Medical Martial God

Chapter 464: Ye Xuan's words from the lungs!

"First of all, in order to ensure the quality of the medicines developed and produced by our pharmaceutical industry, the production of all medicines must be controlled by our pharmaceutical industry, so we refuse to cooperate with the so-called stock purchase or acquisition!"

"Second, in order to unify and regulate the price of medicines, in order to enable all patients to afford medicines, to afford medicines, and to prevent middlemen from earning huge differences in medicines, refuse to raise medicine prices, etc. , All medicines produced by our medical industry will be priced uniformly. Whether they are used in major hospitals or sold in pharmacies, their prices will be the same ... "

Ye Xuan stood on the podium, holding a microphone, and slowly glanced across the conference site, with a calm voice in his mouth.

"What? National pricing, no matter where you buy it?"

"Is there anything wrong, so what money do we make?"

"Crazy, how dare you play like this, is there something wrong with your mind?"

"This is obviously the rule that disrupts the market ..."

Before Ye Xuan's words were finished, the scene was uproarous and the pot was completely exploded.

Ye Xuan's approach undoubtedly subverts many rules of the pharmaceutical industry.

Isn't the drug industry called a violent industry because the price of drugs can be manipulated?

For example, the cost price of a certain drug is originally 1 yuan, but after the operation of many pharmaceutical companies for profit, it is 10 yuan, 15 yuan or more ...

This huge profit was made by the major pharmaceutical companies!

However, Ye Xuan now says that their medicines in the Shenyang pharmaceutical industry are priced uniformly across the country, so what do these middlemen earn?

This is just bullshit, it is just messing around, it is breaking the rules of the industry.

Although he did not do this before without a company, but without exception, he ultimately failed to do so.

Isn't this death on your own?

Not enough profit, who wants to cooperate with you?

But this is the philosophy that Shen Pharmaceutical has been working hard to implement and pursue.

Their purpose is to produce good medicines and serve the patients sincerely, so that those who need them can afford the medicines and the medicines. It is not for leaving to raise the price of drugs and make huge profits!

Looking at the noisy scene below, Ye Xuan didn't mind it, but smiled and said, "I know what everyone here thinks, our **** medicine industry is not so rigid, and we won't let everyone who cooperates with us make money. Everyone's interest! We will leave a certain margin for everyone. After all, no one will be stupid to do things without profit, and no one is willing to invest a lot of energy to make it bigger! "

"The reason we are doing this is to control the profit margin in a proper range so that every patient can buy medicines at a relatively favorable and fair price, can afford to eat, and can use medicine!"

Ye Xuan's words fell to the ears of many hospital experts, professors, and deans, making them nodded secretly.

They are not those ruthless capitalists, but doctors who cure and save people. They are used to seeing too many lives and leaving, and seeing too many patients who can be treated clearly. , And finally went home desperately waiting to die.

Many times they also want to help patients, hoping that the price of medicine will drop, but they are powerless!

However, the concepts and practices of Ye Xuanshen's pharmaceutical industry today have given them hope.

If the prices of medicines are uniformly priced by them in a reasonable and reasonable price range, the prices in the country are uniform, and the prices of medicines used by each patient are all the same, then the price of medicines will be controlled unintentionally.

"Papapa ..."

I don't know who took the lead in applauding, as if the applause was ringing in the conference hall.

Many doctors, professors, experts, and hospital directors at the scene applauded Ye Xuan's words at this moment. Obviously, they agreed with Ye Xuan's words.

And Ye Xuan's words have sufficient practicality.

As for representatives of many pharmaceutical companies, managers, directors, and so on, were cold-looking.

"Well, if you do this, no pharmaceutical company will be willing to cooperate with your **** pharmaceutical industry!"

At the moment, someone hummed coldly.

"Yes, I won't cooperate with your **** medicine at all!"

"Not enough profit, who will work with you?"

"You guys are breaking industry rules!"

That man's words undoubtedly won the approval and approval of many company executives, and people all echoed.

"So ... it is not that our medical industry wants to monopolize the market and not cooperate with you, but that you are not willing to cooperate with our medical industry.

Hearing the words of everyone below, Ye Xuan's face was full of smiles, and he looked disdainfully.

"Flop ..."

"Giggle ..."

Ye Xuan's words fell into the ears of Leng Qingcheng and Charm, making them all laugh involuntarily.

This guy went around for a long time, and the result was to say such a sentence.

However, this moment will reverse the disadvantages and situation of the sacred medicine industry.

Earlier, Wang Jianlin said that the **** medicine industry is the public enemy of the pharmaceutical industry. If he wants to monopolize the market, he refuses to cooperate with everyone.

However, after Ye Xuan's remarks, he suddenly reversed the situation in the pharmaceutical industry:

It is not that we are unwilling to cooperate with you, it is that you are unwilling to cooperate with us!

We do all this just to control the price of medicine, not to raise the price of medicine, and to serve the general public.

But you are looking for profit, for the sake of driving up the price of medicine ...

With such a comparison, who is the cancer in the industry?

Immediately, the image of the divine medicine industry became magnificent.

