodge, so she could only pull out her sword to block her.

In the next instant, the sharp claws of the Blizzard Ice Lion that contained terrifying power fell on the sword that went to Qin Qingxia.


The saber that had reached the middle rank of the holy rank broke directly because it couldn't withstand the terrible power, and the sharp claws of the Blizzard Ice Lion fell directly on Qin Qingxia's chest.

Her body armor was torn by sharp claws on the spot, and her whole body was struck by lightning, and a lot of black blood was sprayed from her mouth. Her body flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, and slammed heavily on the distant glacier. A huge hole burst out.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Blizzard Ice Lion walked towards her slowly, and bit the wings of the frozen Flame Suzaku in front of Qin Qingxia, causing the Flame Suzaku to scream in pain, but he was helpless.

"You beast."

Qin Qingxia's face was ugly, her mouth let out a roar, a spear emerged from her hand and rushed out towards the Blizzard Ice Lion, but was drawn by the Blizzard Ice Lion's tail, vomiting blood and flying out.

The Blizzard Ice Lion stepped on the flame Suzaku's head, and walked towards Qin Qingxia with a heavy step.


As if smelling the blood in Qin Qingxia's body, it uttered a roar to the sky, opened its huge mouth and bit at it directly.

The terrifying sound wave spread out like a roaring stormy wave and swept in all directions. Qin Qingxia's ears were stunned, and blood was vomited, and she lost the power to resist. She could only watch the Blizzard Ice Lion open its huge mouth and bite towards her. Coming, in her pupils constantly enlarged.

"Are you going to die?"

Seeing the surging Blizzard ice lion, Qin Qingxia's face was pale, and there was a mumbling voice in her mouth.

In order to resist her destiny and become stronger, she risked her life to go around and practice, experiencing the danger of life and death time and time again, but in the end she still failed to have the power to change her destiny.

Seeing the open mouth, Qin Qingxia gradually closed her disappointed eyes.

Instead of accepting the unfair marriage contract and the future road, it would be better to die here, at least she doesn't have to experience that kind of torture and pain.

However, before she died, she didn't know why, but Qin Qingxia couldn't help but think of the figure of the man she met in the Jiutian Mountain Range. He should have escaped?


The cold air roared, Qin Qingxia's body surface was condensed with layers of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blizzard ice lion's mouth was violent and she was only half a foot away. She could clearly feel the approach of death, as if she had seen it. The call of death.


Seeing that Qin Qingxia's body would be swallowed by the Blizzard Ice Lion in the next second, a sword light came from a distance at a faster speed, passing by Qin Qingxia.

In the next instant, there was a loud explosion, the ice shattered, and the fierce Blizzard ice lion rushed into the air.

Qin Qingxia, who was cold all over, only felt as if she had fallen into a warm embrace. The warm current poured into her body and made her cold body gradually warm.

"How? Are you okay?"

The gentle and elegant voice sounded, making Qin Qingxia, who had lost her wits, gradually recovered.

Lifting her head, what appeared in Qin Qingxia's sight was a gentle and familiar face.

He has flowing white hair, a handsome face, white clothes wins snow, and a fairy spirit, like the incarnation of a peerless sword fairy.

"It's you?"

Looking at the extremely handsome man in front of him, a voice of astonishment came from Qin Qingxia's mouth.

She never thought that this man would appear here and save her.

She even thought she had hallucinations, subconsciously stretched out her palm and rubbed her eyes, only to find that Ye Xuanzheng was looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Why did you appear in..."

Qin Qingxia asked in astonishment, but her expression changed abruptly before she finished her words, and she quickly shouted, "Be careful!"

But it was the Blizzard Ice Lion who had just rushed into the air with an angry roar from his mouth, waving his sharp claws and attacking Ye Xuan.

"It's okay!"

Ye Xuan answered calmly.

At the moment when his words fell, the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box behind him was shining brightly, and a sword light quickly galloped out and went straight to the Blizzard Ice Lion.


An extremely screaming scream quietly sounded at this moment.


Under Qin Qingxia's horrified and shocking gaze, the sharp claws that Blizzard Ice Lion grabbed against Ye Xuan were directly cut off and smashed to the ground.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Xuan hugged Qin Qingxia's beautiful body and flew out quickly, his legs carrying powerful force continuously kicked on the huge head of the Blizzard Ice Lion, making dull noises.

The huge body of the Blizzard Ice Lion was directly kicked back again and again.

When Ye Xuan's last foot fell, the huge body of the Blizzard Ice Lion flew upside down like a cannonball and hit an iceberg far away, causing a big explosion.


The endless angry roar came from the mouth of the Blizzard Ice Lion, and its eyes were blood-red rushing out of the mountain, and its mouth was condensed with an astonishing cold air cannon, trying to completely blast Ye Xuan into fleshy foam.

"Be careful, it's very powerful!"

Upon seeing this, Qin Qingxia's face changed drastically and quickly reminded.

"It's okay!"

However, Ye Xuan still answered blankly.

In Qin Qingxia's exclamation, Ye Xuan directly hugged her and rushed out towards the Blizzard Ice Lion, and the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword also appeared in Ye Xuan's hands.


Seeing the ice cannons of Blizzard Ice Lion condensed and was about to launch, the bright sword light bloomed without warning.

The sword light swept across, the blood was gushing, and the figure of the Blizzard Ice Lion suddenly solidified.

Under Qin Qingxia's shocking gaze, the head of the Blizzard Ice Lion separated from its body and rolled down.

Its huge corpse fell heavily on the ground, and the bright red blood stained the ground red.

The fierce Blizzard Ice Lion was directly killed by Ye Xuan with a sword.

This scene shocked and surprised Qin Qingxia.

Putting down Qin Qingxia in her arms, Ye Xuan walked straight to the corpse of the Blizzard Ice Lion and took out the beast core in it.

The beast core is the most precious thing in the divine beast's body, condensing the purest power in their body, equivalent to the realm master's origin, is an extremely rare divine talent, and has a huge help for monks to improve their strength.

The beast core of the Blizzard Ice Lion is priceless, full of azure blue, full of strong ice power, beautiful and pure.

"Here, send you off!"

Ye Xuan handed the beast core to Qin Qingxia, and said with a smile.

Looking at the beast core that Ye Xuan handed over, watching his face full of smiles, Qin Qingxia's mood was complicated when thinking about the scene of him saving herself just now.

After hesitating, she stretched out her hand to take the beast core, and said with a grateful expression: "Last time you saved me, I haven't had time to thank you. I didn't expect to be saved by you again this time, but I will save this value. Liancheng’s beast core gave me..."

"Look at what you said, we are friends of life or death...what is this?"

Hearing Qin Qingxia's words, Ye Xuan smiled and said indifferently.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Qin Qingxia stretched out her white jade hand to stroke her hair and asked curiously.

"I don't know... Maybe it was fate that made me appear here to save you!"

Ye Xuan replied with a smile, as if thinking of something, he continued to speak: "Yes, if I have something to do, I will leave first, let's see you if you have a chance!"


Before Qin Qingxia could answer, Ye Xuan turned into a streamer and flew towards the distance, quickly disappearing into Qin Qingxia’s sight...

Seeing Ye Xuan who disappeared quickly, Qin Qingxia's face showed deep suffering, shook her head, and turned to leave.

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