Before everyone can speak, Ye Xuan said again: "Someone just said that our pharmaceutical industry disrupts the rules of the industry? I would like to ask what are the rules of this pharmaceutical industry? It is to raise the price of drugs, for the benefit of capital, for the people Ca n’t afford medicine, ca n’t afford it? ”

"I know that all of you here are company executives and company bosses who hold high annual salaries and are solely for the benefit of the company and their own performance. A bottle of medicine costs only a few dollars. When you get a bottle of tens of dollars, you still feel cheap because you have a high salary! "

"But do you know that there are many more people in the world who simply do n’t have the money to take medicine? They ca n’t afford the medicine or buy the medicine with the money and have no money to eat! The medicine can be bought for a few bucks, but In their hands they became dozens, or even hundreds? Why? "

"Once some families become ill, the entire family is completely ruined! In the end, people finally find that the original medicine was not used to save people, but how did it become harmful? As a result, people's families were destroyed and their wives were scattered!"

Speaking of Ye Xuan's entire emotions became angry and excited, he slaps on the lecturer's table with a slap, and stretches his fingers to point at the people below.

"Why is this an ending? The biggest root cause is because of your group of traitors!"

"Drugs are not used for speculation or for profit, but are used to treat illness and save people. Do everyone here understand this?"

"it is good!"


Ye Xuan's words undoubtedly touched the hearts of many doctors, experts, professors, hospital directors, journalists, and others, making them excited and applauding.

This curse is simply not too cool!

Ye Xuan has completely and honestly made out the profiteering rules in the pharmaceutical industry today, and has expressed the aspirations of countless people.

Although many people know the hidden profit rules in the pharmaceutical industry, they dare to disclose these in such public places, and the only person who breaks this window is Ye Xuan.

"Master, he is so handsome! He really dares to say anything!"

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was scolding the adulterer, who was so arrogant, he heard his impassioned, powerful words, the charmed monster's eyes lighted, and excited and greedy words came out of his mouth.

"This guy……"

Even Leng Qingcheng couldn't help but smile, looking at Ye Xuan's eyes full of unabashed appreciation, his face filled with smiles.

For the first time, she saw Ye Xuan's full-bodied look now, watching him radiate his powerful aura, showing his handsome and extraordinary scene.

However, this guy's remarks offended all the pharmaceutical group companies on the spot!

That Wang Jianlin's face was already iron and blue, so dreary that water could drip, and his fists rattled.

In his opinion, Ye Xuan did not come to the conference at all, but came to the scene!

"Asshole, get me off ..."

The next moment, Wang Jianlin was so angry that he stretched out his fingers and yelled at Ye Xuan ...

However, Ye Xuan didn't care, turned his head to Wang Jianlin's body, and said the words of drama: "Oh, isn't this Wang Jianlin, chairman of Wang's Biopharmaceutical Group? A few days ago I just watched your show interview and said you are worth hundreds of billions of dollars! "

"I don't know, as the leader of the adulterer, you have spent so much hard-earned money of ordinary people and sold 50 cents to Apik for 168 yuan a bottle. Will your conscience hurt now?"

"You get out of me!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, looking at the anger of his drama, Wang Jianlin's heart was full of anger, and furious words came from his mouth.

"Let me get out of the way? Who is your chief traitor?"

Looking at Wang Jianlin's angry look, Ye Xuan could not help but a sneer appeared on his face, and cold words came from his mouth.

"Security, security ... Come on and blast me out of this lunatic!"

Wang Jianlin clenched his fists and roared.

"Well ..."

As his words fell, a large number of security guards stormed into the conference room aggressively and surrounded Ye Xuan.

"Mr. Ye, look at the situation now ... you go out first!"

The security manager headed was kind to Ye Xuan.

He didn't read Ye Xuan's report much, but he was a fan.

"Allure, little demon, let's go. In my opinion, this so-called international conference of the medical industry is a joke, and it's just renamed the conference of adulterers!"

Ye Xuan nodded with a smile, taking the Leng Qingcheng and the Charm to walk calmly away.

"Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye, wait a minute!"

"Mr. Ye, do you have time? We want to interview you!"

"Mr. Ye, our XX hospital wants to cooperate with you. What you said is right!"

"Mr. Ye, can our XX hospital cooperate with you? We want to use your medicine to save more people!"

Looking at the departing Ye Xuan, the reporters at the scene as well as representatives of many hospitals, professors, experts, deans, etc. were all chasing after Ye Xuan at this moment ...

The original overcrowded meeting room was instantly empty, leaving only a few dozen people.

And they are undoubtedly the leaders or representatives of major pharmaceutical companies ...


Looking at the empty conference room, Wang Jianlin was extremely ugly, and he slammed his fist on the podium with furious words in his mouth.

All his plans for this meeting have failed ...

What's more terrible is that once the news here spreads, they will undoubtedly be drowned by people's saliva ...

Looking at the angry Wang Jianlin, someone asked cautiously.

"Wang Dong, Ye Xuan's **** talked wildly, what should we do now?"

Ye Xuan's remarks will undoubtedly leave them a big problem.

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